height verification■ ■ Terrane Dan Pearson GT Contracting <dan@gtrcontracting.com> December 11th, 2020 Terrane 10801 Main Street, Suite 102, Bellevue, WA 98004 phone 425.458.4488 fax 425.671.0170 www.terrane.net Re: Roof Height Verification - 406 2nd Ave N, Edmonds, WA 98020 On 12/10/2020, I field verified the elevation of the roof of the new residence located at 406 2nd Ave N, Edmonds, WA 98020. The elevation of the roof ridge is 67.66 feet (NAVD 88). A maximum roof elevation of 67.70 feet above sea level is indicated on the provided site plan, as prepared H2D Architecture & Design with an effective date of 4/28/2020. Regards, Michael Merritt, PLS, CFeds Construction Survey Manager HEIGHT �4A ,Q o 5 ,p SURVEY EXHIBIT ,=, Te r r a n e 406 2ND AVE N, LEGEND: ( IN FEET ) EDMONDS, WA 98020 10801 Main Street, Suite 102, Bellevue, WA 98004 RE: ROOF ELEVATION 1 INCH = 10 FT. JOB NO. 190438 phone 425.458.4468 support@terrane.net FIELD DATE: 12/10/2020 1 CREWMAN: NATE H. PREPARED BY: LUCAS I DATE: 12/11/2020 www.terrane.net