FIR2020-0064+City_Application+7.7.2020_12.44.35_PMDEVELOPMENT SERVICES RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION Fst. ta90 1215" Avenue N, Edmonds, WA 98020 City of Edmonds Phone 425.771.0220 2 Fax 425.771.0221 PLEASE REFER TO THE RESIDENTIAL BUILDING CHECKLIST FOR SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS PROJECT ADD'eet $u�#� '�y St Zipa - (X .1 Parcel #: Subdivision/Lot #: f po-rLL. / Project Valuation: $ APPLICANT: dvan t j� Phone: 92r, 34-T/,, Fax: Ad�ress (Street City, Sta Zip : �� 1822 lci�'i_ rFe /J Sno Mail Address: �trf.�vanct'd luAlh' PROPE � OWiNER: t (� Phone: Fa Address (Street, City, State, Zip): E-Mail Address: LENDING AGENCY: Phone: Fax: Address (Street, City, State, Zip): E-MaiI Address: CONTRACTOR:* Ad Pd-h U ' (y j �t Phone: Fax: Address (Street, City, State, Zip): E-Mail Address: *Contractor must have a valid City of Edmonds business license prior to doing work in the City. Contact the City Clerk's Office at 425.775.2525 WA State License #/Exp. Date: C; B si ss License #/Ex . a t3' ,y� U 2 pt . DETAIL THE SC PE__ O.lF! WO ` sLX PROPOSED NEW SQUARE FOOTAGE FOR THIS PROJECT: Basement: sq. ft. Select BasementType: Finished LJ Unfinished lst Floor, s . ft. Garage/Carport: s . ft. 27Floor: sq. ft. Deck/Cvrd Porch/Patio: s . ft. Bedrooms #_Full-3/4 Bath # Half -Bath # Other: sq. ft. Fire Sprinklers: Yes No LJ Retaining Wall: Yes No Grading: Cut cu. yds. Fill cu.yds. Cut/Fill in Critical Area: Yes No Ideclare underpenalty ofperjuty laws thatthe information) haveprovided on this form/applicadon is true, correctand complete, and that I on the property owner or duly authorized agent of the property owner to submit a permit application to the City of Edmonds, /^ Name: f W� U C ,n�r% Print T Owner Q Agent(Other (specify): Signature VDate: 7 "I— FORM A LABuilding New Folder 201000NE & x-fe d to L-Building-New driveToml A2014.dorx Updated: 11170014