190133_APPROVED_Deck Remed SOR 20-0319 Project Manualcl
Sunrise at Edmonds
8512 242nd Street SW, Edmonds, WA 98026
Deck Remediation Scope of Repair
100% Construction Documents
March 19, 2020
Prepared for and at the request of Sunrise at Edmonds Condominium Owners Association
For Review
04/23/2020 11:19:40 AM
710 2nd Avenue Suite 400 Seattle, WA 98104
amentogroup.com 206.682.9722
Sunrise at Edmonds Condominiums
Deck Remediation Scope of Repair —100% CDs
March 19, 2020
Page 2
Introduction 3
Site Plan 4
OrientationPhotographs........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 5
Division 0— Procurement and Contracting Requirements
Section 00 11 16 — Invitation to Bid
Section 00 21 13 — Instructions to Bidders
Division 1— General Requirements
Section 01 10 00 — Description of the Work
Section 0130 00 — Supplemental General Conditions
Section 0160 00 — Outline Specifications
Division 2 — Existing Conditions
Section 02 42 00 — Removal and Demolition of Construction Materials
Division 5 — Metals
Section 05 52 00 — Metal Railings
Division 7—Thermal and Moisture Protection
Section 07 18 13 — Pedestrian Traffic Coatings
Division 8 — Openings
Section 08 32 00 — Sliding Glass Doors
Bid Form
Bidder Alternate Form
Attachment A — Insurance Requirements
Attachment B — Close -Out Documents Requirement List
ELECTRONIC ATTACHMENTS (Digital Distribution Only)
Attachment AA — Sample Forms (including RFI, Submittal Cover Transmittal, Affidavits AIA G706 & G706a,
Unconditional / Conditional Release and Final Release of All Claims)
710 2nd Avenue Suite 400 Seattle, WA 98104
amentogroup.com 206.682.9722 AM E NTO G ROU P
Sunrise at Edmonds Condominiums March 19, 2020
Deck Remediation Scope of Repair — 100% CDs Page 3
Amento Group (AG) prepared this Deck Remediation Scope of Repair Project Manual for Sunrise at Edmonds
Condominiums located in Edmonds, Washington. Sunrise at Edmonds Condominiums consists of two (2) buildings
with seventeen (17) units.
This Project includes, but is not limited to, replacement of deck guardrails, membrane, and sliding glass doors for all
decks of both condominium buildings.
To assist the Contractor in understanding the Project, a Site Plan is provided on page 4 and Orientation Photos are
provided on page 5. Work of Sunrise at Edmonds Condominiums will be repaired in accordance with the documents
The Scope of Repair, as described herein, is defined as the Work. The scope of repair is based on visual observations,
building investigations, industry standards and code research. Specific remediation repairs are outlined in the
enclosed Project Manual, defined by the Construction Documents, which include Section 0110 00 — Description of
the Work, all Specifications and the Drawings.
Section 0110 00 — Description of Work outlines all items or materials that are scheduled to be removed, disposed of
and installed with new, or removed, stored and re -installed. Unless specially noted, no attempt has been made to
furnish quantities of various items in connection with the described Work. For those parties using this as a basis for
estimate, quantities of materials should be determined by visiting the Site.
710 2nd Avenue Suite 400 Seattle, WA 98104
amentogroup.com 206.682.9722 AM E NTO G ROU P
Sunrise at Edmonds Condominiums
Deck Remediation Scope of Repair — 100% CDs
March 19, 2020 —El
Page 4
Site Plan Notes:
1. Site Plan included in Drawings supersede this site plan for reference
and informational purposes.
2. Contractor shall mark and establish property lines for complex and
not extend any construction activities into neighboring properties
without permission or adequate permits.
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710 2nd Avenue -Suite 400 -Seattle, WA 98104
amentogroup.com 206.682.9722
Sunrise at Edmonds Condominiums
Deck Remediation Scope of Repair —100% CDs
March 19, 2020 -El
Page 5
Building 1— East Elevation
Typical Deck Type 1
Deck Type 3
Building 2 — East Elevation
Typical Deck Type 2
Typical Sliding Glass Door
710 2nd Avenue Suite 400 Seattle, WA 98104
amentogroup.com 206.682.9722
Sunrise at Edmonds Condominiums
Deck Remediation Scope of Repair —100% CDs
March 19, 2020
710 2nd Avenue Suite 400 Seattle, WA 98104
annentogroup.conn 206.682.9722 AM E NTO G ROU P
Sunrise at Edmonds Condominiums
Deck Remediation Scope of Repair —100% CDs
March 19, 2020
00 11 16 - 1
A. Bids: Notice is hereby given that the Sunrise at Edmonds Condominium Homeowners'
Association (Owner) will accept bids for the Deck Remediation Scope of Repair —100% CDs.
B. Scope of Work: Provide bids in accordance with Documents prepared by Amento Group
(Construction Manager and Architect) and described in general as: Scope of Work includes,
but is not limited to, replacement of deck guardrails, membrane, plywood deck sheathing, and
sliding glass doors for all decks of both condominium buildings.
A. Pre -Bid Conference: A mandatory pre -bid conference will be held on site at Sunrise at
Edmonds Condominiums: Tuesday. March 24.2020 at 10:00 AM.
1.3 BIDS
A. Bid Intake Date/Time: Sealed or emailed bids will be received at the office of the Construction
Manager, addressed to: Tina Ray, Amento Group, 710 Second Avenue, Suite 400, Seattle,
Washington 98104, email: TRay@amentogroup.com until: Friday. April 10, 2020 at 3:00 PM.
Bids received after the Bid Intake Date/Time will not be accepted.
B. Documents: Bona fide Bidders have received one (1) electronic copy via email and one (1)
hardcopy at no charge of the Deck Remediation Scope of Repair - 100% CDs.
C. Review of Bids: Bids will be opened privately. An abstract of the bid results will be made
available to Bidders, upon request, after a contract has been executed with the successful
D. Additional Bid Information: Refer to Section 00 2113 — Instructions to Bidders for additional
A. Construction is anticipated to start in late spring to early summer of 2020. The actual
construction start date and overall schedule will be agreed upon between the Owner,
Construction Manager, and Awarded Contractor.
710 2nd Avenue Suite 400 Seattle, WA 98104
amentogroup.com 206.682.9722 AM ENTO G ROU P
Sunrise at Edmonds Condominiums
Deck Remediation Scope of Repair —100% CDs
March 19, 2020
00 11 16 - 2
A. Rejection of Bids: Owner reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to waive irregularity in
the bids and in the bidding process.
B. Scope of Repair: Owner reserves the right to modify, at its sole discretion, the Work once bids
for the enclosed Scope of Repair are received and reviewed.
C. Criteria for Award: Although price will be a central consideration for award, Owner reserves
the right to contract with the Bidder it determines, at its sole discretion, can deliver the
product most consistent with the Owner's best interests. Owner will consider many factors,
including, but not limited to, schedule duration, unit prices, concurrent project workload,
labor rates, Bidder's qualifications, proposed staff, strength and viability of key
subcontractors, and demonstrated understanding of the Project.
D. Interviews: Owner may elect to hold interviews of viable and responsive Bidders.
710 2nd Avenue Suite 400 Seattle, WA 98104
amentogroup.com 206.682.9722 AM ENTO G ROU P
Sunrise at Edmonds Condominiums
Deck Remediation Scope of Repair —100% CDs
March 19, 2020
00 21 13 - 1
A. Bid Documents: Bid Documents include the Project Manual and its Attachments, the
Drawings, and any Addenda issued prior to receipt of bids. Drawings and/or Details might be
incorporated into the Project Manual or may not exist depending on the size of the Scope of
Work for select projects.
B. Contract Documents: The Contract Documents consist of the Owner -Contractor Agreement,
the Conditions of the Contract, the Drawings, the Project Manual and its Attachments, all
Addenda issued prior to execution of the Contract, and any other Documents issued during
construction as a part of the Construction Documents. The Bid Form will not become a part of
the Contract Documents, unless determined otherwise by the Construction Manager. Select
sample Attachments may be exempt or superseded by the Owner -Contractor Agreement
and/or the Conditions of the Construction Contract.
C. Construction Documents: The Construction Documents consist of the Project Manual and its
Attachments, the Drawings, all Addenda, and after the execution of the Construction
Contract, Architectural Supplemental Instructions (ASIs), Field Directives (FDs), Requests for
Information (RFIs), Memorandums (Memos), and Field Reports (FRs) issued prior to and
during construction for the purpose of describing and supplementing the Work during
D. Addenda: Addenda are written or graphic instruments issued by the Architect prior to the
execution of the Construction Contract, which modify or interpret the Bid Documents by
additions, deletions, clarifications, or corrections.
E. Bid: A Bid is a complete and properly signed proposal submitted by the Bidding Contractor
with the intention to execute the designated Base Scope of Work (BSOW), or designated
portion thereof for the sums stipulated therein, submitted in accordance with the Bid
F. Stipulated Sum: The Stipulated Sum is the sum stated on the Bid Form for which the Bidding
Contractor offers to perform the Work described in the Bid Documents.
G. Contractor's Clarifications and Assumptions: Clarifications, exclusions, and assumptions
delineated by the Bidding Contractor to qualify its Bid; Contractor's Clarifications and
Assumptions shall be attached to its Bid Form.
H. Alternate: Alternates, if they exist, are described in the Bid Documents. An Alternate is an
amount stated on the Bid Form to be added to or deducted from the amount of the Stipulated
Sum, if a corresponding change in the Work, as described in the Bid Documents, is accepted.
710 2nd Avenue Suite 400 Seattle, WA 98104
amentogroup.com 206.682.9722
Sunrise at Edmonds Condominiums
Deck Remediation Scope of Repair —100% CDs
March 19, 2020
Bidder, Bidding Contractor, or Bidding General Contractor: A Bidder, Bidding Contractor, or
Bidding General Contractor is the person or entity who submits a Bid.
J. Bid Intake Date: Published date and time established for receipt of bids from Bidders.
Contractor's bid shall be received by the Architect prior to or at the Bid Intake Date.
A. General: Additional Parameters are included in Section 0130 00 — Supplemental General
B. Issuance: Bid Documents will not be issued by the Architect directly to subcontractors or
anyone other than the Bidding General Contractor.
C. Document Production:
1. Bid Documents: Bidders shall use a complete set of Bid Documents in preparing their Bids;
the Architect and Construction Manager assume no responsibility for errors, omissions, or
misinterpretations resulting from the use of incomplete sets of Bid Documents.
2. Purpose: The Architect or Construction Manager, in making copies of Bid Documents
available to Bidding General Contractors, do so only for the purpose of obtaining Bids for
the Work, and do not confer a license or grant for any other use.
3. Hardcopy Documents: Hardcopy Documents (half-size set) are provided as the record set
of documents to the Bidding Contractor for their use, reference, and qualification of the
Electronic Bid Documents. A full-size hard copy of the Documents will be issued to the
successful Contractor prior to Construction.
4. Electronic Documents: Electronic Bid Documents will be provided to each Bidder for their
use and reference. It is the Bidding Contractor's sole responsibility to verify the digital set
of documents are not corrupt and represent the same content as the record Hardcopy
Documents. If errors or discrepancies exist within the Electronic Documents, contact the
Architect immediately. The Architect and Construction Manager assume no responsibility
for errors, omissions, or misinterpretations resulting from the use of incomplete sets of
electronic Bid Documents forwarded to Bidding Contractor's associates, including, but not
limited to, in-house estimators, subcontractors, or suppliers.
a. Read Receipts: If requested by the sender (Amento Group), the Bidding General
Contractor shall respond via read receipts acknowledging its receipt of Electronic Bid
b. Original Drawings: If available, original drawings for the property will be solely issued
in electronic form for Contractor's reference only.
D. Electronic Bidding Services: If electronic bidding services (i.e. Builder's Exchange) are used by
any Bidding Contractor, as a means to solicit bid proposals from subcontractors and/or
suppliers, the information shall be project specific password protected. All Project information
relating to the Scope of Work shall not be made public in an effort to reduce unsolicited
bidders (i.e. general contractors, subcontractors, and material suppliers) from contacting the
Architect and/or Construction Manager directly. If Bid Documents are placed on-line without
710 2nd Avenue Suite 400 Seattle, WA 98104
amentogroup.com 206.682.9722 AM ENTO G ROU P
Sunrise at Edmonds Condominiums
Deck Remediation Scope of Repair —100% CDs
March 19, 2020
project specific password protection by any Bidding Contractor, that Contractor may be
removed from the bid list at the sole discretion of the Construction Manager.
E. Interpretation or Correction of Bid Documents:
1. Notification: Bidders shall promptly notify the Architect of any ambiguity, inconsistency,
or error, if discovered upon examination of the Bid Documents, of the site, or local
2. Questions: Inquiries or questions shall be directed to the Architect via the Bidding General
Contractor only; Architect will not respond to direct questions from subcontractors or
3. Timeframe: Bidders requiring clarification or interpretation of the Bid Documents shall
make a written request to the Architect at least four (4) business days prior to and
including the Bid Intake Date. The person submitting the request shall be responsible for
its prompt delivery.
4. Addenda: Any interpretations, corrections, or changes to the Bid Documents will be made
by Addenda. Interpretations, corrections, or changes to the Bid Documents made in any
other manner will not be binding, and Bidders shall not rely upon such interpretations,
corrections, and changes.
A. General:
1. Attachment A: Refer to Attachment A - Insurance Requirements (Insurance Requirements)
for insurance requirements.
2. Umbrella Policy: Contractor shall provide an Umbrella Policy, as noted in the Insurance
3. Subcontractors' Insurance: Contractor shall also provide evidence of subcontractors'
insurance, meeting requirements set forth in the Insurance Requirements.
a. Exception: Subcontractors do not have to provide an Umbrella Policy.
4. Primary Insurance: Contractor's insurance is primary. Any other insurance maintained by
the Owner, Architect, and Construction Manager shall be secondary, and not responsible
for any defense or indemnity until the primary insurance is exhausted; notwithstanding
any "other insurance" clauses to the contrary.
B. Certificates of Insurance: Contractor shall provide Certificates of Insurance evidencing
Contractor's General Liability Insurance (CGLI) coverage and Additional Insured Endorsement
to CGLI policy filed with the Construction Manager within five (5) business days of award of
Contract and prior to commencement of the Work.
1. Review and Approval: Certificates of Insurance shall be approved by the Owner and
Construction Manager before the Contractor may proceed with the Work. Failure or
refusal to provide Certificates of Insurance in a form satisfactory to the Owner and
Construction Manager shall subject the Contractor to loss of time from the allowable
710 2nd Avenue Suite 400 Seattle, WA 98104
amentogroup.com 206.682.9722 AM ENTO G ROU P
Sunrise at Edmonds Condominiums
Deck Remediation Scope of Repair —100% CDs
March 19, 2020
construction period (Contract Time) equal to the time of delay in furnishing the required
2. Timeframe: Within five (5) business days after mutual execution of the Construction
Contract, the Contractor shall deliver to the Construction Manager, the Certificates of
Insurance required by the Contract Documents.
3. Additional Insureds: Certificate(s) shall be on the appropriate form and shall read as
follows: "It is hereby understood and agreed the Owner and Amento Group have been
added as primary additional insureds by endorsement." Such endorsement must be
provided to the Owner and Construction Manager prior to starting the Work.
4. Cancellation: All Certificates of Insurance shall include a provision that the coverage will
not be canceled, terminated, or otherwise modified without at least thirty (30) days
written notice given to all Insureds prior to cancellation.
5. Waiver of Subrogation: Such certificates shall contain a waiver of subrogation in favor of
the Owner, Construction Manager, and Architect. Contractor shall obtain approval for all
insurance requirements from carrier prior to submitting a Bid.
A. Contract Time: Bidders shall indicate on the Bid Form the number of calendar days required to
substantially complete the Work from receipt of Notice to Proceed. This shall establish the
Contract Time.
B. Liquidated Damages: The Construction Contract will include a liquidated damages provision.
The provision will assess damages of $300 per calendar day for the first thirty (30) days and
$600 per calendar day thereafter.
A. Mandatory Pre -Bid Conference: Prior to the scheduled Bid Intake Date, a mandatory pre -bid
conference will be held for the purpose of considering questions posed by the Bidders. The
conference will be open to the Bidding General Contractor and its potential subcontractors.
Due to the nature of the Project, it is encouraged that the Bidding Contractor's proposed
Project Manager, Superintendent, Estimator, and pertinent subcontractors attend the pre -bid
conference. Refer to Section 00 1116 — Invitation to Bid for Pre -Bid Conference date, time,
and location.
B. Bid Intake Date: Refer to Section 00 1116 — Invitation to Bid for Bid Intake Date, including the
time Bids are due.
710 2nd Avenue Suite 400 Seattle, WA 98104
amentogroup.com 206.682.9722 AM ENTO G ROU P
Sunrise at Edmonds Condominiums
Deck Remediation Scope of Repair —100% CDs
March 19, 2020
C. Examination of Documents and Site of Work:
1. General:
a. Before submitting a Bid, each Bidder shall examine the Bid Documents and shall visit
the site of the Work.
b. Each Bidder shall fully inform itself, prior to bidding, as to existing conditions and
limitations under which the Work will be performed.
c. The Bidder shall include in its Bid, a sum to cover the cost of items necessary to
perform the Work, as set forth in the Bid Documents.
Quantities: Unless specifically noted, quantities have not been specified for various items
in the Bid Documents; all quantities shall be verified in the field by the Bidder. No
allowance will be made to a Bidder because of lack of such examination or knowledge.
The submission of a Bid will be considered as conclusive evidence that the Bidder has
made such examination.
3. Site Access: Access to the site, by the Bidder or any potential subcontractors, aside from
the pre -bid conference, is allowed only by prior arrangement with the Construction
A. Recipients: Addenda will be delivered to all Parties that have received a complete set of Bid
B. Issuance Date: No Addenda will be issued later than four (4) business days prior to and
including the Bid Intake Date, except an Addendum withdrawing the request for bids or one
that includes postponement of the Bid Intake Date. However, it is left to the discretion of the
Architect to issue additional Addenda within these four business days prior to the Bid Intake
Date, if questions are asked that may affect Bid pricing.
C. Bid Form: The Bidder shall ascertain, prior to submitting its Bid, that all Addenda issued have
been received, and shall acknowledge the receipt of such Addenda on the Bid Form.
D. Issuance of Addenda: Addenda will be sent via email; no hardcopies will follow. If requested
by the sender (Amento Group), Bidders shall respond via read receipts and/or return email
acknowledging their receipt of each Addendum.
A. General: In order to receive consideration, make Bids in strict accordance with this Section.
B. Bid Form:
1. Submission: Submit Bids upon the Bid Form provided. Bidding Contractor shall complete
all information on the Bid Form. If any part of the Bid Form is left incomplete, such that
the Construction Manager cannot reasonably evaluate Bidder qualifications (e.g.: names
of subcontractors, mark-up, or key personnel), Bidder may be disqualified. If any section
of the Bid Form does not apply, please indicate "N/A" in the appropriate blank.
710 2nd Avenue Suite 400 Seattle, WA 98104
amentogroup.com 206.682.9722
Sunrise at Edmonds Condominiums
Deck Remediation Scope of Repair —100% CDs
March 19, 2020
Changes: Do not change the wording of the Bid Form, unless directed to do so in an
Addendum. Unauthorized conditions, limitations, or provisions attached to the Bid Form
may be cause for rejection of the Bid. If alterations by erasure or interlineation are made
for any reason, explain such erasure or interlineation with a signed statement from the
Bidder. Provide list of clarifications, exclusions, and assumptions citing Specification
Sections, if applicable, on Bid Form, or separate attached sheet to Bid form.
C. Bids: Address Bid to the Architect. Submit a signed copy of the Bid Form. Deliver, fax, or email
Bid to the Architect prior to or on the Bid Intake Date (and time). It is the sole responsibility of
the Bidder to ensure that its Bid is received on time. Bids received after the Bid Intake
deadline will not be considered.
Hand Delivered Bids: Enclose each Bid, and any other required documents, in a sealed
envelope bearing the title of the Work, the legal name of the Bidder, and the date and
hour of the bid opening.
A. Stipulated Sum: The sum of money shown on the Bid Form, covering all Work delineated in
the Bid Documents, shall include all necessary items required to complete the Work,
including, but not limited to, labor, material, equipment, overhead, and profit.
B. Alternates:
1. General:
a. Alternates, if any, are options to the BSOW for a specific material or item, which
modify the BSOW outlined Section 0110 00 — Description of the Work. If any, a list of
Alternates is provided in Section 0110 00 — Description of the Work and on the Bid
b. Alternate pricing shall include any modification or adjustment to affected adjacent
work, as necessary to completely integrate work of Alternate into the Scope of Work.
c. Include as a part of each Alternate, miscellaneous devices, accessory objects, and
similar items incidental to, or required for a complete installation, whether or not
indicated as part of the Alternate.
d. Include in each Alternate price any cost associated with General Condition items that
may change due to changes in construction duration or other factors resulting from
the work of an Alternate. The Contractor's fee shall be a part of the Alternate.
e. The Alternate amount may be added to or deducted from the Stipulated Sum, if the
Owner decides to accept the Alternate pricing, and incorporate it into the executed
Construction Contract with the Contractor.
f. Execute accepted Alternates under the same conditions as other Work of the
Construction Contract.
710 2nd Avenue Suite 400 Seattle, WA 98104
amentogroup.com 206.682.9722 AM ENTO G ROU P
Sunrise at Edmonds Condominiums
Deck Remediation Scope of Repair —100% CDs
March 19, 2020
Bidder Alternates: All Bidders must submit pricing in accordance with the BSOW described
in Section 0110 00 — Description of the Work. However, if desired or determined by the
Bidding Contractor, Bidder Alternates are supplemental and voluntary in addition to the
BSOW. Bidders are encouraged to provide cost saving product alternates; all alternates
will be considered based on value engineering, long term maintenance, code
requirements, quality, and aesthetics. If Bidding Contractor elects to submit a Bidder
Alternate, Contractor must submit alternate in accordance with parameters set forth for
Bidder Alternates in Section 0130 00 — Supplemental General Conditions, Part 4, 4.5, G.
C. Allowances:
1. Bidder's Allowances: No allowances will be included in the Stipulated Sum or provided by
the Bidder.
2. Owner's Allowances: A list of Owner Allowances is provided in Section 0110 00 —
Description of the Work. Items, listed under Owner Allowance section, are unquantifiable
activities or items, not otherwise addressed or included in the BSOW. Although, how to
accomplish these activities or install these items may be indicated in the Construction
Documents, these activities or items are to be excluded from the Stipulated Sum and will
be accounted for by the Owner's budget. Contractor's compensation under the
anticipated allowance work will be determined in one of several ways, including unit
prices, time and materials, or other agreement between the Parties.
D. Contract Time: The Contract between the Owner and the Contractor will provide for
provisions to adjust Contract Time with respect to time and material Work performed under
the Contract. Contractor shall provide requested information as indicated on the Bid Form.
The following language will be included in the Contract, as a part of Article 7.5 Contract Time:
1. .1 one (1) additional calendar day shall be added to the Contract Time stipulated in the
Contract for every $ of time and material or additional Work performed under the
Contract; and
2. .2 for every calendar day added to the Contract Time in accordance with Section .1,
Contractor shall be paid $ as additional compensation for its general conditions;
3. .3 in addition, provisions in Sections .1 and .2 above shall be equally applied to credits for
any Base Scope of Work removed from the Project; and
4. .4 these provisions will be full and final compensation for additional calendar days and
general conditions, as they relate to time and material, additional, or credited Work.
A. Timing: A Bidder may withdraw their Bid, either personally or by written request, at anytime
prior to the Bid Intake Date.
B. Resubmission: A withdrawn Bid may be resubmitted up to the designated Bid Intake Date
time, provided that the Bid fully conforms with the parameters established in this Section.
C. Withdrawal: Once formally submitted, no Bidder may withdraw its Bid for a period of thirty
(30) calendar days after the Bid Intake Date.
710 2nd Avenue Suite 400 Seattle, WA 98104
amentogroup.com 206.682.9722
Sunrise at Edmonds Condominiums
Deck Remediation Scope of Repair —100% CDs
March 19, 2020
A. Submission: Each Bidder by submitting their Bid represents that:
1. It has read and understands the Bid Documents.
2. The Bid is made in accordance with the Bid Documents.
3. It has visited the site, has familiarized itself with the local conditions under which the
Work is to be performed, and has correlated its observations with the requirements of the
Bid Documents.
4. The Bid is based upon the materials, systems, and equipment required by the Bid
Documents without exception.
B. Bid Expiration: Upon submitting a Bid, the Bidding Contractor shall acknowledge their Bid will
be valid for up to 180 days from the Bid Intake Date. In its Bid, the Contractor shall account for
all costs associated with the projected start date noted in Section 00 1116 — Invitation to Bid.
The Construction Manager will not negotiate or entertain modifications to the Contractor's
Stipulated Sum, if the Contractor does not account for the proposed Project start date, and
parameters established for the Bid Timeframe. Any future modification(s) to the Stipulated
Sum will be at the sole discretion of the Construction Manager.
A. General:
1. Opening of Bids: Bids shall be opened privately by the Architect.
2. Acceptance of Bids: The Owner shall have the right to waive any informality or irregularity
in any Bid or Bids received, and to accept the Bid or Bids which, in its judgment, is in its
own best interests.
3. Rejection of Bids: The Owner shall have the right to reject any or all Bids, to reject a Bid
not accompanied by data required by the Bid Documents, or to reject a Bid that is in any
way incomplete or irregular.
4. Abstract of Bids: An abstract of the Stipulated Sum will be made available to the Bidders
by the Architect, upon request, after the Construction Contract has been executed with
the successful Bidder.
B. Bidder Interviews: Owner may elect to hold interviews of select responsive Bidders after the
receipt and review of Bids.
Interviewers: The Construction Manager will contact Bidders and arrange interviews to be
held with, but not limited to, the Owner, Architect, and Construction Manager.
Location of Bidder Interviews: Location of interviews is to be determined. If required,
Bidder interviews will be held at Amento Group's office, unless determined otherwise.
710 2nd Avenue Suite 400 Seattle, WA 98104
amentogroup.com 206.682.9722 AM ENTO G ROU P
Sunrise at Edmonds Condominiums
Deck Remediation Scope of Repair —100% CDs
March 19, 2020
Project History and Experience:
a. Construction Manager may request Bidding Contractor to provide a list of similar
completed projects to this Project's Scope of Work, including project name, scope,
and scale of work, and subcontractors or trades involved.
b. Construction Manager may request Bidding Contractor to provide a list of references
on a separate attached sheet, including contact name, company, phone number, and
affiliation of the reference.
A. Consideration of Award: Although price will be a central consideration for award, Owner
reserves the right to contract with the Bidder it determines, at its sole discretion, can deliver
the product most consistent with the Owner's best interests. Owner will consider many
factors, including, but not limited to, schedule duration, unit prices, concurrent project
workload, labor rates, Bidder's qualifications, proposed staff, strength and viability of key
subcontractors, and demonstrated understanding of the Project.
B. Award: Winning Bidder will be informed of Award of Contract by the Construction Manager
via phone. The Construction Manager will also issue a Notice of Award letter.
C. Scope of Work: The Owner, at its sole discretion, reserves the right to modify the Work once
bids are received and reviewed for the Scope of Work outlined in the Bid Documents.
A. Compliance: The Bidding Contractor to whom the Construction Contract is awarded shall meet
all conditions set forth in this Section 00 2113 — Instructions to Bidders and Section 0130 00 —
Supplemental General Conditions.
B. Construction Contract: The form of Agreement or Contract to be executed with the successful
Bidding Contractor will be an AIA Contract. Document A105 - 2017 Standard Form of
Agreement Between Owner and Contractor for a Residential or Small Commercial Project,
where the basis of payment is a Stipulated Sum, The Construction Contract will include
modifications to the Contract Documents prior to execution, as agreed upon by both Parties,
unless determined otherwise between the Owner and Contractor.
1. Timing: The Contractor to whom the Construction Contract is awarded shall, within seven
(7) calendar days after receipt of the Construction Contract from the Construction
Manager, sign and deliver required copies of the Construction Contract to the
Construction Manager.
C. Indemnification Agreement: An Indemnification Agreement will also be included as apart of
the Construction Contract.
710 2nd Avenue Suite 400 Seattle, WA 98104
amentogroup.com 206.682.9722 AM ENTO G ROU P
Sunrise at Edmonds Condominiums
Deck Remediation Scope of Repair —100% CDs
March 19, 2020 -a
710 2nd Avenue Suite 400 Seattle, WA 98104
annentogroup.conn 206.682.9722
Sunrise at Edmonds Condominiums
Deck Remediation Scope of Repair —100% CDs
March 19, 2020
A. General: This Description of the Work and all items listed herein are applicable to east
elevations and select portions of the north and south elevations at Buildings 1 and 2.
B. Documents: The Deck Remediation Scope of Repair is defined by the following Description of
the Work, the Specifications, and the Drawing Set. Refer to Section 0130 00 - Supplemental
General Conditions for pertinent Project information and Section 02 42 00 — Removal and
Demolition of Construction Materials for demolition parameters.
C. Materials: Refer to Sheet A2.1 for east building elevations and sheets A3.1 through A3.3 for
enlarged deck plans and guardrail elevations. Elevations and plans note final materials
scheduled to be installed. Material demolition is noted herein and not on the Drawing Sheet,
unless noted otherwise.
D. References: All references within this Section 0110 00 are made to parts of this Section,
unless noted otherwise.
A. Base Scope of Work (BSOW): All Work and subsequent repair tasks included in Part 1 are
included in the BSOW. All BSOW repairs are to be included in the Contractor's Stipulated Sum.
B. Alternates: Alternate pricing is requested in Part 2. Alternates are included to assist Owner in
decision making associated with value engineering exercises, after Bids are received.
C. Allowances: Descriptions of allowances are included in Part 3. Allowances included in Part 3
will be held by the Owner outside of the Contractor's Stipulated Sum, and the Owner's
contract with the Contractor. Construction Manager will review and direct all allowance work.
D. Deck Types: For purposes of this Project, decks have been categorized based on guardrail
layout and configuration. Refer to Drawings for additional information and location of deck
types. All decks consist of existing membrane over plywood sheathing over tapered joists.
1. Deck Type 1: Wood framed decks with guardrail return panels. A total of eight (8) decks
occur. All decks are wood framed with new plywood deck sheathing. Refer to Part 1, 1.4
for remediation.
Deck Type 2: Wood framed decks without guardrail return panels. A total of five (5) decks
occur. All decks are wood framed with new plywood deck sheathing. Refer to Part 1, 1.4
for remediation.
3. Deck Type 3: Wood framed deck at Unit 14. A total of one (1) deck occurs. Deck Type 3 is
wood framed with new plywood deck sheathing. Refer to Part 1, 1.4 for remediation.
710 2nd Avenue Suite 400 Seattle, WA 98104
amentogroup.com 206.682.9722 AM ENTO G ROU P
Sunrise at Edmonds Condominiums
Deck Remediation Scope of Repair —100% CDs
March 19, 2020
E. Material Abbreviations: Material abbreviations may be included herein for select materials.
Refer to Specification Sections for specific designated abbreviations, and associated
manufacturer and material descriptions.
A. Existing Materials to Remain: Select existing materials are scheduled to remain during
construction. The following is not an inclusive list; additional materials scheduled to remain
are also noted in other parts of Part 1 and on Drawings.
1. Existing Vinyl Siding: All existing vinyl siding outside of the area of work is scheduled to
remain installed and undisturbed. Contractor shall coordinate utilizing existing vinyl siding
at building areas not associated with deck remediation to supplement SID-ME
2. Existing Windows: All existing windows are scheduled to remain installed and undisturbed
during construction. Coordinate penetration flashing installation at windows directly
adjacent to existing sliding glass doors scheduled for replacement.
3. Existing Site Perimeter Fence: Existing site perimeter fencing shall remain installed and
undisturbed during construction.
4. Hardscape and Concrete Foundation: All complex sidewalks, curbs, asphalt drives, and
exposed concrete walls are to remain undisturbed during construction, unless noted
otherwise. Contractor shall provide protections as needed during construction to avoid
any potential damage. Refer to Section 0130 00 — Supplemental General Conditions for
additional requirements. Refer to Part 1, 1.3, F for painting.
5. Landscaping: Contractor shall protect all existing landscaping. Refer to Section 0130 00 —
Supplemental General Conditions for additional requirements.
B. Lighting: Provide temporary lighting during construction as needed for safety and egress.
C. Penetrations:
Removable Building Accessories: If removable building accessories reside over or adjacent
to materials scheduled for demolition, remove, label, and store these items for
reinstallation, unless noted otherwise. If building accessories are removed and require
flashings, refer to Architect for additional direction.
Non -Detachable Building Accessories and Boxes: All electrical meters, fire, and life safety
items, or similar non -detachable building accessories shall remain in place and
undamaged during construction. Refer to Architect for additional direction.
Light Fixtures:
a. General: Light fixtured adjacent to existing sliding glass doors scheduled for
replacement shall be removed and reinstalled to accommodate the work. All other
light fixtures shall remain installed and undisturbed during construction.
Existing Wall Mounted Light Fixtures at Decks:
Remediation: Remove, clean, and reinstall all existing wall mounted light fixtures,
where located within areas scheduled to have existing siding removed and
reinstalled. Reinstall existing light fixtures at original locations, unless directed
otherwise by Architect. Install flexible flashing, two new layers of WRB, blocking,
and vinyl mount block, per Details.
710 2nd Avenue Suite 400 Seattle, WA 98104
amentogroup.com 206.682.9722
Sunrise at Edmonds Condominiums
Deck Remediation Scope of Repair —100% CDs
March 19, 2020
ii. Ensure existing wiring and conduit assemblies meet all applicable electrical code
requirements prior to reinstallation of light fixtures. Properly cap all wiring for
removed light fixtures during construction.
iii. Blocking: Provide framing blocking at light fixtures schedule to be removed and
D. Downspouts: Existing downspouts adjacent to or associated with deck remediation shall be
removed and reinstalled to accommodate the work. Contractor shall reinstall existing
downspouts, with new metal collar, integral with MEM-1, to match existing locations.
1. Exception: Existing downspout at Unit 13 shall be removed and relocated prior to
demolition. Coordinate location and layout with Architect prior to reinstallation.
Blind Removals: Contractor shall provide for the removal, labeling, storage, and reinstallation
of all sliding glass door blinds. Storage for blinds will be provided at a designated location on
site, as determined by the Owner. During construction, Contractor shall provide for the
installation of temporary blinds at all Units where sliding glass door blinds and coverings have
been removed. Self -adhered temporary blinds, such as Redi-Shades, available at Home Depot,
or equal, can be used.
F. Paint:
General: Prep, prime, and paint in accordance with Specifications. Refer to Specifications
for additional list of materials and components scheduled to be painted. Prepare all new
and existing materials in accordance with manufacturer's installation instructions,
requirements, and recommendations.
Locations: Prep, prime, and paint all new and existing exposed paintable materials
including, but not limited to, the following: All new panel siding, soffits, wood trims,
exposed pre -primed metals, exposed galvanized metals, and all associated new and
existing paintable materials within area of work.
A. General: Provide for the demolition and remediation of all deck types at both condominium
buildings. All items listed below apply to Deck Type 1, 2, and 3 unless specifically noted
otherwise. Refer to Part 1, 1.2, D for deck type descriptions.
B. Demolition:
Siding: Existing siding assembly typically consist of vinyl siding, over rigid insulation, over
lap -siding. Existing rigid insulation and lap siding does not occur at all locations. Contractor
shall verify all locations.
a. Vinyl Siding: Carefully remove, label, and store existing vinyl siding at framed guardrail
walls, base of wall, wall interfaces, and sliding glass door perimeter as needed to
accommodate work. Keep all undamaged vinyl siding from framed guardrail walls to
be used to supplement damaged vinyl siding.
b. Rigid Insulation and Lap Siding: Where occurs, Contractor shall cut back existing rigid
insulation and lap siding as needed to accommodate work. Refer to Details for extent
of removal at typical locations. Coordinate with Architect for clarification, if needed.
710 2nd Avenue Suite 400 Seattle, WA 98104
amentogroup.com 206.682.9722
Sunrise at Edmonds Condominiums
Deck Remediation Scope of Repair —100% CDs
March 19, 2020
2. Weather Resistive Barrier: Carefully fold back existing weather resistive barrier at base of
walls, wall interfaces, and sliding glass door perimeter as needed to accommodate work.
3. Exterior Wall Sheathing: Carefully cut and remove 6" of existing gypsum wall sheathing at
base of wall at deck perimeter and 9" from head and jambs of existing sliding glass door.
4. Framed Guardrail Walls: Completely remove and dispose of existing framed guardrail
walls at elevated unit decks. Framed guardrail walls include, but are not limited to existing
weather resistive barrier, sheathing, framing, wood trims, metal guardrails, and associated
hardware and accessories.
5. Deck Sheathing: Remove and dispose of existing deck membrane, associated flashings,
and plywood deck sheathing.
6. Soffits: Remove and dispose of existing soffit panel and associated trims.
7. Framing: All decks are assumed to have a double rim joist. Remove and dispose of existing
exterior rim joist at front and return deck edges, where occurs.
C. Allowances:
1. Exterior Wall Sheathing: Refer to Part 3, 3.3, A, for an allowance to cover additional
remove and replacement of exterior wall sheathing.
2. Wall Framing Repairs: Refer to Part 3, 3.3, B for an allowance for wall framing repairs and
3. Wall Insulation Replacement: Refer to Part 3, 3.3, C for an allowance for wall insulation
D. Framing and Blocking:
Framing: Install new exterior rim joist at exterior side of deck edge. Provide materials and
install per Structural requirements.
Guardrail Reinforcement: Install new blocking, hardware, and fasteners at wood framed
landings, as shown on Architectural and Structural Drawings.
Refer to Part 3, 3.3, D for an allowance for additional deck framing repairs and
Soffits: Install new soffit panels over new exterior gyp sheathing with linear soffit vents at all
wood framed decks, as indicated on Details. Coordinate with Architect for locations and
orientation of new soffit vents. All soffits shall have a minimum of two (2) soffit vents
F. Deck Sheathing: Install new 1 1/8" plywood sheathing over existing framing and existing
tapered joists at all decks. Install blocking at all plywood joints in accordance with membrane
manufacturer's requirements, recommendations, and installation instructions. Route leading
edges of plywood to accommodate metal deck edge flashings, and saddle flashings, to
eliminate raised edges.
1. Sloping: Contractor to verify existing slope of all decks to meet minimum 1/4" per foot
slope and notify Construction Manager or Architect if 1/4" per foot slope does not exist.
Provide MEM-1 sloping compound as needed to ensure sloping occurs within storage
closets, as noted on plans.
G. Exterior Wall Sheathing: Install new gypsum wall sheathing where removed at base of wall.
710 2nd Avenue Suite 400 Seattle, WA 98104
amentogroup.com 206.682.9722 AM ENTO G ROU P
Sunrise at Edmonds Condominiums
Deck Remediation Scope of Repair —100% CDs
March 19, 2020
H. Fascia Panels: At all decks, install new fascia panels with reveals over plywood furring and two
new layers of WRB. Install new SAM over WRB at all exterior corners and at all guardrail post
connections, per Details.
I. Sill Pans: Install new soldered SGD sill pans, set in sealant, as noted in Part 1, 1.5, D.
J. Flashings: Install new metal deck to wall flashings, set in sealant, at all walls in accordance
with Details, and in accordance with manufacturers' requirements. Install soldered saddles,
set in sealant, per Details. Integrate all flashings with existing weather resistive barrier.
Properly prep metal flashings, transition joints, and seams per manufacturers' installation
instructions, requirements, and recommendations.
K. Membrane: Install new polyurethane membrane (MEM-1) per Specifications over extent of
new plywood deck sheathing and vertically at all deck to wall interfaces. Install membranes
integral with all new metal flashings, flexible flashings, and sill pans per Details and
manufacturer's installation instructions, requirements, and recommendations. Properly prep
metal flashings, transition joints, and seams per manufacturer's installation instructions,
requirements, and recommendations.
L. Siding:
1. Furring Strips: Install new plywood furring strips with bug screens to match thickness of
removed existing rigid insulation and lap siding.
2. Vinyl Siding: Reinstall existing vinyl siding (or SID-ME to supplement damaged siding)
where existing was removed. Modification of select transitions and interfaces will be
required at guardrail walls and corner interfaces. Coordinate with Architect for
clarification at specific interfaces.
3. Allowance: Refer to Part 3, 3.4, A for an allowance to cover replacement of damaged
existing vinyl siding that cannot be replaced with stored vinyl siding salvaged from framed
guardrail walls.
M. Guardrails: Install new fascia mounted aluminum guardrails over EPDM shims at new fascia
panels, per Details and Structural. Install all guardrails per applicable building codes, and as
N. Painting: Refer to Part 1, 1.3, F for painting associated with this Section.
A. General:
1. Locations: All existing sliding glass doors at east elevation decks of both condominium
buildings are scheduled to be replaced with new vinyl SGDs, as noted in Drawings.
2. Size and Operation: All new SGD sizes, operations, and layouts shall match original sliding
glass doors at each location.
710 2nd Avenue Suite 400 Seattle, WA 98104
amentogroup.com 206.682.9722 AM ENTO G ROU P
Sunrise at Edmonds Condominiums
Deck Remediation Scope of Repair —100% CDs
March 19, 2020
B. Demolition:
1. General: Refer to Section 1, 1.4, B for additional demolition items required to complete
sliding glass door replacement.
2. SGDs: Remove and dispose of all existing sliding glass doors, associated trims, associated
metal flashings, and penetration flashings.
3. Interior Liners: Cleanly trim back existing wood SGD liners as needed to accommodate
new SGD frame depths. Cut lines shall be straight and non -jagged. Existing liners shall
remain in place during construction. Coordinate with Architect where liner variations
C. Existing Carpet: Loosen and roll back existing carpet, as needed to accommodate the Work.
Upon installation of new SGDs, re -stretch existing carpet; trim as needed. If hardwood or
laminated flooring is installed, any modifications needed to existing will be as directed by the
Construction Manager.
D. Sill Pans: Install new one-piece soldered metal sill pans, set in sealant, at all decks. Refer to
Part 1, 1.4, K for integration with deck membrane.
E. Penetration Flashings: Properly prep rough openings as required by penetration flashing
manufacturer. Install new metal flashings at jambs and heads. Install new liquid -applied
flexible flashings, per manufacturer's installation instructions, requirements, and
recommendations, SGD installation sequence on Sheet A4.1, and associated Details. Fully
integrate liquid -applied flexible flashings with metal flashings.
1. Adjacent Light Fixture: Refer to Part 1, 1.3, C, 3 for integration of flexible flashing with
adjacent light fixture.
F. SGD Installations: Install SGDs in accordance with manufacturer's installation instructions.
Wet -set SGD in sealant to achieve squeeze -out at backsides of frames against metal flashings
and sill pans. Tool and remove excess sealant at interior of SGD perimeters at liners; ensure
wet -set sealants are continuous and free of voids. Integrate WRB with penetration flashings
and SGD flanges to properly shed water.
G. Finishing:
1. Interior: Install new continuous fillet sealant joints around SGDs between SGD frames and
existing SGD liners.
2. Exterior: Install new cedar trims around SGDs with continuous backer rod and sealant
joints between frames and trims, per Details. Size trims to match existing trim dimensions.
Install new metal head flashings, set in sealant. Integrate WRB with metal head flashings
to properly shed water.
710 2nd Avenue Suite 400 Seattle, WA 98104
amentogroup.com 206.682.9722 AM ENTO G ROU P
Sunrise at Edmonds Condominiums
Deck Remediation Scope of Repair —100% CDs
March 19, 2020
A. Alternates described herein are for materials and labor over and above those noted and
required in the Base Scope of Work (BSOW), described in Parts 1. Provide pricing for these
alternates as noted on the Bid Form.
A. Provide deductive pricing to install single top horizontal rail, in lieu of double top horizontal
rail at all deck locations.
A. Provide deductive pricing to install Milgard Tuscany Series sliding glass doors, in lieu of VPI
Bellevue Series sliding glass doors at all locations scheduled for replacement.
A. Allowances included in this section are over and above Items scheduled in the BSOW, noted in
Part 1. Items listed herein are unquantifiable activities or items, not otherwise addressed or
included in the Description of the Work. Although how to accomplish these activities or install
these items may be indicated in the Contract Documents, these activities or items are to be
excluded from the Stipulated Sum and will be accounted for by the Owner's budget.
Contractor's compensation under the anticipated allowance work will be determined in one of
several ways, including unit prices, time and materials, or other agreement between the
A. Nail Pops: An allowance will provide for minor repairs to the interior faces of exterior walls to
address nail pops and interior gyp board repairs due to construction, as directed by the
Construction Manager. Repairs include, but are not limited to, patching and painting. This
allowance is over and above interior gyp board repairs included in the BSOW.
B. SGD Trims: An allowance will provide for the removal and replacement of existing SGD trims,
if liners are over and above typical finishes, as directed by the Construction Manager.
C. Interior Trim and Baseboard Repairs and Replacement: An allowance will provide for the
repair or replacement of damaged existing interior wood trims and baseboards, as directed by
the Construction Manager.
710 2nd Avenue Suite 400 Seattle, WA 98104
amentogroup.com 206.682.9722 AM ENTO G ROU P
Sunrise at Edmonds Condominiums
Deck Remediation Scope of Repair —100% CDs
March 19, 2020
A. Exterior Gyp Sheathing Replacement: An allowance will provide for the removal, disposal, and
replacement of damaged or wet exterior gyp sheathing, as directed by the Construction
Manager. This allowance is over and above the exterior gyp sheathing replacement in the
BSOW. Install new GYP-1 where gypsum sheathing is removed.
B. Exterior Wall Framing Repairs and Replacement: An allowance will provide for the removal,
disposal, and replacement of damaged or wet framing for exterior walls, as well as any shoring
associated with these repairs, as directed by the Construction Manager. Install new framing
sized to match original framing or as directed by Structural Engineer. Included in this
allowance is the treatment of decayed portions of framing for exterior walls, as directed by
the Construction Manager and Structural Engineer. Treatment shall include removal of
deterioration with stiff wire brush or other hand tools, and the application of a wood
fungicide, such as Boracare or equivalent.
C. Exterior Wall Insulation Replacement: An allowance will provide for the removal, disposal, and
replacement of discolored, wet, damaged, or deteriorated batt insulation at exterior walls, as
directed by the Construction Manager. Install new equivalent insulation to match existing
thickness and R-value, otherwise required by code.
D. Wood Deck Framing Repairs and Replacement: An allowance will provide for the removal,
disposal, and replacement of damaged or wet framing, framing repairs, as well as any shoring
associated with these repairs, as directed by the Construction Manager. Install new framing
sized to match original framing or as directed by the Structural Engineer.
A. Siding Replacement: An allowance will provide for the replacement of existing vinyl siding, as
directed by Construction Manager. Install new vinyl siding to match the existing vinyl siding.
Provide for new vinyl siding paint to match the existing vinyl siding color.
710 2nd Avenue Suite 400 Seattle, WA 98104
amentogroup.com 206.682.9722 AM ENTO G ROU P
Sunrise at Edmonds Condominiums
Deck Remediation Scope of Repair —100% CDs
March 19, 2020
All references within this Section 0130 00 are made to parts within this Section, unless noted
A. Section 0130 00— Supplemental General Conditions:
Requirements: The General Contractor shall meet all conditions set forth in Section 0130
00—Supplemental General Conditions.
Conflicts: In the event this Section 0130 00 - Supplemental General Conditions conflicts
with the Construction Contract executed between the Owner and the Contractor, or
creates any ambiguity, the terms of the Construction Contract shall control and take
A. Definition: Refer to the definition for Construction Documents in Section 00 2113 —
Instructions to Bidders, Part, 1, 1.1, C.
B. Contract Documents: The Construction Documents are a part of the Contract Documents.
Changes to such Documents may affect the Contract Sum. Refer to Section 00 2113 —
Instructions to Bidders, Part 1, 1.1, B.
C. Intent: The intent of the Construction Documents is to provide a collective set of documents
that work together to provide a complete remediation project. In the event conflicts arise
between these collective Construction Documents, the more strict or inclusive requirements
shall be implemented or enforced, unless noted otherwise by the Architect or Construction
Manager. During bidding, the Contractor shall provide in its Bid for the most expensive
interpretation or result provided between the conflicted items; such assumptions shall be
delineated in the Contractor's Clarifications and Assumptions during bidding. During
construction, clarifications and direction will be provided by the Architect.
D. Discrepancies: Contractor shall notify the Architect of any discrepancies within the
Construction Documents. During bidding and construction, clarifications and direction will be
provided by the Architect. Contractor shall not proceed with any work associated with a
discrepancy, until direction is provided by the Architect.
E. Copyright: The Documents created by the Architect and its Consultants for this Project are
instruments of the Architect's service. The Architect and its Consultants retain all common
law, statutory, and other reserved rights, including the copyright. The Architect and its
Consultants' Documents shall not be used by anyone on any other project, except with
written permission from the Architect and its Consultants.
710 2nd Avenue Suite 400 Seattle, WA 98104
amentogroup.com 206.682.9722 AM ENTO G ROU P
Sunrise at Edmonds Condominiums
Deck Remediation Scope of Repair —100% CDs
March 19, 2020
A. Contractor's Responsibility: Although not every component is specifically indicated within the
Construction Documents, Contractor shall supply all labor, materials, and equipment
necessary to provide a complete job and accomplish the Work.
B. Requirements: The Work shall be in conformance with all applicable state and local building
codes, and laws, the Project Manual, Specifications, and Drawings, as well as, current Industry
Standards, standard construction practices, and manufacturers' installation instructions,
requirements, and recommendations. The Contractor shall perform all Work and install all
materials in a workmanlike manner and in compliance with sound engineering, construction,
and waterproofing practices.
C. Variations: At select locations, the Work will involve a variety of unique and different
conditions that will not be known until they are uncovered during demolition. At that time,
the Contractor will be required to document and verify all dimensions, and coordinate with
the Architect for review and development of customized waterproofing details. Contractor
shall anticipate an ample amount of time and effort to conduct field fitting, modifications, and
installations necessary to customize flashings and membranes at these locations. Locations for
customization include, but are not limited to, those noted in Section 0110 00 — Description of
the Work, and at other transitions, interfaces, and geometric variations.
A. Execution of the Construction Contract: Refer to Section 00 2113 — Instructions to Bidders,
Part 4, 4.3, B for Construction Contract information applicable to the agreement between the
Owner and Contractor.
B. Insurance Requirements: Refer to Section 00 2113 — Instructions to Bidders, Part 2, 2.1 for
insurance requirements.
C. Labor and Industries: Contractor shall maintain State Labor and Industries insurance coverage
for all employees during construction.
D. Correction Period and Warranty: The Correction Period shall be two (2) years. Refer to the
Construction Contract for Correction Period and Warranty information and provisions.
A. Note: Not all definitions are included here; additional definitions may be provided elsewhere
within this Section.
B. Owner: The Owner of the Project is the Sunrise at Edmonds Condominium Owners
710 2nd Avenue Suite 400 Seattle, WA 98104
amentogroup.com 206.682.9722 AM ENTO G ROU P
Sunrise at Edmonds Condominiums
Deck Remediation Scope of Repair —100% CDs
March 19, 2020
C. Contractor: General Contractor is referred to herein as "Contractor", with exceptions; at select
locations "General Contractor" is used.
D. Architectural Representatives: Any member of the Amento Group Architectural Team not
specifically designated as an "Architect". Architectural Representatives are a part of the
Amento Group Architectural Team.
E. Project Team: The "Project Team" includes the Construction Manager, Project Coordinator,
Architect, Contractor's Project Manager and Superintendent, Contractor's Liaison, and the
F. Units: "Unit" or "Units" defines any individual or group of units associated with the Residential
G. Occupants: "Occupants" represents any and all Owners and Tenants of Residential Units.
H. Base Scope of Work (BSOW): Work noted and defined as BSOW in Section 0110 00 —
Description of the Work. Referenced herein as BSOW.
I. Contractor's Clarifications and Assumptions: Clarifications, exclusions, and assumptions
delineated by the Contractor to qualify its Bid; Contractor's Clarifications and Assumptions
shall be attached to its Bid Form.
J. Vertical Access: Vertical access or vertical access components include, but is not limited to,
scaffolding, swing stage, pump jacks, man lifts, material lifts, or bosun chair(s), as needed or
deemed applicable for the Project.
K. Project Record Documents: Documents modified or generated by the Contractor during
construction that document the Project and become a part of the Project Documents
submitted at Close -Out. Refer to Close -Out Document requirements, in Attachment B — Close -
Out Documents Requirements List.
L. Working Documents: Construction Documents redlined and maintained with changes by the
Contractor for the Contractor's use. Working Documents are established and generated on
site during construction by the Contractor. Refer to Part 2, 2.7 for additional information.
M. As -Built Documents: Construction Documents redlined and maintained by the Contractor with
specific changes associated with permanent modifications, such as firestopping, sheathing,
and framing modifications that become an integral part of building systems and are
permanently covered as a result of construction. As -Built Documents are established and
generated on site during construction. Exact document requirements associated with the As -
Built Documents will be discussed at the Preconstruction Meeting. Refer to Part 2, 2.7 for
additional information.
710 2nd Avenue Suite 400 Seattle, WA 98104
amentogroup.com 206.682.9722 AM ENTO G ROU P
Sunrise at Edmonds Condominiums
Deck Remediation Scope of Repair —100% CDs
March 19, 2020
N. Shall: Use of the word "Shall" within the Construction Documents implies a Contractor
obligation, when not otherwise defined, regardless of whether or not the word "Contractor" is
0. Provide or Provided: Use of the words "Provide" or "Provided" implies the Contractor must
furnish and install specified materials or execute noted installation provisions, regardless of
whether or not the word "Contractor" is used.
Project Coordinator: The Project Coordinator typically assists the Construction Manager
during construction. However, at the Construction Manager's request, the Project Coordinator
may supplement and assist the Contractor's Liaison on an as needed basis. The Project
Coordinator will also compile the Close -Out Documents for the Project.
A. Amento Group Roles: During construction, Amento Group will be the Construction Manager,
Architect, and Project Coordinator. Construction Administration duties may be performed by
the Architect or Architectural Representative(s).
B. Architect's Authority: Architect has final authority regarding Design Intent, including, but not
limited to, aesthetics, installation, sequencing, and waterproofing. Contractor shall
accommodate all direction given by the Architect with respect to these items. If Contractor's
or its Subcontractor's Crews' workmanship or product and material installations are deemed
unacceptable in quality, aesthetics, or function, regardless of the reason, rework will be
directed and required by the Architect; Contractor will perform repairs to unacceptable
installations until they are corrected and approved by the Architect.
C. Third Party Inspections: When applicable and as required by Permit, Third Party Inspections
will be performed by the Architect or Architectural Representatives, as a part of Construction
Administration. Third Party Inspection observations will be documented in the Architect's
Field Reports.
D. Contractor's Liaison: Contractor shall provide someone from its crew to be the Contractor's
Liaison to coordinate and communicate with Occupants and the Construction Manager on a
daily or as needed basis, regarding access, notifications, and/or scheduling. The Contractor's
Liaison is responsible for providing verbal and written Liaison services, including, but not
limited to, Occupant communication, scheduling, and notifications, as well as coordination for
Unit access. Contractor shall account for the duties of the Contractor's Liaison as a part its
Stipulated Sum.
A. Occupied Units: Condominium Units will be inhabited and occupied during construction.
Contractor shall take care to ensure minimal disruption to Occupants. The Contractor shall use
its best efforts to minimize any interference with the occupancy or beneficial use of: 1) any
area(s) or buildings adjacent to the site of the Work; and 2) any Units adjacent to the site of
710 2nd Avenue Suite 400 Seattle, WA 98104
amentogroup.com 206.682.9722 AM ENTO G ROU P
Sunrise at Edmonds Condominiums
Deck Remediation Scope of Repair —100% CDs
March 19, 2020
the Work. Construction within or directly in contact with the interior of Units will require
notification to and coordination with the Occupants.
B. Access Coordination: Any access within Units, or other construction access related to or
directly in contact with the interior of Units, will require coordination with the Occupants via
the Contractor's Liaison. Authorization must be approved by the Construction Manager prior
to accessing any Unit. Refer to Part 1, 1.9, B for work hours.
C. Interior Work:
1. Protections: Contractor shall adequately protect all interior finishes, cabinetry, appliances,
personal property, and furniture within Units, building hallways, elevators, and lobbies, as
applicable and if interior work and access is required. Such protections shall include, but
are not limited to, floor protections, drapes over furniture, cabinets, personal property,
and appliances, masked -off plenums at work areas for dust control, and any other
protections needed to adequately protect interior finishes. Contractor's and any
Subcontractor's crew members shall use booties at all locations where floor protections
are not installed.
2. Protection Requirements: Interior protections shall not become trip hazards during
construction. Interior protections shall not leave any residue upon removal. If damaged
during construction, interior protections shall be maintained or replaced.
3. Protection Removals During Construction: Common area protections, including, but not
limited to, common areas, corridors, and elevators, shall be removed at the end of each
week prior to the weekend and reinstated at the beginning of each work week, unless
otherwise determined by and agreed upon between the Construction Manager and
4. Photo Documentation: Refer to Part 2, 2.8, B, 1 for photo documentation requirements
prior to construction.
5. Daily Clean -Up: Refer to Part 5, 5.7, A and B.
6. Completion of the Work: Upon completion of the Work, interiors of Units shall be
returned to the same or better condition than existed prior to the Work being performed.
D. Unit Security:
1. Access: If Contractor was granted access to perform the Work, any Unit entry or access
doors, sliding glass doors, and patio, deck, and balcony man doors, shall be locked at all
times when not occupied by Contractor's crews.
2. Temporary Openings: During construction, if temporary access or openings are created by
the Contractor to facilitate the Work, Contractor shall secure such openings from
unauthorized entry into Units when not attended or occupied by the Contractor,
including, but not limited to, from 4 pm to 8 am each weekday and for twenty-four (24)
hours each weekend or Holiday day, for the duration of the Project.
710 2nd Avenue Suite 400 Seattle, WA 98104
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Deck Remediation Scope of Repair —100% CDs
March 19, 2020
Sliding Glass Door and Man Door Securement (Where Applicable): For any work scheduled on
decks or balconies, including, but not limited to, the removal of guardrails or the installation
of membrane, that may result in potential damage to newly installed materials, or presents a
fall hazard or life safety risk, such sliding glass doors or man doors shall be secured from the
exterior by the Contractor. Exact securement type, materials, and strategy shall be
coordinated with the Construction Manager or Architect.
A. Residential Occupants' Personal Property: Where required, Occupants will be responsible for
the removal and storage of all removable personal property from designated work areas,
within interiors of Units at or adjacent to exterior walls, or any other areas affected by the
Work, including, but not limited to, items on or at decks, balconies, patios, entries, sidewalks,
carport areas, driveways, and parking spaces, unless deemed not applicable.
A. Exterior Work:
Work Hours: Repair work may be completed Monday through Friday from 8:00 am to 6:00
pm, excluding and including additional days and times agreed upon by the Construction
Manager, Contractor, and Owner. Contractor may stage daily work not more than thirty
(30) minutes prior to the start time. Noise generating work cannot begin until 8:00 am,
unless agreed upon otherwise.
Vertical Access: Activities and access shall not begin until 8:00 am each work day.
Contractor's crews shall be off of vertical access components by 6:00 pm each work day.
Contractor may stage work not more than thirty (30) minutes prior to the start time.
Noise generating work cannot begin until 8:00 am, unless agreed upon otherwise.
B. Residential Units:
1. Work Hours: Within Residential Units, repair work may be completed Monday through
Friday from 8:00 am to 6:00 pm, excluding and including additional days and times agreed
upon by the Construction Manager, Contractor, and Owner. Contractor may stage daily
work not more than thirty (30) minutes outside of Residential Units prior to the start time.
Unit entry will not be granted until 8:00 am each work day. Noise generating work cannot
begin until 8:00 am.
2. Access: Contractor shall provide minimum five (5) work days' notice prior to requiring Unit
entry, with an additional 48-hour notice reminder.
C. Weekend and Holiday Work: Weekend and Holiday work shall be carried out only upon
written consent from the Construction Manager. Contractor shall request approval of such
work not less than seventy-two (72) hours prior to the commencement of weekend or Holiday
work, unless otherwise agreed upon between the Construction Manager and Contractor, and
as approved by the Owner.
710 2nd Avenue Suite 400 Seattle, WA 98104
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March 19, 2020
D. Off -Hours Vertical Access: Contractor will not complete work or utilize vertical access after
agreed upon work hours or on weekends, unless otherwise approved by the Construction
1. Exception: Emergency access will be granted if situations arise that require the Contractor
to access and modify installed vertical access or tenting during inclement weather or any
other situation that requires immediate attention. In such events, the Construction
Manager shall be notified by the Contractor.
E. Noise and Vibration Generating Work:
Noise Constraints: Beyond the time frame parameters noted above, Contractor shall
comply with all Municipal and Jurisdiction codes, laws, and ordinances relating to noise
Noise and Vibration Intensive Activities: Noise and vibration intensive activities, such as,
but not limited to, concrete cutting, jackhammering, and pinning, or other cutting and
fastening of steel elements, shall be restricted to the hours of 9:00 am — 5:00 pm, unless
allowed otherwise by the Construction Manager.
A. Preconstruction Meeting: Security measures, including by not limited to those noted here, will
be discussed as a part of the Preconstruction Meeting.
1. Existing Building Protocols: Sunrise at Edmonds Condominiums is currently a secure
building and shall remain secure during construction. Existing protocols and parameters
are in place relative to building security. These protocols and parameters will remain in
place during construction and will be supplemented by complementary Contractor
established protocols and parameters. Existing building and site security protocols will be
2. Contractor's Proposed Security Plan (Security Plan): Contractor shall submit a Security
Plan to the Construction Manager and Owner for review. Security Plan shall account for all
necessary security measures needed to manage, deny, and deter entry and access by
unauthorized persons into the buildings and building areas, and onto construction
scaffolding and staging during construction.
3. Key Distribution Protocol: Specific protocol will be established during the Preconstruction
Meeting and will be memorialized in the Preconstruction Meeting Minutes.
4. Contractor Crew Identification: Contractor shall provide badges for all crew members,
including all Subcontractors' crew members. Badges will include crew members' names,
pictures, and associated company. Badges must be worn at all times by all crew members
during construction.
5. Unit Security: Unit security will be reviewed. Refer to Part 1, 1.7, D for Unit security
710 2nd Avenue Suite 400 Seattle, WA 98104
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March 19, 2020
A. Contractor and Project Information: Contractor shall display pertinent Project information, in
an area to be determined, outlining, but not limited to, the following, Contractor
Superintendent(s'), and Construction Manager's names, emergency contact phone numbers,
safety information, and pertinent Safety Data Sheets (SDS), in addition to any other necessary
appropriate job specific documentation.
B. Other Signage: Contractor shall provide temporary signage to assure clear and understandable
identification of construction areas. All pertinent Contractor construction signage, such as
"Work Overhead" or "Wet Paint" is the responsibility of the Contractor. All signage shall be of
good quality with type -set printed lettering. If signage is posted outside, signage shall be able
to withstand exterior elements without damage, fading, etc.
C. Advertisement Banner(s): With final approval of the Owner and Construction Manager, the
Contractor and its Subcontractors may securely hang advertisement banner(s) from vertical
access components. Contractor's banners(s) must be approved by the Construction Manager
and Owner prior to installation.
A. Building Permit(s): The Building Permit(s) will be paid for by the Owner and procured by the
Architect or Construction Manager.
B. Other Permits: Contractor shall obtain and pay for all other permits and licenses required to
conduct and perform the Work, including, but not limited to, permits for the use of adjacent
or neighboring properties outside the property line, or for electrical or plumbing work. These
permits and licenses shall be included in the Stipulated Sum. Copies of all permits and licenses
will be provided to the Construction Manager or Architect. Provide copies of all permits and
licenses with Close -Out Documents; refer to Attachment B — Close -Out Documents
Requirements List.
A. Good Faith Surveys and Testing: Good faith surveys and testing, such as, but not limited to,
testing for asbestos and lead, will be paid for by the Owner, unless noted otherwise in the
Construction Contract. Such testing will be scheduled by the Construction Manager and
coordinated with the Contractor. Contractor may be required to provide access and assistance
to Testing Agencies. Construction Manager will share all test results with the Contractor.
710 2nd Avenue Suite 400 Seattle, WA 98104
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March 19, 2020
A. Preconstruction Meeting: A preconstruction meeting will be held prior to Contractor's
mobilization on site at a location and time agreed upon by the Construction Manager,
Architect, and Contractor. The Construction Manager and Architect will provide an agenda of
items to be reviewed and discussed that are pertinent to commencing the Project. At this
meeting, decisions will be made regarding regular meeting times, lay down areas, storage
areas, etc. Attendees at this meeting shall be the same as required at Project Meetings; refer
to Part 2, 2.1, B. The Construction Manager will prepare and distribute meeting minutes from
the Preconstruction Meeting.
B. Project Meetings:
1. Attendees: The Construction Manager, Architect, Contractor's Liaison, and Contractor's
Project Manager and Superintendents) shall attend Project Meetings, unless otherwise
determined not required. If requested by the Construction Manager or Architect,
Subcontractors' representatives shall attend meetings on an as needed basis.
2. Frequency: Project Meetings will be held on a weekly basis, unless determined otherwise
by the Construction Manager.
3. Location: Project Meetings will be held at a coordinated location at the same time and day
each week on site.
4. Meeting Minutes: Meeting minutes will be recorded and distributed by the Construction
Manager. Meeting minutes will be distributed to Project Team attendees and non -
A. Contractor's Daily Logs:
1. Requirements: Contractor shall keep and maintain a daily log with, but not limited to, the
following information:
a. General: A record of the weather, identification of equipment on site, the work
accomplished, problems encountered, and any other similar relevant data the
Construction Manager may require.
b. List of Crew Members and Personnel on Site: Contractor will be required to maintain
and update a daily record of all Contractor's crew members, Subcontractors and their
crews, suppliers, and visitors accessing the construction site. This record should
identify when each person arrived on site. This list should extend to any
representatives visiting the site from the Architect, Construction Manager, or
Engineers' Teams, including the Owner, or any other party gaining access to
construction areas.
Maintenance of Logs: Prior to construction, Contractor shall provide a sample of the
Contractor's Daily Log to the Construction Manager. During construction, the Contractor
shall compile and maintain, on a weekly basis, the weeks' daily logs to be filed in a secure
location at the completion of each week's work. The Contractor's Daily Logs will be
reviewed upon request by the Construction Manager.
710 2nd Avenue Suite 400 Seattle, WA 98104
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0130 00 - 10
B. Subcontractor List: Contractor shall maintain an updated list of all Subcontractors that have
performed, or are performing work on site, including a list of all Subcontractors' crew
members (first and last names). The Subcontractor's list shall include business contact
information and identify each Subcontractor's discipline or expertise. Include Subcontractor
List as a part of the Close -Out Documents; refer to Attachment B — Close -Out Documents
Requirements List.
A. General: Written communication between the Contractor, Architect, and Construction
Manager will be via Requests for Information (RFIs), Architectural Supplemental Instructions
(ASIs), Memos, and Field Reports (FRs). Field Directives, as noted in the Construction Contract,
may not be issued for this Project; such direction will likely be addressed and documented in
Field Reports.
B. Requests for Information (RFIs):
Definition: An RFI is the request for information from the Architect, Engineer, or
Construction Manager, as required by the Contractor, to seek clarification of the
Construction Documents or existing conditions.
2. Sample RFI Form: Refer to Electronic Attachment AA — Sample Forms.
3. General:
a. Contractor will be asked to issue an RFI for requested clarifications or potential
modifications to the Work, if there are cost implications, substantial modifications to
the Work, or any other reason deemed necessary by the Project Team.
b. Contractor is responsible to forward RFI responses onto Subcontractors, suppliers,
manufacturers, and any other party reliant upon response information, and as
necessary to complete its work.
c. Contractor must maintain an RFI log for tracking and scheduling purposes.
4. Forwarding: RFI's will be forwarded by the Contractor to both the Architect and the
Construction Manager. Architect's responses will be forwarded to the Contractor and
copied to the Construction Manager.
Time Guidelines:
a. Contractor shall issue RFIs in a timely fashion to avoid delays regarding any conflicts
where additional information, clarification, or direction is required.
b. Contractor must provide adequate time for RFI responses and must plan accordingly
based on Project lead times. Architect will have a minimum of three (3) working days
for each RFI response. Architect's responses may include a request for additional
information, in which case the allocated time for the response will date from the time
of receipt of additional information.
Changes: Select responses may be eligible for or result in a change to the Contract Time or
Contract Sum, which will require the Contractor to submit a Change Order Proposal (COP)
or Change Proposal Request (CPR). Refer to Part 2, 2.6, B.
710 2nd Avenue Suite 400 Seattle, WA 98104
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March 19, 2020
0130 00 - 11
RFI Requirements: Include the following on each submitted RFI form:
a. Project name.
b. Date.
c. Name of Contractor.
d. RFI number (numbered sequentially).
e. RFI subject.
f. A clearly stated description of the question, issue, or existing condition.
g. Specification Section number and title, and related paragraphs, as appropriate.
h. Drawing number and detail references, as appropriate.
i. Field dimensions and conditions, as appropriate.
j. Contractor's suggested resolution. If Contractor's suggested resolution impacts the
Contract Time or the Contract Sum, Contractor shall state impact on the RFI form.
k. Contractor's Representative's signature.
I. List of personnel receiving the RFI.
m. As necessary, provide a list of attachments included with the RFI, such as sketches,
descriptions, measurements, photos, product data, shop drawings, coordination
drawings, and any other information attached to the RFI needed to fully describe
items requiring interpretation or direction.
C. Field Reports (FRs):
1. General: FRs memorialize the Architect's field observations and field discussions. FRs will
be shared with the Contractor to confirm the accuracy of the discussions and share the
Architect's field observations. FRs shall include, but are not limited to, observations,
photos, discussions, discrepancies, decisions, minor changes in the Work, and any other
necessary documentation to communicate observations made on site.
2. Contractor's Responsibilities: The Contractor is responsible for its own documentation of
site discussions with the Architect. Contractor shall take any necessary action required by
the field discussions in a timely manner and shall not wait for, or rely on, the Architect's
FRs to provide the direction already provided during field discussions.
3. Action Items and Logs: Action Items may be noted within FRs as tools to communicate and
log outstanding items, repairs, or rework during construction. If Action Items are noted in
FRs, Action Item Logs will be generated and distributed independently for tracking
4. FIR Issuance: The Architect will typically prepare and distribute FRs for each site visit
completed, with some exceptions. Depending on the importance, or lack thereof, of the
information discussed on site, the Architect might issue FRs that account for more than
one site visit. The length of time from the site visit will vary with respect to when the
Architect issues FRs. FRs will be issued to the Contractor, Construction Manager, and any
other Project Team members.
D. Architectural Supplemental Instructions (ASIs): ASIs are formal directives issued by the
Architect, when necessary, to provide clarifications, additional information, and direction to
the Contractor beyond that issued or included in FRs. All ASIs will be distributed to the
Contractor and Construction Manager. Information issued in ASIs may include modifications
to the Construction Documents.
710 2nd Avenue Suite 400 Seattle, WA 98104
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March 19, 2020
0130 00 - 12
A. Coordination Drawings: As needed, Contractor shall prepare and distribute coordination
drawings to effectively communicate with the Architect during construction regarding existing
conditions, complicated material interfaces, or suggested solutions. Such drawings can be
hand sketches on any media needed to effectively communicate and shall be delivered in
hardcopy or via email to the Architect and Construction Manager.
B. Electronic Protocol: Communication between the Project Team can be via email. Such emails
shall be copied to select Project Team members as established and discussed in the
Preconstruction Meeting. All Project emails shall have "Sunrise at Edmonds" in the subject
C. Communication on Site: The Architect will be available during site visits to answer Contractor
and Subcontractors' questions. Contractor, and Subcontractors as needed, shall be prepared
to walk the site with the Architect to review construction status and discuss issues. The
Architect will not answer Subcontractors' questions during site visits without a Contractor's
Representative present. The Architect will not discuss the Project with Subcontractors outside
these site meetings or via phone without a Contractor's Representative present.
A. Minor Changes in the Work: ASIs, RFls, and FIR notes will be used to facilitate modifications
and clarifications to the Work. If the Contractor determines that a cost or schedule impact is
associated with an RFI, ASI, or FIR notes the Contractor must notify the Construction Manager
of such associated costs within ten (10) days, unless another timeframe is noted in the
Construction Contract. Associated pricing related to such notification shall be provided within
fourteen (14) calendar days of notification, unless agreed upon or determined otherwise by
the Construction Manager. No compensation will be provided if notification and pricing
deadlines have lapsed, unless otherwise agreed upon in advance with or determined
otherwise by the Construction Manager. Refer to provisions stated in Construction Contract
for additional information associated with Contract Sum changes.
B. Changes to the Construction Contract: Contractor shall not be entitled to any adjustments to
the Contract Time, Contract Sum, or any other additional compensation or extensions of time
for work performed, which is additional to or different from the work specified in the
Construction Documents, unless such additional or different work is authorized via a Change
Order prior to the additional or different work commencing. Any change request first
submitted after the work is performed will not be accepted or paid, unless determined
otherwise by the Construction Manager. In the event that the Owner, Construction Manager,
and Contractor agree that work must be commenced prior to agreement on any additional
cost, Contractor shall obtain written authorization from the Construction Manager to proceed
before commencing any additional work.
710 2nd Avenue Suite 400 Seattle, WA 98104
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A. Contractor Initiated Proposals: If required as a result of the Work and at the request of the
Construction Manager, Contractor shall submit a Change Order Proposal (COP) or Change
Proposal Request (CPR). Contractor shall indicate the reason for requesting the change and
the effect of the change on the Work, Contract Sum, and Contract Time. Contractor shall
provide a complete description of the proposed change. Contractor's price shall include all
itemized costs of work associated with the proposed change, including, but not limited to, any
credits, taxes, delivery charges, equipment rental, and associated supervision. Contractor shall
also delineate all material quantities with itemized pricing. Contractor shall submit such
pricing information on their standard COP or CPR form.
B. Proposal Requests: Owner -Initiated Proposal Requests will be issued as a means to procure
pricing during construction. Proposal Requests will include detailed descriptions of proposed
changes in the Work that may require adjustment to the Contract Sum or Contract Time.
Proposal Requests will be issued by the Construction Manager, distributed to the Contractor,
and copied to the Architect. Proposal Requests may include supplemental or revised sketches,
specifications, or drawings. Contractor shall have up to fourteen (14) calendar days to provide
pricing requested by Proposal Requests, unless determined otherwise by the Construction
Manager. Contractor's price shall include all itemized costs of work associated with the
proposed change, including, but not limited to, any credits, taxes, delivery charges, equipment
rental, and associated supervision. Contractor shall also delineate all material quantities with
itemized pricing. Contractor shall indicate any changes in activity duration, completion times,
and impact on schedule float time. Contractor shall submit such pricing information on their
standard COP or CPR form.
C. Construction Change Directives (CCDs): Refer to the Construction Contract for information
pertaining to CCDs.
A. General: Working and As -Built Documents can share the same set of Documents (Drawings
and Project Manual) during construction. Exact Working and As -Built Documentation shall be
determined by the Contractor. Refer to Definitions in Part 1, 1.5 for definitions for each.
Together, the Working Documents and As -Built Documents generate Project Record
Documents that will be submitted as a part of the Close -Out Documents. Refer to Part 6, 6.3,
B, 1 for Project Record Document requirements. Refer to Attachment B — Close -Out
Documents Requirements List.
B. Working Drawings:
1. General: Contractor shall maintain updated red -lined Working Drawings on site through
the duration of construction. These Working Drawings are working and active documents
that should be maintained and updated by the Contractor on a regular basis. Contractor
shall post changes and revisions to these documents as they occur; Contractor shall not
wait until the end of the Project to make changes and update the Drawings. Working
710 2nd Avenue Suite 400 Seattle, WA 98104
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March 19, 2020
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Drawings shall be maintained in clean, dry, and good order, with legible markings, and
protected from deterioration or loss.
Documentation: Contractor shall document on Working Drawings any ASIs, RFIs, Addenda,
FIR notes, Memos, COPS or CPRs, and any additional pertinent information issued by the
Architect, Engineer, or Construction Manager during construction. These documents must
be a thorough and complete red -lined and posted set of Drawings. All red -lines shall be
accurate and complete, depicting graphic representations of the Work. Colors other than
red can be used as so determined by the Contractor; Contractor shall provide a legend to
identify all colors used. Contractor shall not use pencil or black ink to mark up Working
Drawings. Working Drawings should be capable of being scanned and/or photocopied at
the completion of the Project.
Document Coordination: At the request of the Contractor and with agreement of the
Architect, information from Architect's red -lined Construction Documents can be utilized
for updating the Contractor's Working Drawings, as performed by the Contractor, to
ensure uniform documents amongst the Project Team. Contractor shall allow Architect
and Construction Manager to access or refer to Working Drawings while on site.
C. Other Working Documents: Contractor shall be responsible to maintain and update any other
necessary Construction Documents during construction, including, but not limited to, the
Project Manual. The red -lined Project Manual, including its Specification Sections, should
include any revisions, modifications, and changes completed and discovered during
construction, any ASIs, RFIs, Addenda, and FR notes, and any additional pertinent information
issued by the Architect or Construction Manager.
D. As -Built Documents: Contractor shall document on as set of As -Built Drawings any permanent
revisions, modifications, and changes completed and discovered during construction,
including, but not limited to, any framing and sheathing replacement, structural modifications
and enhancements, and electrical and mechanical modifications that will be permanently
covered after construction, unless determined otherwise by the Construction Manager at the
Preconstruction Meeting.
A. General: Photos will be utilized as a tool during construction to facilitate coordination and
communication. The following information pertains to any Project Team member
documenting construction, construction areas, and construction related activities.
1. Requirements:
a. All photographs shall be digital with date and time stamps.
b. Photos must be of high quality and in JPEG format.
c. All stored photographs shall be organized and sorted in a manner that the date and
location are easily identified.
Close -Out Requirements: All Project Team photos will become a part of the Project Record
Documents and be compiled as a part of the Close -Out Documents. Refer to Attachment B
— Close -Out Documents Requirements List.
710 2nd Avenue Suite 400 Seattle, WA 98104
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March 19, 2020
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B. Contractor's Responsibilities:
1. Documentation Prior to Construction: Contractor shall photo or video document areas
associated with or adjacent to the Work to its satisfaction prior to commencement of the
Work. Contractor shall have the opportunity, and is strongly encouraged, to document
any damage existing at the start of the Project, including, but not limited to, at interior
work locations, locations where work is associated with materials scheduled to remain
installed, and at corridor, hallway, and elevator access locations.
2. Documentation During Construction: Contractor shall take regular construction
photographs to document the Work, including, but not limited to, daily work progress,
site activities, unusual conditions, specific details, existing conditions, structural repairs,
and new material installations throughout the construction process. As needed, photo
documentation may also be used to communicate supplemental information to the
Project Team.
C. Construction Manager's Responsibilities:
1. Construction Manager shall photo document work areas and activities during site visits.
2. Construction Manager shall take regular photos at specific reoccurring locations on site
documenting construction progress, activities, and milestones.
D. Architect's Responsibilities:
1. Architect shall photo document work areas and activities during site visits. Such
photographs shall be used for communication with the Contractor and Project Team in
FRs, emails, RFls, or any other purpose, and as needed to communicate and provide
direction to the Contractor.
A. Pay Applications: Contractor shall provide a Schedule of Values (SOV) two (2) weeks prior to
the submission of the first pay application for the Construction Manager's approval.
Applications for payment shall be submitted on AIA Document G702 or equivalent, in
conjunction with a current SOV. Refer to the Construction Contract for additional information.
B. Lien Waivers and Final Release of Claims:
1. Lien Waivers: Notarized Contractor Conditional and Unconditional Lien Waivers shall be
submitted with each pay application. During construction, the Construction Manager
reserves the right to request conditional and unconditional lien waivers from the
Subcontractors or any other potential lien claimants.
2. Final Release of All Claims: Prior to issuance of final payment, Contractor shall submit to
the Construction Manager a Final Release of All Claims for the General Contractor and all
Subcontractors; dollar limit associated with specific Subcontractors will be established by
the Construction Manager, as agreed upon by the Contractor.
710 2nd Avenue Suite 400 Seattle, WA 98104
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March 19, 2020
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3. Affidavits: Prior to issuance of final payment, Contractor shall also submit to the
Construction Manager AIA G706 — Contractor's Affidavit of Payment of Debts and Claims
and AIA G706A — Contractor's Affidavit of Release of Liens. Affidavits state that all
Subcontractors, payrolls, bills for materials, bills for equipment, and other associated
Project costs have been paid. Dollar limits associated with specific Subcontractors and
work will be established by the Construction Manager, as agreed upon by the Contractor.
4. Close -Out Requirements: Refer to Attachment B — Close -Out Documents Requirements
List and Electronic Attachment AA — Sample Forms.
C. Down Payments: No down payments or mobilization payments will be granted to the
Contractor, unless previously negotiated and agreed upon by the Owner and Construction
A. Definitions:
Activity: A discrete part of the Project that can be identified for planning, scheduling,
monitoring, and controlling the Construction Project. Activities included on the Master
Project Schedule consume time and resources.
Critical Activity: An activity that must start and finish on planned early start and finish
times in order to avoid any delays.
B. Master Project Schedule:
1. Schedule:
a. The Master Project Schedule shall be in a detailed precedence -style, sequence -driven
schedule with each major construction task delineated.
b. The Master Project Schedule shall: 1) provide a graphic representation of all activities
and events that will occur during performance of the Work; 2) identify each phase of
construction; 3) set forth dates that ensure the timely and orderly completion of the
Work in accordance with the requirements of the Contract Documents; 4) provide a
work start date, projected work schedule, and projected work completion date
consistent with Contractor's proposal for the Work; and 5) account for required shop
drawings, select submittals, material fabrication, and material sequencing.
c. A copy of the Master Project Schedule should be posted within the job site
construction office and accessible for review by the Project Team on an as needed
2. Distribution of Schedule:
a. Contractor shall submit a Master Project Schedule to the Construction Manager no
later than fifteen (15) calendar days after the award of the Construction Contract.
b. The Master Project Schedule shall be updated by the Contractor and reviewed with
the Construction Manager on a monthly basis, unless otherwise determined by the
Construction Manager or the Construction Contract.
Monitoring and Review of Schedule:
a. Initial Schedule: The Owner, Construction Manager, and Architect shall review the
initial proposed Master Project Schedule.
710 2nd Avenue Suite 400 Seattle, WA 98104
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March 19, 2020
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b. Monitoring: The Contractor shall monitor the progress of the Work for conformance
with the Master Project Schedule and shall promptly advise the Construction Manager
of any delays or potential delays. In the event a progress report indicates a delay, the
Contractor shall propose an affirmative plan to correct the delay, including overtime
and/or additional labor, if necessary.
c. Regular Schedule Review: The Owner, Construction Manager, and Architect shall
regularly review the Master Project Schedule.
C. Three -Week Look -Ahead Schedules: Updated Three -Week Look -Ahead Schedules shall be
provided by the Contractor at every Project Meeting. If meetings occur at intervals other than
weekly, Contractor shall submit updated Three -Week Look -Ahead Schedules on a weekly basis
to the Construction Manager independent of the meetings. Three -Week Look -Ahead
Schedules do not constitute an adjustment in the Contract Time, unless any such adjustment
is agreed to by the Owner and authorized pursuant to a Change Order.
A. Safety:
1. General:
a. Contractor shall take all measures to ensure safety while on site, including the use of
fall protections and temporary railings, where required.
b. Contractor shall comply with all regulations enacted by WISHA, as well as those
enforced by all other applicable regulatory agencies.
c. During construction, implement necessary procedures and protections to protect
property, pedestrians, and structures from damage, including, but not limited to,
falling materials or tools, and trip hazards.
d. Site safety is not limited to normal working hours.
e. Contractor is responsible for construction site safety during construction. Contractor's
Safety Officer shall visit the site and conduct regular safety inspections, as needed,
and in compliance with the site -specific Safety Plan.
f. Maintain access to firefighting equipment and access to all fire hydrants.
g. Contractor shall conduct safety meetings with their entire crew on a weekly basis.
Safety Plan: Contractor shall produce for review by the Construction Manager a site -
specific Safety Plan. The Safety Plan will be maintained on site at all times, including prior
to commencing Work. Safety Plan shall address all aspects of safety relative to the Work,
including, but not limited to, fall hazards, pedestrian safety, and specific fire prevention
measures where "hot work" is required.
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B. Scheduling and Sequencing:
1. Material Installations: Contractor bears sole responsibility for installing all materials in
proper sequences indicated on the Drawings or as directed by the Architect. Contractor
shall account for all relevant factors when planning to install and installing all materials in
the proper sequence. Such factors include, but are not limited to, the Construction
Documents, manufacturers' installation instructions, requirements, and
recommendations, the weather, material lead times, and proper material installation
practices. Contractor shall review all information available and notify Architect of any
discrepancies in the Construction Documents, which preclude installing materials in the
proper sequence.
a. Out -of -Sequence Work: If Contractor fails to install any materials in the proper
sequence, Contractor shall bear all costs, including the Owner's expenses for the
Architect and/or Construction Manager, to remediate the out -of -sequence work.
Architect reserves the right to closely manage, oversee, and direct any remedial work.
Contractor shall bear all costs, including the Owner's expenses for the Architect
and/or Construction Manager, for review of any change to the Construction
Documents requested by the Contractor arising out of this remedial work. Any
changes requested will be accepted or rejected at the sole discretion of the Architect
without regard for the cost savings or convenience to the Contractor. Remedial details
and revisions will be prepared and directed by the Architect.
Operations Coordination:
Contractor shall coordinate construction operations included in different Specification
Sections to ensure efficient and orderly installations of each part of the Work.
Contractor shall coordinate construction operations that depend on each other for
proper installations, connections, or operations.
Construction operations shall be scheduled in sequence, in order to obtain the best
results where installation of one part of the Work depends on the installation of other
components, before or after its own installation.
Subcontractor Coordination:
a. Contractor shall coordinate Subcontractors' sequence of activities to accommodate
required quality assurance and quality control services, with a minimum of delay, and
to avoid necessity of removing and replacing construction materials to accommodate
testing, inspection, and out -of -sequence work.
b. It is the responsibility of the Contractor to ensure each Subcontractor understands the
effect their work will have on subsequent work of others. Contractor shall ensure such
Subcontractors account for sequencing and scheduling with other Subcontractors to
ensure complete and cohesive installations and results. When necessary, Contractor
shall hold installation meetings or distribute memorandums outlining coordination
requirements, expectations, sequencing, and scheduling.
c. General Contractor shall coordinate the Work, including the work of all
Subcontractors and suppliers, and not delegate responsibility for coordination to any
other party.
d. Contractor shall coordinate the interrelationship of all Subcontractors and suppliers,
and their relationship with their total work.
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e. Contractor shall resolve differences or disputes between Subcontractors and/or
material suppliers.
f. Contractor shall ensure, where the work of one trade is dependent upon the work of
another trade, the work first installed is properly placed, installed, aligned, and
finished, as specified in the Construction Documents, or as required to properly
receive subsequent materials applied or attached thereto.
g. Contractor is responsible to direct Subcontractors to correct defects in substrates they
install when Subcontractors of subsequent materials have a reasonable and justifiable
objection to such surfaces and substrates. Contractor should not direct or encourage
Subcontractors to apply or install materials to improperly finished products,
substrates, and assemblies, under improper conditions, or to improperly prepared
C. Quality Control and Oversight:
1. Quality Control:
a. Contractor shall perform, review, and administer quality control for work performed
by its own crews and its Subcontractors' crews in accordance with the Construction
Documents for the duration of construction.
b. At minimum, quality control shall be performed, reviewed, and administered by the
Contractor's Project Manager, Superintendent(s), Assistant Superintendent(s), and
Foremen, as well as, all Subcontractors' Foremen.
c. Contractor shall ensure that any Subcontractors, or their crews, contracted to perform
work will comply with all terms of this Document and any other Construction
d. Quality Control Plan: If requested, Contractor shall provide a quality control plan to
the Construction Manager and/or Architect for quality assurance and quality control
activities and responsibilities during construction.
Crew Supervision:
a. Contractor is responsible for all crew members under its supervision. Contractor and
all Subcontractors' crews shall maintain appropriate jobsite behavior to the
satisfaction of the Owner. Inappropriate behavior will not be tolerated, including, but
not limited to, tobacco use, smoking, drugs, alcohol, profanity, pets, or radios within
designated construction areas. Construction Manager, at its sole discretion, may levy
a fine of up to $100 against the Contractor per violation of these work rules.
b. Contractor shall provide an appropriate number of garbage containers for crew
members' trash at discrete locations throughout the site.
c. Contractor shall conduct background checks suitable for individuals expected to work
in occupied Units. Verification of such background checks shall be provided to the
Construction Manager upon request.
d. Contractor shall conduct suitable drug tests of crew members scheduled to be on site
and provide verification of said testing upon request to the Construction Manager.
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D. Mitigation of Damages:
1. Documentation of Existing Conditions: Contractor will have the opportunity, and is
strongly encouraged, to photo or video document any existing damage at the start of the
Project, including at the building's exterior, within common areas, or within Units. Such
documentation will become a part of the Project Records and be compiled as a part of the
Close -Out Documents; refer to Attachment B — Close -Out Documents Requirements List.
Refer to Part 2, 2.8, B, 1 for additional information.
Site Protections: Refer to Part 5, 5.6, D for parameters.
Allegations of Damage Beyond Work Area: Allegations of damage by the Contractor or its
Subcontractors during construction, such as, but not limited to, damage to existing
finishes (scheduled to remain and not associated with areas of the Work), or Owner or
Occupant personal property, will be directed to and decided at the sole discretion of the
Construction Manager, unless determined otherwise by the Construction Manager. Repair
of such damage caused by Contractor or any Subcontractor operations shall be the sole
responsibility of the Contractor and shall be performed expeditiously with the utmost care
and skill.
E. Occupants' Personal Property: As requested by the Construction Manager, and as agreed
upon by the Contractor, the Contractor will complete limited content manipulation of large or
heavy removable personal property items at designated work areas, including, but not limited
to: 1) work areas within Units; and 2) at or adjacent to exterior walls. As agreed upon between
the Construction Manager and Contractor, Contractor will perform such services as a part of
an Owner Allowance or Contingency. If such an Allowance was not provided, and content
manipulation services are requested of the Contractor during construction, the Contractor will
be asked to provide a proposal to perform such services.
A. Requirements:
1. General:
a. Refer to Specification Sections for areas, assemblies, and materials where mock-ups
are required.
b. All mock-ups will be reasonably scheduled in advance of affected work.
c. Completed and approved mock-ups will establish expectations, precedence,
parameters, and constraints for the quality, alignments, aesthetics, and/or function of
the products, materials, assemblies, and/or installation of the Work.
a. Each and every step in the mock-up process must be observed by the Architect, unless
discussed and agreed upon otherwise in advance between the Architect and
b. If portions or steps of any mock-up are started or completed without observation by
the Architect, such portions or steps can be rejected at the sole discretion of the
Architect. If a mock-up in part or in whole is rejected, Contractor shall reschedule the
mock-up to comply with all mock-up provisions outlined here in Part 3, 3.2.
710 2nd Avenue Suite 400 Seattle, WA 98104
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Additional Mock -Ups:
a. If the specified mock-ups are not performed correctly or are not completed, the
Contractor is responsible to perform additional mock-ups in order to demonstrate its
understanding of the details and design intent to the Architect's sole satisfaction.
b. Additional field mock-ups, as requested by the Architect, and agreed upon by the
Contractor, may also be required in order to solidify the design of a specific area or
condition at no additional cost to the Owner.
c. Contractor may also electively complete additional mock-ups in order to fully
understand the details and design, or to convey suggested modifications to select
4. Review and Attendees:
Mock-ups will be provided by the Contractor for review by the Architect and
Construction Manager, as noted and outlined in select Specification Sections.
Additional parties in attendance at mock-ups shall include, but are not limited to, the
following: 1) the installation Subcontractors' Installers, Foreman and Supervisors; 2)
the Contractor's Superintendents) and Foremen; and 3) associated manufacturers'
Where specifically noted, engage qualified manufacturers' representatives to observe
or inspect mock-ups and material installations in accordance with Specification
Sections or as required to meet warranty requirements. Manufacturers'
representatives shall prepare written reports of their observations and any
recommendations made during their site visit.
c. Architect will document mock-up observations and discussions in FRs.
A. Miscellaneous Testing:
1. General:
a. Contractor shall provide any testing or inspection services required by the
Specifications and manufacturers, as required to qualify substrates, compatibility,
adhesion, installation procedures, installation sequencing, primers, etc.
b. All test reports or documentation shall be distributed to the Project Team for their
a. Specific quality assurance and quality control requirements for select materials and
products are specified in Specification Sections. Specification Sections may also
establish testing requirements for production and fabrication standards.
b. Specified tests, inspections, and related actions noted in individual Specification
Sections do not limit the Contractor's quality assurance and quality control
procedures outlined in the Construction Documents.
c. Where specifically noted, engage qualified manufacturers' representatives to assist
with or perform testing in accordance with Specification Sections. Manufacturers'
representatives shall prepare written reports of such field testing, their observations
on site, and any recommendations made as a result of such testing.
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Close -Out Requirements: All testing reports, including manufacturers' representatives'
observation reports, shall be included as a part of the Close -Out Documents; refer to
Attachment B — Close -Out Documents Requirements List.
B. Performance Water Testing (Where Required and As Noted in Select Specification Sections):
1. General: Refer to select Specification Sections for specific performance water testing
2. Testing: Water testing may be performed by a third -party testing agency coordinated by
the Construction Manager at select windows, window walls, storefronts, curtain walls,
sliding glass doors, and man doors during construction, as they exist, and paid for by the
Owner as a part of the Project budget. Third -party testing agency will document testing
results and issue test reports to the Construction Manager and Architect. The
Construction Manager will distribute the test reports to the Project Team. The Architect
and Construction Manager will be in attendance during the performance water testing. As
needed, additional testing documentation will be included in FRs.
3. Contractor Responsibilities:
BSOW: Contractor's responsibilities include, but are not limited to, providing and
installing interior protections at affected areas, coordination and facilitation of access
within units and at water source locations, and facilitation and assistance of running
hoses and water hook-ups during water testing, as requested by the Construction
Manager. Such services shall be accounted for in the Contractor's Stipulated Sum.
Allowance Work: In order to facilitate testing, the Construction Manager will
coordinate with the Contractor in advance relative to the building of plenums and
interior finish removals. If the Contractor is requested by the Construction Manager to
provide plenums or interior finish removals, payment for such work will be made via
an Owner Allowance or Contingency.
C. Pull Tests:
1. General:
a. Contractor shall provide for pull tests for all products requiring adhesion or
b. Pull or adhesion test requirements are delineated in select Specification Sections.
c. Provide pull or adhesion tests as recommended and required by each manufacturer
prior to moving forward with the installation of their products or materials.
d. Pull or adhesion tests shall be performed by qualified manufacturers' or designated
third -party representatives.
Close -Out Documentation: Provide appropriate documentation relative to such tests, as
documented by the manufacturers' or third -party representatives, with the Close -Out
Documents; refer to Attachment B — Close -Out Documents Requirements List.
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A. Close -Out Document Requirements: All inspection reports included as a part of this Item shall
be submitted as a part of the Close -Out Documents; refer to Attachment B — Close -Out
B. Permit Inspections (When Applicable): Contractor shall comply with all inspection
requirements established by the City or Jurisdiction, as identified on issued permit(s).
Inspections required by permit and performed by City or Jurisdictional Officials shall be
coordinated by the Contractor in a timely manner and in accordance with permit
C. Special Inspections (When Applicable): Special Inspections, when required by permit,
jurisdictional law, and/or code, such as inspections associated with, but not limited to, epoxy
injection, site welding, grout pocket preparation and installations, and any other inspections,
will be paid for by the Owner. The Construction Manager will coordinate and engage Special
Inspection Company(ies). During construction, Contractor will be responsible to coordinate
Special Inspection site visits in a timely manner and in accordance with their construction
schedule to comply with permit, jurisdictional law, and code requirements. Special Inspectors
shall prepare and submit inspection reports to the Contractor and Construction Manager for
all inspections.
A. Requirements:
1. General:
a. Purpose: The intent of Preinstallation Conferences is to review design intent, details,
specifications, expectations of select materials and assembly installations, and ensure
compliance with information included in Specification Sections.
2. General:
a. Preinstallation Conferences shall be conducted for select material and assembly
installations, as noted in Specification Sections.
b. Contractor shall not proceed with any installations if required Preinstallation
Conferences have not been held or cannot be successfully concluded.
c. Additional Preinstallation Conferences shall be held at the request of the Contractor,
Construction Manager, or Architect, as deemed necessary.
a. Contractor shall coordinate with the Architect regarding the scheduling of
Preinstallation Conferences.
b. Preinstallation Conferences shall be held on site with Subcontractors, Installers, and
Manufacturer's Representatives prior to the installation of any materials.
4. Attendees: At minimum, Contractor, Installer(s), Architect, and Construction Manager
should be in attendance. Contractor is responsible for taking notes and documenting
direction and discussions at Preinstallation Conferences. Manufacturers' representatives
shall be in attendance when requested or as deemed necessary.
710 2nd Avenue Suite 400 Seattle, WA 98104
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5. Documentation: Architect will document Preinstallation Conferences in FRs distributed to
the Project Team for their records.
A. New and Existing Materials:
1. Section 0110 00: All major new materials used to complete the Work are described in
Section 0110 00 — Description of the Work, the Specifications, and/or the Drawings. All
existing materials scheduled to remain installed are described in Section 0110 00 —
Description of the Work and/or the Drawings.
2. Condition: All new materials and equipment incorporated into the Work shall be in new
condition (in accordance with the Specifications) and in good working order, as
determined by the Architect or Construction Manager. All existing or reused materials and
equipment shall be in like -new acceptable condition and in good working order, except as
approved or noted by the Architect or Construction Manager. All new and existing
materials shall be suitable for their intended use.
3. Existing Materials to Be Covered: All existing building materials (not removed from
buildings) must be dried out prior to the installation of subsequent new and reused
materials. Existing framing and plywood sheathing shall be dried to achieve a maximum
nineteen percent (19%) moisture content.
4. Material Reuse: Existing items scheduled to be reused and reinstalled shall be labeled and
diagrammed for ease of reinstallation. Materials shall be safely stored undamaged. All
reused materials shall be properly cleaned and prepared prior to reinstallation.
5. Products: Provide new and existing products complete with accessories, trims, finishes,
fasteners, and other items needed for complete installations, and to achieve specified
uses and intent.
6. Material Quality: All new and reused materials shall be qualified by the Contractor's and
Subcontractor's crews prior to installation to ensure materials are free of damage and
exhibit the best visual representation of the product possible.
B. Non -Specified Materials: Contractor shall describe any new non -specified and assumed
material(s) on the Bid Form. Where a material is not fully specified, Contractor or other
parties are to assume a material of equal or greater quality to that of the existing materials.
Sufficient information is available in the collective Construction Documents to allow the
Contractor to prepare a price for the Work.
C. Modifications to Existing Materials and Assemblies: Select existing materials and subsequent
assemblies, such as hose bibs, exhaust ducts, pull stations, fire alarm systems, and any other
existing building system materials and assemblies may require modification to or extension of
such assemblies in order to accommodate new cladding systems, depths, or installations.
Contractor shall verify existing conditions and coordinate such installations with specified
cladding assemblies.
710 2nd Avenue Suite 400 Seattle, WA 98104
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D. Moisture, Organic Growth, and Decay Control:
Moisture Control and Protections: Contractor shall avoid trapping any water within or
behind finished work. Before installation of membranes, weather resistive barriers, and
other construction materials, Contractor shall adequately protect areas from exposure to
moisture and high humidity. Do not install wet or water damaged materials.
Organic Growth: Contractor shall document and inform the Architect and Construction
Manager of any visible signs of organic growth observed during construction. Contractor
shall seek direction from the Architect and Construction Manager to address organic
growth prior to closing and covering. Contractor shall perform repairs to affected areas as
a part of a designated Owner Allowance or Contingency.
Decay: Contractor shall document and inform the Architect and Construction Manager of
any visible signs of decay, rot, or other damage to framing, sheathings, and other
materials observed during construction. Contractor shall seek direction from the Architect
and Construction Manager to address decay, rot, and damage prior to closing and
covering. Contractor shall perform repairs to affected areas as a part of a designated
Owner Allowance or Contingency.
A. General: Contractor shall store, handle, and protect all new and reused materials in
accordance with manufacturers' installation instructions, requirements, and
recommendations, and the Specifications.
B. Handling: All new and reused materials shall be carefully handled in such a manner to not
damage, abrade, or adversely affect the quality and finish of the materials and products.
Materials damaged as a result of handling will be replaced at the Contractor's expense.
C. Storage:
1. Requirements:
a. All new and reused materials scheduled to be installed during construction shall be
stored in such a manner as to maintain sound material qualities, in new or original
conditions, including, but not limited to, dry, well protected, and stable environments,
and not in contact with ground or moisture.
b. Such materials shall not become abraded, deteriorated, deformed, form organic
growth, or be damaged in any manner that affects the materials' performance,
quality, or aesthetics.
c. Damaged materials shall not be installed as a part of the Work.
d. Materials damaged as a result of inadequate storage will be replaced at the
Contractor's expense.
e. Store products in a manner to allow for inspection and measurement of quantity or
counting of units by Contractor or Construction Manager.
f. Refer to Part 5, 5.6, C for additional information.
2. Storage Areas: Contractor is to store all surplus building materials in designated storage
areas at the end of each day; no materials shall be stored outside designated storage
areas, unless approved by the Construction Manager.
710 2nd Avenue Suite 400 Seattle, WA 98104
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3. Loading Existing Structure(s): Contractor shall take any necessary precautions as to not
overload buildings' structures when storing and staging materials on roofs or other
building areas. Contractor shall coordinate with Architect, Construction Manager, and
Structural Engineer for verification of structure, if needed.
4. Securement: Ensure materials are securely tied down and unable to be moved by wind or
any other environmental event.
5. Project Materials: Only materials and equipment that are to be used directly in the Work
shall be brought to and stored on the Project site by the Contractor.
A. General:
Requirements: Deliver products to site in undamaged conditions, in manufacturers'
original sealed containers, or other packaging systems, complete with identifying labels,
intact and legible, and complete with instructions for handling, storing, unpacking,
protecting, and installing.
Quality: Contractor shall inspect all products upon delivery to determine compliance with
the Construction Documents, and to determine that products are undamaged and
properly protected.
Schedule deliveries to minimize long-term storage at Project site and to prevent
overcrowding of construction areas.
Coordinate deliveries with installation times to ensure minimum holding time for
items that are easily damaged, flammable, hazardous, or sensitive to deterioration,
theft, and other losses.
B. Pick Up and Deliveries on Street and Driveways:
1. Coordination: Unless agreed upon otherwise, Contractor shall coordinate site pick-up and
delivery locations and requirements with the Construction Manager prior to coordinating
and scheduling any construction material deliveries and pick-ups.
2. Locations: Pick-up and delivery locations may include, but are not limited to, the use of
driveways or adjacent street(s) for scheduled deliveries, transportation, loading and
unloading, and any other construction activities by Contractor's crews.
A. General:
Manufacturers' Requirements: Comply with manufacturers' written installation
instructions, requirements, and recommendations, for installing products and materials in
conjunction with specified and detailed applications and systems.
a. Install products under conditions and within timing that will ensure the best possible
b. Maintain conditions required for product performance during curing and drying.
710 2nd Avenue Suite 400 Seattle, WA 98104
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c. Conduct construction operations so that no part of the Work is subjected to damaging
operations or loading in excess of that expected during normal conditions of
occupancy, unless determined otherwise by the Structural Engineer.
B. Protections: Properly protect newly installed materials and building components from damage
or deterioration prior to and until Substantial Completion. Comply with manufacturers'
protection and maintenance instructions, when applicable.
C. Alignments: Locate the Work and components of the Work accurately, in correct alignments
and elevations, as indicated on Drawings and in Specifications. Make vertical work plumb and
make horizontal work level, unless noted otherwise.
D. Sequencing: Sequence the Work and allow adequate clearances to accommodate movement
of construction items on site and placement into permanent locations.
E. Material Compatibility: Contractor will verify and coordinate the compatibility of materials
(from differing manufacturers) installed as a part of assemblies or systems, and for
installations where differing materials interface and share adjacencies. Contractor shall
identify any incompatibilities and bring such issues to the attention of the Architect.
F. Concealed Materials: Conceal pipes and wiring in finished areas, unless otherwise indicated or
G. Painting: Prep, prime, and paint any paintable existing materials directly adjacent to that
which is affected by the Work and/or within the Scope of Work area; paint all existing
materials corner to corner or to the nearest change in plane. Paint any existing paintable or
previously painted materials scheduled to remain installed, adjacent to and within the Scope
of Work, which are damaged during the Work.
H. Expansion Provisions: Provide for expansion and contraction movement of materials, systems,
and assemblies, with respect to installations, details, and joinery. Coordinate specific detailing
and aesthetics associated with expansion provisions with the Architect.
I. Tolerances:
1. General: Tolerances are typically established in individual Specification Sections and/or on
the Drawings, which establish guidelines, parameters, alignments, etc. that support
overall Design Intent. Prior to installation of materials and products, Contractor shall
inform itself of the guidelines and tolerances established in the Specifications and/or
Drawings. Tolerances established in individual Specification Sections and on the Drawings
prevail over any manufacturers' or industry standard guidelines, unless less strict.
2. Materials and Products: Unless specified otherwise in individual Specification Sections
and/or on the Drawings, product and material tolerances shall be based on
manufacturers' printed product literature, or as established by other industry standard
guidelines, whichever is stricter. Contractor shall be responsible for qualifying new and
existing materials and products prior to (re)installation, to ensure such materials and
products comply with the Design Intent and expectations for the Project.
710 2nd Avenue Suite 400 Seattle, WA 98104
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3. Installations and Workmanship: Unless specified otherwise in individual Specification
Sections and/or on the Drawings, installation and workmanship tolerances must conform
with Design Intent, and any additional guidelines provided by the Architect during
4. Non -Conforming Work: If materials, products, and installations do not comply with the
Design Intent or established criteria, Architect, at its sole discretion, will direct the
Contractor to replace non -conforming materials, products, and installations at the
Contractor's own expense. Architect will also direct replacement of poorly or unqualified
installed materials or products.
A. General:
1. General: Adhere to all requirements stated in Part 4, 4.5. Information within this Item
applies to all submittal types, unless deemed not applicable or noted otherwise by the
Architect, including Part 4, 4.5, G.
2. Requirements: Product submittals and samples will be required for certain components,
as noted in the Specifications.
3. Procedure: The Architect will review and approve or reject submittals and samples.
Submittals shall be reviewed by the Architect for material, product or assembly
compliance, and design intent, as established by the Construction Documents.
4. Submission: Submittals shall be bundled together (as a collated and electronic PDF) and
submitted in as few packages as possible. Submissions provided in an incomplete or
piecemeal manner will not be considered ready for review. When applicable, Contractor
shall coordinate submission of different types of submittals for related parts of the Work,
so that processing will not be delayed because of the need to review submittals
concurrently for coordination. Physical samples should only be provided to the Architect,
as required by select Specification Sections.
5. Precedence: Contractor shall not begin fabrication or installation of Work that requires an
approved submittal, until the respective submittal has been approved and returned by the
6. Document Retention: Contractor shall retain all Standard and Custom Submittals
forwarded to and returned by the Architect for review and approval on site, either
digitally or via hardcopy. Such submittals shall be readily available for review by the
Architect, Construction Manager on site at any time during construction.
7. Specified Materials: For select materials where specific or custom finishes are required,
select material samples are available for review by the Contractor at the Architect's office
for verification of the exact finish, texture, and color of the specified material.
8. Submittal Log:
a. At Beginning of Construction: Architect will prepare a submittal log for the Project.
Prior to issuance of any submittals, Architect and Contractor will review submittal log
to ensure concurrence with listed submittal requirements. Additional submittal log
information will be coordinated at the Preconstruction Meeting.
710 2nd Avenue Suite 400 Seattle, WA 98104
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b. During Construction: Architect will upkeep and maintain the submittal log. The
submittal log will likely undergo various iterations as construction progresses.
Submittal log will be provided to the Contractor for its use on a regular or as needed
c. Contractor's Responsibility: Maintenance of the submittal log by the Architect does
not circumvent the Contractor or its Subcontractors' responsibility from
understanding the Project Documents or Specifications. Contractor is responsible for
referencing and utilizing the submittal log, and for qualifying the information
published in the submittal log. If questions or discrepancies arise, bring them to the
attention of the Architect for clarification.
B. Definitions:
1. Standard Submittals: Standard Submittals are submittals that include, but are not limited
to, manufacturers' product data, installation instructions, and manufacturers' standard
details (only as applicable). Standard Submittals shall represent the materials, products,
and assemblies the Contractor or its Subcontractors intend to install, including pertinent
installation information relative to specific materials, products, and assemblies.
Contractor shall not include manufacturers' SDS (Safety Data Sheet) information and
manufacturers' standard specifications, unless specifically noted in Specification Sections.
Submittals with unnecessary or non -project specific data will be returned without review.
Custom Submittals might be required in conjunction with Standard Submittals, as noted in
the Specifications.
2. Custom Submittals: Custom Submittals are submittals that include, but are not limited to,
field measurements after demolition, shop drawings, standard color charts (hardcopy
format), colors and finishes, draw downs, engineering calculations, sample warranties,
and manufacturers' or installers' certifications. Product samples are considered Custom
3. Close -Out Submittals: Close -Out Submittals apply to all products that have, but are not
limited to, warranties, manufacturers' maintenance instructions, and manufacturers'
operating procedures. Close -Out Submittals are not always noted in Specification
Sections. Close -Out Submittals will be included as a part of the Close -Out Documents
provided by the Contractor at the completion of the Project. Refer to Attachment B —
Close -Out Documents Requirements List.
4. Contractor Retained Submittals: For select reasons, during construction, specified or
newly added material submittals might not be submitted to the Architect on site for
approval; the Architect might approve the installation of such materials in another form
other than a submittal. However, the Contractor shall track such materials and submit
applicable Standard Submittal data as a part of their submitted Close -Out Documents;
refer to Attachment B — Close -Out Documents Requirements List.
C. Submittal Time Frame:
Standard Submittals: Standard Submittals will be required no later than thirty (30) days
after the execution of the Construction Contract, unless agreed upon and determined
otherwise by the Construction Manager.
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2. Custom Submittals: Custom Submittals will be required thirty (30) days prior to ordering,
fabricating, or installation of such materials. Contractor is responsible for knowing lead
times of products and how they affect schedule and sequencing.
3. Architect's Review Time: Architect shall have two (2) calendar weeks to review each
Standard and Custom Submittal. Time frame begins upon receipt of the complete
submittal package, unless agreed upon and determined otherwise by the Architect.
4. Resubmittal Review Time: Architect shall have two (2) calendar weeks to review each
resubmitted submittal. Time frame begins upon receipt of the complete submittal
package, unless agreed upon and determined otherwise by the Architect. Architect will
review up to two (2) additional resubmitted submittals, per each material, product, or
assembly, due to insufficient submittal information. If number of resubmitted submittals
exceeds two (2), Contractor shall be solely liable for any Architect's fees incurred for
additional reviews.
D. Submittal Submissions: Unless agreed otherwise, Contractor shall forward submittals for
review in one of the following manners:
Email (Preferred Submittal Method): Submit one (1) copy of each submittal in electronic
form to Architect. Read receipts or acknowledgement emails shall be issued to the sender
upon receipt of submitted and returned submittals.
Hardcopy: Submittal method for product samples, color samples, and brochures. Submit
four (4) copies of each submittal; one (1) copy for the Owner (retained by Architect), one
(1) for the Architect, and two (2) for Contractor's records and use.
Samples: Product samples and color charts shall always be supplied in hardcopy versions
to the Architect to supplement emailed submittals. When required by Specifications, a
minimum of two (2) samples shall be provided, one (1) for the Architect and one (1) for
the Contractor, unless noted otherwise in the Specifications. If only one (1) sample is
provided for review, the Architect will retain such sample for its records and the
Contractor will receive an electronic copy of the sample with the returned submittal. At
the discretion of the Architect, select samples may be reviewed on site and documented
via photo.
4. Shop Drawings: Shop drawings or details for select Project components shall be submitted
to the Architect by the Contractor, as noted in the Specifications. Do not reproduce
Construction Document Drawings to be submitted as a part of a Submittal. Such
reproduced submittals will be rejected.
E. Submittal Requirements:
1. General: Submittals shall be submitted in a complete, organized, and reviewable manner
with sufficient detail, such as locations, sizing, dimension, colors, etc., necessary to
support a timely review. Submittals without submittal numbers and cover sheets will be
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Submittal Cover: Contractor shall submit a sample of their proposed submittal cover sheet
for review and comment by Architect prior to issuance of any submittals. A sample
submittal cover has been provided for reference in Electronic Attachment AA — Sample
a. Submittals shall have a cover sheet, including, but not limited to, the following
i. Submittal Number.
ii. Product acronym or identifier (i.e. SLNT-2)
iii. Product.
iv. Product description.
v. Date.
vi. Contractor.
vii. Subcontractor, if applicable.
viii. Specification Section Number.
ix. Description of product use and locations.
x. List of items included in submittal.
xi. Contractor review stamp.
3. Submittal Numbering: Submittals shall be numbered separately and sequentially, for each
specific submittal package. Submittal packages can be comprised of one product or
multiple products. Each product in a submittal package will have a separate Item Number.
Item Numbers shall be sequential and begin at number 1 for each submittal. For example,
Submittal Number 1.12 represents Submittal Number 1, Item Number 12.
4. Resubmitted Submittals: Submittals requesting resubmittal require additional action
based on returned submittal comments. Resubmitted submittals shall be designated with
an "-R" behind the submittal number. Contractor shall reuse the previous submittal
number for the resubmitted product. For example, the previous Submittal Number of 1.12
will be resubmitted as Submittal Number 1.12-R.
5. Rejected Submittals: Rejected submittals may or may not require additional action. If
additional action is needed, provide the subsequent submittal, as follow-up for the
rejected submittal, under a new submittal number, versus with an "-R" as if it was a
6. Contractor Review Stamp:
a. All Contractor and Subcontractor submittals shall be reviewed and redlined by the
General Contractor prior to submission to the Architect. Contractor shall acknowledge
this review by signing and dating the Contractor Review Stamp. Submittals not
stamped and signed by the General Contractor will not be reviewed with prompt
notification by the Architect.
b. By approving and submitting shop drawings, product data, samples, and similar
submittals, the Contractor represents it has determined and verified materials,
products, assemblies, field measurements, and field construction criteria related
thereto, and has checked and coordinated the information contained within such
submittals with the requirements of the Work and the Construction Documents.
c. Contractor shall identify options requiring selection by Architect.
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d. Contractor shall mark-up and note any pertinent deviations or additional information
on submittals prior to distribution to Architect, including, but not limited to, minor
variations, limitations, dimensions, and colors, as well as remove and strike irrelevant
and unnecessary data for clarity. If more than one product, color, or assembly is
included on product data, as a part of the submission, the Contractor shall mark-up
product data accordingly to identify exact products, colors, and/or assemblies
intended for use.
7. Coordination:
a. Contractor shall coordinate preparation and processing of submittals with fabrication,
purchasing, testing, delivery, other submittals, and related activities that require
sequential activity.
b. Submit all submittal items required for each Specification Section concurrently.
Architect Action Stamps: Architect has two (2) stamps for use when reviewing submittals: 1) a
stamp for Standard Submittals and select Custom Submittals; and 2) a stamp for Shop
Drawings. Architect shall stamp each submittal with an action stamp and mark stamp
appropriately to indicate action Contractor shall take, as follows:
a. Final Unrestricted Release: Work covered by submittal may proceed provided it
complies with the requirements of the Construction Documents.
a. Final Restricted Release: Work covered by submittal may proceed provided it complies
with and implements comments, modifications, and corrections noted on submittal,
and complies with the requirements of the Construction Documents.
a. Returned for Re -Submittal: Do not proceed with Work covered by submittal, including
purchasing, fabrication, delivery, or any other activity. Provide revised submittal that
complies and implements comments, modifications, and corrections noted on
submittal, and complies with the requirements of the Construction Documents.
Resubmit to Architect for additional review. Repeat as necessary to obtain a releasing
Rejected From Use: Work or product covered by submittal may NOT proceed or be
i. No Further Action Required: Submittal may be rejected with no further action
required. Meaning, the rejected product or material will not be used on the
Project and no other product or material will take its place.
ii. Further Action Required: Submittal may be rejected, but further action may be
required. If product is rejected and comments indicate another product or
material must be submitted in its place, submit alternate product or material in
accordance with Part 4, 4.5, E, 5.
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Portion of Submittal Not Reviewed by Architect: Portion of submittal not reviewed by
Architect due to inability to make changes to information. An example of such might
be a technical data sheet submitted by a manufacturer.
i. RECEIVED: Where a submittal is for information or record purposes, special
reasoning, or other activity, Architect will return submittal without action.
ii. NOT REQUIRED: Select submittals not required by the Construction Documents
may be returned by the Architect without action.
G. Bidder Alternates:
1. Submissions During Bidding:
a. Form: A Bidder Alternate Form has been provided in the Forms Section of the Bid
Documents. Contractor must use provided Bidder Alternate Form when submitting for
Bidder Alternates during bidding. Contractor must meet all requirements listed herein
and on the Bid Form. If submitted otherwise, the alternate request will not be
reviewed or accepted.
b. Submission: Bidder Alternate Forms shall be submitted by Bidding General
Contractors only, not by Subcontractors, manufacturers' representatives, or suppliers.
Forms submitted by entities other than Bidding General Contractor will not be
c. Timing: If submitting an alternate product during bidding, Bidding General Contractor
shall submit a Bidder Alternate Form(s) along with the Bid Form at or prior to the Bid
Intake Date.
d. Base Scope of Work Pricing: All Bidders must submit pricing in accordance with
Section 0110 00 — Description of the Work (BSOW). Bidder Alternates are
supplemental and voluntary in addition to the BSOW and shall be accompanied by
additive or deductive pricing where applicable, as noted on the Bidder Alternate
Form. Contractor shall submit product data as noted on Bidder Alternate form, as a
part of the alternate submission.
e. Parameters: Bidder alternates will only be reviewed, if permitted by associated
Specification Sections. If Specification Sections note "No Alternates or Substitutions,"
product alternates or substitutions will not be permitted.
f. Product Identification: Whenever a product is specified by using a proprietary name
or the name of a particular manufacturer or vendor, the specific item noted shall be
understood as establishing the type, function, dimension, appearance, and quality
desired. The Architect shall determine if the proposed alternate product is of equal or
greater quality than the product specified.
g. Timing: Refer to Part 4, 4.5, H, 3, a for timing requirements during bidding.
During Construction: Refer to additional information in Part 4, 4.5, H, 2, c and 3, b for
additional information regarding the use of the Bidder Alternate Form for substitutions
during construction.
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H. Substitutions:
1. No Substitutions: Product substitutions will not be permitted if Specification Sections note
"No Substitutions".
2. Product Substitutions:
a. Substitutions will not be allowed unless specifically delineated or outlined in
Specification Sections and approved by the Architect.
b. Refer to Specification Sections for authorized product substitutions. Potential
substitutions are typically noted as "Or Equal".
i. Specific or named materials and products are denoted in individual Specification
Sections. Product substitutions of equal or greater quality may be substituted for
specified manufacturers' products only when noted or allowed. Whenever a
product is specified by using a proprietary name or the name of a particular
manufacturer or vendor, the specific item noted shall be understood as
establishing the type, function, dimension, appearance, and quality desired. The
Architect will determine if the Contractor's recommended product substitutions
are of equal or greater quality to specified products.
c. During construction, if the Contractor elects to propose substituted material(s) for
justified reasons, Bidder Alternate Form must be submitted to the Architect for review
and approval, as a part of a formal material or assembly Substitution Request, in
conjunction with Standard Submittal documentation of specified and substituted
products. Refer to Bidder Alternate Form in the Forms Section of the Bid Documents.
3. Timing:
a. Bid Phase:
i. Qualified Substitutions: Allowed product substitutions shall be identified on the
Bid Form at the time of Bid Intake.
ii. Un-Qualified Substitutions: No product substitutions will be allowed during
bidding, except at the sole discretion of the Architect. Substitution Requests
during bidding will be reviewed only under the following circumstances: 1) the
specified product is unavailable; 2) an alternate product may provide performance
advantages to the overall Project; or 3) an alternate product may provide a cost
savings (credit) to the Owner. Contractor must provide Standard Submittal
information for both the specified product and the proposed substitution product.
If required Standard Submittal information is not submitted appropriately,
request will be rejected. The reason for the proposed change shall be submitted
on an accompanying Bidder Alternate Form; refer to the Forms Section of the Bid
b. During Construction: No product substitutions will be allowed during construction,
except at the sole discretion of the Architect. Substitution Requests during
construction will be reviewed only under the following circumstances: 1) the specified
product is unavailable; 2) an alternate product may provide performance advantages
to the overall Project; or 3) an alternate product may provide a cost savings (credit) to
the Owner. Contractor must provide Standard Submittal information for both the
specified product and the proposed substitution product as items of a single
submittal. Contractor shall note the submittal is a Substitution Request on the
submittal cover sheet. The reason for the proposed change shall be submitted on an
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accompanying Bidder Alternate Form; refer to the Forms Section of the Bid
Documents. Refer to Part 4, 4.5, H, 2, c for additional information. Custom Submittals
will be required, as applicable; coordinate exact submission requirements with
A. General:
Purpose: In addition to materials, the Specifications also describe preparation and
installation procedures and requirements.
a. Specifications are not provided for all materials. Specifications are only provided for
materials in which a specific material or established quality of material is desired. In
addition to the Specifications, materials are also described in Section 0110 00 —
Description of the Work and the Drawing Set.
b. Where Specifications are not provided for replacement materials, Contractor shall
install materials of equal or better quality to the material originally installed, unless
directed otherwise by the Architect. Such materials must be approved by the
B. Reference Standards: If compliance with two (2) or more standards are specified, and the
standards established have different or conflicting requirements for minimum requirements
or quality levels, comply with the most stringent requirements specified. Refer conflicting
requirements that are different, but apparently equal, to the Architect for a decision before
C. Product Requirements: Products identified within individual Specification Sections fall into the
following categories:
1. Named Products: Items identified by manufacturer's product name, including make,
model number, or other designation noted to establish the significant qualities related to
type, function, dimension, in-service performance, physical properties, appearance, and
other characteristics shown or listed in manufacturers' published product literature, that
are current as of the date of the Construction Documents.
2. Comparable Products: Products that are demonstrated and approved through the
submittal process to have the indicated qualities related to type, function, dimension, in-
service performance, physical properties, appearance, and other characteristics that are
equal to or exceed those of the specified product. Specific "Or Equal" products might be
listed within individual Specification Sections if certain products are deemed of equal or
better quality to that specified by the Architect.
3. Performance Requirements: In some Specification Sections, named products are not cited.
However, if desired quality and performance expectations exist for the Project,
performance requirements are noted in Specification Sections. Performance requirements
establish quality and performance criteria for materials and workmanship, including the
desired outcome or result. The nature of the performance requirements may be defined
by the desired outcome or by reference standards. Performance requirements establish
certain standards that must be met, but do not necessarily specify exact materials and
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how to accomplish the Work; such materials and methodologies shall be determined by
the Contractor or its Subcontractors via research, discovery, historical knowledge, mock-
ups, and testing.
A. General: Refer to Section 02 42 00 — Removal and Demolition of Construction Materials.
B. Definitions:
1. Construction Waste: New and existing building and site improvement materials and other
solid waste resulting from construction or repair operations. Construction waste includes
2. Demolition Waste: Existing building and site materials resulting from demolition or
selective demolition operations.
C. Selective Demolition:
1. General:
a. Demolition: Carefully remove items noted to be removed and disposed of, noted in
Section 0110 00 — Description of the Work, as to not damage adjacent building
elements, finishes, and landscaping.
b. Material Reuse: Carefully remove, label, and store items noted to be removed, stored,
and reinstalled. Contractor shall assume full responsibility for storage of existing
materials removed to perform the Work and scheduled for reinstallation. Contractor
shall clean all stored materials prior to reinstallation.
2. Concrete Removal: If required, scheduled concrete removal shall be accomplished by
making neat vertical saw cuts at the boundaries of areas to be removed.
3. Cutting: At limits of demolition work, shown or specified, provide neat, orderly, and clean
joints, lines, and edges of surfaces, whether for junctions with new or existing materials or
surfaces. Remove full lengths of existing materials where indicated on Drawings and
where cutting or partial removal of existing materials is not permitted. If needed,
Contractor shall request a conference to discuss cutting and removal of existing building
elements to ensure expectations and parameters are met.
a. Unavoidable Resultant Damage: If as a result of the Scope of Work, damage to existing
materials or surfaces scheduled to remain is unavoidable, Contractor shall repair such
existing materials or surfaces as a part of a designated Owner Allowance or
Contingency, as directed by the Construction Manager or Architect.
b. Avoidable Resultant Damage: If damage to existing materials or surfaces scheduled to
remain is avoidable, and damage occurs as a result of Contractor's or its
Subcontractors' negligence, repairs to such existing materials or surfaces shall be the
responsibility of the Contractor.
4. Patching: Contractor is responsible for the repair of any surfaces to remain, which are
exposed, defaced, or damaged as a result of demolition work. Repair and repaint surfaces
as specified and agreed upon by Architect. Repaired and replaced surfaces shall match
existing materials, finishes, colors, and textures. Patching and repairs shall be indiscernible
from original installations. Do not patch and repair exposed construction in a manner that
would, in the Architect's opinion, reduce the building's aesthetic qualities. Contractor is
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responsible for the removal and reconstruction of any unsatisfactory patch repairs.
Materials used for patching shall be identical to or visually match in -place materials.
a. Unavoidable Resultant Damage: If as a result of the Scope of Work, damage to existing
materials or surfaces scheduled to remain is unavoidable, Contractor shall repair such
existing materials or surfaces as a part of a designated Owner Allowance or
Contingency, as directed by the Construction Manager or Architect.
b. Avoidable Resultant Damage: If damage to existing materials or surfaces scheduled to
remain is avoidable, and damage occurs as a result of Contractor's or its
Subcontractors' negligence, repairs to such existing materials or surfaces shall be the
responsibility of the Contractor.
D. Waste Management Parameters:
1. General:
a. Contractor shall be solely responsible for safety, accuracy, and satisfactory
performance of methods and means employed for demolition and legal disposal. All
costs associated with these activities shall be included as a part of the Contractor's
Stipulated Sum.
b. Coordinate removal of waste materials from the site on an as needed basis. Waste
materials shall not be allowed to accumulate on site beyond a reasonable quantity or
duration. Daily waste removal from site shall be exercised, as needed. Contractor's
dumpsters shall not be allowed to become over filled.
c. Waste materials shall be removed and disposed of away from site in a legal manner.
Location of disposal site and length of haul are the responsibility of the Contractor.
d. Waste management areas on site shall be kept clean and neat on a daily basis.
e. Clearly mark all containers to avoid contamination or improper mixing of materials.
f. Demolition debris shall not be allowed to damage or overload existing structure(s).
g. Conduct demolition with minimal interference to public and private drives, parking,
streets, sidewalks, building activities, complex operations, and adjacent amenities.
h. Contractor shall not use Owner's dumpsters or waste material bins for any
construction related debris, for any other purpose, or by any construction related
i. After removal of construction and demolition waste, clean adjacent and surrounding
areas to be free of debris, rubble, dust, and any other remnants of demolition.
Construction Waste: Practice efficient waste management through proper planning and
use of new materials in the course of the Work, including, but not limited to, when sizing,
cutting, and installing building materials. Use all reasonable means to reduce construction
E. Recycling and Salvage:
1. General:
a. Contractor shall comply with local jurisdiction requirements for the Project.
b. Contractor is encouraged to recycle and salvage demolished materials and
construction waste.
c. Revenues, savings, and other incentives received for recycling waste material shall be
applied to overall Project costs.
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Preparation of Recycling Waste:
a. Prepare and maintain recyclable waste materials in accordance with recycling or reuse
facility requirements. Separate recyclable waste by type at Project site, as required, to
the maximum extent practical, and in accordance with recycling facility parameters.
b. Maintain materials free of dirt, adhesives, solvents, petroleum contamination, and
other substances deleterious to the recycling process.
c. Separate recyclable waste from other waste materials, trash, and debris.
d. If separating and sorting recyclables on site, provide appropriately marked containers
or bins for controlling recyclable waste until removed from Project site. Include list of
acceptable and not acceptable materials at each container and bin.
e. If separating and sorting recyclables on site, Contractor shall provide on -site
instructions and supervision of separation, handling, salvaging, recycling, and reuse
methods to be used by crew members during waste generating stages of the Work.
F. Shoring: As necessary, Contractor shall provide shoring and protections to prevent damage to
existing materials and adjacent landscaping scheduled to remain. Shoring or bracing shall be
temporarily installed to support existing construction and materials, as required, and in a
manner suitable to support Work sequences. If repairs affect existing shear walls or shear
components, bracing and/or shoring should be installed in conjunction with the removal of
shear walls or shear components. Temporary shoring shall remain installed until permanent
structural repairs are complete. Unless determined otherwise by the Construction Manager,
damage to existing construction due to inadequate shoring, or as a result of shoring
connections to existing building materials, is the Contractor's responsibility.
G. Existing Materials:
Damaged Existing Materials or Surfaces Scheduled to Remain Adjacent to or Within Work
a. Unavoidable Damage: During construction, if as a result of the Scope of Work, damage
to existing materials or surfaces scheduled to remain is unavoidable, Contractor shall
repair such existing materials or surfaces as a part of a designated Owner Allowance
or Contingency, as directed by the Construction Manager or Architect.
b. Avoidable Damage: If damage to existing materials or surfaces scheduled to remain is
avoidable, and damage occurs as a result of Contractor's or its Subcontractors'
negligence, repairs to such existing materials or surfaces shall be the responsibility of
the Contractor. This includes, but is not limited to, adjacent cladding, interior surfaces,
building accessories, and site finishes, including, but not limited to, cladding materials,
concrete curbs, concrete patios, sidewalks, asphalt, utilities, landscaping, landscape
sprinkler systems, and mechanical equipment.
2. Existing Finished Surfaces to Remain: Contractor shall assume full responsibility for
existing finished surfaces scheduled to remain, including, but not limited to, paint, soffits,
sheathing, gyp board, framing, cladding, windows, sliding glass doors, man doors, and
window, sliding glass door, and man door liners, as deemed applicable, if disturbed,
damaged or abraded during construction. Such existing finished surfaces shall be replaced
in -kind at Contractor's expense, if damaged surfaces are above and beyond those defined
as a part of the BSOW.
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Existing Concealed Utilities to be Modified: If existing utilities are exposed during
construction for inspection, repair, or modification as a part of the Work, Contractor shall
adequately test such utilities to ensure they are in working order prior to proceeding with
subsequent Work. If damage is caused to existing utilities, during access, repair, or close-
up of the work area, the Contractor shall be fully responsible for any repairs required to
the damaged utilities.
H. Equipment: Where applicable and if equipment is interfaced during construction, Contractor
shall be responsible for the complete repair of existing equipment affected by the new
construction. Contractor shall inspect existing equipment for condition of the equipment,
utilities, and materials prior to the commencement of the Work. The Contractor assumes
responsibility for servicing and repairing equipment and materials, if these items were in
working order prior to construction, and not in working order at the completion of
construction. Contractor has the right to request Owner's maintenance logs, records, or
reports of operation and conditions of existing equipment, as a part of their due diligence,
prior to conducting repairs adjacent to or associated with existing equipment.
A. Examination of Documents: Contractor is responsible for examining the Project Manual and
other Construction Documents during bidding and construction. Contractor shall fully inform
itself of existing conditions and limitations under which the Work is to be performed. The
Contractor shall be required to provide all items necessary to perform the Work, as set forth
by, or fairly inferable from, the Construction Documents.
B. Site Review: Contractor shall inspect the Site and location of the Work during bidding to
become acquainted with and understand conditions relating to the Work to be performed, as
described in the Construction Documents. Contractor shall also visit the site to verify existing
conditions, including, but not limited to, access, power requirements, staging, material
storage, and disposal, and any items within the BSOW that are quantifiable or discoverable
prior to executing the Construction Contract. Refer to the Construction Contract for additional
C. Quantification: Unless specifically noted, quantities have not been provided for most items in
the Construction Documents; all quantities shall be verified in the field, or otherwise, by the
Contractor. No additional compensation will be made to the Contractor because of lack of
such examination, unless as deemed allowable by the Construction Manager. Any required,
but unquantifiable, Work shall be identified by the Contractor on the Bid Form.
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D. Existing Conditions: Before proceeding with any component of the Work, Contractor should
examine substrates, areas, and conditions, with the installer or applicator present, for
compliance with requirements for installation tolerances and other conditions affecting
product performance or material installations. Record and report to the Architect any existing
conditions not in compliance with manufacturers' installation instructions, requirements, and
recommendations, and the Drawings. Proceed with the installation only after inspection and
correction of unsatisfactory conditions have occurred. Proceeding with the Work indicates
acceptance of existing surfaces and conditions.
Field Measurements: Contractor shall take field measurements as needed or required to fit
the Work properly. Re -check measurements before installing each product; dry fit materials as
needed. Where portions of the Work are indicated to fit to existing construction, verify
dimensions of existing construction with field measurements before fabrication. Coordinate
fabrication schedule with construction progress to avoid delaying the Work.
Building and Unit Signage: If affected by the Work, temporarily mount and display existing
building and unit signage during construction for identification and emergency purposes.
G. Existing Fire Extinguishers (If They Occur): If affected by the Work, mount existing fire
extinguishers in a temporary and accessible manner during construction. Reinstall existing fire
extinguishers, as a part of the Work, in accordance with Details.
A. Contractor Parking:
1. Parking Off Site: Carpooling, shuttles, and public transit are encouraged, and should be
used to minimize parking expenses, all of which is to be managed by the Contractor.
A. Building Egress: Except for short durations of time, no longer than necessary, with minimum
forty-eight (48) hours prior notice and coordination, Contractor must maintain legal egress to
occupied Units, and building entrances at all times during course of construction, regardless of
erected construction barriers and scaffolding.
B. Construction Access: Contractor shall determine the most cost-effective staging and vertical
access systems for the building(s), while maintaining safety requirements. During
construction, Construction Manager, Architect, Engineers, or any other Consultants shall have
access to staging and vertical access for inspections, documentation, and communication
related to the Work. Contractor shall provide and accommodate for access to swing stages,
pump jacks, lifts, or any other confined staging by the Architect and Construction Manager for
inspections, punchlisting, and other regular site visits to observe and document construction
progress. Contractor shall provide for time associated with this required access in its
Stipulated Sum.
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A. Construction Office: Contractor must provide a temporary construction office on site with all
necessary office equipment and amenities required to run a complete construction project
and adequately support the project size. Location of the office is to be determined and agreed
upon by the Construction Manager, Contractor, and Owner.
B. Fire Extinguishers: Contractor's construction office shall be equipped with a minimum of one
(1) portable, UL rated fire extinguishers. Each independent staging area shall be equipped with
a minimum of one (1) fire extinguisher.
C. Temporary Facilities:
1. Contractor's Facilities: Dumpster(s) and portable toilets shall be provided on site by the
Contractor for use during construction. Locations for these items will be agreed upon by
the Construction Manager, Contractor, and Owner.
2. Owner's Facilities: The Owners' facilities, such as dumpsters, shall not be used for
construction related debris during construction. Unit or Building restrooms shall not be
used by any construction personnel during construction.
D. Duration: Remove all temporary and support facilities, construction office, and storage areas
prior to Substantial Completion, or as agreed upon by the Construction Manager. At the
completion of the Work, and if needed, reinstate any original finishes and restore existing
materials to original conditions.
E. Security: Install temporary enclosures with lockable entrances around storage areas to
prevent unauthorized entrance, vandalism, theft, and similar violations of security for
duration of construction. Refer to Part 1, 1.10 for additional information.
F. Paint and Maintenance: Paint construction office and any other barriers at the beginning of
construction, as directed by the Construction Manager. Maintain such elements throughout
the duration of construction, as needed, and directed by the Construction Manager.
A. Materials: Use new or used materials, suitable for intended purposes. Materials shall be clean
and uniform in appearance. Maintain barrier and barricade materials as needed during
B. Barriers and Security:
1. General:
a. Provide safe, adequately wide, accessible, alternate routes around closed or
obstructed pathways at all times during construction.
b. Barrier and barricade materials, shapes, and heights are to be determined by the
c. Protect, and enclose with barricades, finished areas that are not included in or
affected by the Work, nor scheduled for demolition.
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d. Remove all barriers upon completion of the Work. Reinstate existing materials,
landscaping, and other building components to original conditions, if adversely
affected by barrier installations or the routing of pedestrians.
Security: Contractor shall provide and maintain suitable barriers and/or temporary
enclosures to prevent public entry within or onto access stairs, vertical access
components, construction equipment, or any other potentially dangerous construction
work areas. Where necessary, provide suitable hinged access doors with latches in
barriers. Provide warning and directional signage where appropriate.
Occupant Control: Construction barricades shall be installed, as required for the
protection and routing of Occupants and End -Users, within and around the building(s) and
complex. Provide temporary access tunnels for protections with full enclosures, if
required, and as permittable.
C. Connections and Tie -Backs: Connect barriers and scaffolding to existing building elements in a
manner that the removal is not harmful to permanent building materials. Connections and tie-
backs through or into cladding or roof materials shall be properly repaired by the Contractor
after scaffolding and barriers are dismantled, including, but not limited to, assembly
waterproofing, functionality, and aesthetics. Such repairs shall be indiscernible, unless
otherwise approved by the Architect or Construction Manager. Review exact tie -back and/or
connection repairs with Architect. Submit associated repair products for Architect's review
and approval prior to implementing such repairs.
D. Overhead Protection(s): Contractor shall provide adequate overhead protections and covers
for any remedial work completed over Occupant egress locations, including, but not limited
to, entry and exit areas, walkways, stairs, garages, and sidewalks. Materials and methods of
such protections will be the responsibility of the Contractor and may include, but are not
limited to, overhead decking, protective enclosure walls, handrails, barricades, and any other
provisions necessary for the protection and safe passage of Occupants and End -Users.
Coordinate locations of overhead protections and covered walkways with entrance gates,
entry doors, garage doors, and any other site obstructions.
Lighting: As determined necessary by the Construction Manager, provide temporary lighting
with local switching to provide adequate illumination within construction areas for
construction operations, observations, and inspections. Contractor shall provide temporary
lighting within egress and pedestrian areas to achieve minimum code required lighting when
construction barriers, barricades, and overhead protections affect normal light levels, or if
pedestrian pathways are modified within or around construction areas to accommodate for
the Work. As agreed upon between the Construction Manager and Contractor, if lighting is
determined necessary during construction, installation of such lighting and its components
will be performed by the Contractor as a part of an Owner Allowance or Contingency. If such
an Allowance was not provided, and lighting installation is requested of the Contractor during
construction, the Contractor will be asked to provide a proposal to perform such services.
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A. Weather Protections: The Contractor will provide for all temporary weather protections and
enclosures necessary to complete the Work in dry conditions and stable environments in
accordance with Specification requirements and manufacturers' installation instructions,
requirements, and recommendations. Weather protections shall be selected by the
Contractor to maintain dry exterior enclosures for all construction and building openings, and
to maintain dry material storage areas during construction. Contractor shall provide adequate
weather protections that meet varying seasonal and weather requirements. Contractor is
responsible to modify and maintain weather protections, as necessary and needed during
construction. Weather protections shall meet all codes, as required by any Authority Having
Jurisdiction (AHJ), and per NFPA 241 Standard for Safeguarding Construction, Alteration, and
Demolition Operations. Weather protections required through the duration of construction
shall be included as a part of the Contractor's Stipulated Sum.
B. Heating and Cooling: The Contractor will provide for all temporary heating and cooling
necessary to complete the Work in stable environments in accordance with Specification
requirements and manufacturers' installation instructions, requirements, and
recommendations. Provide temporary heating and cooling required by construction activities
for curing or drying of completed installations, and/or to protect installed construction from
adverse effects of low temperatures or high humidity. Select equipment that will not have a
harmful effect on completed installations or materials being installed. Contractor shall provide
for such heating and cooling as a part of the Contractor's Stipulated Sum.
C. Material Storage: Contractor will be required to provide weather -protected areas for material
storage, staging and material lay down. These locations will be determined and agreed upon
by the Contractor, Construction Manager, and Owner. Contractor shall provide fencing or any
other barriers needed to protect such areas during construction. If the Contractor requires
special consideration for material storage by the Owner during bidding, Contractor shall
submit requests for material storage on the Bid Form.
D. Site Protections by Contractor:
1. Site Protections: For site areas, components, and structures that are not a part of or
affected by the Work, Contractor is responsible to protect such site property from
negligence and adverse effects from its construction efforts and activities throughout the
duration of construction.
2. Wet Weather Protections: For construction that occurs during the rainy season, ground
protections are required in construction areas to protect grade from muddy and ponding
water conditions, or as needed to facilitate clean and safe walking surfaces for crew and
Occupants, and as necessary to perform the Work.
Landscaping Protections: Unless landscaping is an integral part of the Work, Contractor
must protect existing landscaping (designated to remain) and leave such landscaping in
original conditions at end of construction. If Contractor's work negligently damages such
landscaping, Contractor will be responsible for restoring landscaping to its original
conditions, including, but not limited to, lawn, ground cover, trees, bushes, irrigation
710 2nd Avenue Suite 400 Seattle, WA 98104
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systems, grade sloping, site fences, site furnishings, rockery, site guardrails, and any
a. Replacement Materials: Replacement landscaping, lawn, and irrigation systems shall
be equal to or better quality than the original. All landscaping within construction
areas shall be level, smooth, and free of ruts, similar to original conditions. Examples:
Damaged lawn shall be replaced with sod, not grass seed, and a 10'-0" high shrub
shall be replaced with a 10'-0" high shrub, not a 4'-0" high shrub.
4. Landscape Sprinklers: Contractor shall assume sprinkler systems will be functioning in
their normal capacity during construction where vegetation remains installed. Contractor
is responsible to protect new and exposed building materials within construction areas
from sprinkler damage during construction.
a. Landscape Sprinkler Shut -Off: Contractor may request that Owner temporarily turn off
sprinklers adjacent to Work areas. Areas of sprinkler shut-off, and associated time
frames for such shut offs, will be agreed upon by the Owner, Contractor, and
Construction Manager. Any damaged landscaping incurred due to sprinkler shut-off
requests will be the responsibility of the Contractor, unless other watering and
maintenance provisions have been agreed upon between the Owner, Contractor, and
Construction Manager.
5. Neighboring Property: Contractor shall provide adequate protection of adjacent sites,
structures, and neighboring properties during construction, from, but not limited to,
damage, subsidence, erosion, and falling materials or tools, as a direct result of the
Contractor's or Subcontractor's work. If damage to neighboring property is a result of the
Contractor or its Subcontractors, Contractor shall be responsible for returning property to
its original condition.
Landscape Maintenance by Owner:
1. During Bidding: Contractor shall attach to the Bid Form any necessary clarifications and
assumptions that it attributes as the Owner's responsibility with respect to vegetation
trimming and removal. Any removal and trimming identified in the Contractor's
clarifications and assumptions shall be completed at the Owner's expense, as agreed upon
by the Owner and Construction Manager prior to the Construction Contract execution.
2. Preconstruction Walk -Through: A walk-through will be held prior to construction to
identify such landscaping. Contractor, Construction Manager, and Owner will mutually
agree upon existing landscaping that can remain during construction and identify any
trimming or removals required to accommodate construction activities.
3. Owner's Responsibility:
a. If requested by the Contractor, and in order to facilitate construction activities and
construction access, the Owner will complete select landscape maintenance prior to
construction, including, but not limited to, select trimming and removal of foliage
adjacent to building(s) and/or vertical access components.
b. Such trimming and removal will be agreed upon by the Owner, Contractor, and
Construction Manager during site walk-throughs prior to construction at such areas.
c. Owner shall have a minimum of fourteen (14) calendar days to complete this work by
its own forces.
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F. Water and Power:
Use of Owner's Water and Power: Contractor may take water or electric power from
Owner's "house" power and water systems, in such quantities and at such times, as they
are available from Owner's water supply and electric systems respectively.
a. Expenses: The expense of the "house" water and power will be borne by the Owner,
unless agreed upon otherwise. Contractor might be requested by the Construction
Manager to install metering devices to track usage; any costs associated with this
requirement would be accounted for via a Change Order.
b. Distribution: Contractor shall be responsible for providing all equipment, connections,
transformers, and other materials necessary for extending or distributing power and
water lines for the Work. Contractor must construct such lines of distribution in
conformance with all applicable codes and safety regulations. Contractor shall
completely remove all equipment, connections, transformers, and any other materials
added for power and water distribution at the end of the Project.
i. Temporary Electrical Facilities: Comply with NEMA, NECA, and UL standards and
regulations for temporary electric service. Install service(s) in compliance with
NFPA 70 (National Electric Code).
Use of Power Within Units: Contractor shall use Owner's "house" power, where possible.
However, Contractor can use limited low voltage Unit power for small hand tools and
vacuums within Units during construction.
G. Temporary Controls:
1. General:
a. Dust Control: The Washington State Clean Air Act requires the use of all known,
available, and reasonable means of controlling air pollution, including dust. Contactor
shall control dust at locations of the Work by providing required ventilation, covering
adjacent surfaces, vacuuming, or spraying affected areas with water to manage dust
and air born pollutants.
b. Pollution Control: Contractor shall take necessary measures and precautions when
using and installing materials containing solvents or that emit odors and fumes.
Adequately isolate work area fumes from interior spaces. Vent interior work areas
adequately to the outside during and after material applications until fumes or odors
subside. Keep exhaust ventilation away from air intakes.
c. Existing Mechanical Equipment: Protect existing mechanical equipment when
disconnected during construction from collecting dust and contaminants that can be
later released. Properly store and protect existing mechanical equipment within work
areas during construction. Upon reinstallation of existing mechanical equipment,
ensure existing equipment is in good working order and operation. Refer to Part 4,
4.7, H.
d. Ventilation and Humidity Control: Provide temporary ventilation required by
construction activities for curing or drying of completed installations, or for protecting
installed construction materials from adverse effects of high humidity. Select
equipment that will not have a harmful effect on completed installations or elements
being installed. Coordinate ventilation requirements to produce ambient conditions
required by manufacturers.
710 2nd Avenue Suite 400 Seattle, WA 98104
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2. Indoor Controls:
Indoor Air Quality: Provide adequate ventilation, including air circulation and air
changes, as required to cure materials, dissipate humidity, and prevent accumulation
of particulates, dust, fumes, vapors, or gases during construction. Contractor shall
install low VOC paint and finish products where possible.
Isolation of Work Areas in Occupied Facilities: Prevent dust, fumes, and odors from
entering occupied areas. During the Work and as needed, provide for the isolation of
HVAC systems adjacent to or within work areas. Provide for and maintain dust
partitions within occupied areas. Use vacuum collection attachments on dust
producing equipment. Isolate work within occupied areas using portable dust
containment devices.
H. Existing Utility Services: Do not interrupt existing utility services, except when coordinated
with and authorized by the Construction Manager. Provide temporary services during
interruptions to existing utilities, as acceptable to the Construction Manager. No less than
forty-eight (48) hours' notice shall be given to the Construction Manager before any intended
interruption in utility services.
A. Daily Clean -Up: Contractor shall engage in daily clean-up to the extent required to keep the
site, building(s), and common areas free of debris, including all in -progress and completed
work areas. This includes, but is not limited to, running a magnet on adjacent hardscape and
landscape areas, and picking up all scrap, debris, and waste material on a daily basis.
B. Interior Cleaning: Contractor shall leave all Units in clean and orderly conditions upon
completion of each day's work. All debris and dust shall be cleaned and removed on a daily
C. Concealed Spaces: Clean concealed spaces opened or exposed during construction, prior to
closing and installing finish work. Cleaning shall include, but is not limited to, the removal of
existing (found in concealed space at time of opening) or construction debris and dust, unless
directed otherwise by the Construction Manager or Architect.
D. Cleaning Agents: Use cleaning materials and agents recommended by manufacturers or
fabricators of surfaces to be cleaned. Do not use cleaning agents that might damage materials
or finished surfaces. Where possible, use low VOC and non -hazardous cleaning agents.
Repairs: Touch-up and otherwise repair and restore any marred exposed finishes to eliminate
visual defects, as a result of cleaning practices or agents.
F. Close -Out Requirements: Refer to Part 6, 6.1, C for close-out cleaning requirements.
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A. Substantial Completion: Substantial Completion shall be determined by the Construction
Manager or Architect.
B. Operation and Maintenance: If needed, Contractor shall instruct Owner's personnel in the
maintenance and operation of materials, equipment, and systems installed as a part of the
C. Cleaning at Close -Out: Upon completion of the Work, Contractor shall effectively clean all
exterior and interior surfaces, as a part of, adjacent to, or affected by the Work. This includes,
but is not limited to, interior and exterior of window frames and glass, interior and exterior of
man door frames and door panels, cladding materials, existing roofing materials, balconies,
guardrails, patios, plazas, sidewalks, existing light fixtures and globes, drives, and adjacent
landscaping, unless deemed not applicable. All items and materials shall be free of dust,
staining, residue, and debris, as a result of the Work. Cleaning efforts may include, brooming,
hosing, mopping, wiping, spraying, or scrubbing, as necessary. Comply with manufacturers'
cleaning requirements for each substrate. This cleaning does not include pressure washing of
exterior finishes, unless specifically noted within the BSOW.
A. The following types of walk-throughs and punch lists will be used to finalize construction:
1. Pre -Punch Walk-Throughs: Contractor shall schedule with the Architect to complete pre -
punch walk-throughs of specific material installations, specific buildings, or the entire
Project prior to the Contractor generating its own punch list. Architect will not provide a
written punch list documenting observations during these pre -punch walk-throughs.
Contractor shall take notes and will be responsible for documenting any items for
2. Contractor's Punch List: A punch list generated by the Contractor for the sole purpose of
finalizing specific buildings or the Project in a manner that complies with the Construction
Documents. Contractor shall make a good faith effort to complete these punch lists prior
to turning review of the Work over to the Architect. Contractor's Punch List should be
comprehensive, leaving a limited number of items per construction phase for the
Architect's Punch List. If Contractor requests Architect to generate the Architect's Punch
List, Contractor is certifying that there are no more than a limited number of items of note
per construction phase identified on the Contractor's Punch List.
3. Architect's Punch List: Architect will create a punch list after the Contractor has addressed
all items on the Contractor's Punch List and Contractor represents in writing that the
contemplated portion of the Work is ready for the Architect's Punch List. Architect's
Punch List is generated by the Architect, which should include only minor items. If the
number of punch list items exceeds Architect's expectations, Architect will stop
punchlisting. Architect will punch list again at a later date once the number, significance,
and repetitive nature of items have been addressed by the Contractor.
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a. If the Contractor agrees in writing to pay for the Owner's expenses for the Architect to
generate a "No Limit" Architect's Punch List, the Architect will generate the Architect's
Punch List with no limit on the number of punch list items. As a part of this
agreement, the Contractor will also be responsible for all follow-up inspections (back -
punching) needed to confirm that all items on the Architect's Punch List have been
4. Interior Punch Lists: Upon completion of construction within Units, Contractor will provide
written Interior Punch List Forms to each Occupant affected by the construction. Interior
Punch Lists shall be itemized, specifically delineating the interior Work scheduled for
review by Occupants that was completed during the Project. Contractor's Liaison will
coordinate with the Occupants to facilitate the completion of the Interior Punch Lists. The
written Interior Punch List Form will denote a deadline in which written comments are
due back to the Contractor; Contractor shall establish a seven (7) day deadline for each
Occupant to return their Interior Punch List Form. Subsequently, Contractor must address
all items on interior punch lists received from Occupants within two (2) weeks of receipt
of Interior Punch List Forms. If requested by the Occupant in writing, the Architect or
Construction Manager will punchlist interiors of Units if Occupants are unavailable during
the designated interior punch list time frame.
B. Timing: Punch listing will begin in conjunction with the completion of each Phase of Work or
Substantial Completion for each building, prior to the demobilization of vertical access
components. Punchlisting time frames and scheduling will be coordinated between the
Contractor and Architect.
C. Back -Punching: Once Contractor acknowledges items noted on punch list(s) are complete,
Architect will back -punch listed items to confirm completion of identified repairs. Items will
remain on punch list(s) until they are complete. Back -punching will occur until all items are
complete and Architect's Punch List is fully signed off.
A. General:
1. Close -Out Meeting: Prior to Substantial Completion, Contractor shall attend a Close -Out
Meeting with the Architect and Construction Manager to coordinate and review required
Close -Out Documents.
2. Final Close -Out Documents: Architect will compile all Close -Out Documents submitted by
the Contractor, as listed in Attachment B — Close -Out Documents Requirements List, with
other project documents provided by the Architect and Construction Manager into a final
Close -Out Document package to be submitted to the Owner. Architect will provide the
Contractor with a digital copy of the compiled final Close -Out Documents for its records.
3. Alternate Requirements: Close -Out Document requirements can be modified at the
discretion of the Architect. Such modifications may be a result of the scope or size of the
project, the extent and duration of the project, or occurrences encountered during
construction. Any items removed from or added to close-out requirements, as a result of
modifications or changes made during construction, will be agreed upon between the
Architect and Contractor.
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B. Contractor's Close -Out Document Submission: Contractor shall submit one (1) copy of its
Project Record Documents at the completion of the Work, including all items listed on the
Attachment B — Close -Out Documents Requirements List. The following is not a complete list
of Close -Out Document requirements; select Close -Out Document items are further defined
and described below:
1. Project Record Documents:
a. As -Built Drawings: Contractor shall submit a copy of their As -Built Drawings during
close-out. Refer to Part 2, 2.7, A and D for As -Built Drawing expectations and
requirements. Submission can be via hardcopy or electronic; refer to Part 6, 6.3, C for
format submission requirements.
b. Working Drawings: A copy of the Contractor's Working Drawings will not be required
for submission as a part of the Close -Out Documents.
c. Project Manual and Specifications: A copy of the Contractor's Working Project Manual
will not be required for submission as a part of the Close -Out Documents.
d. Construction Photo Documentation: Contractor shall provide disks or write -protected
digital drives of all photos taken prior to and during construction. Disks or write -
protected digital drives shall be included with the Close -Out Documents, as listed on
Attachment B — Close -Out Documents Requirements List. Refer to Part 2, 2.8 for
additional information.
2. Final Release of All Claims: Refer to Final Release of All Claims in Part 2, 2.9, B, 2. Refer to
Forms Section for a sample Final Release of All Claims Form.
3. Affidavits: Refer to Affidavit information in Part 2, 2.9, B, 3.
4. Warranties:
a. General: Contractor shall provide all necessary warranty documentation and
information, in a manner in which the Owner will be able to exercise such warranties
or submit complete warranty claims in the future, if and when needed.
b. Contractor, Subcontractor, Installer, Fabricator, and Applicator Warranties: Owner
intends to rely on the warranty provision in the Construction Contract. However,
Owner may, at its sole discretion, accept assignment from Contractor of additional
warranties from Subcontractors, suppliers, fabricators, and/or installers. Note that the
Owner will only accept assignment of warranties that provide additional and/or
superior protections to the warranty outlined in the Construction Contract; no
Contractor, Subcontractor, installer, fabricator, and applicator warranties shall be
construed to limit the warranty provisions of the Construction Contract.
c. Manufacturer Warranties: Provide warranties as directed in each Specification
Section. Manufacturer Warranties shall be issued by the manufacturer and shall
include all applicable Project specific information including, but not limited to,
property name, product name(s), dates) of purchase, expected duration of warranty
coverage, expiration date(s), manufacturer's contact information, and claim process
d. Product/Project Warranties: Product Warranties shall be completed to their fullest
extent and include, but not limited to, applicable model information, dates of
purchase, duration of warranty coverage, expiration dates, manufacturer's contact
information, and claim process instructions.
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Operation and Maintenance Instructions: Provide manufacturer's published operation and
maintenance literature for Project products and materials, as necessary for Owner to
perform routine and regular maintenance moving forward. Exact operation and
maintenance documentation for products and materials can be agreed upon between the
Contractor, Architect, and Construction Manager.
C. Format of Contractor's Close -Out Document Submission:
1. Electronic Copy: All documents shall be submitted electronically in PDF format on disk(s)
or write -protected digital drive(s). The electronic copy will include scans of all hardcopy
documents, if possible. Contractor shall provide one (1) electronic copy to the Architect.
2. Hardcopies:
a. Requirements: Hardcopies shall be compiled in a neat and organized fashion in
binders, if possible.
As -Built Drawings: Contractor shall provide one (1) large format color copy of its As -
Built Drawings. Architect will scan the Contractor's As -Built Drawings to become a part
of the Close -Out Documents. Original As -Built Drawings hardcopy will be distributed
by the Architect with the Close -Out Documents to the Owner. If desired, the
Contractor will be responsible for retaining a separate hardcopy of its original redlined
As -Built Drawings for its own records.
c. Other Documents: Contractor shall provide two (2) hardcopies of any other
document(s) not capable of being scanned electronically.
D. Timeframe of Contractor's Close -Out Document Submission: Close -Out Documents will be due
to the Architect within six (6) weeks after Substantial Completion. However, if Close -Out
Documents are not received within ninety (90) days after Substantial Completion, or another
date determined or agreed upon by the Construction Manager and Contractor, Contractor
agrees to pay $5,000 of Owner's Fees to Amento Group for consulting services related to the
communicating, compiling, and assembly of the Close -Out Documents on behalf of the
Contractor, after this established date, unless determined otherwise by the Construction
Manager. Such payment will be held from Contractor's retention balance.
710 2nd Avenue Suite 400 Seattle, WA 98104
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March 19, 2020
A. Related Sections:
1. Section 0110 00 — Description of the Work
2. Section 0130 00 — Supplemental General Conditions
3. Section 02 42 00 — Removal and Demolition of Materials
4. Section 05 52 00 — Metal Railings
5. Section 07 18 13 — Pedestrian Traffic Coatings
6. Section 08 32 00—Sliding Glass Door
B. Refer to Sketches for material locations and additional information. Not all materials are
shown or noted.
A. Code Requirements: All new construction shall meet 2015 International Building Code
requirements and all applicable local building codes.
A. Properly protect exposed materials and work areas from the elements during the course of
construction. Properly protect surfaces and materials outside the Scope of Work during
construction. Refer to Section 0130 00 — Supplemental General Conditions for additional
B. Contractor shall verify compatibility between all materials, new and existing.
C. Install all materials in accordance with manufacturers' installation instructions,
recommendations and requirements.
D. Materials and assemblies listed within this Section shall create watertight assemblies and
A. Contractor shall provide submittals for products noted with (SUBMITTAL). Refer to Section 01
30 00 — Supplemental General Conditions for additional information. Coordinate with
Architect of Construction Manager for specific submittal requirements.
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March 19, 2020
A. Wood Framing:
1. Grading: Species and grades in accordance with WPA Grading Rules.
2. Framing Members: Provide Douglas Fir, kiln dried with a maximum moisture content of
nineteen percent (19 %); or as otherwise directed by Structural Engineer.
3. Sizes: Provide lumber size and dimension to match existing or as directed by Structural
4. Wall Plates: Replacement wall plates are to be pressure -treated Douglas Fir, treated with
ACQ "Preserve" or Wolman E (CBA Type A) "Natural Select" or equal formulation in
accordance with AWPA P5, where in contact with concrete.
5. Pressure Treated: Provide lumber as pressure treated where directed and where existing
pressure treated lumber is scheduled for replacement.
B. PLY-1: Plywood Sheathing at Decks.
1. General: Refer to Structural Drawings for additional information.
2. Grading Rules: Plywood Grading Agency. Certified by APA.
3. Material:
a. Type: Exterior grade AC plywood sheathing or equivalent.
b. Edges: Square.
c. Thickness:1-1/8".
C. Plywood Furring Strips.
1. General: Refer to Drawings.
2. Grading Rules: Plywood Grading Agency. Certified by APA.
3. Plywood Furring Strips at SID-1:
a. Type: Exterior grade plywood sheathing.
b. Edges: Square.
c. Thickness: 3/8" minimum, or as directed by Architect.
d. Width: 1-1/2" strips, or as needed to accommodate the Work.
e. Length: As needed to accommodate the Work.
4. Plywood Furring Strips at SID-ME and Existing Vinyl Siding:
a. Type: Exterior grade plywood sheathing.
b. Edges: Square.
c. Thickness: To match thickness of existing siding and rigid insulation, or as needed to
ensure SID-ME and existing vinyl siding installations are plumb.
d. Width: 1-1/2" strips, or as needed to accommodate the Work.
e. Length: As needed to accommodate the Work.
7102n6Avenue Suite 400 Seattle, WA98104
amentogroup.com 206.682.9722 AM E NTO G RO U P
Sunrise at Edmonds Condominiums
Deck Remediation Scope of Repair —100% CDs
March 19, 2020
A. GYP-1:
1. Manufacturer: Georgia-Pacific Gypsum LLC.
2. Product: DensGlass Gold Fireguard Sheathing.
3. General: Fire rated glass -mat faces gypsum sheathing; ASTM C1177, Type X.
4. Size: 5/8" thick; 4 feet width; 8 feet length.
5. Fasteners: Provide as required by manufacturer and code. Corrosion -resistant fasteners;
stainless steel.
A. Trim: All exposed wood trim and blocking to be Tight Knot Cedar. Prime all sides and cuts.
Fasten with non -corrosive finish nails, flush. Provide square butt joints set in SLNT-2.
1. TRIM -ME: Size and surfacing to match existing. Rip to fit as needed.
2. TRIM-1: Vertical Trim at Storage Room:
a. Size: 5/4x6 nominal (1" x 5 1/2" actual).
b. Surfacing: Surface four sides ("S4S").
3. TRIM-2: Soffit Trims:
a. Size: 1x2 nominal (3/4" x 1 1/2" actual).
b. Surfacing: Surfaced on side, two edges ("S1SE2").
B. Soffit Panel (SP-1): Exterior grade APA 303 Series plywood panels; Texture 11 (T1-11) plain or
smooth with no grooves. Material to be tight -knot, natural rustic or equal with shiplap edges
and thickness of 19/32". Plywood shall meet glue bond requirements for exterior type
plywood. Install plywood continuous over two or more joist spans; end joints over framing.
Fully support all panel edges. Cut, cope and form to shapes as required. Install plywood edges
flush and smooth to adjacent panels. Install with fasteners at all joists, framing and support
locations. Secure plywood sheathing by face nailing with fasteners to be flush with face of
panels; do not countersink fasteners.
C. Linear Soffit Vents (VENT-1): (SUBMITTAL) Stockton Products; 2" wide, galvanized steel, FEV
Flush Edge Vent. Provide as perforated to provide ventilation. Provide finished ends for vent;
either with metal or a soffit board accessory to eliminate any voids or holes at vent ends.
A. MEM-1: Refer to Section 07 18 13 — Pedestrian Traffic Coatings.
7102ndAvenue Suite 400 Seattle, WA98104
amentogroup.com 206.682.9722 AM E NTO G RO U P
Sunrise at Edmonds Condominiums
Deck Remediation Scope of Repair —100% CDs
March 19, 2020
A. WRB: Fortifiber Building Systems Group; Super Jumbo Tex 60 minute; vapor permeable
weather resistive barrier and asphalt -saturated Kraft Grade "D" breather type sheathing
paper. Ensure two layers of Super Jumbo Tex are installed over extent of areas where existing
siding is removed. Fully tie-in and weather -lap new WRB with existing weather resistive
barrier and adjacent flashings. Install and properly weather -lap all WRB in accordance with
manufacturer's instructions and applicable codes. Properly weather -lap WRB over vertical
metal flashing flanges minimum 3" to shed water. Repair all torn or ripped WRB (new or
existing) in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations.
A. SID-ME: Horizontal vinyl siding
1. Product: To be determined by Contractor
2. Style: Match existing vinyl siding
3. Color: Match existing vinyl siding
4. Texture: Match existing vinyl siding.
B. Vinyl Trims: Same material, finish and color as adjacent siding, made by same siding
manufacturer, unless noted otherwise. Provide the following styles:
1. J-Channel Trim: 3/4" J-Channel; Texture: Matte; provide trim in maximum lengths.
2. Inside Corners: 3/4" Inside Corner; Texture: Matte; provide trim in maximum lengths.
3. Outside Corners: 3/4" Outside Corner; Texture: Matte; provide trim in maximum lengths.
4. Other Trims: Provide any other trims necessary to complete the Work for SID-ME
C. Vinyl Accessories: Same material, finish and color as adjacent siding, made by same siding
manufacturer, unless noted otherwise. Provide the following, where needed:
1. Vinyl Mount Blocks: Slim Line Mounting Block; Color: to match adjacent siding; Locations:
light fixtures, electrical outlets, handrail mounts and as needed.
A. Mineral -Fiber Cement Siding: SID-1: (SUBMITTAL)
1. Manufacturer: James HardiZone Fiber Cement Panel Siding.
2. Product: HardiePanel Vertical Siding; HZ10.
3. Thickness: 5/16" thick.
4. Size: Sheet sizes as needed to accommodate installation and reveal patterns, as shown on
Drawings; use largest sheet sizes where possible.
5. Texture: Smooth.
6. Furring Strips: Provide plywood furring strips behind all SID-1 installations. Refer to Part 2,
2. 1, C.
7102ndAvenue Suite 400 Seattle, WA98104
amentogroup.com 206.682.9722 AM E NTO G RO U P
Sunrise at Edmonds Condominiums
Deck Remediation Scope of Repair —100% CDs
March 19, 2020
A. Flashing and Sheet Metal: Provide metal flashings at locations noted on Drawings and as
needed to complete watertight installations. Provide metal flashings as noted on Metal
Schedule; all Dimensions shown shall be coordinated with field dimensions of existing
conditions, new materials and Architect. All flashings shall be 24 gauge, unless noted
otherwise. Flashings shall have minimum 4" flat seam, fully sealed overlaps where required.
Paint all pre -primed flashings to match existing adjacent painted surfaces. Refer to SMACNA
recommendations for additional requirements. Mockup of metal flashing installation is
required for Architect's approval. Metal types and colors shall be as follows:
1. MTL-1: Pre -Primed: Mill phosphate, where indicated for painting. Pre -primed and to be
site painted. Primer as suitable to accept specified field applied exterior finish.
2. MTL-2: Galvanized: zinc coating, hot dipped galvanized, chemically treated G90
galvanized; paint where exposed as noted in Details.
3. MTL-3: Pre -finished: (SUBMITTAL) Factory applied, high performance, weather resistant
coating. Pacific Metal Company; color: TBD by Architect on site.
A. FF-1: (SUBMITTAL) Prosoco, Inc.; R-Guard Fast Flash. Provide liquid -applied flexible
penetration flashing where indicated. Install in accordance with manufacturer's instructions.
Use in conjunction with FF-2. Install primer as required by manufacturer.
B. FF-2: (SUBMITTAL) Prosoco, Inc.; R-Guard Joint & Seam Filler. Use at joints, seams and
material transitions and as recommended by manufacturer. Install primer as required by
C. FF-3: (SUBMITTAL) Flexible Flashing Integral with MEM-1:
1. Manufacturer: As recommended by MEM-1 manufacturer.
Product: Non -Adhesive Glass Mesh Tape; minimum 4" wide material.
Use: Use as required by manufacturer to transition metal flashings to substrates, at metal
flashing seams and joints, and at substrate seam and joints. FF-3 flashing shall be used in
conjunction with MEM-1 and metal flashings to form an integrally reinforced system.
D. SAM-1: (SUBMITTAL) Fortifiber Building Systems Group; Fortiflash. Provide minimum 9" wide
self-adhesive membrane. Install vertically over WRB at all interior and exterior corners. Install
in accordance with manufacturer's instructions; provide primer as required by manufacturer.
Integrate with WRB to properly shed water. Isolate from incompatible materials.
A. Joint Sealant: Install per manufacturers' requirements, in conjunction with any primers
recommended by manufacturers. Perform pull tests as needed to determine adhesion to
substrates and as recommended by manufacturers. Properly tool all exposed sealants per
manufacturers' and industry standard requirements. Install two (2) continuous, parallel beads
of sealant along all vertical metal seams and along length of all metal set in sealant.
7102n6Avenue Suite 400 Seattle, WA98104
amentogroup.com 206.682.9722 AM E NTO G RO U P
Sunrise at Edmonds Condominiums
Deck Remediation Scope of Repair —100% CDs
March 19, 2020
1. SLNT-1: (SUBMITTAL) Prosoco, Inc.; R-Guard Air Dam. Install in conjunction with FF-1
system. Install in accordance with Details.
2. SLNT-2: (SUBMITTAL) BASF; MasterSeal NP150, paintable. Install fillet sealant joints in
conjunction with cladding materials, including, but not limited to, SID-1, wood trims, and
blocking, and at locations noted in Drawings. Contractor shall provide color samples to be
selected by Architect.
3. SLNT-3: (SUBMITTAL) The Dow Chemical Company; DowSil 795 or 791. Provide primers as
recommended by manufacturer for specific substrates. Contractor shall provide color
samples to be selected by Architect. Install at locations noted on Details.
4. SLNT-4: (SUBMITTAL) BASF; Masterseal NP-1. Install in conjunction with MEM-1; set all
metal and flexible flashings associated with MEM-1 in SLNT-4.
5. SLNT-5: (SUBMITTAL) Fortifiber; Moistop Sealant. Install in conjunction with WRB; set
WRB ends in in SLNT-5 as noted in Details.
6. SLNT-6: Interior sealant; Manufacturer and product TBD by Contractor. Install in
conjunction with SGD installation at interior.
A. Interior Gypsum Board (GWB): Type X interior gypsum wallboard, 5/8" thick or thickness to
match existing; 48" width; use longest available length to limit seams.
1. All new liners shall match existing liner finishes, dimensions and shapes, unless directed
otherwise by Architect.
A. Paint: Paint all new and existing paintable materials affected by or associated with the Work;
paint edge to edge and corner to corner, as needed.
1. Exterior: (SUBMITTAL) Provide exterior grade primer and two (2) coats of high quality
exterior grade acrylic paint where occurs. Install all products per manufacturer's
requirements. Match existing colors and sheens. For metal flashings, use Sherwin Williams
Bond Plex or equivalent.
2. Interior: Provide interior grade primer and two (2) coats of high quality interior grade latex
paint, unless noted otherwise. Install all products per manufacturer's requirements.
Match existing colors and sheens.
7102ndAvenue Suite 400 Seattle, WA98104
amentogroup.com 206.682.9722 AM E NTO G RO U P
Sunrise at Edmonds Condominiums
Deck Remediation Scope of Repair —100% CDs
March 19, 2020 -a
710 2nd Avenue Suite 400 Seattle, WA 98104
annentogroup.conn 206.682.9722