Declaration of IncorporationWhereas, on August 7th, 1890, pursuant to an order of tho Hoard duly made on June 23rd, 1890, an election was held in certain territory within Snohomish county for the purpose of dfkxxmixxkiug determining whekh - kh same should become incorporated, and Whereas, the Board having this day canvassed the votes !ant at such election, and it appearing that a majority of the votes cast are For Incorporation, the said territory, to -wit: Beginning at a point at the deep water Harbor line West :)f and opposite the S:ictior_ line between Sections twenty three (23) , twenty four (24) , twenty five (25) and twenty six (26), Township 27 N. R. 3 Fast W. Al., thence East on said Section line to the Northwest corner of the North Fast quar- ter of the North Fast quarter of Section twenty six (26) , thence South eighty (804 rods, thence East o'i:e hundred and Sixty (160) rods, thence North eighty (80) rods, thence East )ne hundred and sixty 1160) rods, thence North one hundred eixty (160) rods, thence West one hundred and sixty (160) rods, thence North eighty (80) rods, thence West, to deep water harbor line, thence in a South westerly direction along eaid deep water harbor line to the place of beginning; being )arts of Sections twenty three (23), twenty four (24), twen- I.y five (25) and twenty six (26), Township twenty seven (27) 4orth, Range t Piree (3) East W. A4. , county of Snohomish, State )f Washington, and containing six hundred acres, more or less, Ls hereby declared to be duly Incorporated as a town or Tillage of the Fourth class, under the style of the Town of Mmonds; and the following persons, having at said election -1- received, respectively, the highest number of votes for the ;several offices, to -wit: Mayor, George Brackett; Council - !men, Fred. L. I3rown, W. H. Hamlin, Win. Pluraner, Peter, S. Scl;rieber and. W. F. Smith; Treasuror, G. T. Roscoe; said persons are hereby declared to be duly elected to such of- fices in the said corporation. The Auditor is Hereby direct- ed to forward a certified copy of this order to the Secretary Of State, to be filed in his office. STATE, TE, 011' if" . 1 "4111: 6,7,0AT, C•'oturl it of Snolt.onr isl►, I, IrBED. 11. L.1.'a''ON8, Irr lilr►r of Snohonai:,h. cn?oittt, FVctshingto-n, h.er•ehtl cerlify that the withi►r rind fi�rc�loin.�� is rr tr•ttc r�of►J of the o►rlcr ctr►d action. of thr; /;oa.rd of C'ozody fyomnrissionc►x for said courtly at il�.....L _� z ......., lsf) �., w',.-�in►r. ht the nraller• of... ............. ... ... ... ....... ..... .......... ... _................... ............ ........................ .... ..... .......... ......... ... as lice xawc (1ppcu).8 of rccord itt I'oltt,tte.... !�....... at paye3160-.1, Recm,ds of thrr l'otr►MI.8- sh mer,' 1►rurr•crli1rlti of .laid cour►ty. Ilfitness gill h.agr.d and of)icial seal this ... /. ...... ..... day of ....t. ...............A. D. 189..0. 11 itdetor and ex-o cio ('lei lr. �� f sir id Brmrd.