Ordinance 4313ORDINANCE NO. 4313 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF EDMONDS, WASHINGTON, AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 4310 AS A RESULT OF UNANTICIPATED TRANSFERS AND EXPENDITURES OF VARIOUS FUNDS, AND FIXING A TIME WHEN THE SAME SHALL BECOME EFFECTIVE. WHEREAS, previous actions taken by the City Council require Interfund Transfers and increases in appropriations; and WHEREAS, state law requires an ordinance be adopted whenever money is transferred from one fund to another; and WHEREAS , the City Council has reviewed the amended budget appropriations and information which was made available; and approves the appropriation of local, state, and federal funds and the increase or decrease from previously approved programs within the 2023 Budget; and WHEREAS, the applications of funds have been identified; THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EDMONDS, WASHINGTON, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Section I. of Ordinance No . 4310 amending the final budget for the fiscal year 2023 is hereby amended to reflect the changes shown in Exhibits A, B, C, and D adopted herein by reference. Section 2. Effective Date. This ordinance , being an exercise of a power specifically delegated to the City legislative body, is not subject to referendum, and shall take effect five (5) days after passage and publication of an approved summary thereof consisting of the title. 1 ATTEST/ AUTHENTICATE: C~SEY APPROVED AS TO FORM: OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY: BY ~ ,,....... JEFFTARADAY FILED WITH THE CITY CLERK: PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL : PUBLISHED: EFFECTIVE DA TE: ORDINANCE NO. YOMIKE NELSON July 21, 2023 July 25, 2023 July 28, 2023 August 2, 2023 4313 2 SUMMARY OF ORDINANCE NO. 4313 of the City of Edmonds, Washington On the 25 th day of July, 2023, the City Council of the City of Edmonds, passed Ordinance No. 4313. A summary of the content of said ordinance , consisting of the title, provides as follows: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF EDMONDS, WASHINGTON, AMENDING ORDINANCE NO . 4310 AS A RESULT OF UNANTICIPATED TRANSFERS AND EXPENDITURES OF VARIO US FUNDS, AND FIXING A TIME WHEN THE SAME SHALL BECOME EFFECTIVE. The full text of this Ordinance will be mailed upon request. DATED this 25 th day of July, 2023 . C 3 EXHIBIT "A": Budget Amendment Summary (July 2023) 2023 2023 FUND FUND BEGINNING ENDING NO. DESCRIPTION FUND BALANCE REVENUE EXPENDITURES FUND BALANCE 001 GENERAL FUND 16,714,223 52,558,830 63,970,754 5,302,299 009 LEOFF-MEDICAL INS. RESERVE 194,409 225,000 367,140 52,269 011 RISK MANAGEMENT RESERVE FUND 25,000 . 25,000 - 012 CONTINGENCY RESERVE FUND 1,782,1S0 447,522 -2,229,672 014 HISTORIC PRESERVATION GIFTFUND 10,522 . 5,900 4,622 016 BUILDING MAINTENANCE 3,739,645 17,480 1,275,000 2,482,125 017 MARSH RESTORATION & PRESERVATION FUND 848,617 . . 848,617 018 EDMONDS HOMELESSNESS RESPONSE FUND --. . 019 EDMONDS OPIOID RESPONSE FUND . . . 104 DRUG ENFORCEMENTFUND 196,584 167,650 45,800 318,434 111 STREET FUND 547,114 2,015,410 2,746,179 (183,655) 112 COMBINED STREET CONST/IMPROVE 2,669,390 12,366,800 11,273,695 3,762,495 117 MUNICIPALARTSACQUIS. FUND 70S,480 99,220 207,380 597,320 120 HOTEL/MOTEL TAX REVENUE FUND 54,624 84,400 95,400 43,624 121 EMPLOYEE PARKING PERMITFUND 76,184 38,960 26,880 88,264 122 YOUTH SCHOLARSHIP FUND 12,808 1,660 3,000 11,468 123 TOURISM PROMOTIONAL FUND/ARTS 97,362 30,440 28,500 99,302 12S PARK ACQ/IMPROVEMENT 3,513,005 2,320,090 4,315,418 1,517,677 126 SPECIAL CAPITAL FUND 3,771,542 2,302,980 2,227,383 3,847,139 127 GIFTS CATALOG FUND 3,176,109 232,490 551,598 2,857,001 130 CEMETERY MAI NTENANCE/I MPROV 267,890 150,960 291,530 127,320 136 PARKS TRUST FUND 166,760 5,460 216,062 (43,842) 137 CEMETERY MAINTENANCE TRUST FD 1,175,601 51,500 50,000 1,177,101 138 SISTER CITY COMMISSION 13,869 10,430 11,900 12,399 140 BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT FUND 20,801 88,645 88,575 20,871 141 AFFORDABLE & SUPPORTIVE HOUSING FUND 224,414 65,000 . 289,414 142 EDMONDS RESCUE PLAN FUND 44,888 1,879,000 1,879,000 44,888 143 TREE FUND 236,162 215,100 239,800 211,462 211 LID FUND CONTROL -. . . 231 2012 LTGODEBTSERVICEFUND . 309,800 309,800 332 PARKS CONSTRUCTION 322,129 2,713,902 2,255,647 780,384 421 WATER 30,924,419 11,950,114 11,949,308 30,925,22S 422 STORM 15,101,336 9,095,452 8,525,900 15,670,888 423 SEWER /TREATMENT PLANT 57,120,908 16,895,408 18,972,999 55,043,317 424 BOND RESERVE FUND 843,951 1,991,860 1,989,820 845,991 511 EQUIPMENT RENTAL FUND 9,730,472 4,253,740 4,966,825 9,017,387 512 Technology Rental Fund 693,587 1,634,131 1,943,624 384,094 Totals 155,021,955 124,219,434 140,855,817 138,385,572 4 EXHIBIT "B": Budget Amendments by Revenue (July 2023) Adopted Adopted Adopted Adopted Proposed 2023 Budget Amendment Amendment Amendment Amendment Amended FUND FUND Ord. #4289 Ord. #4297 Ord . #4300 Ord . #4310 Ord .# Revenue NO. DESCRIPTION _Jjl /2023 3/2/2023 4/25/2023 6/20/2023 Budget 001 General Fund $ 49,991,791 $ 360,954 $ 834,000 $ . $1,372,085 $ 52,558,830 009 Leoff-Medical Ins . Reserve 225 ,000 . . . . 225,000 011 Ri sk Management Reserve Fund . . . . . . 012 Cont i ngency Reserve Fund . . 447,522 . . 447 ,522 014 Historic Preservat i on Gift Fund . . . . . - 016 Bu i lding Maintena nee Fund 17,480 . . -. 17,480 017 Marsh Restoration & Preservation Fund . . . . . 018 Edmonds Homelessness Response Fund . . . . . 019 Edmonds Opio i d Response Fund . . . . . 104 Drug Enforcement Fund 167,650 . . . 167,650 111 Street Fund 1,815,410 . . 200,000 2,015,410 112 Combined Street Const/Improve 8,308,065 2,776,000 1,282,735 . . 12,366,800 117 Municipal Arts Acquis . Fund 98,098 . . . 1,122 99,220 118 Memorial Street Tree . . . . . 120 Hotel/Motel TaM Revenue Fund 84,400 . . . 84,400 121 Employee Parking Permit Fund 38,960 . . . . 38,960 122 Youth Scholarship Fund 1,660 . . . . 1,660 123 Tourism Promotional Fund/Arts 30,440 . . . 30,440 125 Par k Acq/lmprovement 2,320,090 . . . . 2,320,090 126 Special Capital Fund 2,302,980 . . . . 2,302,980 127 Gifts Catalog Fund 135,340 . . 97,150 232,490 130 Cemetery Maintena nee/Im prov 150,960 . . . 150,960 136 Parks Trust Fund 5,460 . . . -5,460 137 Cemetery Mainte nance Trust Fd 51,500 . . 51,500 138 Sister City Commission 10,430 . . . 10,430 140 Business Improvement District Fund 88,645 . . . 88,645 141 Affordable and Supportive Housing Fund 65,000 . . . 65,000 142 Edmonds Rescue Plan Fund 1,249,000 . 420,000 . 210,000 1,879,000 143 Tree Fund 215 ,100 . . . . 215,100 211 Lid Fund Control . . . . . 231 2012 LTGO Debt Servi ce fund 309 ,800 . . . . 309,800 332 Parks Construction 927,205 1,786,697 . . . 2,713,902 421 Water 11,950,114 . . . 11,950,114 422 Storm 8,903,407 117,045 . . 75,000 9 ,095,452 423 Sewer /Treatment Plant 15,898,844 . . . 996,564 16,895,408 424 Bond Reserve Fund 1,991,860 . . . . 1,991,860 511 Equipment Rental Fund 4,188,740 . . . 65,000 4 ,253,740 512 Technology Rental Fund 1,413,372 67,822 . 152,937 1,634,131 617 Firemen's Pens i on Fund . . . -. - Tota Is $112,956,801 $ 5 ,108,518 $2 ,984,257 $ $ 3 169,858 $ 124,219,434 5 EXHIBIT "C": Budget Amendment by Expenditure (July 2023) Adopted Adopted Adopted Adopted Proposed 2023 Budget Amendment Amendment Amendment Amendment Amended FUND FUND Ord. #4289 Ord. #4297 Ord. #4300 Ord. #4310 Ord .# Expenditure NO. DESCRIPTION 1/1/2023 3/2/2023 4/25/2023 6/20/2023 Budget 001 General Fund $ 55,716,788 $ 1,970,899 $ 4,093,110 $ . $ 2,189 ,957 $ 63,970,754 009 Leoff-Medical Ins . Reserve 367,140 . . . . 367,140 011 Risk Management Reserve Fund 25,000 . . . . 25,000 012 Contingency Reserve Fund . -. . . . 014 Historic Preservation Gift Fund 5,900 . . --5,900 016 Building Maintena nee Fund 1,215,000 60,000 . -1,275,000 017 Marsh Restoration & Preservation Fund . . . --. 018 Edmonds Homelessness Response Fund . -. -. . 019 Edmonds Opioid Response Fund --. . 104 Drug Enforcement Fund 45,800 ---45,800 111 Street Fund 2,350,969 232,445 . 162,765 2,746,179 112 Combined Street Const/Improve 7,214,960 2,776,000 1,282,735 --11,273,695 117 Municipal Arts Acquis. Fund 182,880 24,500 . -. 207 ,380 118 Memoria I Street Tree -. -. 120 Hotel/Motel Tax Revenue Fund 9S,400 . ---95,400 121 Employee Parking Permit Fund 26,880 ----26,880 122 Youth Scholarsh i p Fund 3,000 -. -. 3,000 123 Tourism Promotiona I Fund/Arts 28,500 . -. . 28,500 125 Park Acq/lmprovement 2,473,362 1,589,536 252,520 -. 4,315,418 126 Special Capital Fund 1,631,812 137,000 31,700 . 426,871 2,227,383 127 Gifts Catalog Fund 497,598 . -54,000 551,598 130 Cemetery Maintenance/lmprov 249,413 . -. 42,117 291,530 136 Parks Trust Fund -43,842 --172,220 216,062 137 Cemetery Ma intena nee Trust Fd 25,000 25,000 ---50,000 138 Sister City Commission 11,900 -. -. 11,900 140 Bus i ness Improvement District Fund 88,575 . --. 88,575 141 Affo rdable and Supportive Housing Fund . . ---. 142 Edmonds Rescue Pian Fund 1,249,000 -420,000 210,000 1,879,000 143 Tre e Fund 239,800 ----239,800 211 Lid Fund Control . --. . - 231 2012LTGO Debt Service Fund 309,800 -. . -309,800 332 Parks Construction 468,950 1,786,697 . -. 2,255,647 421 Water 11,335,050 300,000 184,061 -130,197 11,949,308 422 Storm 7,603,123 483,840 205,414 -233,523 8,525,900 423 Sewer /Treatment Plant 15,381,246 650,000 457,699 -2,484,054 18,972,999 424 Bond Reserve Fund 1,989,820 ---1,989,820 511 Equipment Rental Fund 3,695,807 671 ,411 64,640 -534,967 4,966,825 512 Technology Rental Fund 1,617,205 67,822 68,400 -190,197 1,943,624 617 Firemen's Pension Fund --. - ---Totals $116,145 ,678 $ 10,586,547 s 7,292,724 $ -$ 6,830,868 $140,855,817 6 EXH IBIT "D": Budget Amendment Summary (July 2023) Proposed Proposed Amendment Proposed Amendment Chongein Amendment Change in Ending Fund Number Revenue Change in Expense Fund Balance 001 1,372,085 2,18 9,957 (817,8 72) 011 111 200,000 162,765 37,235 117 1,122 . 1,122 1 2 6 . 4 26,8 71 (426,871 ) 1 2 7 97,150 54,000 43,150 130 42,117 (42,117) 136 -172,220 (172,22 0) 14 2 210,000 210,000 - 421 . 130,197 (130,197) 4 2 2 75,0 00 233,523 (158,52 3) 4 2 3 996,564 2,4 84,054 (1,487,490) 511 65,000 534,967 (469,967 ) 512 152,937 19 0,197 (37,260) Total Ch ange 3 ,169,858 6,830,868 (3,661,010) 7 Everett 'Daily Herald Affidavit of Publication State of Washington } County of Snohomish } ss Michael Gates being first duly sworn , upon oath deposes and says: that he/she is the legal representative of the Everett Daily Herald a daily newspaper. The said newspaper is a legal newspaper by order of the superior court in the county in which it is published and is now and has been for more than six months prior to the date of the first publication of the Notice hereinafter referred to , published in the English language continually as a daily newspaper in Snohomish County, Washington and is and always has been printed in whole or part in the Everett Daily Herald and 1s of general circulation in said County, and is a legal newspaper, m accordance with the Chapter 99 of the Laws of 1921, as amended by Chapter 213, Laws of 1941, and approved as a legal newspaper by order of the Superior Court of Snohomish County, State of Washington, by order dated June 16, 1941, and that the annexed is a true copy of EDH981323 ORDS 4312 , 4313 as it was published in the regular and entire issue of said paper and not as a supplement fonn thereof for a period of I issue(s), such publication commencing on 07/28/2023 and ending on 07/28 /2023 and that said newspaper was regularly distributed to its subscribers during all of said period. The amount $32.68. Subscribed and sworn J/.$7 dny of :s:.:,JP~ this ~,d~~/ Washington. City of Edmonds -LEGAL ADS j 1410141 6 scon PAS SEY Li n da Philli ps Notary Publi c Stat e of Wash in g ton My App c;n1m enl Expire s 11129 20 25 C.omm lu io n 11um\1 t:r £.117 Classified Proof ORQINANCE SUMMAF!Y ollho City ol Edmondo.Washlngton On the 25th Day of July 2023. Ille Cl{y Council or the City of Edmonds, pa .. ed lhe-loBow lng O r~ill1COS, lh• >Un\n\Q~ •• of said ordlnnnm con,lson93~~:~•,:~:~r~~d~12 ro10,-...: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF EDMONDS. W,\SHINGTON, AMENDING CERTAIN PROVISJONS Of ECC 6,16.0•10 (DECREASE OF STATE LAW MAXIMUM SPEED ~ PROVIDING FOR SEIIERA61UTY: ANO SETTI NG AN EFFECTlVE DATE. O!lOINANCE NO . 4313 AN OfUllNANCE OF THE CITY OF ED~1ONOS, WASHINGTON . AMl;NDING ORDINANCE ,-10. 4310 AS A RESULT OF ()NANTICtPATED TRANSFERS ANO EXPENDITURES OF VARIOUS FUND S. ANO FIXING A TIME WHEN THE SAME SHALL BHlOME EFFECTIVE, .DATED u,i, 25th Doy or July. 2023. CITY CLERK ; SCOTT PA$SEY Pul>lsh•d: July 28. 2023 . EDH98l323 Proofed by Pospical, Randie, 07/28/2023 03:20:18 pm Page:2