Ordinance 4323ORDINANCE NO. 4323 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF EDMONDS, WASHING TON, ADOPTING REVISED GENERAL FACILITIES CHARGES FOR THE CITY'S WATER, SEWER, AND STORM WATER UTILITIES, AMENDING SECTIONS 7.30.035 AND 7.50.070 EDMONDS CITY CODE, AND FIXING A TIME WHEN THE SAME SHALL BECOME EFFECTIVE. WHEREAS, the city has not updated its general facilities charges (also known as connection charges) for its water, sewer, and storm water utilities in a number of years; and WHEREAS, the administration obtained a study of its general facilities charges from the FCS Group, dated September 12, 2023; and WHEREAS, the FCS Group study calculated revisions to the city's general facilities charges, which revisions are being proposed by the administration; and WHEREAS, the city council finds that the proposed rates should be implemented, NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EDMONDS, WASHINGTON, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Section 7.30.035 of the Edmonds City Code is hereby amended to read as set forth in Exhibit A hereto, which is incorporated herein by this reference as if set forth in full (new text shown in underline; deleted text shown in strike tl3£ough). Section 2. Section 7.50.070 of the Edmonds City Code is hereby amended to read as set forth in Exhibit A hereto, which is incorporated herein by this reference as if set forth in full (new text shown in underline; deleted text shown in strike th.rough). -1 - Section 3. Effective Date. This ordinance, being an exercise of a power specifically delegated to the City legislative body, is not subject to referendum, and shall take effect five (5) days after passage and publication of an approved summary thereof consisting of the title. ATTEST/ AUTHENTICATED: APPROVED AS TO FORM: OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY: BY ~~- JEFTARADA Y, CITY ATTORNEY FILED WITH THE CITY CLERK: PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL : PUBLISHED: EFFECTIVE DATE: ORDINANCE NO. APPROVED : September 29, 2023 October 3, 2023 October 6, 2023 October 11, 2023 4323 -2- SUMMARY OF ORDINANCE NO. 4323 of the City of Edmonds, Washington On the 3rd day of October, 2023, the City Council of the City of Edmonds , passed Ordinance No. 4323. A summary of the content of said ordinance, consisting of the title, provides as follows: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF EDMONDS, WASHINGTON, ADOPTING REVISED GENERAL FACILITIES CHARGES FOR THE CITY'S WATER, SEWER, AND STORM WATER UTILITIES, AMENDING SECTIONS 7.30.035 AND 7.50.070 EDMONDS CITY CODE, AND FIXING A TIME WHEN THE SAME SHALL BECOME EFFECTIVE. The full text of this Ordinance will be mailed upon request. DATED this 3rd day of October, 2023. -3 - 7.30.035 Water and sewer utility general facilities charges . A general facilities charge (GFC) (formerly known as a "connection charge") shall be paid by each fl-@W customer connecting to the 8-ty'.5City's water or sewer system in accordance with the following requirements: A. Sewer System GFC. The sanitary sewer GFC shall be paid bv the app l icant ac co r d in g to the date of appl ication and at the time and according to the date of side sewer permit issuance . The pa ym e nt amount shall be established based upon the GFC in effect on the date of side sewer permit application. Sewer GFCs shall be in an amount per equivalent residential unit (ERU) added as a result of the development as set forth in the table below; provided, that nonresidential building permit and business license applicants shall pay sewer system GFC when the proposed structure and/or business activity would generate additional probable sewer usage. ~.o.1-2--befu~re--~2~0+12~e~u~etCtHi•~1e--~2Mo~1~~~~2~0~1~4~a-nd~~M effective date date for1.•ard 1 . Sewer System GFCs before the year 2024 shall be assessed on $4,417.00 Equivalent Res identia l Unit per (ERU ) ba si s as follows : -h~A single-family residential applicant shall pay a GFC equal to one ERU per dwelling unit. bh,_A multifamily residential applicant shall pay a GFC equal to 0 .67 ERU per dwelling unit. J.:£._Applicants for nonresidential development shall pay a GFC equal to the ERU determination that is made by the public works director. This determination shall be made by estimating the probable sewer usage of the proposed development. In estimating the probable sewer usage, the public works director may consider, among other factors, the average winter water consumption for similar existing development in the city. If the applicant disagrees with the director's ERU determination, the applicant may submit additional information and analysis from a qualified engineer, with an additional $200.00 review fee, in support of a request for an alternate ERU determination . The director shall review the request for an alternate ERU determination and may accept the alternate calculation, revise the earlier ERU determination based on the new information, or uphold the earlier_ERU determination. Once the director has made a final ERU determination, the applicant may pay the GFC under protest and appeal the determination, along with the underlying permit, to the hearing examiner. 2 . Sewe r System GFCs in the yea r 2024 and beyond sh all be assess ed on $6 ,598.00 Eq u ivalent Residential Unit (ER U) basis as follows: a. A single-family residential applicant sh all pay a GFC equal to one ERU per dwelling unit. b. A multi-fa mi ly residential appli ca nt shal l pay a GFC eq ual to 0.67 ERU p er dwelling unit. c. Applicants for n o n-residential development shall be as sesse d GFC's as follows : i. ii. ii i. The sewe r syste m GFC for a deve lopme nt witho ut an existin g water meter sh a l l be pa id u pon, and accordi ng to the d at e of , app lication for sewe r service, and based u pon an ERU equiva l ent for the size of the water meter t o be insta l led, as se t fo rth in t he t able be low. The sewer system GFC for a development with an existin g water meter shall be paid upon, and according to the date of, application for sewer service , and based upon t he difference in the upsize of water met e r to be installed , as set forth in the table above. A sewer syste m GFC shall not be assessed for a dedicated fire se rvice . Sewer GFC -ERU equivale nt Water Effective 2024 Meter Size and Beyond 3L4" Meter $6,598 .00 1" Meter $16,495.00 1.51' Meter ~32 ,990.00 2" Meter $52 ,784.00 3" Meter $105 ,568.00 4" Meter $164 ,950 .00 6" Meter $329 ,900.00 8 " Meter $527 ,840 .00 B. Water System GFC. The water system GFC shall be paid upon, and according to the date of, app lication for water service and ::rt t he time of issuance of the water meter pe rmit . The paym ent am ount sha l l be established based upon t h e GFC in effect on the date of application for water meter. Water GFCs shal l be,---a-Atl based upon the size of the meter to be installed, as set forth in the table below: 2012 before effeEti•.te 2012 effeEti•.te 'fl.later Meter Size date date ton.~.•ard ~ 2014 and beyond 3/4" meter $908.00 ~ $4 .014.50-$5.050.00- 1" meter $2,270.00 $7,44 7.00 $10.035.50 $12,624.00 1.5" meter $4,£@.QQ-S-l-4.-WkOO-$20,071.00 $25,248 .00 2" meter $7,264.00 $23,830.50 $32 113.7 5 $40.397.00 3" meter $14.528.00-$47,€ie1 .oo $04.227.50 ~ 2.012. befol'e effec::ti>.,«e 2.012. effec::tive Watel' Mete!' Size date date fonval'd ~ 2.014 and beyond 4" meter $221700 .00 $74,470.00 $+00,355.00 $126,240.00 6" meter $45,400.00-$+4~0-$200,710.00 $252,480.00 8" meter m,e4MO--~8304.00 UJ+.+-¾.-00-$403 ,968.00 Water GFC per Effective Effective 2024 Water Meter Size Before 2024 and Beyond 31'.'.4" Meter S5,05 0.00 S6,35s.oo 1" Meter s12,624.oo S15 ,895.00 1.5" Meter S25 ,24s.oo S31,79o.oo 2" Meter S40,397.oo S50,864.00 3" Meter SS0,794 .00 S1D1 ,7 28 .00 4" Meter s126,24o.oo S158,95o.oo 611 Meter S252,4so.oo S317,9oo.oo 8 11 Meter ~403,968.00 S508,640.00 1. Water System GFC's before the year 2024 sh all be assessed on the size of wa ter meter to be installed as set forth in the table above . 2. Water System GFC's in the ye ar 2024 and beyond sha ll be assessed as follows : a. The water syst em GFC for a development without an existi ng water mete r shall be based upon the si ze of the water m eter to be installed, as set forth in the table above. b. The water syste m GFC for a development with an existing water meter shall be based upon the d iffere nce in upsize of the water meter to be i nsta lled , as set forth in the table above. c. For single water connections that prov ide fire protection and do m estic service through a combination water line, the GFC sha ll be based on domestic service demand alone and shall not be subject to the cost differential when an up-sized water meter is requ ired to meet the design flow rate for an automatic fi re sprink l er system. All other costs, including the expense of a larger mete r, a general facility charge attributable to the meter sized for the domestic servi ce alone , and other permits and f ees, shall rema i n the respo nsibil ity of the own er. Th is prov ision on ly applies to a building containing one or two dwelling units constr ucte d under the International Residential Co d e (IRC). 3. A water system GFC shall not be assessed for a dedicated fire service . L ~No water ronnection char~GFCs shall be levied for connections to water mains installed pursuant to !h ocal Improvement Districtoistricts Nos . 115, 146L and 152 by properties which participated in the establishment of said local improvement districts . 5. For the purposes of this section a water meter shall be considered an "existi ng water meter" if a prior structure served by a water meter is replaced with a new structure on the same site or lot when a water meter app lication for such rep lace d structu re is su b mitted to t he ci ty wit hin 12 m onths of the de molition or des t ruction of the prior struct u re. 7.50.070 Stormwater management system general facilities charge. A-,-ln addition to any other charge prescribed ayin this chapter, a stormwater management system general facilities charge (GFC) (formerly known as a deve lopment charge)] shall be paid by ~ applicantcach customer at the time and accord in g t o t he date o f building permit issuance , p rovided that, GFC ~s pertaining to subdivision improvements shall be governed by subsection A.2.d. The payment amount shall be establish ed based upon the GFC in effect on the date of the building permit application . in an amount per equivalent service unit (ESU) added to or created by the development as set forth in the table below; prm.1ided , that stormwater permit applicants shall pav Q__GrC at the tiR1e and according to the date of stormwater permit issuance . -2~b"t::e'Hfo,;tlr~e:-------~2v0+.12~e'Hff~e~c~tif-YV~e--->!:2-u0+.+3a>---2v0-..14......,aflR11:1dHboHe~~M='OH-iRd ---------~C'+-ffH:@~C,4,,tjl.\llJ-e da~ ~st~OfHFm-H---'<G;H'FO\cCc--1p~e!+r-eE~s~U---$a1>"4+..2~gr.-t, Q;1,,01-------~$e4-~0'-----$¼7H0-lE6h.2;,.;S}-----,3$>-17--'!19>9.9.,l-JOLH0 J:h-6_J or the purposes of this section only, an ESU {Eq ui va lent Servi ce Unit) is hereby defined to be the impervious surface area estimated to contribute an amount of runoff which is approximately equal to that created by an average single-family residential development._A single fami l1• residentia l delfelopment shall pav GFC equa l to one ESU; provided, that a single famil·,1 residential development that i-rl-€4.Jdes 5,000 square feet of new, replaced , or new plu,s replaced iRlpervious surface area shall pa'I GFG pursuant to subsectioR (C) of this section . Effective Before 2024 and Storm GFC 2024 Beyond per ESU S799.oo S3,122.oo 1. Storm System GFCs before the year 2024 shall be assessed as follows: ~A single-family residential development shall pay GFC equal to one ESU; provided, that a single-family residential development that includes 5,000 square feet of new, replaced, or new plus replaced impervious surface area shall pay GFC pursuant to subsection (th) of this section. L.. ~All development not meeting the criteria in subsection (-B!!_) of this section shall pay GFC calculated according to a ratio of one ESU per 3,000 square feet of new, replaced, or new plus replaced impervious surface area. 2. Storm System GFCs in the y ear 2024 and be y ond shall be assessed as follows: a. New single family residenti al development on a vacant lot: i. Shall pay a GFC equal to one ESU , provided that a new single family residential devel opment does not exceed 5 ,000 square feet of impervious su rface area . If that va l ue is exceeded , the GFC shall instead be ca lculated at a ratio of one ESU per 3,000 square feet of new impervious surface . b. Existing si ng le fami ly res idential develo p ment: i. ii. iii. Shall pay a GFC according to a ratio of one ESU per 3 ,000 square feet if the ex isting to re m ai n, n ew and re p lace d im p ervious surface areas, collectivel y, exceed 5,000 squ are feet except as provided in subsections (b.ii) and (b.iii} below. A credit of one ESU will be given to the existing single-family residence . Shall NOT be req uired to pay a GFC, prov ided that the existing to remain , new and re p laced i m p ervious surface area s, collective ly, do not exceed 5 ,000 square feet. Shall NOT be required to pay a GFC, provided that t h e new and replaced impervious surface areas, collectivelv. do not exceed 500 square feet even if the existing to re m ain, new and re p laced impervious surface areas, collectively, exceed 5,000 square feet. c. All other deve lopment shall pay a GFC calculated according to a ratio of one ESU per 3 ,000 square feet of ne w and replaced impervious surface area except as provided in subsection (c.i ) below. i. For existing developments , a GFC shall NOT be required provided that the new and replaced impervious surface areas , collectively, do not exceed 500 square feet. d . GFC'.s pertaining to subdivision improvements (e.g., streets , access roads , sidewalks) shall be calculated for such improvements according to a ratio of one ESU per 3 ,000 squa re feet of new p lus re p laced impervious surface area . Pay men t shall be required at the tim e of civil construction plan issuance fo r t he su bdivision p roj ect eve n if t h e actual cons tructio n of the im prove ments is to be def erred pursua nt to a performance bond or similar assurance . The payment amount shall be established b ase d upon the GFC in effect on the date of subdivision application . 3 . Fo r t h e p u rposes of this section a si ngle-fa m ily resid ence shall be consid er ed an (/ex isting si ng le-fam ily re sidence " if a pr ior si ngl e-fami ly res idence is repl aced with a new str uct u r e on the same site or lot w hen a buildi ng pe r m it ap p li cati o n for such re p lacement is submitted to t he ci t y within 12 months of the demolition or destruction of the prior structure. 4. For the purposes of this section the ratio one ESU per 3,000 square f eet of applicable surface area shall be prorated as necess ary to calculate the GFC.