20240430134505�0/30l73 CITY OF EDMONDS BUDDING DEPARTMENT WORK ADDRESS OWNER _ APPROVED DATE: BLDG. OFFICIAL PERMIT NUMBER A,Q2.oL3-070 V4 rc 40 -c s4, fe rX*ZT - 'VK rzf wed btdrMm m6j QSS Wik dOW.0 UiY, 0gYVClW pff- V COPY RECEIVED JUL 02 P13 DEVELOPMENT SERVICE" COUNTER (pshr'Y5 GLASS BY SHEETS 16206 Meadow Rd. LyhnWood, WA 98037 426-741-8822 T C,P V r e x1+ City of Edmonds Budding Department APPROVED PLAN ._...........�� - _�+ -` � -f-- 'Z` �/G.1 sit L G-I✓-� O V C ✓- C r.�. cl w .�.G lr 3 G 1 a S, ,%c>, Z_ G —!E — �/I. C ids..- _--v "Nothing in this permit approval process shall bt interpreted as allowing or permitting the maintenance Y>f any currently existing illegal, aeneonforming or unpermitted build>ng, structure qr site condition which is outside the scope of the permit application, regardless of whether such building, structure or condition is shown on the site plan or drawing. Such building, structure ay condition may be the subject of a seDarate Pnfovempnt action " I rl���Lc�p Over ��ci o`� u•a !% BY PLAN G RPPR ' ?qo3 (�xd :HOC'"_' / '7 5�;� RECEIVED JUL 0 2 2013 DEVELOPMENT SERVICi "' COUNTER 04/24/2013 WED 9:40 PAX 425 258 6734 Crystalite-Pine St. 2003/003 SERIES 4843 1/4"-20 PH MS f 1 /2" TAPE 3/4" 3 TAPE 0.. 1/4' GENERIC GWING DETALS. ACTUAL DESIGN ANO MAKE—UP VARY AS REQUIRED. t" 4839 Rafter NAMI certified and rated by NFRC for thermal performance. Compliant to International Building Code; structural deflection limited to L/175 per ASTM E 330, air infiltration tested per ASTM E 283 of 6.24 psf, water penetration tested per ASTM E 331 at 30.00 psf. JUL 02 2013 DEVELOPMENT SERVICES COUNTER