2022-05-31 Disability Board MinutesEDMONDS' LEOFF 1 DISABILITY BOARD Meeting Minutes Regular Meeting 05/31 /2022 MEMBERS PRESENT: Ken Jones, Board Chair Gary McComas, Board Member Susan Paine, Council Member Laura Johnson Council Member Jim Distelhorst, Citizen -at -Large STAFF PRESENT: Sharon Cates, Attorney Emily Wagener, Sr. Human Resources Analyst Carly Derrick, Human Resources Analyst MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC PRESENT: None CALL TO ORDER: Chair Jones called the meeting to order at 10:30 AM 4 DISCUSS AND APPROVE CLAIMS SUMMARY REPORT 01/01/2022 — 03/31/2022 Chair Jones introduced the claims summary report for the period of January 2022 to March 2022. He mentioned the budget shows a zero dollar balance so everything used is going to be a deficit. Ms. Derrick explained that finance didn't separate out the expenses as they usually do, but an administrative budget amendment just needs to be done by Finance. Council member Johnson suggested moving the approval to the next regularly scheduled meeting. Chair Jones agreed. Ms. Wagener explained that waiting doesn't hold up any reimbursements. Summary of Current Costs 01/01/2022 - 03/31 /2022 SERVICE Number of Claims Total Paid for Service Dental Expenses 7 $ 2,465.30 Eyeglasses 2 $ 374.98 Long Term Care 7 $ 27,063.00 Medical Services 8 $ 2,731.07 Medicare Premium 17 $ 29,155.00 Prescription 18 1 $ 5,279.99 Grand Total 59 $ 67,069.34 Edmonds LEOFF 1 Disability Board — 05/31/2022 BUSINESS Review/discuss LEOFF 1 member's increase in LTC services (+$271.89/month effective 9/1/2022) Chair Jones introduced the next item for discussion, the increase in long term care services by $271.89 per month. Council Member Paine noted it looked reasonable. Board Member McComas made a motion to approve long term care increase for LEOFF 1 member. Citizen -at -Large Distelhorst seconded the motion. The motion carried. Review/Revise Board Policies 001-06 Payment of Annual Deductibles (last reviewed and revised 1/29/13) 003-02 Purchase of Eye Glasses (last reviewed and revised 02/03/16) 005-06 Medicare Premium Reimbursements (last reviewed and revised 04/19/17) Council member Paine requested some verbiage changes on the annual deductibles policy to provide further clarification. Attorney Cates will make changes to the policies as requested. Board member McComas proposed raising the amounts for eyeglasses from $150.00 to $250.00 per year and from $300 to $500 every two years. Ms. Wagener mentioned there is an updated policy from 2018 that shows $225 annually. Council member Johnson said she preferred a $450 every two years policy because $225 won't cover lenses. The board agreed and talked about raising the amount to $500 every two years. The eye exam would be covered in full, in addition to the $500 hardware maximum. Chair Jones made a motion to increase the eyeglass reimbursement maximum to $500 every two years effective January 1, 2022. Council member Johnson seconded that motion. Motion carried. The Board decided to leave the current policy for Medicare Premiums intact. Board member Jones made a motion to keep the Medicare premium policy the same. Council member Paine seconded the motion. Motion carried. OTHER OPMA Changes The Board discussed the possibility of returning to in -person meetings. Chair Jones suggested not having another meeting until after July when there is more clarification on the requirements of in -person meetings due to COVID. Board member adjourned the meeting at 11:15 AM. Page 2 of 2