Snohomish County Human Services for First Responder Flex Fund - Amendment 1Docusign Envelope ID: 2575B9DD-0329-4A1D-A904-D5C6C4E8A604 o� tvA1v Atc.taeu CONTRACT ROUTING FORM No. Z Originator: Chief Michelle Bennett Routed by: O Department/Division: Police Department Date: a Name of Consultant/Contractor: Snohomish County Human Services Department wCONTRACT TITLE: Contract Amendment for First Responder Flex Fund G Type of Contract: ® (GR) Grants O(1) Intergovernmental Agreement I-- U (S) Purchase of Services Z W ll'— Project/Bid/RFP No: Z tom.) Effective Date: 1 /1 /24 uHas the original contract boilerplate language been modified? I.- If yes, specify which sections have been modified: pDescription V of Services: Total Amount of Contract: Public Works (City Clerk Use Only) Alexandra Ehlert 09/26/2024 (L) Lease Agreement (0) Other Completion Date: 12/31/24 Yes • No Amount: y Budget # Budget # J Amount: W Budget # Budget # G J Amount: Q Budget # Budget # C� Z Are there sufficient funds in the current budget to cover this contract? Yes Q Z Remarks: Authorization Level: W ❑ 1. Project Manager Q ❑ 2. Risk Management/Budget Z 3. City Attorney 2 ❑ 4. Consultant/Contractor N ❑ 5. Other No Inmal ® 6. City Council Approval ❑ Date (if applicable) 10/29/24 ❑ 7. Mayor ❑ 8. City Clerk Amount: WEEMENEW by: Docusign Envelope ID: 2575B9DD-0329-4A1D-A904-D5C6C4E8A604 SNOHOMISH COUNTY HUMAN SERVICES DEPARTMENT 3000 ROCKEFELLER AVENUE, M/S 3051 EVERETT, WA 98201 (425) 388-7200 CONTRACT AMENDMENT 1. Contract Number: 2. Amendment Number: 3. This Amendment herein- 4. Amount of Contract after identified as: Award as Amended: BH-24-62-05-224 1 BH-24-62-05-224(1) $1,100 5. Name and Address of Contracting Organization: 6. Title of Project / Service: City of Edmonds First Responder Flex Fund 250 51h Ave N Edmonds, WA 98020 ® Subrecipient ❑ Contractor 7. THIS ITEM APPLIES ONLY TO BILATERAL AMENDMENTS. The Contract identified herein, including any previous amendments thereto, is hereby amended as set forth in Item 8 below by mutual consent of all parties hereto. 8. TERMS OF AMENDMENT. (Indicate the amount of an increase/decrease in contract and new beginning and ending dates, if applicable). The Contract referred to in Item 1 above is revised as follows: A. Exhibit C is amended to decrease funds by $3,000. The maximim value of this Contract is now $1,100. B. Exhibit C-1 supersedes Exhibit C. 9. ALL OTHER TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THE ORIGINAL CONTRACT AND ANY PREVIOUS AMENDMENTS THERETO REMAIN IN FULL FORCE AND EFFECT. FOR THE CONTRACTING ORGANIZATION: Signed by: At1b, FbSU&, "6r (Signature) (Date) Mike Rosen (Title) FOR SNOHOMISH COUNTY: Mary Jane Brell Vujovic, Director Department of Human Services (Date) Docusign Envelope ID: 2575B9DD-0329-4A1D-A904-D5C6C4E8A604 EXHIBIT C-1 CONTRACT BUDGET - COST REIMBURSEMENT FIRST RESPONDER FLEX FUND AGENCY NAME: City of Edmonds CONTRACT PERIOD: 1/1/2024 to 12/31/2024 FUNDS AWARDED UNDER CONTRACT: REVENUE SOURCE FUNDING PERIOD AMOUNT AMENDMENT TOTAL AMOUNT EHP 1/1/2024 to 12/31/2024 $ 4,100 (3,000) $ 1,100 TOTAL FUNDS AWARDED: $ 4,100 $ (3,000) $ 1,100 MATCHING RESOURCES: N/A MATCH REQUIREMENTS FOR CONTRACT OTHER PROGRAM RESOURCES (Identify): N/A TOTAL MATCHING RESOURCES: N/A % N/A AMOUNT: N/A TOTAL OTHER RESOURCES: $ - Exhibit C-1 BH-24-62-05-224(1) City of Edmonds Page 1 of 4 Docusign Envelope ID: 2575B9DD-0329-4A1D-A904-D5C6C4E8A604 EXPENDITURES CATEGORY FUND SOURCE EHP FUND SOURCE FUND SOURCE FUND SOURCE FUND SOURCE FUND SOURCE TOTAL OTHER RESOURCES Salaries/Wages $ - Benefits - Supplies/Minor Equip. - Prof. Services - Postage - Telephone - Mileage/Fares - Meals - Lodging - Advertising - Leases/Rentals - Insurance - Utilities - Repairs/Maint. - Client Flex Funds - Printing - Dues/Subscrip. - Regis./Tuition - Machinery/Equip. - Administration - Indirect - Miscellaneous - Flex Funds 1,100 1,100 Misc. Construction - Acquisition - Relocation - TOTAL $ 1,100 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 1,100 $ Exhibit C-1 BH-24-62-05-224(1) City of Edmonds Page 2 of 4 Docusign Envelope ID: 2575B9DD-0329-4A1D-A904-D5C6C4E8A604 EXPENDITURE NARRATIVE AMOUNT I CATEGORY I NARRATIVE (provide justification describing each category supported with funds awarded under this contract) 1,100 1 Flex Funds I Cost of Flex Funds distributed to First Responders 1,100 1 TOTAL Exhibit C-1 BH-24-62-05-224(1) City of Edmonds Page 3 of 4 Docusign Envelope ID: 2575B9DD-0329-4A1D-A904-D5C6C4E8A604 DETAIL SALARIES / WAGES POSITION FUND SOURCE % OF TIME TO FUND SOURCE TOTAL MONTHLY MONTHLY CHARGE TO FUND SOURCE MONTHS TOTAL CHARGE TO FUND SOURCE N/A NOTE: Above figures may reflect rounding TOTAL: $0 Exhibit C-1 BH-24-62-05-224(1) City of Edmonds Page 4 of 4 Docusign Envelope ID: 2575B9DD-0329-4A1D-A904-D5C6C4E8A604 DocuSign�nvelope LD,_ OPDQ. 2v7515-4C44-A8E6-6C8A407E938E Snohomish County Human Services FEB 2 7 2024 3000 Rockefeller Avenue, M/S 305 1 Everett, WA 98201 HI 72 rir nFPARTMENT (425) 388-00 "Av v'tn Contract Number: BH-24-62-05-224 Maximum Contract Amount: $4,100 U vTitle of Project / Service: First Responder Flex Fund z w Ov N Status Start Date: 01/01/2024 End Date: 12/31/2024 Determination: Subrecipient O z Agency Name: City of Edmonds z0 Address: 250 5th Ave. N. v Q N Q City, State &Zip: Edmonds, WA 98020 91-6001244 IRS Tax No. / EIN: O w Contact Person: Alexandra Ehlert Unique Entity Identifier: NF1AQNT457R7 O Telephone: 425.771.0282 Email Address: alexandra.ehlert@edmondswa.gov Authority: RCW 36.22.1791 and 43.185c COFunding C9 z LL � U ALN* No. & Title: N/A a Funding Specifics: Ending Homelessness Program U Funding Source: County F-1 Federal Funding Addendum Attached: []Yes X No ZProgram Division Contact Person Contact Email Contact Phone O Behavioral Health Cleo Harris cleo.harris@snoco.org 425-388-7423 Additional terms of this Contract are set out in and governed by the following, which are incorporated herein by reference: Basic Terms and Conditions HSD-2018-127-224 maintained on file at the Human Services Department: Business Associate Agreement BAA-2018-127-224, maintained on file at the Human Services Department: Specific Terms and Conditions Attached as Exhibit A Statement of Work/Project Description Attached as Exhibit B Approved Contract Budget Attached as Exhibit C Approved Invoice 0 Attached as Exhibit D In the event of any inconsistency in this contract, the inconsistency shall be resolved by giving precedence in the following order: (a) appropriate provisions of state and federal law, (b) Specific Terms and Conditions, (c) Basic Terms and Conditions, (d) Business Associate Agreement, (e) other attachments incorporated by reference, and (f) other documents incorporated by reference. THE CONTRACTING ORGANIZATION IDENTIFIED ABOVE (HEREINAFTER REFERRED TO AS AGENCY), AND SNOHOMISH COUNTY (HEREINAFTER REFERRED TO AS COUNTY), HEREBY ACKNOWLEDGE AND AGREE TO THE TERMS OF THIS CONTRACT. SIGNATURES FOR BOTH PARTIES ARE REQUIRED BELOW. BY SIGNING, THE AGENCY IS CERTIFYING THAT IT IS NOT DEBARRED, SUSPENDED, OR OTHERWISE EXCLUDED FROM PARTICIPATING IN FEDERALLY FIINnFr1 PROGRAMS * ALN is the Assistance Listing Number formerly known as CFDA number for federal funding FOR THE CONTRACTING ORGANIZATION: r or M�� Rosw 2/27/2024 f C; (Signature) (Date) Mayor (Title) FOR SNOHOMISH COUNTY: Mary Jane Brell Vujovic, Director (Date) Department of Human Services Docusign Envelope ID: 2575B9DD-0329-4A1D-A904-D5C6C4E8A604 EXHIBIT A SPECIFIC TERMS AND CONDITIONS FIRST RESPONDER FLEX FUND I. DEFINITION OF TERMS A. Access to Care Standards (ACS): The Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery (DBHR) minimum eligibility requirements for Medicaid adults & Medicaid older adults guidelines reflect the most restrictive eligibility criteria that can be applied, pursuant to RCW 70.96A and 70.96B. North Sound Behavioral Health Administrative Services Organization (BH-ASO) may expand coverage based on availability of local resources. B. Adjudicated Youth: Refers to a youth who has been determined by a juvenile court judge to have committed a delinquent offense. C. Advanced Directive: A written document that contains directions and preferences for treatment and care during times an individual is having difficulty communicating or making decisions. D. Aging Population: Age 65 and older. E. ASAM: Acronym for American Society of Addiction Medicine. F. Behavioral Health: The prevention, treatment of, and recovery from substance use disorders, mental health disorders, and/or problem and pathological gambling disorders. G. Case Management: Assistance to a recipient and family (or significant other) to obtain, maintain, or develop appropriate resources. H. Child: Refers to an individual under the age of ten (10). Community Outreach and Intervention: Services to link individuals to treatment and other appropriate support services. J. Complaint: A verbal or written statement by a participant that expresses dissatisfaction with some aspect of services covered under this Agreement, the Primary Care Provider, or Agency. K. Contingency Management: An evidence -based practice allowing individuals to earn tangible rewards to reinforce positive behaviors such as service Exhibit A BH-24-62-05-224 City of Edmonds Page 1 of 11 Docusign Envelope ID: 2575B9DD-0329-4A1D-A904-D5C6C4E8A604 attendance, abstaining from drugs and alcohol, and involvement in pro -social activities. L. Corrective Action/Compliance Review: When findings from monitoring efforts or audits show that there are apparent violations of this Contract, the Agency shall implement corrective action within specified timeframes determined by the County. M. Corrective Action Plan (CAP): A written plan specifying what a Contractor is required to do to be compliant. This includes required improvements and a timeline for such action(s) to be accomplished. N. Counselors: Personnel employed by the Agency who meet the criteria as defined in WAC. O. COVID-19: An infectious disease caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). P. Cultural Competence: A set of congruent behaviors, attitudes and policies that come together in a system or Agency and enable that system or Agency to work effectively in cross-cultural situations. A culturally competent system of care acknowledges and incorporates at all levels the importance of language and culture, assessment of cross-cultural relations, knowledge, and acceptance of dynamics of cultural differences, expansion of cultural knowledge and adaptation of services to meet culturally unique needs. Q. Cultural Humility: The lifelong practice of being aware and thinking of one's own values, beliefs, own biases, and social position within the context of the present moment and be aware of and sensitive to historic realities like legacies of violence and oppression against certain groups of people. R. Direct Student Services (DSS): Include, face-to-face sessions with an individual student and/or the student's family to address the student's needs. S. Department of Social and Health Services (DSHS), or the department, or the Department: DSHS of the State of Washington and its Secretary, officers, employees, and authorized agents. T. DSM 5: Acronym for the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders fifth edition. U. Evidenced Based Treatment: A program, policy or practice recognized by research that, when applied in treatment, has improved outcomes for clients, participants or communities. Exhibit A BH-24-62-05-224 City of Edmonds Page 2 of 11 Docusign Envelope ID: 2575B9DD-0329-4A1D-A904-D5C6C4E8A604 V. Fair Hearing: A grievance hearing before the Washington State Office of Administrative Hearings. W. Family: Those the individual defines as family or those appointed/assigned (e.g., parents, foster parents, guardians, siblings, caregivers, and significant others). X. Flex funds: Funds provided through a program that are used to procure goods and/or services directly related to the needs of the participant as outlined in Exhibit B. Y. GAIN -SS: Acronym for Global Appraisal of Individual Needs Short Screening. Z. Grievance: An expression of dissatisfaction about any matter. The term is also used to refer to the overall process that includes grievances handled at the NSBHASO level and access to the state fair hearing process. Possible subjects for grievances include, but are not limited to, the quality of care or services provided, and aspects of interpersonal relationships such as rudeness, or failure to respect the enrollee's rights. AA. Hardship Insured: Individuals with insurance who cannot afford to pay insurance deductibles or co -pays. BB. HCA: Refers to the Health Care Authority. CC. Healing Organization: An organizational system where staff policies, procedures, services, and treatment models apply an understanding of trauma embedded within them. Their approaches to providing services are trauma - shielding or trauma -reducing. DD. HIPAA: Acronym for "Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act." Additional information is outlined in the Business Associate Agreement as referenced on the face sheet of this Contract. EE. Housing Services: The services or activities designed to assist individuals or families in locating, obtaining, or retaining suitable housing. Component services or activities may include tenant counseling, helping individuals and families to identify and correct substandard housing conditions on behalf of individuals and families who are unable to protect their own interests and assisting individuals and families to understand leases, secure utilities and make moving arrangements. FF. Independent Peer Review: To assess the quality, appropriateness and efficiency of treatment services provided in the state to individuals under the program involved. Exhibit A BH-24-62-05-224 City of Edmonds Page 3 of 11 Docusign Envelope ID: 2575B9DD-0329-4A1D-A904-D5C6C4E8A604 GG. Indirect Student Services (ISS): Include all contact with an individual student's support system. HH. Individual Treatment: Planned therapeutic or counseling activity provided to a sole eligible individual by one (1) or more counselors. II. Individual: Previously known as client, consumer, patient, or participant. JJ. Labor Harmony Requirement: A "No Service Disruption Guarantee" outlined in Exhibit E, as applicable. KK. Low Income: Participants whose monthly income does not exceed 250% of the national poverty index, or as negotiated in your Contract. LL. MCO: Acronym for Managed Care Organization. MM. Mental Disorder: A disorder as defined in RCW 71.34.020(13) for children and RCW 71.05.020(26) for adults. NN. Mental Health Professional (MHP): Personnel employed by the Agency who meet the criteria as defined in WAC. 00. NSBHASO: Acronym for "North Sound Behavioral Health Administrative Services Organization." PP. No Service Disruption Guarantee: An agreement to maintain services and prevent a disruption of service caused by labor unrest. See "Labor Harmony Requirement" above. Additional information is outlined in Exhibit E., Attachment A, as applicable. QQ. Nurse Family Partnership (NFP): An evidence based, community health program for vulnerable mothers pregnant with their first child. RR. Outcome: An outcome defines changes that occur as a result of the program's work. Examples include Short Term (a change in learning: awareness, knowledge, skills, motivations); Intermediate (a change in action: behavior, practice, decision -making, policies); Long Term (consequences: social, economic, environmental). SS. Outpatient Counseling: The provision of substance abuse treatment, mental health treatment and other support services according to a prescribed plan in a non-residential setting. Exhibit A BH-24-62-05-224 City of Edmonds Page 4 of 11 Docusign Envelope ID: 2575B9DD-0329-4A1D-A904-D5C6C4E8A604 TT. Output: An output details what the program does and is usually a count of something. Examples include Activities (the actual tasks done such as screenings, assessments, workshops); Participation (who the program serves; customers and stakeholders). UU. Outreach/Education Services (OES): Training and information sharing to Agency staff and external providers about the Student Support Advocate program not directly related to a particular case management student. VV. Personal Information: Information identifiable to any person, including, but not limited to, information that relates to a person's name, health, finances, education, business, use or receipt of governmental services or other activities, addresses, telephone numbers, social security numbers, driver license numbers, other identifying numbers, and any financial identifiers. WW.Quality Assurance: A focus on compliance to minimum requirements (e.g., rules, regulations, and contract terms) as well as reasonably expected levels of performance, quality, and practice. XX. Recovery: The processes through which people are able to live, work, learn, and participate fully in their communities. YY. Referral: A process of directing an Individual to available specialty care or services. ZZ. Remote Learning: Also referred to as distance learning, gives learners who aren't in a physical location for in -person education access to online training materials. AAA. RCW: Acronym for "Revised Code of Washington." BBB. Resiliency: The personal and community qualities that enable individuals to rebound from adversity, trauma, tragedy, threats, or other stresses, and to live productive lives. CCC. Shall: Compliance is mandatory. DDD. SHP: Acronym for Supportive Housing Program. EEE. Substance Use Disorder Professional (SUDP) (formerly CDP): Personnel employed by the Agency who meet the criteria defined in WAC. FFF. Substance Use Disorder Professional Trainee (SUDPT) (formerly CDPT): Personnel employed by the Agency who meet the criteria defined in WAC. Exhibit A BH-24-62-05-224 City of Edmonds Page 5 of 11 Docusign Envelope ID: 2575B9DD-0329-4A1D-A904-D5C6C4EM604 GGG. Serious Mental Illness (SMI): According to Federal Register Vol. 58, No. 96, May 20, 1993, persons aged 18 and over who currently, or at any time during the past year, have a diagnosable mental, behavioral, or emotional disorder of sufficient duration to meet diagnostic criteria specified within the current DSM, that has resulted in functional impairment which substantially limits one or more major life activities. HHH. Strengthening Families Program 10-14: Refers to the evidence -based prevention program developed at Iowa State University for families and young adolescents. III. Student Support Advocate (SSA): Personnel hired by the school district to perform contracted services. JJJ. Substance Use Disorder (SUD): Acronym for "Substance Use Disorder." This definition replaces the definition for Chemical Dependency. KKK. Telehealth: The distribution of health -related service and information via electronic information and telecommunication technologies. LLL. TILT Team: Refers the Trauma -Informed Leadership Team, the selected group of staff dedicated to the advancement of Trauma -Informed Practices in the school or Agency. MMM. Trauma: Refers to experiences that cause intense physical and psychological stress reactions. It can refer to "a single event, multiple events, or a set of circumstances that is experienced by an individual as physically and emotionally harmful or threatening and that has lasting adverse effects on the individual's physical, social, emotional, or spiritual well-being. NNN. Trauma -Informed: A trauma -informed approach to the delivery of behavioral health services includes an understanding of trauma and an awareness of the impact it can have across setting, services, and populations. It involves viewing trauma through an ecological and cultural lens and recognizing that context plays a significant role in how individuals perceive and process traumatic events, whether acute or chronic. Per SAMHSA, the three key elements of a trauma -informed approach include: realizing the prevalence of trauma; recognizing how trauma affects all individuals involved with the program, organization, or system, including its own workforce; and responding by putting this knowledge into practice. 000. Trauma -Informed Care: TIC is a strengths -based service delivery approach "that is grounded in understanding of and responsiveness to the impact of trauma, that emphasizes physical, psychological, and emotional safety for both providers and survivors, and that creates opportunities for survivors to rebuild Exhibit A BH-24-62-05-224 City of Edmonds Page 6 of 11 Docusign Envelope ID: 2575B9DD-0329-4A1D-A904-D5C6C4E8A604 a sense of control and empowerment. TIC also involves vigilance in anticipating and avoiding institutional processes and individual practices that are likely to retraumatize individuals who already have histories of trauma, and it upholds the importance of consumer participation in the development, delivery, and evaluation of services. PPP. Trauma -Informed System: An organizational system which has developed a shared language to define, normalize, and address the impact of trauma on clients and the workforce. The organization operates from a foundational understanding of the nature and impact of trauma. QQQ. Veteran: A veteran is defined as an individual that has served as a member of the armed forces, active duty or reserves, for at least one day. This will also include service in the National Guard, as well as Merchant Marines in support of US resources in wartime. Veteran status may be verified through self - identification, discharge certificate, or Department of Defense Form DD-214. RRR. WAC: Acronym for "Washington Administrative Code". SSS. WSUE: Refers to Washington State University Extension, a division of Snohomish County Parks & Recreation Department (PRD). TTT. Youth: Means a person from age ten (10) through age seventeen (17) II. PERFORMANCE STANDARDS AND LICENSING A. The Agency shall meet the requirements of WAC, applicable local and state rules, and state and federal statutes. In addition, the Agency shall meet the applicable specific program requirements for licensure and certification to perform contracted services. A copy of the certification shall be submitted to the County upon request. B. The Agency shall maintain relevant and appropriate licensure by the State of Washington to provide behavioral health and/or community support services. The Agency shall notify the County in writing within five (5) business days of any change in licensure status. III. COMPLIANCE WITH SPECIFIC LAWS AND REGULATIONS A. All services provided under this Contract shall meet all standards set forth in current, revised and replaced WAC's and RCW's. B. The Agency shall meet all applicable standards for program operations set forth in WAC and RCW. The Agency shall ensure that WAC and RCW requirements Exhibit A BH-24-62-05-224 City of Edmonds Page 7 of 11 Docusign Envelope ID: 2575B9DD-0329-4A1D-A904-D5C6C4E8A604 are followed and are adjusted as the WAC and RCW are amended, revised, eliminated or added. C. The Agency shall operate and adhere to fidelity of the model of services utilized by the Agency and as negotiated with the County. D. The Agency must have policies and procedures in place to protect and safeguard individually identifiable health information obtained in the course of providing services under this Contract. The Agency shall not disclose an individual's information, directly or indirectly, except to the extent allowed under applicable state or federal laws and regulations. The Agency shall comply with all terms and conditions of Federal Confidentiality of Substance Use Disorder Patient Records, 42 CFR Part 2 and applicable provisions of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) and the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). E. Staff and volunteers who have access to children or vulnerable adults are required to have a background check per RCW and WAC. A background check is required at the time of employment or commencement of volunteer duties. An Agency shall conduct additional background checks if circumstances arise that cause the Agency concern. The Agency shall ensure that all persons convicted of crimes preventing contact with vulnerable populations are prohibited from having access to those populations. F. The Agency shall enter data as negotiated with the County. The Agency shall make use of data and specific to the Agency systems or electronic records for the purpose of evaluating and reporting individual and program service outcomes. G. The Agency shall comply with all terms and conditions of the Business Associate Agreement. IV. REIMBURSEMENT PROCEDURES Services rendered under this Contract shall be reimbursed based on the attached Budget (Exhibit C). Services shall be provided per the attached Statement of Work (Exhibit B). V. REIMBURSEMENT LIMITATION A. The Agency shall utilize the contracted dollar amount to provide services throughout the duration of this Contract. B. The Agency shall be responsible for ensuring budget is maintained and that invoices to the County do not exceed the budgeted amount as stated in Exhibit Exhibit A BH-24-62-05-224 City of Edmonds Page 8 of 11 Docusign Envelope ID: 2575B9DD-0329-4A1D-A904-D5C6C4E8A604 C, Approved Contract Budget. C. Utilization of County funding available to this program will be reviewed monthly and the Contract allocation may be reduced and re -allocated at the discretion of the County, where needed if expenditures are not sufficient to fully utilize available funding. D. The Agency certifies that work to be performed under this Contract will not duplicate any work to be charged against any other contract, subcontract, or source. VI. REPORTING REQUIREMENTS The Agency shall submit all required reports documenting performance in a timely manner. All reports shall be completed on approved forms and in accordance with procedures as issued by the County. In the event the Agency fails to maintain its reporting obligations, the County reserves the right to withhold reimbursements to the Agency or order payment stopped to the Agency in an amount proportional to the data estimated to be outstanding until such time that the data is current. VII. OTHER REVENUES Revenues generated by the Agency from other funding sources (e.g. donations, fund-raising) under this program, including fees collected from low-income participants, shall be separately identified and recorded as project income. These funds shall be used exclusively to provide increased levels of service. VIII. SUBCONTRACTING A. The Agency is prohibited from subcontracting any funding and/or services contained within this Contract unless otherwise negotiated with the County. B. All rules, regulations and requirements contained in the Basic Terms and Conditions must be met for all subcontracts executed pursuant to this Contract. All subcontracting arrangements require prior written approval from the County. IX. RECORDS RETENTION The Agency shall retain all fiscal and clinical books, records, documents and other materials relevant to this Contract in accordance with WAC. Exhibit A BH-24-62-05-224 City of Edmonds Page 9 of 11 Docusign Envelope ID: 2575B9DD-0329-4A1D-A904-D5C6C4E8A604 X. LOCATION AND HOURS OF SERVICE A. Services provided under this Contract shall be available in Snohomish County for Snohomish County residents. B. To ensure participants have consistent access to treatment services, the Agency shall minimally maintain business hours from 9.00 AM through 5.00 PM Monday through Friday, excluding recognized holidays or as negotiated with the County. Any reduction in service hours shall be submitted in writing to the County for approval, fifteen (15) calendar days prior to implementation. C. The Agency shall notify the County within ten (10) days of change in personnel which may affect the faithful execution of this Contract. XI. ELIGIBILITY A. County funds shall be the dollar of last resort for billing. The Agency shall determine at time of intake if the individual has medical insurance, including state -sponsored programs providing low-cost health care coverage through private health plans, which covers substance use disorder treatment services. If the individual has medical insurance that covers substance use disorder treatment services, the medical insurance shall be used as the first source of billing to pay for treatment services. The Agency shall ensure that only one source of funding is used at any given time. B. Termination of a Contract shall not be grounds for a fair hearing for the service applicant or a grievance for the recipient if similar services are immediately available in the County. C. The Agency shall have policies and procedures in place for participant grievances in the case of denial or termination of service or failure to act upon a request for services with reasonable promptness. XII. MONITORING AND EVALUATION The Agency shall cooperate with the County in monitoring activities a minimum of once per year or more as deemed appropriate by the County. XIII. INTERAGENCY COORDINATION A. The Agency shall identify the primary agencies with whom they have regular relationships and whose activities substantially affect the delivery of services under this Contract. The Agency shall negotiate and execute working agreements with these agencies to ensure coordinated services and Exhibit A BH-24-62-05-224 City of Edmonds Page 10 of 11 Docusign Envelope ID: 2575B9DD-0329-4A1D-A904-D5C6C4E8A604 appropriate referral procedures. B. Working agreements shall minimally address the following: 1. Program description; 2. Referral procedures and timelines; 3. Release of information procedures; 4. Follow up procedures; 5. Procedures for exchanging information concerning program changes and unavailability of services; and 6. Procedures for problem solving between two (2) agencies. XIV. EMERGENCY PROCEDURES The Agency shall have a plan for serving individuals during periods when normal services may be disrupted. Disruption to normal services may include earthquakes, floods, snowstorms, and other natural disasters. Particular attention should be made for those individuals who are most at risk. When services are delivered at the Agency's workplace the plan shall include contact information for high -risk individuals, a list of emergency services, and stores of emergency provisions. XV. CONTINUING EDUCATION The Agency shall ensure their staff is effectively trained to implement the services they agree to provide under the terms of this Contract. The Agency is encouraged to inquire about the availability of additional training funds and opportunities to support their continuing education efforts. XVI. MEETING PARTICIPATION The Agency shall ensure they have representation at any County -sponsored trainings or meetings. The County shall notify the Agency a minimum of two (2) weeks prior to the event. XVII. DEFINITIONS AND TERMS The Agency shall utilize the definitions and terms in this Exhibit A as applicable throughout this Contract or as negotiated with the County. Exhibit A BH-24-62-05-224 City of Edmonds Page 11 of 11 Docusign Envelope ID: 2575B9DD-0329-4A1D-A904-D5C6C4E8A604 EXHIBIT B STATEMENT OF WORK / PROJECT DESCRIPTION FIRST RESPONDER FLEX FUND I. DESCRIPTION A. The Project shall assist Individuals to remove barriers to housing and/or abate emergency situations through the provision of Flex Fund assistance. B. The Project shall serve eligible Individuals only. The individuals/families must be experiencing homelessness or at risk of homelessness. II. PROGRAM ACTIVITIES In compliance with the terms of the Contract, the City shall perform the tasks and services as follows: A. The City shall develop and maintain a process to disburse Flex Funds to First Responders and Co -Responder Social Workers, not to exceed the total amount included in the Approved Project Budget (Exhibit C). B. First Responders and Co -Responder Social Workers shall access Flex Funds in order to procure goods and/or services directly related to the needs of Individuals, which cannot be met through existing categorical services or formal/informal community mechanisms or for an immediate need in which other mechanisms cannot be accessed in a timely manner. Examples of such purchases may include, but are not limited to: shelter, food (for example: a hot meal or food, beverages, groceries to get by for a few days or until another resource can be accessed), clothing (for example: shoes, coats, socks, underclothes, pants, tops, gloves), medical care, transportation, or other basic needs. C. Flex Funds are designed to be used by Co-Responders/Social Workers who work with First Responders and by First Responders who may not have a Co - Responder at the time a need is identified. Flex Funds are not intended to be used as a reward or withheld as a punishment. Use of Flex Funds in this manner may lead to a review of this Contract and re-evaluation of this award. D. Flex Funds shall not be paid directly to the Individuals or used for the purchase of alcohol, tobacco, vaping, products, marijuana products, firearms, ammunition, or other weaponry. E. The City shall utilize flex funds throughout the duration of this Contract and shall not use these funds at the end of the year to "stock up" in lieu of providing Exhibit B BH-24-62-05-224 City of Edmonds Page 1 of 2 Docusign Envelope ID: 2575B9DD-0329-4A1D-A904-D5C6C4E8A604 assistance to individuals and families to help end homelessness in real time during the year. F. The City shall submit supporting documentation for expenses covered by Flex Funds with the Approved Invoice (Exhibit D) for reimbursement. G. The City shall include receipts for services and purchases with the invoice as supporting documentation. H. The City shall submit invoices by the tenth (10th) day of the month following flex fund use. Exception: the December invoice must be submitted no later than January 6, 2025. I. The County will review fund usage throughout this Contract period and may reallocate unutilized funds to cities that are in need of additional funds. J. Funds allocated to the First Responder Flex Fund are determined on an annual basis based on funding availability and are not guaranteed. III. REPORTS The City shall submit a report each quarter providing information regarding the number of individuals assisted, number of assistance activities and a description of at least one individual or family that was able to remove a barrier to housing or abate an emergency situation as a result of the Project. The quarterly narrative shall be submitted with the monthly invoice. Exhibit B BH-24-62-05-224 City of Edmonds Page 2 of 2 Docusign Envelope ID: 2575B9DD-0329-4A1D-A904-D5C6C4E8A604 EXHIBIT C CONTRACT BUDGET - COST REIMBURSEMENT FIRST RESPONDER FLEX FUND AGENCY NAME: City of Edmonds CONTRACT PERIOD: 1/1/2024 to 12/31/2024 FUNDS AWARDED UNDER CONTRACT: REVENUE SOURCE FUNDING PERIOD AMOUNT AMENDMENT TOTAL AMOUNT EHP 1/1/2024 to 12/31/2024 $ 4,100 $ 4,100 TOTAL FUNDS AWARDED: $ 4,100 $ - $ 4,100 MATCHING RESOURCES: N/A MATCH REQUIREMENTS FOR CONTRACT OTHER PROGRAM RESOURCES (Identify): N/A TOTAL MATCHING RESOURCES: N/A % N/A AMOUNT: N/A TOTAL OTHER RESOURCES: $ - Exhibit C BH-24-62-05-224 City of Edmonds Page 1 of 4 Docusign Envelope ID: 2575B9DD-0329-4A1D-A904-D5C6C4E8A604 EXPENDITURES CATEGORY FUND SOURCE EHP FUND SOURCE FUND SOURCE FUND SOURCE FUND SOURCE FUND SOURCE TOTAL OTHER RESOURCES Salaries/Wages $ - Benefits - Supplies/Minor Equip. - Prof. Services - Postage - Telephone - Mileage/Fares - Meals - Lodging - Advertising - Leases/Rentals - Insurance - Utilities - Repairs/Maint. - Client Flex Funds - Printing - Dues/Subscrip. - Regis./Tuition - Machinery/Equip. - Administration - Indirect - Miscellaneous - Flex Funds 4,100 4,100 Misc. Construction - Acquisition - Relocation - TOTAL $ 4,100 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 4,100 $ Exhibit C B H-24-62-05-224 City of Edmonds Page 2 of 4 Docusign Envelope ID: 2575B9DD-0329-4A1D-A904-D5C6C4E8A604 EXPENDITURE NARRATIVE AMOUNT I CATEGORY I NARRATIVE (provide justification describing each category supported with funds awarded under this contract) 4,100 1 Flex Funds I Cost of Flex Funds distributed to First Responders 4,100 1 TOTAL Exhibit C BH-24-62-05-224 City of Edmonds Page 3 of 4 Docusign Envelope ID: 2575B9DD-0329-4A1D-A904-D5C6C4E8A604 DETAIL SALARIES / WAGES POSITION FUND SOURCE % OF TIME TO FUND SOURCE TOTAL MONTHLY MONTHLY CHARGE TO FUND SOURCE MONTHS TOTAL CHARGE TO FUND SOURCE N/A NOTE: Above figures may reflect rounding TOTAL: $0 Exhibit C BH-24-62-05-224 City of Edmonds Page 4 of 4 Docusign Envelope ID: 2575B9DD-0329-4A1D-A904-D5C6C4E8A604 Invoice Number: I NVOI CE-Cost Reimbursement Contracts Snohomish County Human Services Department - 3000 Rockefeller, M/S 305, Everett, WA 98201 Actual: ❑x Estimated:❑ Contracting City and Address: Contract #: BH-24-62-05-224 City of Edmonds Project Title. First Responder Flex Fund 250 5th Ave. N. Contract Manager: Cleo Harris (425)388-7423 cleo.harris@snoco.org Edmonds,WA 98290 Reporting Period: To: AUTHORIZING SIGNATURE: sign in in Date: SUB OBJ Account Title Current Expenditures Contract To Date Expenditures Total Contract Budget Contract Budget Balance 52 Flex Funds $ 4,100.00 $ 4,100.00 TOTALS $ $ $ 4,100.00 $ 4,100.00 ATTACH: CONTRACTOR CERTIFICATION FORM Exhibit D BH-24-62-05-224 City of Edmonds Page 1 of 2 Docusign Envelope ID: 2575B9DD-0329-4A1D-A904-D5C6C4E8A604 SNOHOMISH COUNTY A HUMAN SERVICES DEPARTMENT 3000 ROCKEFELLER, M/S305 EVERETT, WA 98201 AGENCY CERTIFICATION FORM Agency Certification: I hereby certify under penalty of perjury that the items and totals listed herein are proper charges for materi al s, merchandi se, or servi ces f urni shed to Snohomi sh County, and that al I goods f urni shed and/or servi ces rendered have been provi ded wi thout di scri mi nati on on the grounds of race, creed, nati onal on gi n, handi cap, sex, or age. AUTHORIZING SIGNATURE: DATE: Voucher Check # Vendor I nvoi ce Refer. # Description Total Amount Charged To: Non -Grant Grant (Use -Additional PagesasNecessary) Total: Is - Is - Is - Exhibit D BH-24-62-05-224 City of Edmonds Page 2 of 2