Ordinance 009063
An Ordinance to prohibit the obstruction of streets, avenues,
highways or public routes of travel in the Town of Edmonds, Wash-
ington, by railroad cars and locomotives, and providing a penalty
for violation thereof.
The Town Council of the Town of Edmonds do ordain as follows:
SECTIOr, 1: It shall be unlawful to cause or permit any rail-/5E '
road cars or locomotives to remain at the crossing of ary street,�7
averue, highway or public route of travel so as to obstruct travel
or traffic over the same for any longer period, thar ten consecu-
tive minutes at any one time, or to permit any railroad car or lo-
comotive to be moved back and forth at the crossing of any street,
avenue, highway or public route of travel irl said Town, so as to
obstruct travel or traffic over the same for any longer period than
tell consecutive minutes at any one time.
SECTION 2: Any Conductor, Engineer, or Brakeman in charge ),'n4
of any railroad car, locomotive or train of cars or any person who
shall do, cause or permit any act to be done in violation of the
provisions of this Ordinance shall or conviction, be punished by
a fine not exceeding Twenty -live (625.00) Dollars or imprisonment
rot exceeding ten days or by both such fire and imprisonment.
Passed the Council May 5th, 1900.
Passed by the Council January 19th, 1901 account it was not
signed by mayor whey passed May 5th, 1900.
Approved by me February 1901.
Attest: C.W.Belknap, Town Clerk. James Brady, IMayor.