Ordinance 0168ORDINANCE NO.168. An Ordinance to prevent animals running at large within the Town of Edmonds. Be it ordained by the Council of the Town of Edmonds. 84 �t 1 1 y SECTIOU 1:1 That cattle, mules; horses, sheep, swine and other animals of such species, shall not he permitted to run at n large within the corporate limits of the Towof Edmonds, except as hereinafter provided. SECTIOr 2: Each family within the corporate limits of the lV Town shall be permitted to have one cow and heifer., or two cows rur_ning at large within the corporate limits from six iL.M. to eight" 2 .M, of each day. Sw�: TION 3: The Town Marshal - shall take up all animals not, 1�' permitted to - P run at large by this Ordinance and he shall charge Pr One Dollar impounding fee and fifty cents for care and keeping � of each animal for each day kept. SECTIOU 4: If, at the expiration of two days the animals tl�have not been redeemed the Marshal shall give notice by publica- tior.in at least one issue of the official paper, giving the time and{place of sale. The notice shall give a full description of the animals offered for sale. After the expenses have been paid the residue shall be paid to the Town Treasurer. rSECTIOr 5: The owner may redeem such animla at any time �0 within thirty days after the'sale-by paying to the purchaser C thereof the full amount paid by him for such animal together witi one percent. per month penalty. 1 All Ordinances or parts of Ordinances in conflict with this Ordinance are hereby repealed. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after -its passage, approval and publica- tion. gassed by the Council this 6th day of- August 1908. Approved this 6th day of August 1908. Attested: Geo.;;Q.Leyda, (,'lerk. James Brady, Mayor. (SEAL) * * * * * * * * * * * * * � 4-