Ordinance 0177.d ORDIVAL 10. 177. -e-e R v •
Ordinance providing the manner of making local improve-
merts within the City of Edmonds, and the marner in which special
assessments therefor may be made and collected on property spe-
cially benefited thereby ar_:d the modes of paying for the same.
The City Council of the City of Edmonds do ordain as follows:
SECTIOI. 1: The City Council, wherever it deems it expedient
to mprove, or repair ary street, sidewalk, alley, avenue, highway
;W1or other public place within the City of Edmonds, by removing ob-
structions therefrom, grading, plarkirg, paving, macadamizing,
graveling and curbing the same, and planting, settirg out and
cultivation of shade trees thereon, and constructing gutters, cul-
verts and sidewalks therein, shall cause a survey, plan, profile,
specifications and estimate of the cost of such proposed improve-
ment to be made by the City Engineer, under the direction of the
Committee or Streets of the City Council, and the said plans, speci-
fications or profile shall be filed in the office of the City Clerk
for the irspectior of all persons interested therein.
?rovided, That the Council may, when deemed necessary and for
the public good authorize certain repairs or improvements the cost
of which does not exceed Twerty-five Dollars, without causing such
plan, profile or specification to be made and filed as herein
SECTIOT. 2: The expense or cost of improving streets, alleys,
sidewalks, squares and other public highways and places within the
City shall be assessed as follows:
The City 'Oourcil, before grading, paving, macadamizing, gravel
irg'or otherwise improving any street, alley, square or other
ublic place, the cost of which is to be levied and assessed upon
he property benefited, shall first pass an Ordinance or resolution
k declaring its intention to make such improvement in accordance
w1th the laws of the State of Washington, stating in such Ordinance
or resolution the street, alley or other public place to be improv-
ed, the general character of the proposed improvement and the esti-
mated cost thereof and that the cost of such proposed improvement
is to be assessed against the property benefited thereby and in-
cluded in such improvement district, and shall fix a time not Tess
than ten days in which protests against such proposed improvement may
be filed with the City Clerk.
�be SECTIO 3: Such resolution or ordinance shall be published in
- the official paper of the amity in at least two consecutive issues
before the time fixed for -'ili--g such protests. If protests against
the proposed improvement by the owners of more than two-thirds of
the front feet of lots and le.r.ds abutting on such proposed improve-
ment and included in the assessment district therein; provided, be
filed on or before the date fixed for such filing, the Council
shall not proceed further with the work unless six members of the
Council shall vote to proceed therewith.
SECTIOS 4: If no such protest is filed, or if such protest is
filed and six Councilmen, shall vote to proceed with the work, the
C4u=Cil shall at its next regular meeting, proceed to consider #rhe
same and shall ther, or at a subsequent meeting proceed to enact
ar ordinance for such improvement. By the provisions of such
ordinance, a local Improvement District shall be established to be
called "Local Improvement District Teo. 11 which shall include all
the property fronting on the Street to be improved between the
points named in such resolution or ordinance, to the distance back
from such street, if platted in blocks, to the center of the blocks;
if platted in lots only to the center of each lot; and if not platt-
ed, to the distance of Ore Hundred and Twenty (120 !Pt.) feet.
SECTIOr 5: Wher, any work or improvement mentioned in this Gwt,
Ordinance is done or made on one side of the center line of such
street, alley or public place, the lots or portiors of lots and ,,�,cr
lands frortirg on that side only, shall be assessed to cover the
cost and expense of such work or improvement, and the local improve-
ment district shall be established accordingly.
SECTIOT 6: Such Ordinance shall provide that such improve-
ment shall be made and the cost and expense thereof shall be taxed
and assessed upon all the property in such local improvement dis- A�All
tract, which cost shall be assessed in proportion to the number of 101
feet of such land and lots fronting thereon, and included in such r�P improvement district, and in proportion to the benefits derived by r��/v j
said improvement. Provided that the Council may expend from the
general fund for such purposes such sums as in their judgment may
be fair and equitable in consideration of benefits accruing to the
general public by reason of such improvement.
SECTIOU 7: The cost and expense of all the improvements inWill
the space formed by the junction of two or more streets, or where
one main street terminates in or crosses another main street, andY�.
also all necessary street crossings at corners or intersectionB of
streets, and the expense of establishing, building or repairing 101
bridges in the City shall be paid by the City from the general fatd�
In all street constituting the water frort of the City, or bounded .
on ore side by the property thereof, the center lire thereof to
the said water front, or to such property of the City bounded there-
on, shall be paid by the City, but no contracts for any such work
shall be given except to the lowest responsible bidder, ani in the
manner ordinance provides.
SECTIOP 8: The Council shall, at the time of passing any ordi-
nance ordering any improvements as herein provided, create by Ordi-
nance a special fund to be known as "Local Improvement District Lo. L
Fundl*. When any Ordinance ordering any improvemert,as herein pro-
vided, has been duly published, the aity Clerk shall within ten
days thereafter,proceed to list all the lots and lands fronting up-
on the streets, alleys and other public places or parts thereof
designated in said Ordinance to be so established as herein provided,
and he shall ascertain whether ary lots, as originally platted and
abutting upon the street, alley or o' er public place bei:ig improvet,
and within such improvement district, having been sub -divided by j
individuals, and when the same have been sub -divided by individualshe shall list separately the said sub -divisions and shall describe
them by appropriate description on the assessment roll; he shall in
a separate column of the assessment roll used b im in said listing
enter opposite the description of the lot o�� d° ithin such im-
provement district the true length of frontage of the same, and in
another column the name of the owner or owners of each lot or tract
of land, if such name is known to the Clerk, and if not known, it
shall be entered as '*unknown"; he shall attach to such assessment ��W�
roll his affidavit that the assessment contains a true and correct
list of each and every lot or tract of land within such improvement
district, the true frontage of each lot and tract of land and the
true name of the owner or owners of each lot and tract of land as
har as is known to the Clerk, giving the date of said listing which
date of beginning the same. Such assessment roll so verified shall
be filed in the office of the City Clerk.
SECTIM 9: After said public work has beenconpleted, the
City Council shall, at a regular or adjourned meeting, proceed to�
ascertain the total cost and expense thereof and the expenses pro-
portionately to the whole, or exactly, if possible, of the space j,v,�
Covered by all junctions or intersections of streets, alleys or
other public places, and the expense of all street erossirge, or
crossways at corners or intersections of streets, axed when one
street or alley terminates in an other, they shall ascertain the
cost of improving of such termination to the center of the terminal
street or alley; and where any such street or alley constitutes the
waterfront of the city, or is bounded on one side by the property
thereof, they shall ascertain the expense of the work done on
that portion of said street or alley corstituting such water front
or so bounded by the,property of the city from the center line of
such street or alley to the said water front or to such property
of the City bounded thereon. They shall also ascertain the ex-
pense of all bridges constructed along the line of and included in
the designated impro*ement. They shall also ascertain, fix and de-
termine, by resolution, what part, if any, of such expense not in-
cluded in the items in this Section specified, shall be paid from
the general fund of the city. They shall then add the amount so as-
certained, fixed and determined to the items mentioned in this
Section and deduct the aggregate amount thereof from the total cost
of such improvement. The balance left after making such deductions
shall be the net expense and cost to be levied upon the private pro-
perty within said improvement district, and the amount of all de-
ductions herein mentioned, shall be paid from the general fund of
the City of Edmonds.
The Council shall cause the total expense of such improvement,
the total exrperse for work which by the provisions of this Ordi-
xance is to be paid out of the general fund, the amount not includ-
• Aed it said items of expense fixed by the Council to be paid for by
r per` the City out of the general. fund, the total amount of all said de-
dr ductiors and the net cost ar expense chargeable to private property
to appear upon the assessment roll prepared by the City Clerk for
said improvement; thO same to appear in separate items. The City
Clerk shall attach to said roll his certificate to the effect that
the said items were duly ascertained by the City Council at a
regular or adjourned meeting thereof, giving the date of the same.
SECTION: 10: The said assessment roll, as soon as completed,
. s herein provided, shall be delivered to the street Committee of
he City Council which Uommittee shall examine the property desig-
�''� riated thereir; the Committee :_fall examine the lots and lands de-
scribed in said roll and shall correct the frontage if the same
shall be fourd ir:correct: the committee shall also ascertain and
state in a separate Oolumn or, said roll the amount of the cost and
expense of said public improvement to be charged to each lot or
portion of the lot of tract of land contained in said improvement
district, which amount shall be assessed in proportion to the
number of feet of frontage of such loft or portion of the lot or
tract of land, and in proportion to the benefits derived by said
improvement; on completion the said Committee shall certify on
said roll the date of such examination and that the same was fairly
and justly made and they shall return the same to the City Clerk.
SECTIOI: 11: The assessment roll having been examined and re-
�O rted or by the Street Committee as herein � provided, shall be
,d corsil.ered by the City Council at its next regular meeting or at such
other time as shall be designated in the notice hereinafter prdvid-
ed for, at which time the Cour_cil shall hear and determine all com-
plaints made against the Clerk's description of property, the names
of owners and the Con1mittee's report and assessment against said
lots or tracts of land; such hearing may be continued from time to
time as the necessities of the case require, not exceeding in all
more than ter, (10 ) days on or before the next regular meeting from
the date originally fixed for such hearing. Eo complaint shall be
entertained by the Council unless the same be in writing and under
oath, stating the grounds for such complaint. Upon such hearing
the council shall make such corrections and modifications in the
assessment roll as may be necessary or -in their judgmert shall be
deemed just, a record of which said equalization shall be entered
upon said assessment roll in a column marked"Assessment as Equal-
ized". Said meeting of the City Council for the purpose of equal-
ization as herein provided, shall be held in the City Hall and only
after notice of said meeting shall have been given by the City Clerk
which notice shall be published in the official paper of the City at
least three days before said meetir_g.
t{n,Vi ` SECTIOU 12: The, assessment roll being thus finally completed,
the columns of the amounts assessed against private property as
equalized, as aforesaiid, shall be footed up and added to the amount
to be paid by the City. If found to agree with the total cost of
Pafthe public work ordered to be made within the improvement district
described in said roll, the Council shall, by resolution, levy a-
gairst the private property described and set forth in each assess-
ment the full amount assessed against the same as shown by the roll
in the column marked "Lssessment as Equalized"; and shall cause the
amount so levied to be entered upon the said roll in a separate
column marked "Final Levy".
3ECTI01, 13: There shall be two modes of making payment of ,�`'
such -portion of the cost and expense of such public improvement as 1���'
shall{be chargeable against the local improvement district,created
as hereinbefore provided,towit:
"Immediate Payment" and "Payment by Bonds". The mode adopted
shell be such as the Council shall direct in the Ordinance ordering
such improvement.
SECTIOT 14: The mode of "Immediate Payment" shall be as &wYw q
follows: Uror_ the assessment and levy being completed ad hereinbe-i,, '4y
fore provided, a certificate of levy and warrants of collection:,
signed by the -Mayor and attested to by the Clerk shall be endorsed
uiDor said roll and the same shall be delivered to the City Treasur-
er or to the County Treasurer of Snohomish County if the duty of
collection thereof shall devolve by law or him for collection.
SECTIOT, 15: The City Treasurer or County Treasurer, as the��
case may be, shall be charged with the total amount of the levy
thereir made against private property and said improvement district.
Said Treasurer shall publish a brief r:otice in the official paper
of the City that he has received said assessment roll for collec-
tior, describing the lots of the final levy and the improvement dis-_
trict withir which the property in said roll contained is located, e_
and that urless the same is paid within thirty (30) days from the
date or which said notice is published, the same will be declared �a
delinquent and will be liable to foreclosure proceedings and that �4i��?J
all delirquent assessments shall draw interest at the rate of eights;�
percert. per anrum from the date of such levy. L. prirted copy of r`
said notice with the affidavit of the printer foreman or publisher
of the newspaper in which the same was published showing the date
when published, and the rame of the newspaper, and that the same
copy is a true copy of said publication, shall be filed by the Treas-
urer in the office of the City Clerk at the time of making his re-
turn to said Clerk, as herein_ provided.
SECTIOT, 16: The Treasurer shall er_ter upon said roll in ink,
the word "paid" in its appropriate place against the description
whey. collection is made. He shall give duplicate receipts for th1
money thus collected, ore of which shall be filed with the City
Clerk, which receipt shall briefly describe the lot or tract thus
paid for, the amount paid and the name of the perdor_ paying, and
shall enter the same facts upon the stub of the receipt book.
All mor.:eys collected by the City Treasurer or Oourty Treasurer, as
aforesaid, and all money paid into the City Treasury by the City
Attorrey as hereinafter provided, shall be credited to the fund of
the proper improvement district, ard such motleys shall be paid out
or.,ly or. wa.rrarts dray r_ upon_ such fund.
SECTIOL 17: At ary time after the expiratior of said thirty ovzf
(30) days the City Council may, by resolution, authorize and direct
that the delirquent assessmerts of ary local improvement district
ir. the City of Edmor ds be turned over to the City gttorrey.
tither such resolution shall have been passed the Treasurer shall j24KIO,
erter upor said assessment roll that he has used due diligence irqf( (�
er_:deavorirg to collect the amounts due irk said roll; t -at &.11 de- :42—
scriptior-s of lards and lots in said roll contained not marked
"paid" are unpaid ar_d are delinquent, ar_d that he has collected
the amounts marked "paid" and no more.
SECTIOY. 18: Wherever such a resolution shall have been passed]
by the Cour_cil, directing said delinquent assessmer_t, directirg
said delinquent assessment roll to be turned over to the City
.LttorrLey, the Treasurer shall make a delirquer_,t assessmert roll
which roll shall contain the deseriptior of all property which are yyr 1 0 1
rot marked "paid" upon the original roll together with the delis- �!�i
quent a.ssessmerts chargeable against each such description. of
property, and the rame or the owner or owners of each such description
if known, and shall within ter: (10 ) days after. the date of the pass-
age of such resolution return the same together with the original
assessment roll to the City Clerk.TIBClerk shall at orce proceed to
settle with said Treasurer and in sueh settlement shall ascertain
if the amounts shown or the duplicate receipts filed with him by
the Treasurer equal the amounts marked "paid" upor-, said assessment
roll and if the amourts not marked "paid" upor said roll correspond
with the amounts as shown or the delirquert roll, and shall require
and receive of the Treasurer the books of receipts, with ail stubs
for receipts for such assessmerts, and shall ascertain if they cor-
respond with the roll and duplicate receipts, and if correct, shall
then give credit to said Treasurer for the amount of such duplicate
receipts and for the amount of the delinquert roll separately, and
shell give the Treasurer his receipts therefore, returrirg to him
such receipt books ar_d stubs. From ar_d after the date of such
settlemert with the City Clerk, the said Treasurer shall have no
power or authority to collect or to receipt for any of such taxes,
except the City Treasurer shall receive such taxes from the City
Sttorney, as hereinafter provided.
SECTIOr 19: The City Clerk shall, immediately upon corlpletion
-is settlement with the Treasurer, deliver said delinquent assess-
i._er.t roll to the City Attorr_.ey, who shell proceed to collect the
p� same, with interest thereor at the rate of eight percent. per arnum
from the date of said levy. The City Lttorney shall forthwith bring
suits against proper parties for the foreclosure of tiie lier of such
�69deiirquer.t assessmer_ts, and shall prosecute the same to final de-
l� termir_ation unless the City Courcil shall,by resolution,direct
� otherwise.
SECTIOI 20: Or delivery to the City Attorney said delirquert
assessment roll the City Clerk shall take his receipt therefor, and
charge the amount of said roll to him. The City 6ttorrey shall pay
�p� ,ll moneys by him collected iz-to the City Treasury and the City
reasurer shall receipt thereor in triplicate. The City attorney
er shall, at the first regular meeting of the Courcil of each month,
produce to said :ourQil a written report of all collections and
actions by him taker in such matters, upon which report the Council
shall take such action as to them shall seem proper. The City Attor-
ey shall give receipts for all moneys thus collected and mark the
G �! log
sane "Paid"unor. said roll. the close of the term of said City
$ 7 Attorr_ey, or -at ary time that the Council inay order the return of
said roll, the Clerk shall make a fir_al settlement with the City
6.ttorrey therefor, givir• him credit for all Treasurer's receipts,
and all unpaid assessmer s.
SECTION 21: The mode of payment by Bonds shall be as follows:
�.t In the Ordirance ordering the improvement the City Council shall
typrovide for the payment of the cost ar_d expense of such improve-
04 rent by Bonds of the district, which shall include the property
liable to assessment for the payment of the cost and expense of
such improvement, according to the laws of the State of Washington,
and this Ordinance, issued to the Contractor, or by the proceeds
of such Bords to be issued and sold as hereafter provided.
SECTIOr; 22: Such Bonds shall be issued inpursuaree of the
�� rdizar ce orderirg such improvement and providing that the mode
�Ll �f paymert therefor shall be "by Bonds", and by their terms shall
be made payable on or before a date not to exceed ter years from
r and after the date of the issuance of such Bords, which latter date
shall be fixed by said Ordinance and shall bear such interest as
may be provided it said Ordinance, rot to exceed eight percento
per arnum, which interest shall be payable annually, or semi-an-
nually, as may be provided in said Ordinance, and each Bond shall
have attached thereto interest coupons for each interest paymert.
Such Bords shall be it such deromiratiors as shall be provided in
said Ordinance ordering their issue, and shall be numbered from
ore upwards, consecutively, and each Bond and coupor shall be
signed by the Mayor arid City Clerk of the City of Edmor_ds:.
Provided, however, that said coupors may in lieu of being so signed
have printed thereor fac simile of the signature of said officers
and each Bond shall have theseal of the City of Edmonds affixed
thereto, and shall refer to the improvement to pay for which the
same shall be issued and to the Ordinance ordering the same.
Each Bond shall provide that the principal sum therein named,
and the interest thereon, shall be payable out of the local
improvement fund created for the payment of the cost and ex-
perse of such improvement, and not otherwise. Such Bonds shall
not be issued in ary amount in excess of the cost and expense
of the improvement.
SECTIOU 23: The Bonds issued under the provisions of this_ ,-,
Ordinarce or such portion of such Bonds as may remain unsold if F'
the same is ordered, as hereirafter provided, may be issued to
the Contractor constructing the improvement in paymert therefor;
or the Ordinance directing the issue of such Bonds may provide
that the same may by sold by some duly authorized officer or
officers of the City of Edmonds in the names prescribed therein,
at not less thar their par value and accrued interest, and the
proceeds thereof shall be applied in payment of the cost and ex-
pense of the improvement.
SECTION 24: In all cases where the City of Edmonds shall ��
issue Bords as provided ir_ this Ordinance to pay the cost and ex
per_se of any local improvement, the cost and expense shall be (/U
assessed against the lots and tracts, which, under the provision
of law and the provisions of this Ordinance shall be liable
therefor; but the Ordinance levying such assessment shall de-
clare that the sum charged thereby against each of said lots and
tracts of land may be paid in equal annual installments; the rum-
ber of Which installment shall be equal to the number of years i—,
which the Bords issued to pay for the improvement may run, with ��
interest upon the whole sum so charged at the rate farmed by said
Ordir_arce, and each year thereafter ore of such irstallmerts to
gether with the irterest due thereon and or all installments the re -
after to become due shall be collected in the same manner as shall
be provided by law and as provided by this Ordinance in cases
where payment for improvements is to be made under the immediate
payment plan ard mode.
SECTIOF 25: The owner of any lot or tract of lard charged via th
ary such assessment may redeem the same from all liability for the
contract price of such improvement by paying the entire assessment
charged agair_st such lot or tract of lard, without interest, within
thirty days after notice to him of such assessment which notice
shall be giver as follows:
The City Treasurer, or such officer as may be charged with the
collection of said assessments, shall, as soon as the assessment _F
AD �
roll has been placed in his hands for collectior, publish a r:otiee
in the official newspaper of Edmonds, that the said roll is ire his
hards for collection and that any assessment thereir may be paid
at any time withir_ thirty days from the date of the publicatior of
said notice without peralty, irterest or cost. The Bords herein
provided for shall not be issued prior to twenty days after the
expiration of the thirty days above mentioned, but may be issued at
any time thereafter. The owner of ary such lot or tract of lard
may redeem the same from all liability for said assessment at any
time after thirty days by payir_g the entire installments of said
assessments remainir_g unpaid and charged against said lot or tract
of lard at the time of such payment with irterest thereor to the
date of the maturity of the irstallmert next falling due. In all
cases where any assessment or any irstallmert thereof is paid as
hereir provided, the same shall be paid to the City Treasurer, or
to the officer whose duty it is to collect the same, and all sums
so paid shall be applied solely to the payment of the cost and
expense of such improvement, or the redemption of the Bonds iesued
therefor. t
SECTIOT 26: If the City of Edmonds shall, fail, neglect or
refuse to pay said Bonds, or to promptly collect any such assess-
ments wher due, the owrer of ary such Bords may proceed iri his own ,"tO
name to collect such assessment and foreclose the lien thereof in
the Superior Court of the State of Washington having jurisdiction,'r
and shall recover in addition_ to the amount of such Bords and
irterest thereon, five percentum, together with the cost of suit.
Any rumber of holders of such Bords for any single improvement may
join as plaintiffs, and any number of owners of the property on
which the same are a lien may be joined as defendants to such suit.
SECTIM, 27: The City Treasurer shall pay the interest on the
ords authorized to be issued by the Ordinance out of the respec-
tive local improvements funds from which they are payable. When-
ever there shall be sufficient money it ary local improvement fund
agairst which Bonds have beer_ issued under the provisiors of this
Ordinance, over and above sufficient for the payment of interest on
all unpaid Bonds, to pay the prir;cipal on one or more Bonds, the
geaeurer shall call ir. and pay such Bonds; provided, that such Bonds
all be called in and paid it their r_umerical order: Provided
further, that such call shall be made by publication in the City
Official paper or the day following the delir_quercy of the in-
stallment of the assessment, or as soon thereafter as practicable,
and shall state that Bonds Teo. (giving the serial rumber or
numbers of the Bonds called) will be paid on the day the next inter-
est coupons on said Bonds shall become due, and interest or. said
Bonds shall cease upor such date.
SECTIOA! 28: Feither the holder nor the -owner of any Bond
issued under the provisions of this Ordinance shall have any claim
therefor a sir_st the City of Edmonds, except from the special assess-
ment made or the improvement for which said Bonds were issued; but
their remedy in case of non-payment, shall be confined to the en-
forcement of such assessment. A copy of this Section shall be plain-
ly written, printed or engraved on each Bond so issued.
SECTI0U 29: ho suit to set aside any special assessmert, or to
enjoin the making of the same shall be brought, nor any defense to
the validity thereof be allowed, after the expiration of thirty
days from the time the amount due or. each lot or tract of land li-
able for such assessmert, is ascertained and confirmed by the
Council and the assessment equalized and the levy made as provided
in Sections 11 and'12 of'this Ordinance.
ek.N-CA SECTI0L, 30: In making an estimate of the cost and expense of
C any improvement as provided in this Ordinance, the Council and the
Street Committee thereof shall include therein the estimated cost
rd expense of the necessary ergir_eerir_g and surveying necessary
or said improvement to be done by the City Engineer; and all the
cost and expense of ascertaining the ownership of the lots and
'p tracts of land included in the assessmert district; and also the
cost for extra service of any officer of the City or, whom extra
duties are imposed by reason of making such improvement, also the
cost of advertising and publishir_g all notices to be published.
SECTIOL 31: The term City Engineer in this Ordinance shall be
r�t erg to include ary surveyor or civil engineer whom the City may
! Wes' procure, elect, or employ to do the work herein provided, or such
&' ergireer as the K'ayor may appoir_.t as City Engineer.
SECTIOI, 32: In payment to the Contractor of such part of the
q� im-rrovemert as is to be paid for by the property benefited, the
y't ^ity may issue warrants from time to time, as the work progresses
�por the special improvement fund, which shall bear irterest at the
109-rate of not more than ter, percent. per anrum, to be provided in the
Vq Ordinance ordering the improvement, from the date of the delinquency
of the assessment.
r3assed by the Council April 1st, 1909.
Approved April 1st, 1909.
Attest: Geo.aT.Leyda, Clerk. James Brady, 1jayor.
I, Geo.�,.Leyda, hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance
17o.177 is a correct and true copy of said Ordinance, passed and
approved or the first day of April 1909.
Geo -,K. Leyda, City Clerk.