Ordinance 0186ORLILALCE 10. 186. Ar Ordinarce establishing a free Public Library it the City of Edmonds, and providing for the appoirtmer_t of five Trustees by the Mayor. The City Courcil of the City of Edmonds do ordair: as follows: SECTIOL 1: That'ithere be,ard is, hereby established a free _z blic Library for the City of Edmonds to be krown as the Edmonds blic Library. SECTIOL 2: Thatithere be,ar_d is hereby,established a Library Pund. r"', SEC I0I 3: That uponthe taking effect of this Ordinance �r the Mayor shell eppoirt five Irustees who shall have the manage- rr yL mert and cor.:trol of said Bublic Library. Teo persor shall be ineli- gible as a ..rustee by reason of sex. The first Trustees shall de- termire by lot whose,term of office shall expire each year, and a r_ew Trustee shall be.4ppointed annually to serve for five years. SECTI01. 4: The Trusteee shall, after taking office, meet and elect ore of their rumber as -7residert and elect such other officers WACO as they may deem recessary. ::hey shall adopt such By-laws and Rules 'or their guidance for the governmert of the Library as they may �' �`�deem expedient, rot ir.cor.sis tent with the laws of the State or the j�v+��' Ordirance of this City. The, ...�y accept and receive gifts of money, reel estrate, bcoks or other property for Library purposes. Any property giver urcor_ditiorally for the use of said Library, shall forever remain the pr6perty of the City of Edmonds for Library pur- poses. -- SECTIOI, 5: All persor_s desirous of makirg gifts of money, �-e_ ersonal :ronerty or real estate for the benefits of said Public J Library shall have the right to vest the Title thereto it the Board of Iruatees, to be held and co,-troled by the Board whey accepted, according to the deed gift, devise or bequest. Passed by the Council and a;Dproved August 5th, 1909. Attest: Geo...l.Leyda, Olerk. James Brady, Mayor. I, Geo.M.Leyda j City Clerk, hereby certify that the f=ego- irg Ordinance l o.186 is a true and correct copy of the original pass- ed by the Council or .4ugust 5th, 1909. Geo-21.Leyda, Clerk. i