Ordinance 0202ORDILAI CE F 0. 202 . An Ordinance providirg for the construction for a single main �gaAAV trunk sewer in the C�ty of Edmonds, specifying and adopting a system jk and plar_is for the sa4e, declaring the locatior thereof, together &A with the estimated cgst of such construction of said sewers; and providirg that the cgsts and expenses thereof shall become a general irdebtedress of said City, and that such gereral irdebted- ress shall be provi i for by the issuarce of 7oupor_. Bonds of said City payable it twenty years, with interest thereon rot to exceed r: six percent. per an um, payable semi-arually, a.rld providing for a Special election_ to .e held in said amity, at Which said system and plans shall be submitted to the voters of said City for ratifica- tior: or rejection, and whether the City Council shall incur such general indebtedness ',for the construction of such sewers. The City Council of the City of Edmonds do ordain as follows: SECTIOT, 1: Than the City of Edmonds is susceptible of a sirgle mode of drain ge through a main_ trunk sewer which shall be corstructed ir_ said City and located as follows: ( Beginning at a poirt where the Creek crosses the thirty foot �Nt'away now used as an egtersior oisaid City, the same being situate within the limits of said City, in the lorthwest Qlaarter of the Jorthwlest Qaarter of Section twenty-five, Township twerty-sever Torth, 4arge Three East W.M.; thence Torth along said roadway to ialrut Street; thence West or.said Walnut Street to Sixth Street; thence Forth on said Sixth Street to Dayton Street; thence by the most practical route to the irtersectior of George and r'ron_-t Streets; thence tires' or George Street to the waters of Puget Sound. Also a. branch exterdix.g from 2rort Street East to Second. Street. Sy,;TI01 That said Sewers shall be corstructed of corcrete I�1� and accordirg to the plans, specifications and system adopted by the Cour_cil, and which pla.rs, specification's and system, together with profiles thereof, are rove or file _ r the office of the City Clerk, aY d a. copy of V-hicr are it the office of the City Er_gir.eer of said City, to which reference is hereby made as a part of this Ordirar_ce. SECTIOT< 3: That the estimated cost of the cor_structior of —� said sewer, shall become a gereral irdebtedress against said City. k. Subject to the will of a majority of the voters of said City, as V� hereirafter provided,'ar_d which gereral indebtedness shall be evi- der.ced by Coupon Bor_.d of said City issued it denominations of rot less than One Hundred„ nor more than One Thousand Dollars each, bearir_:g the date of their issue, and payable twenty years after such date and bearing irte est thereor rot to exceed six percent. per ar.:rum, payable semi-a�nually; both principal and interest shall be payable at the City Treasurer's Office at Edmonds, Washirgtor; each Bord and Coupon shall be signed by the Mayor and attested by the 109 Clerk under the Seal of the City of Edmonds, and shall rot be sold at less thar par, and each Bond shall have printed or the back thereof a duly autherticated copy of the Act of the Legislature of the Session of 1909, Chapter 150 of the Session. Laws of the State of Washington, together with a copy of this Ordinance. �Lregister shall be kept by the Clerk of all Bords issued urder authority of this Ordinance which shall show the number, date, amount, interest, to whom sold and delivered, and when and where payable; said Bonds shall be numbered consecutively from ore up in each series. SECTIOI, 4: There shall be levied each year a tax upon the cy t4� taxable_ property of the City of Edmonds sufficient to pay the inter- est on said Bords as the same accrues, and before sever years prior to the maturity of said Bords, an annual sirking fund shall be pro- vided for by such tax sufficient for the payments of said Bonds at maturity, which taxes shall become due and collectible as other taxes. SECTIOS; 5: That a special election is hereby called and pro- vided for to be held it the City of Edmonds or the Eighth day of Low February, 1910, at which there shall be submitted to the qualified voters of said City, the question whether the system and plans for the construction of said sewers, hereinbefore adopted by the City Council and provided for herein, shall be ratified or rejected by a majority of such voters of said laity, and that there shall also be submitted to such qualified voters the question whether the City Council shall be authorized to incur and create the general indebted- ness of said City by the issuance of Bords, as hereinbefore provided, and which questions shall be known and designated as "proposition No.l" and "Proposition r:o.2" in such election. SECTIOI: 6: The City Clerk shall prepare the ballots for such special election which shall presert the questions to said voters JVWA as follows: "Proposition_ lo.1". "Shall the system and plans for trunk sewer adopt e d by the City Council, as proposed by Ordinance No.202 of the City of Edmonds, be ratified or rejected?" FOR RATIFICATIOT<. AGAI1,ST IRATIF1CATIOI. • At the right of the last two alternative propositions shall be placed a square within which the voter may make a cross indicating his choice. Below on such ballot, and separate therefrom shall be placed the followirg proposition: "Proposition No.2" Shall the City Courcil be authorized to in- cur and create the general indebtedress by the issuance of Bords as provided by Ordirance ro.202 of the City of Edmonds?" FOR GEIERAL INDEBTEDInESS BY BOLDS. -AGAINST GEI;ERAL ILDEBTEDIESS BY BOE DS . Opposite the last two alternatives shall be placed the square as provided for propositior L o.l, Sectior_ ?. If a majority of the electors voting at such special election shall vote ire the affirmative to both of such propositiors, the Mayor and Clerk of said City shall make and sign a statement of the result of said election_, which statement shall be printed upon said Bords. SECTION a: The polling places for the several Wards- together ' with the Judges and Inspectors of such special election, shall be as follows: First Ward at the City Hall; Inspector of such Ward shall be Fred Brown, and the Judges thereof,J.V.Coor.s and M.Hyner; Second Ward at Socialist Hall on Dayton Street; and the Irspee- tor for such Ward, Johr Herredy, and the Judges thereof, Earnest Huehl and R.S.Thompsor; Third Ward at house of A.J.Jones or Alder Street, and the in- spector J.T.McElroy, and the two Judges thereof J.E.Hathaway and Chris Anderson. SECTION 9: This Ordirance shall take effect and be ir. force from and after its passage by the Courcil and its approval by the1 Mayor, and five days from and after its publication. -Passed the Council and approved this 12th day of Jaruary 1910. Attest: Zophar Howell,3rd,City Clerk. William Heeler,Mayor. published this day of Jaruary 1910. 110 I hereby certify that the above aLd foregoing is a true and correct copy of Ordirance ro.202 of the City of Edmonds, Nash. Zophar Howell, 3rd, City Clerk.