Ordinance 0203ORDINZ CE 10.203.
An Ordinance granting unto the Great Northern. Railway Company,
public service corporation, organized and existing under and by
of the laws of the State of 11inresota.-; its successors and
assigns, the right, privilege and Franchise to construct, erect
' and maintain team tracks, side tracks, industry tracts and turnouts
over, along and across Railroad Street in the City o:;Z Edmonds as
may be necessary to accommodate the business of said City, between
the South side of George Street and the Forth side of James Street
in said City of Edmonds.
rThe City Council of the City of Edmonds do ordain as follows:
SECTIM 1: That, subject to the limitatiors hereinafter set
rth there is hereby granted ur_to the Great Northerr_ Railway Com-
pany, a public service corporation orgarized and existing under
by virtue of the laws of the State of Minnesota, its successors
and assigns, the right„ privilege ar.d franchise to cor.:struct, erect
and ma.irtair team tr cks, side tracks, industry tracks and turnouts
as may be necessary To accommodate the busiress of s&id City, over,
along and across Rai�road Street in the City of Edmonds, between
the South side of George Street and the forth side of James Street.
SECTION 2: That this Franchise is conditioned upon_ the said
grantee erecting and mair_tairir:g a passenger and freight depot, of
the kind and it the manner and time ordered by the Railroad Commis-
sion of the State of4ashingtor_, made and entered on the eleventh
day of January 1910, and that the said Grantee shall maintain said
Railroad Street in the same condition as is James Street by the
said City of Edmonds.
SECTIOU 3: That this Ordirar_ce shall take effect and be in
force from and after! its passage by the Council and approval, and
PA/Wrfrom and after five days after its publication and filir..g in the
office of the City Clerk by the Grantee its written acceptance of
the terms and conditions hereof.
Passed the Council and approved this 19th day of January 1910.
Attest: Zophar Rowell,3rd,City Cltrk E lliam Keeler, Idayor.
I hereby certify that the above and foregoir_g is a true and
correct copy of Ordinance lo.203 of the City of Edmonds, Mash.
Zophar Rowell,3rd, City Clerk.