Ordinance 0204ORDIS=AL CE h 0. 204.
�� An Ordir_�arce filtirg the polling places for the election. to be
J,V. held on March lst,1910, upon the question of "Shall the sale of in-
toxicatirg liquor be'licensed within the City of Edmonds" and pro-
vidir_g, for the officers of such election.
The City Council of the City of Edmonds do ordain as follows;
SECTIO1 1: That the pollirg places for the election to be held
in said City or the First day of March 1910, upon the question of
"Shall the sale of intoxicating liquor be licensed within the City
to of Edmonds", shall be as follows:
First Ward, the City Hall, and the Inspector of the election
thereat, J.V.Coors atd the Judges thereof M.E.Hyrer and Fred Brown;
Secord Ward at Socialist Hall or, Daytor Street, Inspector
John. Zerredy ar.d the Judges thereof Ernest Zuehl and a-S.Thompson:
Third Ward, at Zimmerman's house or Alder Street, Inspector,
Christian Anderson, and the Judges thereof d.J.Jores and J.E.
SECTIOL 2: This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force
from ar_d after its passage by the Council, approved by the 2jayor,
and its publication.
Passed the Council ar_d approved this 16th day of February
Attest: Zophar Howell,3rd, City Clerk.lMliajn ;reeler, mayor.
I hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true and
correct copy of Qrdinance ro.204 of the City of Edmonds, wash.
Zophar Howell,3rd,
n'Rnr,, AT: r.F rn. 205. City Clerk.