Ordinance 0209ORDILAL CE E 0.209 .
An Ordinance prohibiting certain animals from running at large
within the City of Edmonds, fixing a peralty for the violation
thereof, and repealing Ordinances Nos. 126, 135 and all Ordinances
or part of Ordinances in conflict herewith.
The Uity Council of the City of Edmonds do ordain as follows.
l SECTION 1: That no cattle, goat,mule, sheep, swine, domestic
ao'w animals of any kind, excepting licensed dogs, shall be per,,�tted to
run at large during any hours of the day or night, on ar_- o- the
streets, alleys, parrs or public places in the City of Ev�:o�-ds, and
as hereinafter bounded.
SECTIOI 2: Any of the animals described in Section 1 of this
Ordinance found running at large within the limits of the' City of
Edmonds after sixty days from passage of this Ordinance, and of the
territory hounded on the West by Puget Sound; on the South by the
South lire of Dayton Street; on the East by the East line of jinth
Street; on the Yorth iby the Forth line of Bell Street it said City,
�- after the sixteenth day of May 1910, may be taken up by any person
and delivered to the City Marshal or a Police Officer of the City,
or to the person in charge of the pound. Ax:d it shall be the duty
of the City Marshal and all Police O=ficers to receive any animal
so delivered and to hake up all animals running at large within the
said territory and impound the same in a pound or inclosure. Such
animals shall be prodded with proper care, feed and water while so
SECTIOI 3: The Officer impounding any animal shall give im-
ediate notice of the same, with a description of the animal by
ostirg a notice in a conspicuous place at the pound. Lrd if such
o , animal shall rot be redeemed before the publication day of the
City official newspaper, such notice shall be published in the
official paper it the first issue thereof following such impound-
SECTI01. 4: ,�t the expiration of three days from the date of
such publication as provided it Section 3, the Marshal shall sell
such arzmal at public auction after due notice of such proposed sale,
to consist of one publication it the official newspaper of the City
of Edmonds, and after deductirF, the legal fees and costs, expenses
Of taking up, keeping and selling, shall pay the remainder of the
proceeds into the City Treasury.
• SEC-2101, 5: If, at any time before such sale, the owner of
zimals so taken up shall claim the same, he shall be entitled to
the possession thereof upon payment of all legal charges and ex-
perses ircidr.rt to such teking up�and keeping.
SECTIOp 6: Upor'receivirg ary such animal the Marshal or
ficer in charge of the pound shall er_ter in a Register to be
by him for that purpose the came of the person delivering
M,f such animal to him, the date and hour of its receipt or taking, if
taI�:er by an officer, and an intelligent description of the animal;
he shall also keep a record of the release of sale of all animals
coming under his charge, showing the name of the owner and the
name of the purchaser of each animal sold. The book of the regis-
tration hereir mentioned shall be kept by the Marshal and turned
over to his successor in office.
SECTION'-7: If any person shall wilfully prevert or hinder the
impounding of any animal found running at large it the said terri-
tory contrary to the provisions of this Ordinance, or shall by
force or otherwise remove ar_y animal from the public pound without'
authority of the Yarshal or officer it charge of such tourd, or
without paying all lawful charges against said animal, or shall
wilfully resist or obstruct the Marshal or other officer, or person
in charge of the pound in the performance of any official duty, r
such person so offending shall be liable to a fine of notless than
five dollars or more than twenty-five dollars.
SECTION 8: If the owner of any arimal sold under the provi &V
sions of this Ordinance shall, at any tinge within ore year from the
date of such sale, make satisfactory LLDr,tif to the -"-- O�urc. l of
his ownership, he shall be entitled to receive the net proceeds of
such sale or.. deposit with the City Treasurer.
SECTIO1 9: That if any owner or person having in charge any
animal described in Sectior 1 of this Ordir_arce, who shall suffer�§Vzv
or allow the same to go at large contrary to the provisions of this
Ordinance shall,on conviction thereof, be fired five dollars for
each offe:rse and pay the costs of prosecution.
SECTIOL 10: The ;;Marshal shall be entitled to charge fees under
this Ordinance as follows: One Bollar for impoundirg such animal;
fifty cents per day for care ar_d keepirg of such arimal; twenty-five
certs each for ;Dostirg rotice of such, impounding and for all other
services as the law directs.
SECTIOL ll: That Ordinances Los. 126 and 135 and all -Ordinances
or part of Ordinances in conflict herewith be, and the same are,
hereby repealed.
SECTIOL 12: This Ordinance shall take efi:ect and be in force
from and after its passage by the Council, approval by the Mayor
and from and after the 16th day of May, 1910, and its publication
according to law.
Passed the Courcil this elever:th day of May 1910, and approved
by me.
Attest: Zophar Howell,3rd,City Clerk. Willia, Heeler, Mayor.
I hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true ar..d
correct copy of Ordinance L o-209 of the City of Edmonds, dash.
Zophar Howell, 3rd, City Clerk.