Ordinance 0213]iC * KG 7�C `.f. �C 7I,C `-�; •X. * * yF 'J,C �. .`�C �C Jk `� ]iC X � * .=k �!" .� ,.- \ ?Y `-,: Y, X `JS ORDIIAL CE h 0. 213 . Art Ordinance prghibitirg dogs from running at large upon any of the streets, alleys,parks or other public places within the City of Edmonds, without a license having been first obtained therefor by the owner thereof or the person having the same in charge, and providing the licerae fee therefor, and providing for the enforcement of this- Ordinance by impoundir_g and killing un- licersed dogs, and the imposition of penalties and fines for a violation of the same. f The City Council of -the City of Edmonds do ordain as follows; SEC'TIOT 1: It shall be unlawful for any person, firm, or G�00rI3oratior, ownirg or havir-:g in charge or custody� � dog to allol-v or permit the same to be or run at large upor any of the Streets, alleys, parks, or other public place or places, withir the City of Ed-mords, r- tr^atj first having obtained a license so to do from the City Clerk of said City or to permit such dog to be or run upon such streets or public places,as hereirafter provided. SECTIOL 2: The license -fee for such dogs to be or rur at 6'_�Zlarge as aforesaid, shall be as fo? lows: for male dogs, Once Dollar ( 1.00) per year; for female dogs, Two Dollars (�2.00) per year, the license year here!ir provided shall commerce or the first day of July of each year and' end or the thirtieth flay of Jere. Provided, however, that if such' license is riot obtaired before the first day of July it each year, a penalty of One Dollar ($1.00) for male dogs aEd Two Dollars ($2.00) for f e-male dogs shall be, and is hereb-.-, imposed upon_ all said persons failing so to do, and r_o license shall issue after said;time unless such penalty be paid; SEGHOI. 3: It shall be the duty of the City Clerk to issue such 1JOS ae® under the Seal of the City upor the payment of such license fee, and to furnish to such license a metal tag with the runber.of the license ergraved or stamped thereon, and it shall be the duty of such licensee to attach such tag to a leather or metal collar, fostered securely ab--ut the neck of such licer_sed dog. Provided, that the fora and shape of such tag shall be charged each year. The City Clerk -shall keep a record of all licenses granted under this Ordinance, ircluding the number of such license and the name of the person -to whom issued. aECTIOI• 4: On the first day of July of each year the City .10 ark shall deliver to the Qity Marshal the stub book and book of black licenses, who shall proceed to collect all delinquent li- cerse fees together with the penalties hereir provided for. The 2arshal shall keep a record of all moneys collected under this Ordinance and shall pay such moneys, less his fees therefor, to the City Treasurer, tak..rg his receipt for the same. SECTIOE 5: Ar_y dog found at large in violation of the pro- Wxt,visions of this Ordirance may be impounded by the City,11'arshal, and such dogs shall not be redeemed except or payment of such li- cense feer_d penulty',hereir, provided; if such dog is rot redeemed by the owner thereof fter two days from the time impourd- irg such dog may be d stroyed by or under the order of the Marshal in the least cruel marprer. The Marshal shall be entitled to retain as fees fifty percer--t4 of all moneys collected or male dogs and 117 Twenty-five percent. on female dogs, and when it shall become necessary to destroy any dog under the provisions hereof said Marshal shall be allowed a fee of One Dollar ($1.00)for each dog killed and buried. SECTION 6: It shall be unlawful for any person to permit arty female dog in the time of heat, or any vicious or mad dog to.be P �ejejt d at large in any of the streets, alleys, parks, or other public places, at any time, whether licersed or not, and any person found guilty of a violation hereof shall -be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and punished as herein provided. SECTION 7: Any person or persons violating any of the pro- visions of this Ordinance shall, upon conviction thereof in any Court having jurisdiction thereof, be fined in any sum not exceed- ing Five ($5.00) Dollars, or be imprisoned in the City jail not fe exceeding one day for each two.dollars of such fine, or by both fine and imprisormtert. The fine herein provided for violation hereof shall not, if paid, be considered as a payment of such license fee or penalty, but in.all proceedings it shall be con- strued as a cumulative remedy for the violation of this Ordinance. SECTION 8: This Ordinance shall not be deemed or construed as repealing any Ordinance of said,City upon the subject mentioned herein, except where the same is inconsistent herewith, but shall be deemed and construed as contunuations thereof for the purposes for which it is enacted, and all licenses issued and all penalties collected under former Ordinances are hereby validated and shall not be effected by the provisions hereof, but such licenses shall be recognized by all officers of the City. SECTION 9: This Ordirance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage by the Council, its approval by the Mayor, and published according to law. OIorkl Passed the Council and approved by me this loth day of August 1910. Attest: Zophar Howell,3rd, City Clerk. William Keeler, Mayor. I hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true and correct copy of Ordinance No.213 of the City of Edmonds, Wash. Zophar Howell, 3rd, City Clerk.