Ordinance 0218* * * * x x * * x W # -K Xc * W 31; , x * — x - - � �c x x W * * * W x * * *
elameAn Ordinance defining disorderly corduct and declaring that the
shall be a misdemeanor, and providing a punishment therefor.
The City Council of the City of Edmonds do ordain as follows:
SECTIOL 1: Every person who shall wilfully
(1) Cut doer or destroy or injure any grass, lawn or crop stand-
ir_g or growing, or lyir..g upor any private property within the City
of Ednords: or, grass growing upon any
(2) Ir_jure, destroy or deface a ,,par 'in strips or -,any of the
' streets of said City, or on any public park or public ground therein
or, (3) Drive any vehicle upon any of the said parking strips or
any lawn, whether it preparation or completed; or
(4) Cut down, girdle or otherwise injure any fruit, shade or
r' orraanertal trees stardirg upon ary private lots or upon any public
street, park, or other public place; or
(5) Out down, destroy, or in any way injure ary shrub, tree,vine
` o garden produce, grown or growing, or any framework or erection
in any private lot or any public street, park or other public place
within the City of Edmonds; or
lra (6) Enter without the eorsert of the ovrner or occupant any or-
6V chard, garden or vineyard with irtentior to take, injure or destroy
anything there grown or owir • or
(7) Damage or deface any public building or private building
ar park thereof, or to throw any stones or missiles at any build-
ing or Dart thereof; or
(8) Dig, take or carry away without lawful authority or consert,
from any lot or lard in said City, or from any lands included with -
it the limit of a street or avenue ir. said City, any earth, soil or
or store; or
(9) Damage, mar or deface any concrete work, sidewalk or build-
} irg that is in the process of harder_ir.g; or
(10) Irterfere with, deface or remove any lire or grade stake
t placed by the City Engineer upon any Street in the course of im-
provement, or any rock, post, or other monument erected or marked
for the purpose of designating the boundary of any street, lot
block ortract of land in said City, or any mark or inscription
thereon- or
Destroy, mar or deface any fence, gate or building, whether
public or private within said City, or
Break or deface, obstruct, alter, injure or prevent the
Aaction, or the reading by those lawfully entitled thereto, of any
meter or other instrument used to measure or register the quantity
of gas, electricity, steam or water supplied to a consumer thereof; or
V (13) Break or destroy any insulator used upon any electric
"light, telephone or telegraph poles or any wire stretched upon said
poles, or shall break or destroy any electric light lamps placed
upon said poles within said City;
Shall be guilty of disorderly conduct.
2'' SECTIOE 2: All persons convicted
Section One defined, shall be guilty of
tion thereof shall be fined in any sum
($100.00) Dollars or be confined in the
exceeding thirty days, or by both such
discretion of the Court.
of disorderly conduct, as in
a misdemeanorand on convic-
not exceeding One Hundred
City jail for any time not
fine and imprisonment in the
�SECTIOI 3: That in all prosecutions under this Ordinance or/"
any amendments thereof it shall not be necessary to state in the
complaint the particular act committed, but it shall be suffi.ciezIP
to state therein that such party is guilty of disorderly conduct
within said City.
SECTION 4: This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force
from and after its passage by the Council, approval by the Mayor,
and its publication in accordance with law.
Passed the Council and approved by me this 19th day of October
Attest: Zophar Howell, 3rd, City Clerk. William Keeler, Mayor.
I hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true and
correct copy of Ordinance Eo.21a of the Lyity of Edmonds, Wash.
. Zophar Howell,3rd, City Clerk.