Ordinance 0225 BORDINAL CE N 0. 22 5 B
An Ordinance defining certain nuisances, prohibiting the main-
tenance of the same, and providing for the abatement of such nui-
sanses, and providing for the punishment of all persons violating
the provisions hereof.
The City Council of the City of Edmonds do ordain as follows:
SECTION 1: Any person, firm or corporation, whether as owner
or lessee, who shall cast, throw, or keep in, or adjoining anyliti
street, alley, square, or other public place, or in any yard, lot
or block, grounds or premises, within the limits of the City of
Edmonds, any bones, putrid, unsound, unwholesome, or refuse flesh
of animals, whether salted or otherwise, or any hide or skin of
any kind, or the whole or any part of any dead animal or fish, or
any unsound, putrid unwholesome substance, or the offal, garbage
or any offensive part of any animal, shall be deemed guilty of
maintaining a nuisance, and on conviction thereof shall be punished
as herein provided. ��
SECTIOL 2: Any person, firm or corporation, whether as owner OWP-"`
or lessee, who shall suffer or permit any cellar, vault, drain,yard,
grounds or premises, belonging to or controlled by such person, firm
or corporation, to become, from any cause, nauseous, foul, offensive
or injurious to the public health, or disagreeable.to adjacent resi-
dents or persons, or who shall suffer or permit the accumulation
of any garbage, decayed vegetation, manure, empty fruit cans or an
other unhealthy or noxious thing or substance, on any such premises,
to such extent and amount as to become dangerous to public health,or
in the street, alley, or other public place adjacent to such pre-
mises, or who shall suffer or permit any defective or overflowing
privy, cesspool, sink or vault, or any nauseous, foul or putrid
liquids or substance likely to become foul or putrid, or suffer the
same to be discharged, or flow from or out of any such premises in-
to or upon any adjacent premises, or any public street or alley,or
other public place or ground, shallbe deemed guilty of maintaining
a nuisance, and on conviction thereof shall be.punished as herein-
after provided.
SECTION 3: It shall be the duty of the Health Officer of said
City to examine and inspect all suspected places for the purpose
of ascertaining the sanitary condition of such places or premises, •ems
and to inform against all persons who fail or refuse to obey any
notice issued by him authorized by this Ordinance.
SECTIOr. d: If the Health Officer shall discover that any of
the persons mentioned in this Ordinance are maintaining any such
nuisances, or violating the provisions of this Ordinance, he shall
issue to such person a notice in writing warning and ordering such
person to abate such nuisance, and shall state:in such notice the
nature of such nuisance to be abated, which notice shall be de-
livered to the City Xarshal who shall server,the same upon such
person by delivering'to him a copy thereof, `eert.ified by the Health
Officer to be such.
i-V SECTION 5: If any person so notified as aforesaid shall fail
or refuse to abate such, notice for a period of seven (7) days after
service thereof, it shall be the duty of the Health Officer to in-
form any court having jurisdiction thereof, and on conviction of
such person so failing and refusing to obey such warning and order,
he shall be punished in any sum not exceeding twenty-five dollars
or shall be imprisoned in the City jail.for any term not exceeding
ten days, or by both such fine and imprisonment.
SECTIOV 6: In the abatement -of nuisances as herein provided,
11 combustible material shall be burned, and all movable material
shall De otherwise disposed of as directed by said Health officer,
and'all persons failing and refusing to dispose of such material or
abate such nuisances as directed by said health officer shall be
subject to the fines and penalties hereinbefore provided.
SECTIOL 7: This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force
five days from and after its publication.
.Passed the Council and approved by me this 5th day of lurch
Attest: Zophar Rowell, 3rd, City Clerk. Thos.Hall,Xayor.
I hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true and
correct copy of Ordinance Eo.225 B of the City of Edmonds, Wash.
Zophar Howell, 3rd, City Clerk.