Ordinance 0306ORDINANCE N0.306.
4W An Ordinance Specifying and Adopting a System or Plan for the Y�, afl oorstruction by the City of Edmonds, of a System of Sewerage, De--
claring the estimated cost thereof as near as may be, providing for
�". the issuance and sale by the said City df its General Negotiable
Coupon Bonds for the sum of $25,000.00 for the Payment of the Cost
thereof and submitting the same for ratification or rejection to
the qualified voters, of said City at a special election to be held
therefor on the 8th day of June 1920.
k. Whereas, the Corporate Authorities of the City of Edmonds,
e,�j'�- Washington, deem it advisable that said City construct a system
�lof sewerage to be owned and controlled by the said City, pursuant
to the system or plan hereinafter proposed at the estimated cost
C II of $25,000.00, such cost to be paid by the issuance and sale of
General Tegotiable Coupon Bonds of said City in said amount.
NOW THEREFORE, The City Council of the City of Edmonds do
ordain as follows: '
SECTION 1: That the following is hereby specified and adopt-
ed as a system or plan proposed by said City for the construction
of a system of sewerage for said City,towit:
�', main Trunk Sewer - beginning at the extension of Dayton Street
G at extreme low tide; thence Easterly along Dayton Street produced,
and Dayton Street to�Sixth Street; thence South. along Sixth Street
to Maple Street; thence East on Maple Street 180 feet, more or less.
Main Trunk Sewer - Beginning at the intersection of Second
�Street produced, and Dayton Street (which point is approximately
368 feet Westerly of center line of Third Street); thence Northerly
along Second Street produced, and Second Street toEdmonds Street;
thence Easterly along Edmonds Street to Third Street; thence Nor-
therly along Third Street to Daley Street; thence Easterly along
Daley Street to Sixth Street.
The above includes all necessary outfalls, catch -basins, man-
holes and other necessary appurtenances.
SC'101 2: That the estimated cost of said sewer system or
plan isEhereby declared to be, as near as may be, $25.000.00.
SECTI01 3: That said City incur a general indebtedness in
the sum of $25,000.00, for the purpose of securing funds to meet
Tryy -the cost of construction of the above system or plan; that it
issue its General T egotiable Coupon Bonds for said sum, which Bands
shall be in denominations of $500 each to be numbered from 1 to
Cf- k �50 inclusive, shall bear interest not to exceed six percent. per
vvl' arnum, payable semi-annually, shall be payable both principal and
interest at the office of the City Treasurer of said City, or at
the fiscal agency of the State of Washington at the option of the
holder, and shall mature twenty years after date thereof, being
redeemable at arty time after ten years from date at the option of
the City.
SECTION 4: A special election shall be held in said City on
�,cA--' the eighth day of June 1920, at which there shall be submitted
for ratification, or rejection, to the qualified voters of said
'City the proposition: of constructing said system of sewerage pur-
'r �suart to the system or plat hereinbefore specified, adopted and
vvlproposed at the aforesaid declared estimated cost, and the issu-
ance and sale of the aforesaid Bonds to pay the cost thereof.
The City Clerk shall give ten days notice of such election in the
Edmonds- Tribune Review, the newspaper doing the City printing,
by publication in eadh issue of said paper during said time, and
also by posting said notice of election at least ten days before
the election day in three public places in each Ward or Precinct
of said City, one of which public places shall be the polling
place in each Ward of Precinct.
If three -fifths of the qualified voters of said City voting
at said election upot said proposition shall vote in favor thereof
such vote shall constitute and be a ratification, adoption and
assent to the proposition soisubmitted and said City -shall there-
after be authorized by and through its corporate authorities to
proceed with the issuance and sale of said Bonds and the construc-
tion of said system of sewers.
SECTION 5: Said election shall be conducted by ballot and 6
said City through its Council shall by resolatioa designate theme
officials for conducting such election and polling places in the
several Wards or Precincts.
SEOwION 6: The proposition hereby submitted shall appear
upon the official ballot in the follor irg form:
Shall the City of Edmonds construct a system of Sewerage all
as provided under Ordinance Io.306 of said City at estimated cost
at $25,000.00, and issue its General tegotieble Coupon Bonds for
saii am.ourt, in deromiratiozs of $500 each numbered 1 tip 50, in-
clusive, bearing interest at the rate, not to exceed six percent.
per annum, payable semi-annually, payable both principal and
interest at the office of the City Treasurer of said City or at
the fiscal agency of the State of Washington at the option of the
holder and maturing twenty years after date, but redeemable at any
time after ten years at the option of the City, for the purpose
of paying the cost of constructing the system of sewerage pursuant
to the system or plan specified, adopted and proposed by said
Main Trunk Sewer - Beginning at the extersior of Dayton Street
at extreme low tide; thence Easterly along Dayvor Street produced,l14
and Dayton Street to Sixth Street; ther-ce South along Sixth Street ��
to Maple Street; thence East on Maple Street 160 feet, more or less
;gain Trurk Sewer - Beginning at the intersection of Second
Street produced, and Dayton Street (which point is approximately
368 feet Westerly of center line on Third Street); thence Northerly
along Second Street produced, and Second Street toEdmonds Street;
thence Easterly along Edmonds Street to Third Street; thence nor-
therly along Third Street to Daley Street; thence Easterly along
Daley Street to Sixth Street.
The above includes all necessary outfalls, catch -basins,
man -holes and other appurtenances.
In favor of the above proposition
Against the above proposition �,r/
Every qualified voter who desires to vote in favor of the a- ,W�(
bove proposition shall mark an X in the square opposite the state-
ment "In Favor of the above Proposition", and every voter who de-
sires to vote against said proposition shall mark an X in the
square opposite the statement :"Against the above' proposition". 1;
SECTION 7: In the event the proposition hereby submitted dr ,o� `,6
shall be ratified by said special election, then said City by
Ordinance shall provide the form and details of such Bonds and
shall provide for the levy of annual taxes upon all the taxable
property in said City sufficient to pay the principal and inter-
est of said Bonds as same shall fall due.
---- SECTION 8: This Ordinance after its passage and approval
by the :Jayo-r and attestation by the City Clerk shall take effect
upon its publication as provided by law (3.Uf
Passed this 7th day of May 1920. v
Attest: Otto D. Anderson,Town Clerk. F.B.Beeson, Mayor.
Published the 14th day of May 1920.
I hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true anal
correct copy of Ordinance Fo-306 of the City of Edmonds, Wash.
Otto D. Anderson, City Clerk.