Ordinance 0313172 ORDIEM CE E 0. 313 . An Ordinance relating to the Edmonds Trunk Sewer as construct- ed under and pursuant to Ordinance. ro.306 of the City of Edmonds, prescribing the method'by.which, ana the"manner in which, private sewer connections shall be made with the same, providing for the licensing of persona to make such corrections, providing a system of charges to be made for connections with the trunk sewer and the mode of payment thereof, providing for the creation of a sewer fund, the purpose for which such fund shall be used and providing penalties for the violation thereof. BE IT ORDAILED BY THE CITY OF EDY011,DS AS FOLLOWS: A,,JS SECTIOL 1: The term"Trunk Sewer" as used in this Ordinance �/�'► - shall be held to mea'n that certain trunk sewer heretofore construct- ed it accordarce with the provisions of Ordinance Fo.306 of the City of Edmonds, Washington. SECTIOF 2: The owner of any house abutting upon said Trunk Sewer and who desires to make connection therewith,. shall be pri- V-vileged to do so, Prod shall agree to pay to the City ofEdmonds for such conne etion and for the subsequent us a of said Tr -ark Sewer V the sum of $100.00, which sum shall be payable in tenannual in- _,, stallments of $10.06 each with interest payable arsually at the rate of six percent., per annum on all deferred payments. The first Y cr installment of r10.00 shall be paid by the owner to the City V-- Treasurer before the permit for such connection is issued. In the event that there shall be a change in the ownership, of said house, or other buildiw gs to be connected, before the payment of the last installment, the balance remaining due and unpaid shall be charged against and paid by .the new owner. It shall be the duty of the U� owner of any house or other building so connected with -the trunk ji-,L sewer, to notify the Council in writing of any change of owner- ship of such premises, giving the date of the sale and the name of the purchaser. Suit shall be brought in the name of the City of Edmonds in any court of competer_t jurisdiction, for the collection of any payments,provided by this Section, which remain due and un- paid. icwrAA�y"° SECTION 3: All applications for connections with the Trunk . 4rer shall be made in writing, directed to the City Council,and all set forth the name of the applicant, the name of the pre- sent owner or occupant of the house for which the connection is desired, and the location, by street and legal description of said house, a sketch of the proposed correction showing the location of the connecting pipes with reference to the building or buildings to be connected, shall also accompany the application. The City Council shall thereupon, in its discretion, cause such permit to be issued by the City Clerk, who shall do so only upon presentation of, a receipt from the City Treasurer showing paymerAt of the first installment of the connection charge, as hereirbefore provided. At the time of the issuance of said per- mit, the City Clerk shall collect a fee of $3.00 which fee shall cover the entire cost of inspecting such connectir:g sewer. c SECTION 4: It shall be unlawful for any person to make any opening it ar_y public sewer, or correct ary private drain or sewer therewith, without first having taken out 'azd procured a licerse so to do, it the marrer hereixafter provided, to be krovir as a "Seger Contractor's License". The fee for such "Sevier contractor's Lice.set' shall be the sum. of �25.00 per annum, ar:d no licerse shall be issued in the name of more than ore persor, , or to other thsr a natural pers os , nor for a. less period thar one year. �� SECTION ,i'5: Gray persor. desiring a "Sevier Coy -tractor's License" ia11 make application therefor in writing to the City Clerk upon .V, blark to bs furish ed for that purpose, which application shall cr_or_tain a certificate signed by at least two (2) responsible �rplumbers or builders, or one of each, to the effect that the appli- j1W cart is kn.:wr_ to them to be a reliable person, skilled in the business of layirg and connecting sewers, and is a bona fide resi- dent of the City of Edmonds, and which application shall be ap- ? proved by the Uity council of the City of Edmonds, and the applicant -for such license shall pay the fee%rovided for in this Ordinance 173 to the City Treasurer and take his receipt therefor, and shall file with the City Clerk a Bond in the sum of One Thousand ��� ($1000.00) Dollars, to be giver, by an approved surety company, (to be approved as other Bonds to the City are approved), con--, ditionecd that the alaplieart will indemnify and save harmless the 7 City of Edmonds from all claims, actions or damages of every kind and descriptior which may accrue to or be suffered by any persor by reason of any opening in ary street, alley, avenue, or other public place made by him, or those in his employ, in making any correction with said trunk sewer, or for ary other purpose or object whatever, and that he will also replace and restore such street, alley, avenue, or other public place to as good a state or corditior_• as at the time of the cammencemert of said work_ a33i maintain the same in good order to the satisfaction_ of the City Courcil or any other committee or inspector who may be designated by that body to act, and that he will comply with all provisions of this Ordinance. Nothing in this or the preceding Section shall be cor•struedifl, to prevent the property owrer from making his own excavations laying his owndrain or sewer pipe upon his own premises and up to the street line, providing such excavations are made, and such drain or sewer pipe is laid in accordance with the provisions of °E this Ordinance. SECTIOE 6: The CityClerk,upon the pon presentation to him of the receipt of the Treasurer for the fee hereirabove required to Ai be paid, and of the application ar_ci the Bond duly approved, as hereirabove provided, shall issue such "Sewer Contractor's License:' 4 SECTIM 7: It shall be unlawful for ary person having a "Sewer �� Contractor's License", as provided for it this Ordinance, to make [16�" any opening in.. said trunk sewer, or correct ary private sewer or drain therewith, without complyirg with all the provisions of this Ordir_arce in relation. thereto, and obtaining and having a permit so to do from the City Council. SECTIOT 8: All corrections with the trunk setter shall be made . V in a workmanlike manner , ever. with . the inside surface o f the sewer (wherea cor_nectirg "Y" has rot been left) , or in case the City Engineer may deem best. the person making such co rrectior- smell re_- -V f� move a joint of the see:er pipe and insert it its place a "Y" proper_ r" y placed and securely cemented before making correction therewith, and when a "Y" has been left the correction shall be made without damaging or breakirg the same. The street or public place must be opened and the pavirg or plarkin_g or earth deposited in such a manner as will occasion the least irconverierce to the public, and so as to provide free passage for water along the gutters. One-half of the Street must be kept clear for the passage of vehicles, and bridgeways must be provided on sidewalks for foot passengers. In ref illirg the trerch the dirt must be deposited in layers of not more than six (6) inches in depth and be well tamped to prevent after -settlement. As soon as any such correction is completed, the pav_.Yg or planking and sidewalkir4 rW, zt be restored to as good conditicL as previous to the excavati..-, and all rubbish and surplus earth r-"_-diately removed. SECTION 9: All drains which enter into said trunk sewer shall be built of such size and material and in such direction and with such grades and in such manner as the City Engineer shall direct. SECTIOr 10: All work done in pursuance of ary permit granted as heretofore described, shall be under the inspection and subject to the approval ar_d acceptance of City Courcil or a regularly ap- poirted inspector of sewers. The grade, materials and manner off, cor_structior_ of ary sewer or drain_ built under permit from the City Courcil, shall be subject to the approval of the Council or an inspector of sewers, and any licensed sewer contractor who shall refuse to modify, remove, replace or complete any portion of the work when so instructed by said Council or inspector, shall by such refusal forfeit his license for constructing or correcting sewers or drains in the dity of Edmonds. c 174 i. RY SECTION 11_: &111 excavations made by any licensed sewer con- ��'" tractor within the limits of any street, avenue, alley or other public place, shall be protected and guarded by said contractor, _rV ��i both by night and by day, by the display of proper signals and � lights, and the contractor shall be liable upon his Bond for all accidents caused by r_egligence in this respect. SECTION 12: All work within the limits of any Street or pub - lie place must be prosecuted to completion with due diligence, and if in the judgment of the_ City Council or its inspector, any excavation if left open beyond a reasonable time, he shall cause the same to be refilled and the street restored forthwith, and any cost incurred in such work, shall be charged to the sewer contrac- tor in charge of the work, and must be paid before he shall re- ceive any future permit from the City Council. SECTION 13: If any work done in pursuance of a permit granted as hereinabove described, be not constructed to the satisfaction andacceptance of the City council, or its inspector, and the con- �ot ractor for such work shall refuse to properly construct and eom- Qij plete such work, rot',ice thereof shall be given to the owner of the property for whom said work is being done, and the City Council ra' shall cause said work to be completed and sewer connected in the �f proper marner, and the full cost of such work and materials neces- sary therefor s1-aall be charged and become a lien against said property, and all be collected in the manner in this Ordinarce provided. r v� SECTION 14: No trench shall be refilled or any connecting ewer, constructed under the provisions of this Ordinance, covered, a)1Vv until the same shall have been inspected and approved by or under the direction of the City Council from the point where the same connects with the trunk sewer to the point where it cormects with the iron pipe or other plumbing of the building or premises to be connected, or until the same shall have been made to conform in all respects to the provisions of this Ordinance. SECTION 15: The authorized representatives of the City Council the City Engineer, or the City Health Officer shall have the right Ito enter upon any premises being connected with the trunk sewer U v" rder the provisions of this Ordinance to ascertain whether the z provisions of this Ordinance in regard to connections have beer, or are being complied with, and if they shall find that such premises or connections do rot conform to the provisions of this Ordinance, to notify the owner of such premises or his agent of the fact, and it shall thereafter be the duty of such owner, or agent, to cause such connections to be altered, repaired or reconstructed so as to make them conform to the requirements of this Ordinance, within fifteen days from the time of receiving such notice. SECTION 16: It shall be unlawful for any person to injure, break or remove any portion of any manhole, lamphole,flush tank, or any part of the vr:.Yk sewer of the dity of Edmonds. SECTION 17: It shall be unlawful for any person to deposit �� any garbage, rubbish, dead animals or any substance having a tendency to obstruct the flow of any sewer in any manhole,lamphole, flush tank, or sewer openir_g. SECTI01. 18: Wherever any private drain pipe connected with s the trunk sewer becomes obstructed, broken or out of order, the ,�r City Council shall, if the owner, agent or occupant of such pre- U/wises fail to repair the same after five (5) days written notice so to do, cause such drain pipe to be removed, reconstructed, re- placed or altered, as they may deem expedient, at the expense of the owner, agent or occupant of such premises, and the cost thereof shall be and constitute a lien upon the said premises and said assessment shall be collected and the lien enforced by suit in the name of the City of Edmonds, in any court of compe- tent furisdiction. 175 SECTI01! 19: It shall be the duty of the Police of the City of Edmonds, and of all employes ,of the Department of Sanitation in case they shall find any person engaged in the work of break- �'. ing ground for the purpose of making corrections with any public ffv sewer or drain, to ascertain if such person is a duly licensed sewer contractor ar d if he has a permit from the City Council t. , to make such sewer connections, and in the event that such perso is not a licensed sewer contractor or has rot a permit for making such correction, it shall be the duty of such officer or employee p to order them to desist under penalty of arrest for violation of this Ordinance and to immediately report the fact to the City Council. SECTI(Z 20: It shall be unlawful for any person licensed as � a sewer contractor under the provisions of this 0rdir_anee, to allow his name to be used by any persor, firm or corporation, -� either for the purpose of obtaining a permit or fgr doir he work under his license, and it shall be the duty of ev5;# ersed sewer contractor to have his name and place of business recorded in the office of the City Council, and to immediately notify said City Council of any change of his address. SECTIOI1 21: There is hereby created a new fund of the City of Edmonds which fund shall be designated the "Sewer Fund". All VVW movies derived by the City under the provisions of this Ordi- nance shall be paid into and become a part of said"sewer furld". Warrants shall be drawn upon staid"Sewer -Pard" by the City Clerk under the direction of the City Council, which Warrants shall be drawn in payment of the cost of construction of the "Trurk Sewer", or to defray the costs of all additions, alteration, repairs, extensions or upkeep of the ertire sewer system of the City of Edmonds, both trunk and lateral.- SECTI01] 22: Amy person owr_izg property abuttirg upor the trursk sewer and whose property is included in ary lateral seer local impr o vemert dis tri ct of the City of Edmonds may have at election as to whether he shall correct directly with the tru Leger or with the sewer lateral. Vherever ar_y property owner shall hay e made carve cti or, with the trurk sewer, ar.d shall have made payments to the City under the terms of this 0rdirax.c e for such cor.nectior, Ltd the property of such owner shell thereafter be included within: a sever lateral L.I.T., then the assessnert roll of said. L.I.D., shall be adjusted as to said owner so as to give him credit for the amounts already paid ir_ for the trunk sewer correction. Thereafter all trunk sever payraezts shall cease, as to said property, ar_d- it sr_all be subjected to its Proper assesmert under the L.I.D. , S OTI0T: 23:-Defir-itiors - the word "person" wherever used Jr - this r ordinance Shall, weer necessary, be held ar_d construed to �1(I mean: ar.d irel,zde ratural persons of either sex, associatiors , / cona.rtr-erships, and corporatiors, whether acting by themselves or by a servart, agent, or employee; the sirgular number shall, when receseary, be held a.rd corstrued to include the plural and the masculite proroun to ircludae the feminine. (b SECTIOI: 24: Any person who shall violate or fail to comply (� with ary of the pr ovis:�ors of this Ordirare e , shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, ar.d upor corvictior thereof shall be pur:ished by a fire it ary sum rot exceeding Ore Burdred ($100.00 ) Dollars, or by imprisormzert it the City jail for a terzp rot ex- ceedir_g thirty (30) days, or by both such fire and it nrisormert. SECTI0T 25: This Ordinance shall take effect and be it full. i U force and effect from and after its passage by the City Council 1 of the City of Edmonds, its approval by the Mayor and its pub- ro/vwf according to law. r passed the City Council of the Coity of Edmonds in regular session this llth day of March 1921, and approved by me on the same date. Attest: Geo.M.Leyda, City Clerk. F.R.Beeson, Mayor. I hereby certify that the above and foregoirg is a true and correct copy of Ordiranc a L o.313 of the City of Edmonds, Wash. Geo-M.Leyda, City Clerk.