Ordinance 0322326 0 IM ORDILAY. CE F 0. 322. (L. I . D. 28 ) An ordinance ordering the improvement of Alley between Third Street and Fourth Street from Main Street extended through to Dayton. Street; also sewer route ekterdirg .from a point 120 feet South of Main Stree-, or, said alley Easterly to Fourth Street it the following mar_. er : By cor_structi.zg thereor_ a lateral sewer system it and upon said Alley and property in the City of Edmonds, Snohomish County, Washingtor; also by aorstractirg thereon inlets, catch-basirs, mar_holes, lamp hole-, and doirg'such other work as may be reces- cary in correction _erevoith, all in accordance with and pursuant to Resolution of Ir-ertior Iio. 34, passed by the City Council of the City of Edmonds or the Sixth day of Spetember, 1921; creat- i g a local improverent district for such improvement, and pro- vidirg the paymert r ez of or to be by the "Payment by Bond" plan. BE IT ORDAINED by the City Council of the City of Edmords, Snohomish County, State of Washington, as follows: SECTIOT 1: That the Alley between Third Street and Fourth Street from Main Street extended through to Dayton. Street; also sewer route extending from a point Ore Hundred Twenty (120) feet South of Mair Street)or said alley Easterly to Fourth street, be improved by constructing thereor a lateral sewer system in and upon said Alley and property; also by constructing thereon in- lets, catch-bas rs , a . _ les , lampholes , ' and doing such other work as may be r.eces-ary in correction therewith, in accordance with plars and speci.ficatiors row or file it the office of the City Clerk of the Ci of Edmonds, said plars and specifications having beer approver by the City Council of the City of Edmonds, on the Sixth day of September, 1921, and pursuant to Resolution of Irtertior ho.34, passed by the Uity Council of the City of EdmoxAs or the Sixth day of September, 19U. SECTIOL 2: T_-- .t said improvement will be made along in frort of and over thc: following described property which will be affected by said _ 3oven.ert and which will be ircladed within the improvement iist;Cict hereir_ created and limited to such pro- perty for the purpose of assessment as hereinafter provided,to- wit: D SC YIFTIOL : all that property lyirg within the following described bourdaries . begirr.ing at the l ortheast corner of Dayton and Third Street, tht ce Lortherly along the East lire of Third Street to the South li _ of Llain Street; thence Easterly along the South lire of ;1'aii. Street to the crest lire of Fourth Street; thence Southerly alo_g the west lire of Fourth Street to the lorth lire of Dayton_ Street; thence Westerly alorg the T orth line of Daytor. Street to he point of begirrirg, less the dedicated Alleys. rill of the abo- property being situated and lying within the City of Edmords, Srohomish Courty, State of Washington. SECTIOL 3: . TnzLw the cast of said improvement or said alley and property shall be assessed agairst the property above de- saribed arc) agair_st all Lots, Tracts, ar_d parcels of property lying and being within the improvemert district hereinafter creat- ed it proportion to the berefits derived therefrom, as provided by the Ordir_arces of the City of Edmor_ds, and the Laws of the State of Aashirgtor... SECTIOL 4: -hat the mode of payment shall be under the "Payment by Bord" A lac by which plars Bor:.ds of said district shall be issued paya:le in ter (10) equal annual payments or in- stallmerts with ir.,te-est at the rate of eight percent.(8%) per ar_ r.:um . 327 SECTI0r 5: That the estimated cost of said improvement is the sum of One Thousard Three Hundred Sixty (1360.00) Dollars. SECTION 6: That there is hereby created a local improve- ment district to be designated and krowr as "Local Improvement District Eo.28" which shall irelude all the property hereinbe- fore described. SECTIOL 7: That there is hereby created a local improve- ment fund to be krowr and desigrat ad as-"Looal Improvement Dis- trict Fund Eo.28". SECTIOB 8: That said improvement Shall be made_ under the direction of the City Council and the- City Engineer and it accord- atoe with-the'plaris ard- specifications now - on file with the City Cleik of the City of Edmonds. SECTIOE 9: The Bonds to be issued, as hereinbefore provided, may be delivered'and sold to the Contractor doing the work of such improvement it payment of his services, or they may be sold by the City Clerk at private sale, provided, however, that the returns from the sale of said Bor_ds must net the par value of the same plus accrued interest ard the proceeds thereof shall be applied in paymeit of the costs and expenses of said improvement. SECTION 10: That the special assessmerts to be levied as hereirbefore described shall be payable in ten (10) equal annual installments with interest at the- rate of eight percent. (8%) per annum, ard such installmerts shall be collected in -the mariner provided by the general Ordinances of the City of Edmonds and the laws of the State of Washington. SECTIOE 11: This Ordir_ance shall take effect and be in full force ard effect from and after its passage by the City Courcil of the City of Edmonds, its approval by the Mayor and its publi- cation accordirg to law. Passed by the City Courcil of the City of Edmonds in regu- lar sessiox, this fifteenth day of November, 1921, and approved by me on the same date. Attest_: Geo.M.Leyda, City Clerk. F.R.Beesor, Mayor. (Seal of the City of Edmonds) I hereby certify- that the foregoing Ordinance is a full, true and oorrect'copy of the original as passed by the City Coun- cil of the City of Edmonds on the fifteenth day of Eovember,1921. Published December 3rd, 1921 Geo.M.Leyda, City Glerk. I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correot copy of ar- Ordirance of the City` of- Edmords, ard that the same was published ard posted according to law, said Ordirarce being Eo.322 ard ertitled an Ordirance for the Improvement of the -aley between Third and Fourth Streets South of Nair. Street. Geo.M.Leyda, City Clerk.