Ordinance 0332176
ORDIIAL CE L 0. 332.
Ar Ordinance amending Section Five (5) of Ordinance L o.313
which Ordinance was passed by the City Council of the City of
Edmonds on the llth day of March 1921, and approved by the Mayor
of said City on the same date.
Be it ordair_ed by the City Council of the City of Edmonds,
Snohomish County, Washington, as follows:
SECTIOI, 1: That Section_. Five (5) of Ordirance Lo.313 be
amended to read as follows:
` "Section 5: Any person desirir:g a sewer contractor's license
all make application therefor in writing to the City Clerk
upon a blank to be furnished for that purpose, which application
shall contain a certificate signed by at least two (2) respons-
ible plumbers or builders, or one of each, to the effect that the
applicant is known, to them to be a reliable person., skilled it
ed'1 fr-the business of laying ar>d correcting severs, and is a bona fide
resider_t of the City of.Edmords, or is mairta.irirg his regolar
place of business withir the corporate limits _of said City Of
Edmonds, and which application shall be approved by the City
Council of the City of Edmonds, and the applicant for such li-
cerse shall pay the fee provided for in. this Ordir.,arce to the
City Treasurer and take his receipt therefor, and shall file with
the City Clerk a Bond ix the sun of Ore Thousand ($1000.00)
Dollars to be giver by ar approved surety company (to be approved
as other Bords of the City are approved) corditione d that the
applicant will indemr-ify and save harmless the City of Edmonds
from all claims, actions, or and damages of every kird and de-
scription which may accrue to or be suffered by any person by
reason of any oper:ing it ary street, alley, avenue or other pub-
lic place made by him, or those in his employ, in making any
connection with said trunk sewer, or for ary other purpose or
object whatever, and that he will also replace and restore such
street, alley, avenue or other public place to as good a state
or eordition as at the time of the commencement of said work,and
maintain the same in good order to the satisfaction of the Uity
Council or ary other- committeee or inspector who may be designated
by that body to act, and that he will comply with all the proTis-
iorsof this Ordinance.
L othirg ix this or the preceding 5ectioL shall be construed
to prevent the property owner from making his own excavations or
laying his own drain or sewer pipe upon his own, premises, and up
to the street lire, proTidirg such excavations are made, and such
drain or sewer pipe is laid in accordance with the provisions of
this Ordinance."
Passed by the City Council of the City of Edmonds
day of larch 192 a d approved by me the same date .
Attest: Ge).�.�jeyda, City Clerk. F.E.Beeson,
this 21st
Mayor .
I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct
copy of an Ordir_arc6 of the City, of Edmonds, and that the same
was published or posted according to law, said Ordinance being
ro.332 and entitled "An Ordinance amending Section5 of Ordinance
r o.313. Geo.M.Leyda, City Clerk.
A. 4- 4. � - 1, * * * * * * * * * * - * * * * *