Ordinance 0335* * * * * * * * * * * * * x * * pis * * * * k * * * * * * * * * * *
ORDINAL O N 0.335 . ( L. I . D. 32 )
An Ordinance ordering the improvement of the following de-
scribed Sewer course from a point on the Trunk Sewer in Dayton
Street approximately one hundred twenty-eight (128) feet West of
Third Street; there Southerly a distance of four hundred (400)
feet more or less i the following manner:
By co-rstructing a lateral sewer system over and upon said
sewer course in the City of Edmonds, Washington, also by construct-
irg thereon inlets, catch -basics, man -holes, lamp -holes and doing
such other work as may be necessary in correction therewith, all
in accordance with and pursuant to Resolution of Intention Fo.40
passed by the City Council of the City of Edmonds on the eighteenth
day of April, 1922; creating a Local Improvement Distfict for said
Improvemert and providing that the payment therefor shall be by
the "Payment by Bond" plan.
Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Edmonds,
Snohomish County, State of Washington, as follofs:
SECTION 1: That the following described Sewer course from a
point on the Trunk Sewer in Dayton Street approximately one hun-
dred twenty-eight (128) feet West of Third Street; thence South-
erly a distance of four hurdred (400) feet more or less be im-
proved by corstructing thereor a lateral Sewer system; also by
constructing thereon inlets, catch -basins, man -holes, lamp -holes,
and doing such other work as may be necessary in connection there-
with in accordance with plans and specifications now on file in
the office of the City Clerk of the City of Edmonds, said plans
and specifications having been approved on the thirteenth day of
June, 1922, and pursuant to Resolution of Intention Lo.40, passed
by the Gity Council of the City of Edmonds on the eighteenth day
of April, 1922.
SECiIOE 2: That said improvement shall be made along and in
front of the following described property which will be effected
by such improvement and which will be included within the improve-
mert district herein created and limited to such property for the
purpose of assessment as hereinafter provided, towit:
Beginrirg at the Southwest corner of Dayton and Third Streets
in the 8ity of Edmonds; thence South seventy-five (75) feet; thence
lest one hundred twenty-eight (128) feet; thence Forth seventy-
five (75) feet to South line of Dayton Street; thence East one
hundred twerty-eight (128) feet to point of beginning.
Beginrirg at the Southwest correr of Dayton and Third -Streets
in the City of Edmonds; thence South along the Test boundary of
Third Street to the true point of beginning; thence South seventy-
five (75) feet; thence Test one hurdred twenty-eight (128) feet
thence forth severty-five (75) feet; thence East one hundred
twenty-eight (128)feet to true point of beginning.
Beginnir:g ore hundred fifty (150) feet South of the Southwest
corner of Da :o_. ar-.d Third Streets in the City of Edmonds; thence
South eighty-five )85) feet; thence West o9e hundred twenty-eight
(128) feet; thence Lorth eighty -fine (85) feet; thence East ore
hundred twer_ty-eight (128) feet to true point of beginning-.
Beginning at a point two hundred thirty-five (236) feet South
from the Southwest corner of Dayton and Third Streets in the City
of Edmonds; thence West one hundred twenty-eight (128) feet;
thence South sixty (60) feet; thence East one hundred twenty-eight
(128) feet; thence r+orth Sixty (60) feet to point of beginning.
Beginning two hurdred ninety-five (295) feet South of South-
west corner of Daytor and Third Streets in the City of Edmonds;
thence South thirty -rive and fifty-six one hundredths (39.56)
feet more or less; thence West one hundred twenty-eight (128)
feet; thence g orth thirty-nine and fifty-six one hundredths (39.56)
feet more or less; thence East one hundred twenty-eight (128) feet
to point of beginning.
Beginning three hundred thirty-four and forty-six hundredths
(334.46) feet Routh of intersection of Dayton and Third Streets
in the City of Edmonds; thence South sixty (60) feet; thence West
one hundred twenty-eight (128) feet; thence Forth sixty (60) feet;
thence East one hundred twenty-eight (128) feet to point of be-
ginning; all of the above property being situated and lying with-
in the City of Edmonds, Snohomish County, Washington.
SECTION 3: That the cost of said improvement on said Sewer
course hereinabove described shall be assessed against the pro-
perty above described and against all lots, tracts, and parcels
of property lying and being within the improvement district here-
inafter created in proportion to the benefits derived therefrom,
as provided by the Ordinances of the City of Edmonds, and the
laws of the State of Washington.
SECTION 4: That the mode of payment shall be under the
"Payment by Bond" plan, by which plan Bonds of said district
shall be issued payable in ten (10) equal annual installments
with interest at the rate of eight (87) percent per arum.
SECTION 5: That the estimated cost of said improvement is
the sum of Eleven Hundred and Fifteen ( 1115.00) Dollars.
SECTIO11 6: That there is hereby created a Local Improve-
mer3t District to be designated and knowm as Local Improvement
District Ro.32, and there is further hereby created a Local
Improvement'Fund to be known as Local Improvement Fund No.32.
SECTION 7; That said improvement shall U made under the
direction of the City Conrail and the City Engineer, and in ac-
cordance with the plans and specifications now on file with
the City Clerk.
SECTIOK 8: The Bonds to be issued as herein before provid-
ed may be sold and delivered to the Contractor doing the work
of each improvement in payment of his services or they may be
sold by the City Clerk at private sale, provided, however, that
the returns from the sale of said Bonds must net the par value
of the same plus accrued interest and the proceeds thereof shall
be applied in payment of the costs and expenses of said improve-
SECTION 9; That the special assessments to be levied,as
hereinbefore deseribed,shall be payable in ten (10) equal annual
installments with interest at the rate of eight (8%) percent.
per arum, and such installments shall be collected in accord-
ance with the City Ordinances of the City of Edmonds and the
laws of the State of Washington.
SECTION, 10; This Ordinance shall take effect and be in full
force and effect from and after its passage by the City Council
of the City of Edmonds, its approval by the Mayor and its publi-
cation according to law.
Passed by the -.City Council in regular session this 13th day
of June, 1922.
Attest: Geo.M.Leyda, City Clerk. J.G.Sehmidt, Mayor
Pro Tem.
I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct
copy of an Ordinance of the City of Edmonds, and that the same
was published or posted according to law, said Ordinance being
Yo.335, and entitled "An Ordinance for the improvement by Sewer
West of Third Street and South of Dayton Street.
Geo.M. Leyda, City Clerk.