Ordinance 0345ORDIIIAICE L 0. 345. ViGjA.0
An Ordinance requiring the owners of all property lying within
sewer lateral Local Improvement District, or abutting upon the
'6'Edmonds Trunk sewer, and within two hundred feet of a sewer, to
ytA make proper corrections therewith within six months; provided that
in the event any property over fails to make such connection,
that the City of Edmonds shall cause such correction to be rm de ,
and assessing the cost of such connection against the property
served thereby.
Be it ordained by the City Council of the @ity of Edmonds : :
r SECTIOL 1: That all property owners having property lying
r-thin a sewer lateral Local Improvement District of the City of
Edmonds or abutting upor the Edmonds Trurk Sewer, and being within
a distance of Two Hundred (200) feet of any sewer, shall make
,roper connection= with such sewer, and begin using the same for
'roper purposes within six months from the date upon which this
Ordinance takes effect.
SECTIOF; 2: That ir. the event such property owner shall fail
or refuse to make s-abh correction, within the time fixed herein,
the City Courcil shall cause such connection to be made, arc&, the
d' officer or department havirg charge of such work, shall report to
the City Council at its rext regular meeting, or as soon as may
be conver:iert, ar assessment roll showing thereon the description
' of the property so corrected, and the cost of the connection.
Thau thereupon the City Clerk shall be instructed to notify the
owner of such property of such proposed assessment, and that. the
uourcil will hold a hearing on a certain date upon said roll and
will hear protests at such hearing against such assessment roll.
SECTIOY 3: The City Council shall, at the time of said hear-
' erg, or at any adjournmert thereof, by Ordinance assess the cost
of makirg such correctior against the property connected, and such
assessment shall become a lien against such property, and shall be
collected it the manrer provided by law for the collection of lo-
cal improvement assessments, and shall bear interest at the rate
of six percert. per arzum from the date of the approval of the
said assessment thereon.
SECTIOT 4: Thii Ordinance shall take effect, and shall be in
full force and effect from and after its passage by the City
Council of the City of Edmonds, its approval by the Mayor, and its
publication according to law.
Passed by the C ty Council of the City of Edmonds this 19th
day of December, 192 , and approved by me the same date.
Attest. Geo.id. Leyda, City Clerk. F.R.Beeson, Mayor.
I hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true and
correct copy of Ordinance lo.345 of the City of Edmonds, Wash.
Geo.M.Leyda, City Glerk.