Ordinance 0346* DX D1c W W * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
ORDIhAICE 10. 346. M I.D. 28) (See page 325)
Ar Ordirazce approvirg and corfirmirg the reassessment and re-
assessment roll of Local Improvement District 10.28 for the improve-
mert of Alley between, Third Street and Yourth Street from hair
Street exterded through to Daytor Street; also sewer route extendir;g
from a point ore hurdred twer_ty (120) feet South of Mair_ Street or,
said alley Easterly to Fourth Street, ir. the Qity of Edmorads, Wash-
irgtor, urder Ordir_ance 10.322 and levying and assessing the amounts
thereof, agairst the several lots, tracts ard parcels of lard and
other property, as shover; on said roll, and establishing a Local Im-
provement Fund.
Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Edmonds:
SECTIOL 1: That the re -assessment ard re -assessment roll of
local Improvement District No.28 for the improvement of alley be-
tween Third Street and Fourth Street from hair Street extended
through to Daytor Street; also sewer course from a point 120 feet
South of Mir Street or: said alley easterly to Fourth Street , all
it the City of Edmonds, Nashir_gtom, by corstrucvirS sewers, to-
gether with the necessary appurtenances far the proper drainage
Of said district urder Ordir:arce Yo. 322, as the same row stands,
be and the same is hereby in all things approved and corfirmed.
SECTIOT 2: That each of the lots, tracts, and parcels of
IRK and other property shown upon, said roll is hereby declared
to be specially benefited by said improvement in at least the a-
mourt charged agairst the same upon said re -assessment roll and
that the assessmert appearirg against the same upor said re-assess-
mert roll is in proportion to the several r e-as es smarts appearing
upor said roll. There is hereby levied and re -assessed agairst
each such lot, tract and parcel of ground and other nro art
P y appear-
ing upor such reassessment roll the amourt finally charged agairst
the same thereon.
SBOTIOI 3: That f or the purpose :)f this impr ovemert there is
hereby created and established a special Turd. to be kr_own as Local
Improvement Far:d, District lo.28.
SECTIM 4: This Ordinance shall take effect and be it full
force and effect from and after its passage by the City Council
of the City of Edmonds, its approval by the Mayor, and its publiea-
tior according to law.
Passed by the Clity Council of the City of Edmonds in regular
session this December 19th, 1922.
Attest: Geo.M.h�eyda, City Clerk. F.B.Beeson, Mayor.