Ordinance 0358182
An Ordirar-ce prohibiting trespassing upon or wilful injury
to property in the C.ty of Edmords and proviaing a penalty there-
The City Qourcil of the City of Edmonds does ordain;
SECTIOL 1: The following persons are dedlared to be disor-
d ly persons:
' All persor:s trespassing upon or injuring any park, park-
�d iLg strip or grass plot.
�..Lll persons who shall wilfully break, mar, injure, or de-
face ary buildirg, fence, awning, window, sign, sign -board, tree,
flowers, grass, shrubbery, or other thir_g of value, being the pro-
perty of arother it said City.
SECTI OE 2: A,ry p er s or , or the manager of ar y firm, corpora -
or. or copartnership violatirig any of the provisions of this
Ordinance shall be liable to a fine not exceeding one hundred
eo4l (�100.00) dollars or by thirty (30) days in jail, or,by both such
fire and imprisonment.
SEOTIOE 3: This Ordir_arce shall take effect and be in full
force and effect- from and after its passage by the City Council
of the City of dnoras, its sigr..ature by the Mayor, and its publi-
Q� cation according to law.
D kttest: Geo-M*Leyda, City Clerk. M.C.Engels, mayor.
Passed June 3rd, 1924.
Published Jure 6th, 1924.
I hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true and
correct copy of Ordinance Io.358 of the City of Edmonds, Wash.
Geo -M. Leyda, City Clerk.