Ordinance 0367OBDIVA CE L 0. 367 . (L.I.D 36 )
An Ordinance ordering the improvement of the Lorth side of
Dayton Street in the City of Edmonds, from the East line of Third
Street to the West line of Seventh Street by the construction
thereon of a five-foot concrete sidewalk, concrete cross -walks
and doing such other work as may be necessary in accordance there-
with, to make a complete improvement, all in accordance with and
pursuant to a majority petition failed with the City Council on the
fifteenth day of September, 1925,. creating a.Local Improvement
District for said improvement and providing that the payment there-
for shall be by the payment by Bond plan.
Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Edmonds,
Washington, as follows:
SECTIOI 1: That the Sorth side of Dayton Street in the City
of Edmonds, from the East line of Third Street to the West line
Of Seventh Street be improved by the construction thereon of a
five-foot concrete sidewalk, concrete cross -walks and doing such
other work as may be reasonably necessary in connection therewith,
all in accordance with plans and specifica#1®r to be prepared
by the City Engineer.of said City and in accordance with and pur -
suant to that certain petition for said improvement filed with
the City Coaroil of Edmonds, on the fifteenth day of September,
1925, and which petition is signed by the owners of more than a
majority of the lineal frontage and area of the Local Improvement.
District hereinafter created.
SECTIOL 2: That said improvement be made along and in front
of the following described property which will be effected by
said improvement and which will be included within the improve-
ment district herein created and limited to such property for the
purpose of assessment as hereinafter provided, towit:
L.I.D. LO. 36. Beginning at the Northeast corner of Third
and Dayton Streets and rur_ning thence L orth sixty (60) feet;
thence East one hundred fifty-nine and ninety-five hundredths,
(159.96) feet; thence South sixty (60) feet to the L orth margin
of Dayton Street; thence' West one hundred fifty-nine and ninety-
five hundredths,
(159.95) feet to the point of beginning.
Beginning at a point on the East margin of Third Street
sixty (60) feet Lorth of its intersection with the NWorth margin_
of Dayton Street, and running thence Forth sixty (60) feet;
thence East ore hundred fifty -rive and ninety-five hundredths,
(159.95) feet; thence South sixty (60) feet; thence West one
hundred fifty -Tire and rirety-five hundredths (159.95) feet to
the poirt of begirr.ing.
Beginning at the lorthwest corner of Fourth and Dayton Streets
and runring thence forth one hundred twenty (120) feet; thence
West ore hundred thirty-six (136) feet; therce South one hundred
twenty (120) feet; thence East one hundred thirty-six (136) feet
to the point of beginning.
Beginning at the Northeast corner of Fourth and Dayton. Streets
and running thence Forth sixty (60) feet; thence East one hundred
twenty-two and seventy-one hundredths (122.71) feet; thence South
sixty (60) feet; thence West one hundred twenty-two and seventy-one
hundredths (122.71),feet to the point of beginning.
Beginning at a point on the East margin of Fourth Street Sixty
( 60 ) feet L orth. of its intersection with the IC orth margin of Dayton
Street and running thence L orth sixty ( 60 ) feet; thence East one
hundred twenty-two and seventy-one hundredths (122.71) feet; thence
South sixty (60) feet; therce 'Vest one hundred twenty-two and
seventy --ore hundredths (122.71) feet to the point of begi=ring.
Beginning at the I orthwest correr of Fifth and Dayton Streets,
and rurnirg thence Iorth ore hundred twenty (120) feet; thence
Wiest one hundred twenty-two and seventy-one hundredths (122,71)
feet; thence South one hundred twenty (120) feet; therce East one
hundred twenty-two and seventy-one hundredths (122.71) feet to the
point of beginning.
A-11 of Lots 21 to 40, both inclusive in Block one hundred
twer_ty (120) of the City of Edmonds.
The T'orth fifty-four (54) feet of Lots thirty-eight (38) ,
thirty -rice (39) and forty (40) in Block ninety-seven (97) of the
City of Edmonds.
The South fifty-six (56) feet of Lots thirty-eight (38),
thirty --rime (39) and forty (40), in Block ninety-seven (97) of
the City of Edmonds.'
L11 of Lots twerty-one to thirty -sever (21 to 37),both in-
clusive in Block ninety -sever (97) of the City of Edmonds.
That the cost of said improvement on said Dayton Street shall
be assessed against the property above described and against all
lots, tracts and parcels of land lying and being within the in7!—
provement district hereinafter created, in proporLlior to the
benefits derived therefrom as provided by the Ordina=ees of the
City of Edmonds and the laws of the 'Mate of WashiY :,tor.
SECTIOL 4: That the mode of payment shall be under the "Pay-
mert by Bord"Plan by which plan Bonds of said district shall be
issued payable in twelve (12) equal arraal paymerts or irstallmerts
with irterest thereon at the rate of eight (8Q)percent per arrum.
SECTION: 5: That the estimated cost of said improvement is
the sum of twenty -ore ardsever.ty ($2170.00) dollars.
SECTION: 6: That there is hereby created a local improvement
district to be designated and known as "Local Improvement District
Fo.36", which shall include all the property hereinbefore described.
SECTION; 7: That there be and is hereby created a local im-
provement fund to be known and designated as "Local Improvement
District Fund 19o.36".
SECTION 8: That said improvement shall be made under the di-
rection of the Qity (;oureil and the City Engineer and in accordance
with the plans and specifications now or file with the City Clerk
of the City of Edmonds.
SECTION 9: The Bonds to be issued as hereinbefore provided
may be delivered and sold to the Contractor doing the work of
such improvement in payment of his services, or they may be sold
by the City Clerk at private sale, provided, however, that the
returns from the sale of said Bonds must net the par value of
the same plus accrued interest and the proceeds thereof shall be
applied in payment of the costs and expenses of said improvement.
SECTIOg 10: That -the special assessments to be levied as
hereinbefore described shall be payable in twelve (12) equal annual
installments with interest at the rate of eight (8f) pervert per
annum, anti such irstallments shall be collected in the mar_ner pro-
vided by the general Ordinances of the City of Edmonds, and the
laws of the State of Washington.
SECTIOFj 11: This Ordinance shall take effect and be in full
force and effect from and after its passage by the City Council
of the City of Edmonds, its approval by the Rayor and its publi-
cation according to law.
Passed by the City Council of the City of Edmonds in regular
session this Sixth day of October, 1925 and approved by me on
the same date.
Attest: Geo.M. Leyda, City Clerk. Alice U. Zerr, Mayor.
I hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance is a true and
correct copy of the original as passed by the City Council of the
City of Edmonds on the Sixth day of October, 1925.
Published October 9th, 1925. Geo.M.Leyda, City Clerk.
I hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true and
correct copy of Ordinance ro.367 of the City of Edmonds, Wash.
Geo.M.Leyda, City Clerk.