Ordinance 0372192
ORDIFIZ CE 1.0. 372.
An Ordinance relating to and providing for the licensing and
UM regulating of dareirg in cafes; providirg for the revocation of
licenses; providing penalties for the violation thereof; repealing
of Ordinances and parts of Ordinances in conflict herewith.
The City of Edmords does Ordain.:
SECTION 1: It shall be unlawful for any person to allow or
r� ' permit darcirg �n any hotel, restaurar_t or cafe open.. for service
�f C'" to the public ia_ the, City of Edmords unless the owner or manager
D� has a valid and subsisting license so to do to be known as a cafe
dance license. Application for such license shall be made to the
City Courcil and upon approval shall be issued by the City Clerk.
{-� SECTION 2: The' fee for a cafe dance license shall be and
the same is hereby fixed at the sum of $25.00 per anrum.
SECTIOE, 3: Closirg hours, health and fire restrictions, con -
a dint of patrons, light of rooms an.d all general and special regu-
lations of the existing Ordinances of the City of Edmonds relat-
irg to dances and darceing and as regard morality and decency
shall be effective as to and govern dances in hotels, restaurants
and cafes, except as herein otherwise provided.
SECTION 4: No dancing will he permitted in any cafe in the
Pity of Edmonds which is located in any basement, sub-basemert or
Mary room below the surface of the ground, which room does not
have a stairway issuing therefrom and leadirg directly to a public
street or alley.
SECTI01I, 5: It shall be unlawful for the owner of any cafe
w4 where dareir_,g is carried on, his agent or employee, to refuse ad-
mission to any public officer for the purpose of inspecting such
�afe to see if the Ordir_arces of the City of Edmonds with refer-
er_ce to health, reL-ralations, preventior of fire hazards and mor-
ality and decency in said City are being complied with in said
SECTI01 5-A: It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or
corporation to allow!or perrait dancing in any hotel, restaurant,
or cafe ir•the City of Edmonds between the hours of one o'clock
' A.M. , and eight o'clock A.M, of any day of the week.
A� SECTIOT= n: Any holder of a cafe dance license who shall be
our_d failty of the violation of any provision of this ordinance
or of he provieior�s of any Ordinances of the City of Edmonds or
�N the laws of the State of. Washir_gton relating to intoxicating li-
quors shall have his said license immediately cancelled and re-
SECTI01 7: Ary person violating or failing to comply with
ary of the provisions of this Ordinance shall be deemed guilty
of a misdemearor and upor conviction thereof shall be punished
by a fire it any sum not exceeding One Hurdred ($100.00) Dollars,
or by im-prizor_mert ir, the City jail for not exceeding Thirty (30)
days, or by both such fine and imprisonment.
SECTIOE 8: All Ordinarces or parts of Ordinances it cor-
flict herewith are h reby repealed.
€� Passed the 15th day of December, 1925.
Published Decem-ler 18th, 1925.
Attest: Geo.M.I,eyda, City Clerk. Alice U. Kerr, Mayor.
I hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true and
correct copy of Ordinance Eo.372 of the City of Edmonds, Wash.
Geo.M.Leyda, City Clerk.