Ordinance 0374371
An Ordinance relating to the use of public highways and all
other places of the City of Edmonds open to the public for the
use of vehicles, providing penalties for the violation thereof
and repealing all Ordinances and parts of Ordinances in conflict
The City of Edmonds does ordain:
SECTIOIR 1: In no case shall any motor vehicle be driven,
operated or moved at a rate of speed faster than one (1) mile in
fiFe (5) minutes at ary crossing within the main thickly settled
or business portion of the City of Edmonds nor within one hun-
dred yards of any school house, on school days between eight
o'clock in the morning and five o'clock in the evening nor in
any portior of said .City, faster thar one (1) mile in three (3)
minutes. L o motor vehicle of a carrying capacity of two (2)
tons and under three (3) tons shall be driven at a speed faster
than at the rate of fifteen (15) miles per hour.
Vehicles of a capacity of three (3) tons and under four (4)
tors shall not be driven faster than fourteen (14) miles per -
hour. Vehicles of a capacity of four (4) tons and under five (5)
tons shall not be driven faster than twelve (12) miles per hour.
Vehicles of five (5) tors and over shall not be driven faster
than ten (10) miles per hour.
SECTIOF 2: Every motor vehicle while rurnirg, standirg,or
parked upon the streets or public places withir the City of Ed-
monds, shall exhibit during the hours of darkness one lamp show-
ing a red light visible at least two hundred (200) feet in the
rear of such machine, and the same light or an additional light
eastirg white rays of sufficiert strength on the rear number
plate of said machine so that said number may be easily read at
a distance of sixty (60) feet.
Every motor vehicle while runnirg upon the Streets of Ed-
monds, shall exhibit during the hours of darkness, in addition
to said rear light, at least two white lights showing to the
front of sufficient lighting power to reveal any person, vehicle
or substantial object upon the roadway ahead of said motor ve-
hicle at a distance of at least one hurdred fifty (150) feet;
provided, however, that motorcycles of only two wheels and bicy-
cles shall be required to carry only one light in the front
thereof, which shall show white rays at least two hundred (200)
feet in advarce of such motorcycle or bicycle; and provided
further, that it shall be unlawful for any motor vehicle to dis-
play any light showing any color other than white to the front
of said vehicle.
SECTIOE 3: Every motor vehicle, the body or load of which
extends six (6) feet in width, shall exhibit during the hours
of darkness, in addition to the above required lights, a white
light on the left side of the machine, defining the limit beyor_d
the body of the machine or over-hangirg load, if any there be,
and beyond the outside thereof, so fixed or carried that the
light therefrom may be seen both from the front and rear of said
motor truck.
SECTIOL 4: Every horse-drawr vehicle shall have fixed or
carried thereon in some conspicuous place on the left side of �yf
such vehicle, during the hours of darkness, at least one lighted
lamp, so fixed or carried that the light therefrom may be seen
both from the front and rear of such ve'-cle.
SECTI M 5: Every vehicle or trailer carrying a load which
projects over the rear end, thr::e feet or mote, shall display a
red flag by day and a red light by night, on the extreme end of
such projecting load.
SECTIOF 6: It shall be unlawful to drive upon any Street W"
within the City of Edmonds, any vehicle which has a lighting e
device of over four candlepower equipped with a reflector, un-
less the same shall be so designed, deflected or arranged that
no portion of -the beam of reflected light, when measured seventy-
five (75) feet or more ahead of the lamps, shall rise above
forty-two (42) inches from the level surface or, which the vehicle
stands under all conditions of road; provided that this shall
not apply to spot lights, but spotlight shall not -be directed at
approach-irg pedestrian, equestrian or vehicle.
' SECTION 7: It shall be unlawful to park or stand automobiles
o other vehicles in any alley within one (1) Block of Main Street,
r,,,e�7t when actually engaged in loading or unloading the same.
kSECTIOr B; It shall be unlawful for any person to stand or
�•_�, park ary vehicle withir fifteen (15) feet of a fire hydrant, or
Lop within ten (10) feet of the property line at any Street irtersec-
tion, said distarce to be measured back from the property line
and along the curb lire, or to stand the vehicle within three (3)
feet of any other vehicle, or to park a car within one (1) foot
,of any other vehicle.
SECTIOE 9: There shall be hereafter no double parking of
4 automobiles or other vehicles on either side of Main Street in
the City of Edmonds.
3►�7 7P SECTIO11 10: � vehicles turning West into Main Street from
South Fifth Street describe a course such that they shall
at all times keep at least sixteen (16) feet from the Southwest
curb irtersection D- said Fifth and Main Streets, likewise all
traffic turning into Fifth Street from Main Street West,
shall describe a course such that they shall at all times keep
within sixteen 16) feet of said intersection. L11 traffic turn-
irg Forth into Third Street from Main Street East, shall describe
a course such that at all times such vehicles shall be within
sixteen. (16) feet of the Northeast curb intersection of Main and
Third Streets. All trafxie turning East into Main Street from
Third Street Forth shall pursue a course such that at all times
such vehicles shall be at least sixteen (16) feet away from such
�I SECTION 11: It shall be unlawful to stand or park any ve-
icle in such manner as to bring the left side thereof next to
the curb or to stand or park any vehicle in any manner other
Haar parallel to the curb, or at a greater distance than one foot
SECTION 12: --erwvstrians shall have the right-of-way at
Street intersections and crossings, vehicles the right-of-way
between Street irt_�x ections and crossings.
�SECTIOT 13: The City Council, may by vote, prescribe cer-
tain places along the curbs of the Streets where parking of
p standing may be prohibited and upon the marking of said places
9 the pa.rkirg or standing of cars therein is prohibited.
SECTIOT 14: The City Council of the City of Edmonds, may,
by 'vote, prescribe bus zones and commercial zones, and when the
same shall have been clearly marked upon the Street parking or
standing therein, except by busses or commercial vehicles, shall
be Drohibited.
SECTIOI; 15: There is hereby established a committee to be
known as the Traffic Committee, whose duty it will be to make
ecommerdations to the City Council from time to time with refer-
�j fv Fence to the enforcemer-t of the traffic rules of said City, and
with reference to the'establishmert and designation of certain -
spaces along the curbs as bus zones or commercial zones, and
other zones where parkirg or standing is prohibited. Such Com-
mittee shall consist of the Mayor, the Marshal and the Chairman
of the Street Committee of the City Council.
SECTI01 16- person who shall violate or fail to comply
with any of the pr :-isions of this Ordir.�ance, shall, upon con-
Y _ viction thereof, be.punished by a fine in any sum not exceeding
Wa#fe Hundred ($100.O0) Dollars, or by imprisonment in the City jail
a term not exceeding Thirty (30) Days, or by both such fine
nrd. impris orment .
SECTION 17: Ordinance Eo.251 of the City of Edmonds, and
all other Ordinances and parts of Ordinances in conflict herewith
be,ard the same are, hereby expressly repealed.
gassed Yay 4th, 1926
7t Published may h, 1926.
Attest: Geo.11. Leyda, City Clerk. Alice U. derr, mayor.
I hereby certify that the abo-� a and foregoirg is a true and
correct copy of Ordinance T o.374 of the City of Edmor_ds, Wash.
Geo.21. Leyda, City Clerk.