Ordinance 0375ORDIT:AL CE 10. 37 5.
An Ordinance providing for the irspectior of all buildings
and premises within the City of Edmonds by the Chief of the Fire
Department, regulating the maintenance, repair, use and occupation_
of all buildings ard structures within said City, and regulating
the use ard_ occupation of all premises in said City, regulating
bon -fires ard other exposed fires in said City, defining the powers
ard duties of certain officers in relation thereto, providing pen-
alties for the violation of this Ordinance, and declaring an emer-
genQy. '
The City of Edmonds does ordain: r--I
SECTION 1: It shall be the duty of the Chief of the Fire Deg 0.
partment to inspect as ofter as may be necessary, all buildings,
premises ard public thoroughfares, except the interior of private
dwellings, for the purpose of ascertaining and causing to be cor-
rected, any conditiors liable to cause fire, or any violations of
the provisions or intent of any Ordinance of the City affecting
the fire hazard.
Whenever the Chief of the Fire Department shall find any a �
building or other structure which for wart of repairs, or by
reason of age or delapidated conditior, or for any other oause,�
is especially liable to fire, ard which is so situated as to en-
danger other property, or whenever he shall find in any building
or upon ary premises or other place, combustible or explosive
matter or dangerous aceummulations of rubbish or of unnecessary
accummulations of waste paper, boxes, shavings or ary other highly
inflammable material, especially liable to fire, and which is so
situated as to erdanger property, or shall find obstructions to
or on fire escapes, stairs, passage ways, doors, windows, or other
means of ingress or egress, liable to interfere with the opera-
tior of the Fire Department, or agress or occupants, in case of
fire, he shall order the same to be removed or remedied and such
order shall forthwith be complied with by the owner or occupant
of such premises or buildings, subject to appeal withir. thirty-six
(36) hours to the City Council, which shall, within fifteen (15)
days, review such order and file its decision thereon_, and unless
the order is revoked or modified it shall remain infull force and
be obeyed by such owner or occupant.
Any owner or occupant failing to comply with such order
in ten days -after said appeal shall have been determined, or,
no appeal is taken, within ter days after the service of the
order, shall be liable to a penalty as hereinafter stated.
witha i
The service of any such order shall be made upoL the occupartipilt
of the premises to whom it is directed by either delivering a true
copy of same to such occupant personai?y, or by delivering the W.
same to and leaving it with any person, it charge of the premises,
or in case no such person is found upon the premises, by affixing
a copy thereof in a conspicuous place on the door to the entranee
of said premises; whenever it may be necessary to serve such an
order upon the owner of premises; such order may be served either
by delivering to and leaving with said person a true copy of said
order, or, if such owner -is absent from the jurisdiction of the
officer making the order, by mailing such copy to the owner's last
known post office address.
SECTI02: 2: T:o person shall kindle, maintain or assist in
Amaintaining any bonfire or other exposed fire within the City, ex-
p ceptirg under written permit from the Chief of the Eire Depart-
��i meet, when such bu-arnirg shall be done under such proper safe-
guard as he may direct as to time and weather conditions, and on
condition that such permit carries an obligation on the part of
the grantee to keep a sufficient safe control of said fire, and
to be responsible f�-all damages therefrom, and that all re-
sultant embers shall be extinguished and the hot ashes removed.
or wet down at the close of said fire.
SECTION 3: person or persons, firm or corporation vio-
lating any of the _:rovisions of this Ordinance, shall, upon, con-
viction, be punished by paying a fine of not to exceed One Hundred
($100.00) Dollars. by imprisonment in the City jail for not to
rjexceed thirty (3T ww;° :, or by both such fine and imprisonment.
passed July 6t'f, 1926.
Published July 9th, 1926.
Attest: Geo -M. Le,-/ L , City Clerk. Alice J. Zerr, Mayor.
I hereby certi=y that the above and foregoing is a true and
correct copy of Ord .=-ca :ce Io.375 of the City of Edmonds, Wash.
Geo-M.Leyda, City Clerk.