Ordinance 0384* * xc W * * * * * * * * * * * * xc * * * * * * * * * * * ORDINANCE L-0.384. An Ordira.rce providing for the improvement of Sixth and One- half ( 6thZ ) Street it the City of Edmords by making a fill in place of the heretofore existing bridge rear the City limits a,: said Street, providing for the necessary drairage under said fill aid doing all other work necessary to make a complete improvement, in accorda.r.ce with Iesolutior lo.42 of the City of Edmonds; creat- ing an asaesssmert district, creating a. Loeal Improvemert District :urd therefor and providing that paymert for such improvement be made by special assessmert on said district under the modeof payment by .Bond. WHEREAS, by { esolutio2- ? 0.42 of the City of Edmords the City Council of said City has declared. its intention tocy der the im- provement as above ❑utlired, and doing all other viork necessary in correction therewith to make a complete improvement in accord- ance with the plans and specifications prepared by the City 359 Engireer, row therefore; Be it ordained by the City C~ ounoil of the City of Edmonds: SECTION 1: That Sixth and One-half Street of said City be improved by making a fill in place of the heretofore existing bridge near the City Limits on said Street, providing for the necessary drainage under said fill and doing all other work necessary to make a complete improvement iri accordance to the plars and specifications prepared under the direction_ of -the City Engireer which plans and specifications are hereby adopted and approved. SECTION E: That the cost and expenses of such improvement shall be borne by and assessed agairst the property included in the assessment district herein created in accordance with law. SECTION 3: There is hereby established a Local Improvement District to be called Local Improvement District j o.39, which district shall include the followirg described property, towit: 1. Beginning at a point forty-two (42) rods East of the Southwest corner of the lorthwest C,uarter (JV ) of the r;orthwest Qaart er (1:16V4 ) of Section 25, Tour -ship Twer:ty-s ever ( 27 ) 1 ..d. mhree (3 ) EF.st W.M. and rur_r.irg therce forth parallel with the West line of said Section thirty-two (32) Rods; thence East eight (8) Rods; thence South thirty-two (32) Rods; therce West Eight (8) Rods to the point of beginring, except the East Fifteen (15) feet thereof. 2: Beginning at a point Fifty (50) Rods East and Thirty- two Rods (32) North of the Southwest corner of the Forthwest ,?uarter (EW-J) of the Northwest Quarter (ITI- ) of Section Twent five (25) , Tov�Tship Twert-y-sever. (27 ) I.orth Rarge Three (3) East W.M. and rurrirg therce lorth Ei ht (8) Reds, therce Vest Eight (a) Rods;.therce South Eight (8 Rods; therce East Eight (a) Rods to the paint of begirnir_g, less the East ,Fifteen_ (15) feet thereof. 30 Beginning at a point Fifty (50) Rods East and Forty (40) Rods Korth of the Southwest corner of the northwest Quarter (IQW4L) of the F arthwest Quarter (NW-J) of Section Twenty-five ( 25) , Town- ship Twenty-seven (27) forth Range Three (3) East W.M., and run- ning therce-Forth ThirtT (30) Rods; thence West Eight (8) Rods; thence South Thirty (30 Rods; thence East Eight (8) Rods to the point of beginning, less the East Fifteen (15) feet thereof. 4: Begirrirg at a point Fifty ( 5 ) Rods East of the l orthwest corner of Section Twenty-five (25), Township Twenty -sever r orth Rarge Three (3) East W.M. ar_d rurDir.,g therce South Ten (10) Rods; therce best Eight (8) Rods; thence lorth Ten (10) Pads; thence East Eight (8) Rods to the point of beginning, less the East Fifteen (15) feet thereof. 5. Lots Three (3) and Four (4), Block l inety-three (93),of the Plat of the City of Edmords. 6. Lots Six, Seven,, Eight, hire, Block hinety-three (93)of the Plat of the City, of Edmonds. 7. Beginning at a point Fifty (60 ) Rods East of the forth - west corner of Section Twenty-five (25), Township Twerty-seven (27) North Rarge Three (3) East W.M. and running therce South Two Hundred Eighty-six (286) feet; thence East Eight (8) Rods; Thence North Two Hundred Eighty-six (286) feet; thence best Eight (8) Rods to the point of begirning, less the West Fifteen (15) feet thereof. 8. Beginnirg at a point Fifty (50) Rods East and Two Hundred Eighty-six (286) feet South of the northwest corner of Section Twenty-five.(25), Township Twenty -sever, Forth Range Three (3) East W.M. and running therce South Ore Hurdred Ten (110) feet; therce East Eight (8) Rods; thence forth One Hundred Ten (110) feet; thence West Eight (8) Rods to the point of begirring,less 360 the West Fifteen (15) feet thereof. 9. Beginning at a point Fifty (50) Rods East and Twenty- four (24) mods South of the P:orthwest corner of Section Twenty-five Township Twenty -sever r orth (27 3.) Range Three (3) East W. K, and running thence South Sixteen (16) Rods; thence East Eight (8) Rods; thence I orth Sixteen (16) Rods to the point of begiLning, less the Went Fifteen (15) feet thereof. 10; Beginning at a point Fifty (50) Rods East and Forty (40) Rods South of the l orthwest corner of Section Twenty-five (25) Township Twenty-seven (27) ; orth Range Three (3) East W.M. , and running thence South Three Hundred Fifty-two (352) feet; thence East eight (8) Rods; thence l orth Three Hundred Fifty-two (352), feet; thence West Eight (8) Rods to the point of beginnirg, less the Test fifteen (15) feet thereof. 11; Beginning at a point Fifty (50) Rods East and One Hundred Seventy-six (176) feet forth of the Southwest corner of the %orth- west Quarter (r,.Wi) of the l orthwest Quarter (1:W') of Section Twerty-five (25), Township Twerty-seven (27) L orth range Three (3) East W.X. and rumring thence r oath Eight (8) Rods, thence East Eight (8) Rods; thence South Eight (6) Rods; thence lest Light (8) Rods to the point of beginning, less the West Fifteen. (15) feet thereof. 12. Beginnirg at a point Fifty (50) Rods East and Eighty-eight (88) feet r orth of the Southwest corner of the 11 orthwest Quarter (S:W$) of the l'orthwest (garter (1,Nj) of Section Twerty-five (25) , Township Twerty-sever Porth, Range Three (3) East W.K. and rurnirg thence Ilorth Eighty-eight feet (88 ft.); thence East Eight (8) Rods; thence South Eighty-eight (88) feet; thence West Eight (8) Rods to the point of beginning, legs the West Fifteen (15) feet thereof. 13. Beginning at a point pifty (50) Rods East of the South- west corner of the korthwest Quarter (EWE ) of the Forthwest Quarter {T';IiP) of Section Twenty-five (25f, Township Twerty-seven (27) lorth Range Three (3) East W.M., and rurrirg thence l orth Eighty-eight (ga.) feet; theme East Eight (8) Rods; thence South Eighty -Eight feet; thence West Eight (8) Rods to the point of be- ginning, less the West i'i.fteer (15) feet thereof. SECTIOV 4: A special fund is hereby created to be called Local Improvement District turd j;o.39, which shall consist it the aggregate of the several amounts assessed, levied and collected on the several lots and parcels of land ir said Local Improvement, District, and the proceeds of the sale of the Bonds of said Dis- trict, for the purpose of defraying the costs and expenses of such improvement. Out of said Fund shall be paid the Bonds, the interest there- on and the entire cost of such improvement. SECTIOr 5: The ,costs and expenses of such improvement shall be defrayed by special assessments, payable in ten (10)equal annual installments, with interest thereon at the rate of eight'(8%) percent per arnum, under the. mode of payment by Bonds, as pro- vided by law and the Ordinances of said City. Bords bearing interest at the rat e F.A.Fourtner, Mayor. I hereby certify that the above aid foregoing is a true and correct copy of Ordinance Fo.384 of the City of Edmords, Wash. Geo-M.Leyda, City Clerk.