Ordinance 0385f x x x - - - W c K
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ORDIT; CE 0. 385
Ar Ordirarce relating to public health and morals, regulat- �aot�
irg public dances and the cord -act of dance halls, providing for
the licersirg thereof, requirir_g the holdir_g of,a permit by per-
sors engaged in the conduct of dance halls and provid-irg a peralty
for the violation thereof.
The City Council of the City of Edmords do ordain:
SECTIOT 1: Ls used it this Ordirance, the term "public Dance"��
shall be construed to mean ary dance or ball to which the public,
ger_erally, may gain_ admission, with or without the payment of ad- M
mission fees affid shall include any darce or ball to which the
public, generally, may gain admission, with or without the pay -
meet of ar admission fee, where meals or food are served in con-
rectior with said larce.
The term dance call shall be construed to mear any room,hall,
pavilion, boat float, building or other structure kept for the
purpose of conducting therein public dances or dancing, and shall
include what is commonly krowr as a roadhouse or chicken dir_ner
inn, where dancing is permitted by the patrons of said roadhouse
or irn.
-f SECTIO1, 2: ro r ersor, copartrership or corporation_ shall
/7 hold ary public dszee without first obtairing a permit and license
!J ,from the Mayor, following the payment to'the City Treasurer of a
, - licerse fee of $3.00 for each such permit or license granted, nor
shall any persor, association, copartnership or corporation con-
duct or mairtair ary dance hall or any other place where dancing
is cord -acted as herein provided, without first procuring a license
so to do from the Mayor*
LiceLsez for public dances, dance halls or any place where
,• dancing is carried or, except as herein provided, shall be issued
by the year or by the quarter, as requested by the applicant.
I o licer:a to oorduct dance halls or public dances shall be
grarted until application for said license has beer approved by
the Mayor, provided further, that no application for a license
shall be approved ror any license granted to any person who is
rot of good moral character. Teo such license shall be grarted to
any corporation, but if any dance hall be conducted as herein
provided by a corporation, a license shall be issued to the Mana-
ger or any other directirg head thereof.
lco persor:, association, copartrership or corporation shall
conduct or mairtair a_7 public dance except as herein provided,
PtAlw without first obta-a--rg a permit from the Mayor. 1 permit for a
public darceshall entitle the holder thereof to conduct such
public dance on the date and at the place specified in the permit.
SECTIOL 3: Th:-- license fee for a single dance shall be $3.00.
` SECTIOD 4: licerse granted hereunder to conduct a dance
G 11 or public dance, except as herein provided, may be revoked
y the Maxtor, after a hearirg held or ten (10) days' written
notice thereof, and the action of said Mayor in revoking any such
license shall be firal and conclusive. Each licensee accepting
a licerse hereunder shall be deemed to have consented to the
provisions of this 5ectior, with respect to the carcella tion of
r'o license c-rar red hereunder shall be transferrable without
the consent of the nor shall any public dance or dance
hall be oorducted any other place than that specified in the
license therefor.
p� r SECTIOU 5. rTo persor_�, association, copartrership or corpora-
,�,(�C1s`'"t tion operatirg a public dance or public dance hall shall issue to
�/'; 'any patron of such public dance or public dance hall any check,
ass, ticket or other token authorizing such patron to leave the
public dance hall ir_ which such public dance is being conducted,
nd to return to the same without charge, but ary patron who
eaves such public deice or hall, shall, upon his return thereto,
required by the person, association, copartrership or corpora-
tior operatir_g or corductirg such public dance or public dance
hall, to pay the fa7.1 admission fee.
..ECTIOT�: 6: Teo immoral, indecent, suggestive or obscene
dance shall be giv::�-or carried on in any buildirg, room, hall,
pavilion or other .;Iace licensed under the provision of this
-Prdinarce. Every �:-.ch buildirg, hall, room, pavilior, or other
lace used for pub--'y dancing shall be kept in a clean.healthful
and sanitary condition, and all dance halls, corridors. stairways,
passages anal rooms c-2nnected therewith shall at all times be
- o«er to the public a: --a be fully lighted.
SECTIOL 7: No public dance or dance hall shall be corclucted 11 Mot
or operated betweer the hours of ore A.M. and _ A.M. on any day
or right of the week and no public dance or darce hall shall be
conducted or operated betweer the hours of one A.M. of any Sunday
and six A.M. the following Monday.
SECTIOL 8: It shall be unlawful to conduct, operate or carry''
on any socalled jitrey darce, and further, it shall be umlawful
to conduct, operate or carry or ary public dance cr darce hall
wherein or whereby any female person shall receive any eompersa
tior_ of any kind for darcing with any male person, -provided that
this Section shall not apply to a pavement dance, held out of
SECTIOI, 9: All peace officers of the State of Washington
shall have free access to public dances and dance halls, for the
purpose of irspectior and to enforce compliance with the provisio=s
of this Ordinance.
SECTIOE 10: ro person under the age of eighteen years shallk,4/i j
be permitted to attend any public dance or darce hall, without
the escort of his or her parent or guardiar, and any person urde
the age of eighteen years, who shall, by an affirmative misrepre-
sentatior of age, obtain admission to or permission to remain at
any public darce or dance hall, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor,
and punished as hereinafter set forth. -�A,
SECTI01 11: ro person under the influence of intoxicating li- Uva
quor shall be permitted to or allowed to remain at or it any St9#A
public dance or darce hall, and ro boisterous corduet or undue dl
familiarity shall be allowed or the part of any person attendirg, WOA
any public dance or dance hall, and ary person found guilty of
violatirg this Section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and
punished as hereinafter set forth.
SECTIOI 12: Any person or corporation violating any of the
provisions of this Ordinance shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and
upon conviction thereof, shall be punished by a fine it ary sum
rot exceeding Ore Hundred (3100.00) Dollars, or by imprisonment 41
in the City jail for a period not exceeding thirty (30) days,or
by both such fire and imprisonment. nP1 0
SECTI01 13: Wherever or wherever an officer or officers are Ir
required to police a public darce, the expense thereof shall be
borne by the darce licersee.
SECTION` 14: This Ordinance shall take effect aid be enforcedAAJ11L
five days from and after its passage and publication.
Passed by the Council this 21st day of June 1927.
2ublished Jure 24, 1927.
Attest: Geo.1.Leyda, City Clerk. F.A.Fourtner, Mayor.
I hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true and
correct copy of Ordinance lo.385 of the City of Edmonds, Wash.
Geo.M.Leyda, City Clerk.
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