Ordinance 0388ORDILAECE 10.388. (L.I.D.40) An ordizazce ordering the improvement of Fain Street from the West lire of the Great lorthern right-of-way to the center liLe of Third Street, by the laying of a 2ortlard cement concrete pavement from curb to curb, and doing all other work necessary ir, cor_Lectior therewith to make a complete improvement, acoord- izg to plans and specificatiors to be prepared by the City Er_gineer, all in accordance with and pursuant to }tiesolatior Igo. 43 of the City of Edmonds; creating a local Improvement Dis- trict for daid improvement and providing that the payment there - far shall be by the payment by Band plan. -L',3, By Resolution ao.43 of the City of Edmonds the City Council of said City has declared its intention to order the im- provement as above outlined, and doing all other work necessary in correction therewith to make a complete improvement in accord- ance with the plans and specifications prepared by the City En- gineer, now therefore; Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Edmonds: SECTIOL 1: That Mair Street from the Test lire of the Great �- ortherr right -of -gray to the center lire of Third Street, be im- proved by the laying of a Portlard Cement concrete pavement_ from curb to curb, ar.d doirg such other work as may bree WMiZ-y it correction therewith, all it accordarce with plars and speci- fications to be prepared by the City Ergireer of said City and iz accordarce with a.rd pursuant to that certair_ Besolutior 10.43 of the City of Edmonds. SECTION 2: That said improvement be made along in front of the following described property which will be effected by said improvement and which will be included within the improvement district herein created and limited to such property for the pur- p 6se of assessmert as hereinafter provided, towit: Lots 1, 2, 3, 10, 11, 12, Block 7, Plat of Edmonds. Lots-1, 2, 3, 10, 11, 12, Block 12, plat of Edmonds. Lots 1, 2, 3, Block 13, Plat of Edmonds. Lots 7 to la Inclusive, Block 1, Gephart Addition. Lots 7 to 18 inclusive, Block 2, Gephart Addition. — Lots 7 to 12 inclusive, Block 3, Gephart Addition. The right-of-way of the Great I ortherr Railway lying within Ore Hundred Eighty (180) feet forth of the 1:orth line of Fain Street, and ore Hundred Eighty (180) feet South of the South margin of Main Street. SECTION 3: That Sixty (60) per::ert of the cost of said im- provement of said Adair_ Street shall be assessed against the pro- perty above described and against all lots, tracts, and parcels of land lying ar_d being withir, the improvement district herein- after created, it proportior to the berefits derived therefrom as provided by ?esolutior, 1.o.43 of the City of Edmonds and the laws of the State of Washington, and the remaining Forty (40) percert of the cost of said improvement shall be paid for out of any moneys on hard in the.general fund of the City of Edmonds that may be lawfully used for said purpose. 363 SECTIOR 4: That the mode of payment shall be under the "Pay- ment by 3ord" plan. by which elan Bonds of said district shall be issued payable in twelve.(12 equal annual payments or installments with interest thereon at the rate of eight (a%) percent per annume SECTIOL 5: That the estimated cost of said improvement is the sum of severty-five hundred seventy-five ($7575.00) dollars, and the sixty (60) percent of the estimated cost, being the pro- portion t b Ch rgecl against the property contained in the local improveme4shilglnafter created, is forty-five hurdrecl forty-five ($4545.00) dollars. SECTIOrj 6: That there is hereby created a Local Improvement District to be designated and known as "Local Improvement District ro.40" which shall include all the property hereinbefore described. SECTI01 7: That there be and is hereby created a Local Im- provement Turd to be krowr and designated as "Local Improvement District Fund Do.40". SECTIO1 8: That said improvement shall be made under the di- rectior of the City Council and the City Engineer &rd in accord- ance with the plans and specifications nova or file with the City Clerk of the City of Edmords. SECTIOY 9: The Bonds to be issued, as hereinbefore provided, may be delivered and sold to the Contractor doing the work of such improvement it pa-�-n-ent of his services or they may be sold by the City Clerk at private sale, provided, however, that the returns from she sale of said Bonds must net the parvalue of th-e same plus accrued interest and the proceeds thereof shall be applied in pay- mert of the costs and expenses of said improvement. SECTION 10: The special assessments to be levied as herein - before described shall be payable in twelve (12) equal annual in- stallments with interest at the rate of eight (-B% r percent per arrum, and such irstallments shall be collected in the manner provided by the gereral Ordinances of the City of Edmords and the laws.of the State of Washington. SECTIOT 11: This Ordirarce shall take effect and be irfuli force and effect from and after its passage by the City Council of the City of Edmonds, its approval by the Mayor and its publi- cation accordir_g to law. Passed the City Council of the City of Edmonds in regular session this Fifth day of July, 1927, and approved by me on the same date. Published July 15th, 1927. Attest: Geo-M.Leyda, City Clerk. F.A.Fourtrer, Mayor. I hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance is a true and correct copy of the original as passed by the City Council of the City of Edmonds or the fifth day of July, 1927. . Geo-M.Leyda, City Clerk. I hereby certify that the above ar.;d foregoing is a. true and correct copy of Ordinance lo.388 of the City of Edmonds, dash. Geo.K.Leyda, City Clerk.