Ordinance 0399ORDIT;AL CE L 0.399. An Ordirance providing for the establishing of the grade of Sixth and One-half Street, from the Lorth line of walnut Street to the South City limits of the City of Edmonds. WHEREAS, the City Council of Edmonds has determined that pub- lic necessity demands that the grade of Sixth and One-half Street, from the Forth line of "Jalrut Street to the South City limits of the City of Edmonds be established. Now,therefore, the City of Edmonds does ordain; SECTI M� 1: That the grade of Sixth and One-half Street fram the north lire of Walnut Street to the South City limits of the City of Edmords be established at the following elevations: Usirg the high point of the concrete walk at the Lorthwest corner of Sixth and Vialnut Streets as a bench mark, at at eleva- tion of -1258 feet, the elevation of Sixth ani fine -half .Street § at the South margin of Walnut Street Will•be 125.0 feet, thence on a plus 6.5 percent grade to Statior 1 plus ,SO. Both curbs 136.7 feet; thence on a plus 1.65 percent grads to Station 5 plus 00. Both curbs 142.0 feet; thence on a plus 0.5 percent grade to Station 7 plus 00. Both curbs 143.0 feet; thence on a plus 1.0 percent grade to Station 11 plus 10. Both curbs 147.1 feet; thence on a plus 5.7 pereert grade to Station 14 plus 40. Both curbs 165.9 feet, which latter Station is at the North line of the road along the South City limits. r- SECTIO1 P: The elevation established in this Ordinance are � the number of feet mentioned above the datum place of the City of:i0I4 Edmonds, as established by ordinance T o.53 of said City. passed February 21, 1928. Published February 24, 1928. .&ttest: Geo-II.Leyda, City Clerk. F.AIL.Fourtne-r, Tdayor. I hereby certify that the above ard foregoing is a true and correct copy of Ordinance ro.399 of the City of Edmonds, Wash. Geo. &Leyda, City Clerk.