Ordinance 0403361 ORDIIAY CE EO.403. (L.I.D.39 ) An Ordinance approving and confirming the assessment and assessment roll of Local Improvement District po.39 for the im- provement of Sixth and One-half Street, in the City of Edmonds by making a fill in place of the heretofore existing bridge near the City limits on said Street, providing for the reeess.ary drairage under said fill and doing all other work necessary to make a complete improvement in accordance with resolution Igo. 38 of the City of Edmonds, levying an assessment on account thereof against the several lots, tracts and parcels of land as shown on said roll; providing for the issuance of Bonds therefor and fixing the date of the issuance thereof. The City of Edmonds does ordain: SECTIOE 1: That the assessment and assessment roll of Local .Improvement District 10.39 for the improvement of Sixth and One- half Street in the City of Edmonds by making a fill in place of the heretofore existing bridge near the City limits on said Street, providing for the necessary drainage under said fill and doing all other work necessary to make a complete improvement in accordance with Resolution ro.39 of the City of Edmonds, as the same now standsbe and the same is, hereby in all things ap- proved and confirmed. SECT101' 2: That each of the lots, tracts and parcels of land or other property shown or said roll is hereby declared to be specially benefited by said improvement in at least the amount charged against the same and that the assessment appearing a- gainst the same is in proportion to the several assessments ap- pearirg upon said roll atd there is hereby levied an assessment against each lot, tract and parcel of land and other property appearing upon said roll the amount finally charged against the same thereon. SECTIOr. 3: That the Twenty-fifth day of July, 1928, is hereby fixed as the date of the issuance of the Bonds required to be issued or account of said improvement. SECTI01, 4: The City of Edmonds may sell said Bonds and make payment in cash ir: the manner provided by the Ordinances of said City. gassed June 5th, 1928 Published June 8th, 1928. Attest: Geo.I. Leyda, City Clerk. Y.A.Fourtner, Mayor. I hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true azd correct copy of Ordinance Lo.403 of the City of Edmonds, dash. Geo-M-Leyda, City Clerk.