Ordinance 0411WDIIA CE L0. 411.
An Ordinance relating to and regulating the planting and. grow-
ing of tries, shrubbery or other verdant ornamented ok ip pack ng
strips, triangles and other public grounds in the City of Edmonds.
WHMFaS, various public service and. civic clubs interested
in the beautification, ornamentation and welfare of the City of
Edmonds, propose to plant ornamental trees in the parking strips
alorg various Streets and to otherwise deco ate public places,
WHEREAS, various individuals interested in the beautification
of the Streets, parking strips. -and other public grounds desire to
assist in the proper ornamentation of the Streets and public
grourds, and
WHEREAS, it is deemed feasible by this Council that the
methods employed in any beautifications shall be uniform with
end in view of appropriate ornamentation, and that same shall
properly cared for and protected.
NOW THEREPCHE, the City Council of the City of Edmonds do
ordain as follows:
the Police power
Edmonds, for the
visions shall be
that purpose.
This Ordinance is declared to be an exercise of
of the State of Washington, , and of the Gi.ty of Gfl'
beautification and welfare thereof, and its pro -
liberally construed for the accomplishment of
SECTION 2: Nothing in this Ordinance shall be construed to
curtail or abridge the right of irdividual property owners along
the Streets or abutting public grounds from participating it the
beautification of the property in front of their premises; ror e,
shall the issuance of a permit hereunder to civic bodies or others
preclude abutting property owners from advising with and request-
ing kirds of decorations in front of their property.
SECTION 3: In order to establish uniformity in planting, it �����
shall be unlawful for any person to plart trees, shrubs or other
ornamentation in parking strips or public places without obtair- �
ing and having a written permit from the Mayor of the City of Ed-
monds so to do.
SECTIOY, 4: In order to obtain permits to plait trees, shrubs
or other ornamentation in parking strips or public places, an ap-
plicatior therefor shall be made, giving the 'lord of trees, shrubs �G
or other ornamentation to be planted and the proposed location.,
which permit shall have the approval of the Street Committee, and
U issued by the Mayor, and no fee shall be charged for such ap-
pli0ation or permit.
SECTION 5: The Grantee of a permit shall bear any and all
expense of such planting and shall conform to the recommendatior,
of the Street Committee and the Mayor in the kind and method of
plant ing.
SECTIOE 6: hr:y person who shall violate or fail to comply 01
with any of the provisions of this Ordinance, or any person who
shall in any way injure any trees, shrubs or other ornamertatior
plar.:ted in ary parking strip or public place shall be declared
guilty of a misdemeanor and upor conviction thereof shall be ,QVpt_
punished by a fire in any sum riot exceeding $100.00, or by im- v
prisormert in.. the City jail for a term rot exceeding thirty (30)
SECTIOL 7: dill Ordinances and parts of Ordinarces in con-
flict herewith be, and the same, are,hereby repealed.
Published November 9, 1928.
Lttest: Geo.}i.Leyda, City Clerk. F. .Fourtner, Mayor.
I hereby certify that the above and foregoirg is a true and
correct copy of Ordir_a_r.ce lo.411 of the City of Edmonds, leash.
Geo..',T.Leyda, City Clerk.