Ordinance 0412216
ORDIIA1, CE 10. 412.
4� Ai -Ordinance fixing and establishing the rates to be charged
far water furbished by the Municipal Water System.
Be it ordained by the Council of the City of Eomords, as
SECTION 1: The rates for water supplied through meters are
r�3 P hereby fixed as follows:
First 700 feet or less used each month, $1.75
text 500 Cubic Feet, per Hundred. Cabic Feet, $0.25
gext 2300 Cubic Feet, per hurdred Cubic Peet, 0.18
ext 1500 Cubic Feet, per hurdred. Cubic reet, 9.15
l 1FOfext 5000 Cubic Feet, per Hundred Cubic .Feet, 0.10
pm � � All over 10,000 Cubic Feet, per Hundred Cubic Feet, $0.05
evt The above specified minimum monthly charge of $1,75 shall
3 It
'� ' apply to meters of 3/4 irch size and smaller.
For ore -itch meters the mirimum morthly charge shall be
L,4 , 2. 50
�- For 1-i and 2-meth meters the minimum monthly charge shall
Z vo be $5.25.
-� A special sprinklirg and irrigation rate shall be in force
each year during the months of June, July ar_d August, which shall
be equal to ore --half the above regular charges per hundred Cabic
W;�9vyy � Feet for quartities of tot more that 5,000 Cubic Feet.
r cr quartities it excess of 5, 000 Cubic Feet the regular rate
schedule shall apply. Said special rate shall Lot apply to the
mirirrm monthly charges, which shall remain as specified in the
regular rate schedule. ..�r. !x ���`L# e
SECTIOL 2: The morthly rates for t1fe use of water, other
than measured by meter, are hereby fixed as follows, and shall
�v remain iz force until the system is 100 percent. metered.
Minimum rate per month, $2.00
t� SECTI01 3: All water rents shall be due ara payable at the
ffice of the Water Deartmert or other lace designated therefor, R
p p
or or before the teeth of the morth, and if paid withir the time
�ggstated a discount of 25� will be allowed.
alp Deter rates are payable following the period for which bill
s rendered. Flat rates are payable it advance. If water bills
G are rot paid withir the stated period, the water may be shut off
without notice, and an additioral charge of $1.00_will be assessed
and collected for turnirg or service when cut off, in addition to
the amount of delirquer_,t charges.
SECTIOIZ 4: Each building or premise shall be provided with
its owr_ separate meter. However, prior to the time wher such ad-
d�tioral meters car be installed, water rates shall be paid on
the same basis as thou='- separate meters were actually installed.
r Ir- computirg meter rates and meter rents, asprovided above,
Jl` results erdirg it one or two cents will be courted "011; results
erdirg in three, four, six or sever cents will be courted 115";
results ®tiding in ei�--t or mire cents will be counted "10".
SECTIOT, 5: water used it correction with Municipal Con-
r �racts shall be paid for at the following flat rates:
Pavin0g aod laying sidewalks, concrete, per 100 square yards
Curing pavemert, per square yard, $0.05
Earthwork, for settling each 100 Cubic Yards of earth $3.00.
For laying brit pe• thousand $0.30
Water used for -all other purposes not hereinbefore enumerated
shall be furbished and charged for either at meter rates or at' a
special rate to be fixed by the Water `ommittee and the Superir-
SECTIOL 6: to service corrections less than three -fourths
(3/4) inch in size shall be installed.
Tapping fees fora the installation of water service as herein -
before provided shall be as follows:
` For a three -fourths 3/411) ir_ch connection, $15.00
►' For a one (1") :inch connection,- - - - - 18.00
For sizes larger than one (111) irch, or where it becomes
necessary to install service pipe under paving, the,actual cost
of labor and material used in laying such a service and replacing
the pavement shall be charged.
Tappirg fees shall be paid in advance and in cases where the
cost is row krowr the EpDlicant shall pay the estimated cost and:
the proper adjustmert shall be made after the actual cost is
knowr to the Superirterdert.
for water.
That a charge for service urnished the fire by-d'
drants be, and the same is, hereby fixed it the sum of $3.00 per o/A
month for each and every fire hydrant corrected with said eater
system. Z7 f,2j- .2 2 ?
SECTIOT 8: This Ordir_arce shall be in effect from and after
its publication, as provided by law.
Passed by the Coureil of the City of Edmorcis this 7th day of
r-ovemb er 1928.
Attest: Geo-I.Leyda, City Clerk. r.A.Fourtner, Mayor.
I hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true and
correct copy of Ordinance lo.412 of the City of Edmonds.
Geo.IVI.Leyda, City Clerk.