Ordinance 0413ORDILZ CE 10. 413. An Ordirarce providing for the orgarization of the Water Depart- ment of the City of Edmor(Is , regulatirg the corduct of said. Water Department, regulating the use ar,d sale of water therefrom. The City of Edmonds does ordain: SECTIOL 1: There is hereby created a department of the City of Edmonds, to be krown as the Water Department. . I &A 9ECTI01; 2: Said Water Department shall have officers and employees: Ore Superirterdert, oze rents, as merry laborers as may be recessary, and fitters, mechanics and laborers as may be r_eeded mairterance or corstruction. the following Collector of wate of additional pipe J temporarily for SECTIOL 3: The S-aperirterdert of said Water Department shall have it his charge and under his control, subject to the Water Committee of the City Council of the City of Edmonds, the manage- mert, operation and maintenance of the water supply system of said City, including pumping and auxiliary equipment, reservoirs, stand- pipes, pipes, mains and accessories, as well as all persons em- ployed by said Department, and all construction work undertaker by said Department in cor_rectior with said water system; provided that until such time as a Superirtender_t of the Water Department shall be appoirted, the Water Committee of said City Uouncil shall perform the duties of said Superintendent. On' SECTIOE 4: The Superintendent and Collector of water rents shall be appoirted by the Mayor, subject to confirmation by the City Council. Other appointive officers and employees of said Water Departmert may be appointed by the Superirterdert or Collec- tor for work in their respective divisions. Before erterirg upor the discharge of their duties, the Superirterdert and Collector �( Of water rents shall each file Bonds executed by a surety company and approved by the City Council, for the faithful discharge of �rJ their duties; the Superirterdert it the sum of .Ore Thousard($1000.00) Dollars, and the Collector of water rents Ir the sum of 7. o Thousard (20001i 1 00) Dollars. SECTIOE 5: The Collector of water rents shall keep his office open from rir.,e o'clock L.M. until six o'clock B.id., except or legal lfr., holidays. His office shall be the office of the dater Department Said Collector shall keep all books of accourt of said dater Depart_0�0 mert, collect water rents and fees. He shall render account there- of to the City Clerk and shall pay such moneys to the City Treasurer or or before the 20th day of each month. 218 �2 SECTIOT 6:The salaries Water }department sha ;l be as to time by ResolutioL. f ? of the officers arid employees of said fixed by the City Council from time SECTIOI 7: The exyerse of any Civil Engireerirg or surveying e4pa�_ required to be done _or said Water Department, under authority of the City Council and the Superir.�tendert , as well as ar_y other ,general experse items for supervision or for additional work by �' other salaried official-, of said City of Edmords performed for said Water Department and authorized by it, shall be paid by said De- '�' I partmert . RULES IID REGUL,A'T I OL S . e SECTIOfi ". RULJ.S ESTABLISHED. That the following rules and regulations be, and the same are, hereby established for fixing, regulating and controlling the use and price of said water supplied by the Water Departmert of the City of Edmonds , t owit : SECTIOI 91 A??y.ICATIOI S. All applications for the use of ,water shall be made at the office of the Water Department by the U(� owner, his authorized agent or lesse, or, printed forms furnished by said Department for that purpose, and shall contain the name, de- criptior of the Lot, Block and Addition. Said applicant shall state fully ar the purposes for which the water is to be used and shall agree =o corform to the Ordirarces, rules and regu- lations with modific�-iors which may be adopted, as a condition. for the use of water. A SLS.iiy,10: AC0071.TS: All accounts shall be kept or the ooks of the Water Department it the name of the owner, his author- �zed aZlert or Iewsee, and all charges shall be made agairat the 1N" property as well as t owrer thereof. Io charge of ownership or occupancy shall af-ect the application_ of this Sectior. SECTIO1 11: �dAT � : _S = All charges for water shall be due of and payable at the __ :.ce of the Water Bepartmer.:t as stipulated ir, Ordinance 1Zo.412 of V ._id City, provided that where water correction is made on or be ore t':e 15th of the month, the regular charge shall be made for that month, but if correction is made after the 15th of the morth, the regular charge shall not apply until the following month wher the metered consumption_ shall be billed. SECTI01. 12: SERVICE COI ECTIOI:S. All la;Dpirg of mairs, in- tallatior of corporation cock, service pipe leading from the mains l�" Oto the property lire, as well as the turning on and off of the _k kwater shall be performed by the 'later Department. A11 eonrectiors ir_side of the premise;_ shall be made by the owner and at his expense. Ir case of appl°.:atior for water service or premises rot 5.butt- irg upor E Street u,::, which there is a City water mair_, the City will lay its correcti-r from the main toward the premises for a distance equal to t.^: distance from the main to the curb lire, said distarce in no case-t- exceed 40 feet, arcl permit correction there- with by mears of a ,µ_-'_or, or may, oat the discretion of the Super- irterdert, upon adva _e payment of the estimated cost thereof, ex- terd the service to the premises of the ar_�plicart, but shall rot cross or enter p-rivat - property. 0 SECTIOI 13: .I3RZ R OF SERVICE PIPE. All pipes leadirg from the City's service correction shall be laid rot less thar 24 irche: below the surface of the grourd and no work shall be covered up until it has beer insetted and accepted by the TuVater Department. T�,o such pipes small:-,--- than three -fourths (3/4") inch shall be used. SECTIOI: 14: STO-AI.D-!7LSTE-COCL,S. A special stop and waste J co(_k of approved patt_ with a key attached thereto and set in a ss- table box with c--: M , protected from freezing and accessible to the consumer shall be placed or all pipes leadirg frog the City mever. The 'Nater Department assumes no respor:sibility for freezing, accident or damage -.' any kind beyond the property line. SECTIOT. 15: SHUT-OFF. The water may be shut off from the main at any time for the purpose of repair without giving �VV4 notice and the Water --epartmert will not be responsible for any corsequert damage. _ - ors having boilers supplied -,y direct pressure from the mains are cautioned against danger of explosion 219 or collapse. A safety valve shall be placed between the boiler and the meter at order's experse, who shall be held responsible to the City for all 3a.meges to meters caused by hot water. The City shall rot be responsible for the safety of boilers, pining or other appara- tus or the premises of any water r, SECTIOL 16: PEI;ALTIES. It shall be unlavr l for ary perso;_ to break, damage or injure in any way a-,_-- pipe; gate, meter or o. .__• water system appliance, or to interfere in any manner with the pro- per operation of ary part of the water system, or to make connection to, or alteratior_s in ary pipe whereby water may be drawn from the City mti -ns, or taking water from any fire hydrant, bibb, pipe or fixture of any kiri without first having secured a permit from -the Wat��-r Irepartmert. Y,ersor convicted. of violating t*-is Section shall be fined rot less than Ter ($10.00) Dollars nor ore than ore Hurdred ($100.00) Dollars, or to be imprisoned for a term of from ten (10) to thirty (30) days, or by both such fine and imprison- mert. All such fines shall revert to the '.-,ester 2und. SECTIO1, 17: SUSPEI.SIOI OF USE. .should it be desired to r discortinue the use of water supplieiL to vacant premises for a O'f period of rot less than thirty 30 des s rotice there "n ito_ p y ( )p , of X_ wry �. irg must be giver to the,Viater Department. The water will then be shut off and turned or again on written applicatior without ex- --, charge, but ro remissior of charges .,:�Z, be-thout the. r _ Lice prescribed ir_ this Section:. `Vt , SECTI01. 18: USE D-L;--PI1 G 21ZES. 1.o person shall use water for irrigat i or or sprinkling d'+urirg the progress of ary fire in the � City ard. all ir.igation or sprinklirg shall be immediately stopped when an alarm of fire is sounded. Por ary violatior of this rule a penalty of Ter (10.00) Dollars for each offense shall be imposed and taxed. against the -persor and premises su':plied and upon fail- ure to pay said fine shall result in the turning off of the water which shall remain so until said penalty and all other charges shall have been paid. SECTIOn 19: ACCESS TO BUILDIIGS. Employees of the Water Di partment shall have free access at proper hours of the day to al: parts of buildings to which water may be delivered from the City mains, for the pur-,�)ose of ascertaining the number of rooms and families it the house, or irspectirg the conditions, of the pipes and fixtures and the manner in which water is used. SECTIO1; 20: ACCESS TO COCLS 1,1:3) METERS. The Water Department shall have 'free access to curb cocks and water meter covers. All persors are prohibited from piling rubbish, buildnrg or other materials thereor. to SECTIOL 21: PUBLIC USE OF ��iATF�. The placing in any place yv where it can be used by the public of any faucet, fixture, or open irg of ary kird other than a hose connection for sprinkling, will rot be allowed except where said water is metered. The water will be turned off for violation of this rule, a penalty of One ($1.00) Dollar imposed and the water shall remain turned off until such penalty and all charges shall have been paid. SECTIOL 22: TTa!IIG OFF AT MAIL. Charges for turning water off at the mair shall be as follows: Vdhere streets are not pavede,041 Five ($5.00) Dollars; where Streets are paved the actual cost of such turning offA - -#,-3-01 exdd "r'v SECTIO1: 23: This Ordinance shall he in effect from and. after its publication, as provided by law. Passed by the Council of the City of Edmonds this 5th day of 4AOr February 1929. Published February 15th, 1929. Attest: Geo.dl.Leyda, City Clerk. r.A.Fourtrer, Mayor. I hereby certify that the above ar d foregoing is a true aid correct copy of Ordinance Eof 413 of the City of Edmonds, Wash. Geo.M.Leyda, City Clerk.