Ordinance 0480ORRDILA CE L 0.480 . (L. I . D. 46 ) Ar Ordinance co'rfirming and approving the assessment roll in Local Iinprovemert District l o. 46 of the City of Edmonds for the improvement .of Walnut Stw eeu from the East side of Fifth , Street extending Easterly to the ',cst side of Seventh Street in the City of Edmonds by the gradir.,g of 76alrut Street sixty (60) feet wide from Fifth Street. to Sixth and One-half Street and forty (40) feet wide fzv m Sixth and One-half Street to Seventh Street,a ccord- ing to the grade previously established by Ordinarce, the corstruc- tion of a five (5) floot concrete sidewalk on the South side of Walnut Street from Fjifth Street to Sixth and Ore -half Street, the construction of a crosswalk or V alnut Street or the East side of Fifth Street, the constructior_ of a crosswalk or Walnut Street from the nest side of Sixth Street to cornect with the walk al- ready in, by laying Mile for the proper drainage and such other work as was required�to make a complete improvement, all in ac- cordance with the pUrs and specifications prepared by the City Engire6r under Ordinance ro.478 of the Q ity of Edmonds, and levy- ing and assessing ofl,the amounts of such assessments against the several lots, tractsi and parcels of lard as shown upor, the said roll; establishing allooal improvemert district fund and fixing the date of the issixarce of Bonds. The City of Edm nds does ordain: SECTIOI 1: Tha, the assessment and assessment roll of Local Improvement District jo. 46 for the improvement of Walnut Street from the East side of Fifth Street extending Easterly to the West side of Seventh Street it the City of Edmonds by gradirg of Walnut Street sixty (60) feet wide from Fifth Street to Sixth a.rd Ore -half Street, and forty (40) feet wide from Sixth ar d One-half Street to Sever_th Street accordinS to the grade previously established by Ordinance, the corstruc'tior of a five (5) foot concrete side- walk or the South side of Walr:ut Street from? fifth Street to Sixth Ore -half Street; the construct) on of a cross walk on Walrut Street or the East side of Fifth Street, the construction of a cross walk or ':;&&rut Street from the Viest side of Sixth Street to connect with the walk already ir; the laying of tile for proper drainage ar.d such other work as was required to make a complete improvemert, all in accordance with the plans and specifications prepared by the City Engireer under Ordinance Igo. 478 of the City of Edmonds, as the same Low stands be, and the same is, in all things approved and corfirmed. SECTIOI, 2: Than each of the lots, tracts and parcels of lard as shown or the'said roll is hereby declared to be specifi- cally benefited by t e said improvemert ir_ at least the amount oharged agairst the same and that the assessmert appearing a- gairst the same is ij, proportion, to the several assessments ap- pearing upon the said roll and there is hereby levied erd assessed against each lot, tract ar_d, parcel of land appearing upor the said roll the amount:,firally charged agairst the same thereor:. 377 SECTIOE 3: That for the purpose of this improvemer.,t there is hereby created and established a special fund to be krlowr and called "Local Improvement District Fund Lo.4611. SECTIOL 4: That the First day of February, 1932, is hereby fixed as the date of the issuarce of the Bonds required to be is- sued or account of said improvements. SECTIGE 5: This Orcdinance shall take effect and be it force from and after its passage, approval and publication as required by law. passed at,& gyproved this Severteenth day of l ovember, 1931. Attest: Geo.ld.Leyda, City Clerk. 2.g.2ourtr_er, Mayor. I hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true and correct copy of Ordirarce ho.480 of the City of Edmords, Wash. Geo.E.Leyda, City Clerk.