Ordinance 0482ORDIL.LLCE LO. 482. /1,
Ar Ordirance authorizing and approving a certair car tract by
and between the I orth Edmords Impro ?e;ment Company, a corporation,
and the City of Edmords, relating to the construction, maintenance
and sapervisior of a water pipe lire cor_nectir.g the yorth Edmords
district with the City's water supply system, to the supply of
water to said line, to the collection of revenues and disposition
of same, to the establishment of the north Edmonds Water Rental
Fund, and to other matters in correction with the said pipe lire.
The City Courcil of the City of Edmonds do ordain as follows:
SECTID 1: That there be, and there is, hereby authorized ar_d
approved a cor_tract by and between, the Lorth Ldmords Improvement
Compary, a corporation, and the City of ELL3,1-is, said Contract be-
irg in words, letters and figures, the follati,irg, towit:
This 1,greemert , made this 30th day of June 1932, by
ar_d betweet- -orth Edmords Improvement Compary, a corporation, party
of the first cart, and the City of Edmords, a municipal corpora- �
tior., party o the second part, ,�
WITLESSETH: Whereas, the first party desires to obtain for y
its members .,ard other persons it may aessgrate,the use of water
for domestic ard irrigation purposes from the water system and y
water supply of the second party, and
VVIIEREAS, the second party is willing to furnish and supply
the same to such parties upor the terms a.rd conditions hereinafter
IOIY, THEREFORE, the parties hereto agree as follows:
1. The first party will construct, at its own cost and ex-
per_se, subject tc the approval of the City Council of Edmords, a
water main from the point of its i;tersection and correction with
the water system of second party, along and over the route desig.-
rated it the franchises therefor granted to the first party by
the seeord party end the Board of Courty Commissioners of Snohom-
ish Courty, Washirgtor.
4 The estimated cost of said pipe line is four thousand
( ,000.00) Dollars, and said pipe lire shall be corstructed and rg
laid solely at the cost and experse of the first party and the
same shall be ready for use as soar as practicable.
2• The first party will issue its negotiable Bonds in an
amourt equal to the actual cost and expense of said eonstruetior
it such number and denomination and redeemable at such times as
the first party shall determine.
Said Bonds shall bear interest at the rate of six per-
cent. (6%) per ar_rum and the interest thereon shall be paid semi-�rL
arrually,ard the said Bonds shall be retired in the manner here-
irafter provided.
3. -.:her said pipe lire is laid, constructed and completed,
and correoted with the water system of the second party, the
second r1arty shall thereupon assume complete control of the opera-
tion an -.11airtenarce of said water mair and system and shall make
and apply all proper rules and regulations for the use of water
sups.lied by and through such mair. in corformity with the rules
and regulations in force for the inhabitants of the City of Ed-
mor_as applicable to suburban corditiors.
4• The second party shall thereafter, and during the life off,
this Contract, supply water through said water ma.ir from its grater �
system to present members of the first party, and to such other
persons as the parties hereto may mutually designate aL'd determim
and shall charge an- collect from all of such water users the same
rates as are collec :..d for similar service supplied to water users
by the second party.
`{ 5. All for water service through said water main
shall be collected �,J the second party and the same shall be placed
+ and kept in a s epa ti_Lt e furjA des igrat ed as the 111. orth Edmonds Water
Rental Fund". From this Purd there shall be paid from time to
time the followir_g:
(1) All actual ex-r_ses incurred end made necessary by the
second party in repu'sing and mairtaining said pipe line.
(2) Ten perc__ _ (10%) of all collections made shall be paid
to the second party �s the agreed cost for pumpirg said water
and expense . iaerval to reading of meters, collection of reven-
ues and service of '-wndlirg the accounts of aid water users.
(3) One percer'-. (1%) of said collections shall be paid to
YVAI the City of Edmonds .o be applied to the gross revenue -of its
water system as p--- payment for furrishir_g and deliverirg said.
(4) The remair_1er of said fund shall be deposited quarterly
it the State Bark .- Edmonds to be applied to the paymert of
or. the Bor__-Z hereir_before referred to and to the redemp-
tior and retirement of said Bonds it the order it which they are
issued as rapidly - the mor_ey available in said fund will permit.
1W 5. It is urder:.tooa and agreed that the second party is not
egaired during the life of this Contract to furr..ish any particu-
lar amount of water , save and except that it will furx_ish the -
normal amourt of water that flows through said main frvrr Zts it
tersection at said oir_t with the water pipe and system :f said
second party,
7. The secord party agrees to install meters or the private
lines of all users f water from said pipe lire, colleetirg the
v4fko cost a.rd expense of such ir_stallatior from the water users ,to wham
said service is u-aj. Flied.
vv" 8. Jpor_ the co--,. -leti or
(e second party, .'-e first
TPPI second party all - w_ •:_ ;.es
bi"' ir..stallat for ard. the layi - g
in paragraph ore he, eof.
of said pipe lire and acceptance by
party will transfer aLd assign to the
obtaired by it i= connection with the
❑f said water pipe JiLes referred to
9. 6,t the te_-_-_'r_.atior of thj@ agreemer..t ar.cl upor_ the retire-
t azu. redempti-. - of all outstanding Bords issued as aforesaid
the first party will convey to the secord party all it- right and
it 4erest it ar-d to laid water main- and when said Bonds have all
beer. retired ara all irterest accrairg thereor shall have been
ry paid, the obligat , s of the parties urdar this agreement shall
cease and determi: - and this contract ermir.ate , save and. except
thatthereafter the ecord party will cortinue to furnish water to
the water users or, Qaid pipe line upon the same terms and under
the same conditions as water is supplied to its other water users
similarly situated.
ISM WITi<LSS ;Si the parties have hereunto executed this
agreernert in triplicate the day and year first above written.
Ey Pres�ert.
party of the first part.
' �iT'TEST
By E
Ylayor .
party of the secord part.
City Oler1z.
SECTIOI, 2: That the mayor and City Clerk be, and they are, n "'a v #
hereby authorized and directed to enter irto said Contract im-
mediately upor this Ordinance takirg effect; and the several
officers of the City of Edmonds are hereby authorized and directed
to do all thir:gs recessary, well and truly to execute and carry
out the provisions of this Contract or behalf of the City.
SECTIOE 3: That this Ordinance shall take effect ar.d be in
force five (5) days from and after its passage, approval and pub-
licatior as provided by law.
Introduced or. the 7th day of Jure A.D.,1932. /Jj,�
Passed and approved this 21st day of June L.D.,1932. U
AT'EST: Geo.M*Leyda, City Clerk. E.6..Four-trer, Mayor.
6pproved as to form:
C.H.Bierz - Alex McZ. Vierhus
City, Attorney.
Published June 24th, 1932
I hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true and
correct copy of Ordir.ar_ice Io.482 of the City of Edmonds, Lash.
Geo.M.Leyda, City Clerk.