Ordinance 0483ORDIEZ.GE 10.483. .kr Ordirarce grar_ting a Frarchise to the forth Edmonds Im- provemert Company to lay a six-ireh water main in the Streets in the City of Edmonds described as follows: Sixth Street from Raley Street to Glen Street; Glen Street 3P� from Sixth Street to Seventh Street and Seventh Street from Glen Street to forth City Limits. THE CITY COULCIL of the City of Edmor_ds , do ordain as follow-:; p I SECTION 1: That there is hereby grar_:ted a rrarchis.e to the c� ��" Lorth Edmonds Improvemert Company to lay a six-inch water main it the following described Streets in the City of Edmonds= Sixth Street from Daley Street to Gler Street; Gler_ Street from Sixth Street to Seventh Street and Seventh Str ert from Glen Street to l orth City Limits. SECTIO, 2: That said Franchise is granted upon the follow- APB irg c or.diti or.s : 4VV11 FIRST: That this Franchise shall be limited by the comditiors cortaired it a certain Cor_tract between the said Lorth Edmonds Improvement Compary and the City of Edmonds relating to said pipe lire and dated as of the 30th day of -June, 1932. SECOID: That the plans of the forth Edmor..ds Improvemert Com- LptaA" pary for the irstallatior of said pipe line be submitted to and approved by the City Council of Edmor;ds. THIRD: That the pipes €:rd corduits tn, be laid be placed ir- G such locatiors or or along the streets as will cause the least iriterferer.,ce with other users of the same. FOURTH: That the term of this Franchise is limited in time by the Cortract hereirabove referred to. Fifth: That the authorities of said City shell have the right /� to be exercised in their discretion, to acquire by purchase or s ry condemnation any or all of such pipes, eor_duits and water systems at a priee to be based upon the reasonable value of same at that 4r time without any additional value for the Franchise, or any un- expired period thereof and upon such acquirement the said grant or Franchise shall be immediately terminated. SIXTH: That the said corporation shall furnish the City of _PXW1_ Edmonds a good and sufficient surety Bmnd in the penal sum of $20, 000.00, the coedit ions of which shall be that the said Compary shall save the City harmless from any damage resulting from the said '238 laying and of said pipe line, and shall reimburse the said City for -w 1 recessary experses to which it.may be put in keepir_g the road it condition suitable for travel while such construction_ :: k is proceeding; it being urderstood that when the pipes hav: beer laid and the construction work finished urder this Franchise that the cortrol of the operation of the water system so co-.structed will be giver over to the municipal water system of th=: City of Edmords under the Contract hereir- above referred to rights under this Franchise trarsferred accordingly in whi::-: evert the cortinuance of this Bond will be no longer required. SEVENTH: he='-archise hereby granted is not exclusive. SECTIOL 3: �:.�s Ordirarce shall take effect and be in force five day:: fr. _.. and after its passage, approval and publi- cation as prov-cried law. �7 W Irtroduced on .ire 7th day of Julie, 1932. U Passed a.rd a: roved this 21st day of June, 1932. I,ttest : Geo.M.Leyas., City Clerk. F.A1.2ourtrer, Mayor. Published jure 24th, 1932. I hereby cert::fy that the above an foreogirg is a true and correct copy of Orwizazce 1; .483 of the City of Edmords, Nash, Geo.M.Leyda, City Clerk.