Ordinance 0485/lam ORDIIAT:CE LO.485.
An Ordinance relatirg to salaries of officials ir._ the City
of Edmonds and repealirg all Ordir_.arces and parts of Ordirarces
it conflict herewith.
The City Courcwl of the City of Edmonds do ordair as follows:
SECTIOI 1; t commencing the third day of January ,1933,
thesalaries of officials in the City of Edmords, shall be as
. 01,6 Clerk, 30.00 per morth; Treasurer, 30.00 per morth;.Lttor-
rey, 30.00 per moth; Marshal, $30.00 per month; T'dater Collector,
$35.00 per month; ;street Commissioner, $70.00 per morth; Libra-
riar, $25.00 per month;'dater Superir..terdert, $50.00 per morth;-
Health Officer, $6.2'5 per month.
SECTIOL 2: A all Ordinsxces and parts of Ordinances it
conflict herewith Lre hereby repealed.
__:.t this Ordinance shall take effect and be it
force five days fr-._: and after its passage, approval and publi-
cat for as provided ;,`.- law.
Passed and approved this 20th day of December, 1932.
U' Published December 23rd, 1932.
Attest: Geo-II.Leyda, City Clerk. F..L.Fourtner, Mayor.
I hereby certify that the above and for goirg is a true and
correct copy of Orainarce lo.485 of the City of Edmords, Wash.
Gea.M.Leyda, City Clerk.