Ordinance 0498OaDIrAt,:CE LO.498. An Ordir_arce proviclirg for the protection- aLa- oreservatior ofp�� the public Health; and providing for ;,he ix:stallatior of Septic Tarks for dwellirg houses that are too far from a. sever to be cot-v�:� rected therewith; and providing a per�lty for the violation of the provisiors of this Ordinance. The City Council of the City of Edmonds do ordain as follows: SECTION l:T:.o buildir..g- shall be used as a dwellirg house ir. the City of Edmords, unless the ,same shall be corrected with a sever, as provided by Ordinances Taos. 313 ar3 345 of said City: provided, that it cases where dwelling houses are too far from a serer to be 246 to be corrected therewith, as provided by said Ordir-arces Taos. 313 and 345, such dwell:i'_houses shall be corzected with a concrete Septic Tank which wit be constructed in accordance with plans and specifications to b.. approved by the City Courcil. `�,P,00- SECTIO17, G: "" property owner or his ager-z' desiring to in- stall a Septic Tark for a dwelling house shall m-ke application to r �e City Council therefor, which application sha. l give a descrip- tion of the real estate or which such dwelling '-.mouse is situate, together with plans sx_w specifications for such Concrete Septic tack, which shall be filed with:the City Clerk. If the Council approve such plans, it shall grant the application; or the City Council may require reasorable alteratiors in such plans before grartirg permission nor the construction of such Concrete Septic Tark. SECTI01:� 3: ": , persor or persons violating any of the provi- VWd s{ic,r..s of this Ordinance, shall, upor conviction, be fired in any sum not exceed_.__ ;ire Hundred Dollars ($100.00), or imprisoned for a term rot excee____g fifteen (15) days, or both such fire and im- prisonmert- Passed by the �"_ty Council, and approved by the Jayor this 3rd day of December &.D., 1935. Published Dec : ___.. er 6th, 1935. Attest: Geo -M. �� da, City Clerk. George (�. Durbin, Mayor. I hereby certi-', that the above and foreogirg is a true aryl correct copy of ro-498 of the City of Edmonds, Wash. Geo-M.Leyda, City Clerk. .L- w .t, -1- -1- �- � * _c * * * is * * * * * * * *