Ordinance 509�' 0 T I CE 1OTICE I5 . HE4B3Y GIVIZ that the following proposed emergency Ordinande has been introduced before the CIty Council of the City of Edmonds and will be voted,upon by the City Council at its regular meeting to be held in the City Hall of said City on Tuesday, February 1, 1938, at 7:30.o'clock P. M. iny taxpayer of said City may appear at such meeting and be heard for or against the adoption theroof: AOPOSED, OHDI1411 CE L O. 509 .&r Or.dinarceiprovidirg for the repair of the Electrical, plumbing and to t facilities in the Library Depsrtii7er:.t of the City Hall of the Gity of Edmonds, Providirg for the issuance of emergencywarrart4 it paymert there for and declarirg an emergency. BE IT Of-WAIIED BY THE CITY COUI-CIL OE rH_ CITY O ' EDMOIDS: Section 1: hat the City of Edmonds shall cause to be repaired ar_d rerevFed certain of the Electrical, plumbing and toilet facilities in the Library Departmert of the City H&ll of the City of Edmonds. 261 Section 2: That by reason of the worn condition of the Electrical, plumbing and toilet facilities in the Library Department of the City Hall of the City of Edmonds and the need for repairing and renewirg same an emergency is hereby declared to exist with reference thereto which could not reasonably have been foreseen at the time of the making of the last annual budget. Section 3: That the estimated cost and expenditure required for said repairs and renewals is the sum of.$ 125.00 , which sum shall be paid by the issuance of emergency waredrawn on the General Fund. Section 4: This Ordinance shall take effect and be in full force and effect upon its passage and publication as required by law. DL D this 19 day of January, 1938. GEO *X* LEYDA City Glerk, G o E ons. I hereby aertify that the above and fpregoing is a true aopy of the a ov �otiae. City erk 0RD1r,ATICE LO. 509 An Ordinance providing for the repair of the Electrical, plumbing and toilet facilities in the Library Department of the City Hall of the City of Edmonds, Providing for the issuance of emergency warrants in payment therefor and declaring an emergency. BE IT 0RDAIIVE]3 BY THE CITY CODUCIL OF THE CITY OF EDKONDS: Section 1: That the City of Edmonds shall cause to be re- paired and renewed certain of the Electrical, plumbing and toilet facilities in the Library Department of the City Hall of the City of Edmonds. Section Z: That by reason of the worn condition of the Electrical, plumbing and toilet facilities in the Library Depart- ment of the City Hall of the City of Edmonds and the need for repairing and reneging same an emergency is hereby declared to exist with reference thereto which could not reasonably have been foreseen atthe time of the making of the last annual budget. Section 3: That the estimated cost and expenditure required for said repairs a.nd renewals is the sum of 4 125.00, which sum shall be paid by the issuance of emergency warraas�_draWr on the General Fund. Section 4: This Ordinance shall take effect and be in full force and effect upon its passage and publication as required by law. Passed: February 10 19*08. ATTEST: ..rn_M_ TRVUA sty-GlerT.- Published Februar 4 1938. F. A. Fourtner, ]Mayor. I hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true and correct copy of Ordinance Lo.509 of the City of EdmorA ,_ Wash. l City Clark'-