Ordinance 514ORDU AL CE, 1 0. 514.
A.x, Ordirarce ipecifyirg ard adopting a system or play for the I `
c Orstructior. by the City of Edmor ds of aL additional and suplemental ` I
system of sewerage, declarirg the cost Wreof as rear as may be,
providir;g for the issuance and sale by the said City of its general
regotiable eoupor bonds for the sum of Lire Thousand ($9,000,00)
LlQllsrz, for the paymert of the cost thereof ard submittiLg the same
for ratifioatior or re jectior to the qualified voters of said city
at a special electior: to be held therefor or the Ott day of September
WHEREAS, the Corcorate Authorities of the City of Edmonds, Wash-
irgtor, deem it advisable that said City construct an additional and
supplemental System of sewerage to be owned and controlled by the
said City, pursuart to the system or lar Mr9inafter proposed, at
the estimated cost of Lire Thousand ( 9,000,00) Dollars, such cost
to be paid by the i6suarce and sale of gereral negotiable coupon
bonds of said City ia- said amount
LOV1, T j O�j, the City Courcil of the City of Edmords does
ordair as follows;
SECTIOI I:That yhe following is hereby specified and adopted
as a system or plar proposed by said C'ity for the construction of
an additional 'ard supplemental system of sewerage for the City,
to -wit:
2UIL T3UI.i B'egirrirg at the irtersectior_ of the
cer_ter lines of SecOZ6� atreet ard E'dmor'ds Street it the Plat of
ldmords, ilashirgtor; thence Lbrth 290 11''East alorg the center lire
or S'eeoid ',Street produced for 1082.9 'feet to station_ 10 82.9; theree
Cagle to the left 680 more or less for 340 feet; thence westerly
265 feet 'more or less, to th'e 'outfall into .2aget S'o` Ld.
also beginning .t the above mertiored station 10'82.9; thence
angle to the right 60-041' for 360 feet to a p'oirt or, the easterly
side of the right of way of Third '5'treet in the Cit,yy of 'Edmords,
being it Goverrmert Lots, ore and two, S'eetior 23, P d Go-Verrment Lot
Two, S'eetior 24, ard the abuttir'g tidelar_ds thereto, it Townsh'i�p 27
ga.st W.X.
MAIF 111H K :'- Also to 'imp'rove the outfall of existing
Dayt'oy S'treet Ti-ark ewer by irereasirg the size to 24" of the out -
fall from 'the most -,: r terly �narhole westerly for a 'distarce of
350 feet more or lest to the poit of discharge irt& P'a.get 'SouYd,
beirg it Governmzft Lo't Two of 'said S'ect'io`r 23, e.rd the abuttirg 'tide-
lands thereto, in Township 27 I;, orth, B�ar'ge 3 tast , W.M.
The above includes all 'r'eeessary outfalls, catch 'basirs,mar-
holes and other necessary apperterarces, a=d the secyrirg of right
of way.
S'ECTIO. 2: Th^t the ertire estimated cost of said addition and
'-applemertal sewer system or plat is hereby declared to be, as Le---,
as may be, E'ight a er ($18, 009, 00) Dollars, of which 'cost fire Thous and
($9,000,00) Dollars is to 'be cortributed by the Federal Government
under the Q.P.A. plan of Federal assistaree, and the remainder of 'the
cast 'of said system, Tire 'Lhousard (09,000,00) 'Dollars, will b'e a
general indebtedness of the C'i'ty of E'dmo`r_ds dr.d oayable from gereral
obligatior bonds of said city as 'herein provided.
SECTI01: 3.: ;111iat 'Bdid City incur a 'general indebtedness i'r the sum
of NTre Thoi�.sand (09','009,00) Dollars for the purpose of seaurirg funds
to meet thecost of oonatructiom of the above additional ar.'d sulpi e-
merta.l system or plat; 'that it issue its gereralx.egotiable coupe.
'bonds for said sum, which bards shall be in deromiratior:s of F'iT1,9 llm-
dred (1500,00) Dollars 'each to `be numbered from ore to eightee-..
inclusive, shall bear interest at not to exceed five per cent (5%)
pre art*, payable semiarrualy, a,rd dhallbe payable both principal
axrd interest at the off iee of the City Treasurer of said City 'or at
the 'fiscal agency of the State ofWash'irgtar at the option 'of the holder.
The various 'arrual maturities of said 'Sondz 'conmercir-with the secircl
year 'after date of issuance and erdirg twenty years a ter date, 'and
shall, as near aspraetiedble, be ir such amourts as will, 'together
with 'the interest on all outstanding bonds,'be met by an equal anrtmal
tax levy for the 'payment of said bonds 'and interest
BEC ION ,4: A 'special election 'sldall be held, n 'said C'it of
FkIlmorcds, do the '9th gay 'of ,S'i
September, 1938, at which 'there shall be
submitted for ratification or re jecti(r- the qualified voters of
said O'ity the propo: itior 'of oorstrua'tirg said8ystem 'of sewerage 'pur-
suant to the additional'67A supplemental system or play, hereirbrfore
specified, 'adopted and proposed at the aforesaid 'declared,'estimated
cost r'. the issuaroe aid safe of said bonde 'to pay the cost thereof.
5 c 110 '5,: That the County gleotior Board of atohomish County,
1#ashi'rgton, 'be and it is 'hereby requested t oprovide places it 'said
,City of -Wc,—:-,ords for holding such election, to appoint the election
officers thereof, to `provide 'for their compersation, toprovide 'ballot::
boxes a'rd ballots or voting machines, poll books and tally sheets
therefor and deliver them to "the Prdeinot Election officers'at the
polling places and to 'publish 'and post notices of said election in
themarrer provided by law.
SECTIO1. 6: Tf three -fifths 'of the qualified 'voters of said .C'ity
voting at said election upon said proposition, shall vote 'ir favor
thereof such 'vote 'shall 'constitute thereby a ratification, 'adoption
antl assent to the proposition so submitted and Said City shall there-
after %eauthorized,, %y 'a'nd throgh its corporate authorities; :'t'o `pro-
oeed with the issuance and sale of said borels and the construction
of said supplemental ard'additioralsystem 'Of sewers.
SECTIOL 7: The proposition hereby submitted 'Shall appear upon
the official ballot or vot irg machir e im the following form:
Jhallthe City of gdmords cnstru.ct an additioral
and suplemertal'system of sewerage all as provided under
�drdimance ,Vo.514 of said Zity, at an estimated
cost 'to 'said city of .1Mre T'housard (: 9,000,00) Dollars,
smd issue its general, negotiable 'coupon 'bo'rds 'for 'slid
amount, in derominatioris of five`h-drderad (�500,00) Dollars
eadh, rumbered 'ofre -t'o eigh'teer, `inclusive, 'bearing 'Trterest
at the rate bf 'not to 'exceed five per Bert (b%) per arrum,
'payable semi-arms&Iy, payable 'both principal arld 'interest
at the 'office 'of the City Treasurer of 'said 'city oho at
the Fiscal Agency of the State of Washington 'at the 'option
'of the holder, 'said bonds to 'have various annual maturities
'commencing with the second year after date of 'issuance grid
ending twenty +dears 'after 'date, 'ak& shall, as nearly as
practicable, be-i'm'such amourts as will, together with the int
interest 'on all outstanding bonds, be met by arc 'equal
'aYraal tax levy ,for the `payment 'of said 'bonds and interest
for the purpose a:C tgy-ir8 the cost of 'constructing the
additional and supplemental 'system 'of sewerage pursuant to
the 'system of 'plan 'specified, adopted and proposed by 'said
drdinanc'e , to -wit:
'BdAIl! TS-uj�z $L&gja:, '- Eegir�nirig at 'the intersection of the c'e'nter
line of S'ecord street =a'nd Ldnio'nds Street in the Plat of Edmonds,
Veshirgton; 'thexce North 290 '11' 'bast along the 'center 'line of
Se'aond 'Street sod=ed.'for''I SM.9:teet to 'station '10'g2.9;theree angle
to 'the 'left 8� more or less 'for 340 'Feet; 'therce Westerly '26b feet
,zone 'or 'less to the outfal ` mto Puget 3'ound.
Also beginvirgoat 'the 'ardove mentioned 'station 10 '82.9; 'theres
A)igle to the Might 60 `41' 'for 1380 'feet to 'a point 'off t e easterly
side 'of the 'righh of way 'of Third Street in the Vity of 2dmonds,
being ip Governmert Lots one and two, Section 23, arid,Goverrment
lot Two, Section 24, and the abutting tidelands thereto, ir,Town-
ship 27 lorth, Range 3, East W. M.
MAIL; TRU%Z SE 1 :+ Also to improve the outfali of existing
Dayton Street Trunk Sewer by ircreasirg the size to 24" of the out -
fall from the most westerly manhole - westerly for a distance of
350 feet more or less to the point of discharge into Puget Sound,
being in Government lot Two of said Section 23, and the abutting
tidelands thereto, it Township 27 horth, Range 3 East, W. M.
The above includes all necessary outfalls, catch basins,
manholes and other necessary appurterarces, and the securing of
right of way.
II FAVOR 02the above Proposition.
AGAINST the above Proposition.
Every qualified voter who desires to vote in favor of the
above propositior shall mark ar "XTI it the square opposite the
statement "In favor of the above Proposition", and every voter who
desires to vote against said proposition shall mark an ►IX" in the
square opposite the statement "Against the above proposition".
SECTIOF 8: In the event the proposition hereby submitted
shall be ratified by said special election, then said City by Ord-
inance shall provide the form and details of such Bonds and shall
provide for the levy of annual taxes upon all the taxable property
in said City sufficient to pay the principal and interest of said
Bonds as same shall fall due.
SECTIOE9: I This Ordinarce after its. passage and approval
by the Mayor and attestatior by the City Clerk take effect upon
its publication as provided by law.
PASSED this 19th day of July, 1938.
ATTEST Geo. M. Leyda.
CRY L erk
Published: July 22, 1938.
F. A. Fourtner
I hereby certify that the
above and foregoing is a true and
correct copy of Ordinance Lo 514
of the City of Edmonds, Mash.
Cfty Cler