Ordinance 515•.- �k �k �k ak �k �k �k �k �k �k �k "` �k �k �k �k �k �k � yF � * * �k �: �k � * * � O_ I AT:CE F0 515 An Ordirarce specifying and adopting a system or plan for the corstructior by the City of Edmonds of an additional and supplemental system of sewerage; declaring the estimated cost thereof as near as may be, providirg or the issuarce and sale by the said City of its gereral, negotiable coupon bonds for the sum of Line Thousand ($9,000.00) Dollars, for the payment of the Cityfs Mare of the cost thereof over and above the amount contributed by the Federal Goverrmert under the . P. A. plar_:, and submitting the same for ratification or rejection to the Qualified voters of said city at a special election to be held therefor or the 13thday of September 1938, ar_d repealing Czdirance TO. 514 of the City of Edmonds. T2fIHFREAS, t_=e Corporate Authorities of the City of Edmonds, Washirgtor, deem it :. Disable that said City construct an additional and supplemertal system of sewerage to be owned and controlled by the said City, pursuant to the system or play. hereinafter proposed, at the estimated cost of Eighteen Thousard §18,000.00: liars, of which cost Tine Thousard ($9,000.00) Dollars is to be contributed by the Federal Government under the W. Re A. play. of Federal assistarce and the remairing Tare Thousand ($9,000.00) Dollars of such cost is to be paid by the issuaLce and sale of ge era negotiable coupon bonds of said City in said amourt, TOW, _, _.u_ ORE, the City Council of the City of Edmonds does ordain as fall SECTI0 1: That the following is hereby specified and adopted as a system D2 plan proposed by said City for the construction of as additional and supplemertal system of s werage for zaid City, to -wit: NAIL THJT.A SEWER - Begirirg at the irtersectior of the center lines of Second Street and Edmgr:ds Street in the Plat of Edmonds, Washirgtor; therce Torth 29 117 East along the center lire of Second Street produced for 1082.9 feet to station 10--82.9; therce ap_gle to the left 880 more or less for 540 feet; thence westerly 265 feet more or less to the outfall into Puget Sound. Also begirrir g at the above mertiored station 10-82.9; therce angle to the right 6004Y for 380 feet to a point on the easterly side of the right of way of Third Street in the City of Edmords, Being in Government Lots are and two, Section 23, and Goverrment Lot Two, section 24, and the abutting tidelands thereto, in Township 27 Earth, Range 3, East We Me NAIL THUM SEWER: - Also to improve the outfall of e'xistirg Dayton Stre 't 2rurj .Sewer by increasing the size to 24" of the outfall from he most 'westerly manhole - westerly for a distarce of 350 feet more or less to the poir_.t of discharge to Puget 'Sound, beirg -; Goverrmert Lot Two of said Section 23, and the abutting tidelarj thereto, it Towrship 2 iorth, rarge, East, We Me The above-rcludes 'all necessary outfalls, catch basins, marholes ard other ricessary appurterarces, and the securirg of right of way. 8ECTIO12: That the ertire estimated cost of said additional and supplemertal sewer system of play is hereby declared to be, as rear as may be, Eighteen. Thousard (118,000.00) Dollars, of which cost lire Thousard ($9,000.00) Dollars is to be contributed by the Federal Gave rrmert urder the We 2. A. plan•of Federal assis- tarce, ar.d the remai. der of the cost of said system, lire Thousard ($9,000.00) Dollars, will be a general ir_debetedress of the City of Edmor_:ds, ir.,d payable from general obligatior_ bards of said city as 383 hereir_ provided. SECTIOI, 13: That said City ir.:cur a gereral irdebetress ir. the sum of Fire Thousand ($9,000.00) Dollars for the purpose of securirg furds to meet the'City's share of the cost of corstructior. of the above additional and supplemental system or plar; that it issue its gereral regotiable coupon bonds for•said sum, which bords shall be,ir_ deromiratiors of ore Hurdred'($100'.00) Dollars each, or multiples thereof r_ot to exceed Five Hurdred (�500.00) Dollars each, to be numbered consecutively, and shall bear interest at rot to exceed five per cent (.90) Iper arrum, payable semi-arrually, and shall be payable both principal and interest at the office of the City '~ Treasurer of said City or at the fiscal agency of the State of Washirgtor, at the option of the holder. The various arrual maturi- ties of said bords shall commerce with the second year after date of issuarce ar:d shall erd twerty years after date, and shall, as rear as practicable, be it such amounts as will, together with the irterest or all outstar_,ding bords, be met by ar_ equal arrual tax levy for the payment of said bords and interest. S'ECTIOI 4 A special election shall be held, it said City of 'Edmords, or the 13th day of 'Se'p'tember ', 1938, at which there shall be submittek ior ratification or rejectior to the qualified voters of said City the proposition of corstructirg said system of sewerage pursuar.:t to the additional and supplemental system of plan hereirbefore specified, adopted and proposed at the aforesaid declared, estimated cost and the issuarce and sale of said bords to pay the cost thereof. SECTIOI '5: That the County Electior. of Sr.,ohomish County, Washir..gtor, be and it is hereby requested to provide places in said City of 'E'dmords for holding 'such electior, to appoint the electior_ officers thereof, to provide for their 'compensation,'to provide ballot boxes ar_.d ballots or votirg machires, toll books ar_d tally sheets therefor and deliver them to the Precinct Electior officers at the pollirg places and to publish ar_d post r_.otices of -- said electior it the marner'provided by law. 8ECTIOI 6: If three -fifths of the qualified voters of said City, voting at said election upon said proposition, shall vote in favor thereof such vote shall corstittite thereby a 'ratificL:tion, adoptior ar.:d assert to the propositior_ 'so submitted and. said City shall thereafter'be authorized by and through its corporated author- ities, to proceed with the issuarce and sale of said bords and the corstructior of said supplemertal and additioral system of sewers. S'ECTIOL 7: The proposition hereby submitted shall appear upo r the official ballot or votirg machines it'the follow- ing form: Shall the City of Edmonds construct ar additioral and supplemen- tal system of 'sewerage all as provided under ardirar_ce Lo. 515 of said City at ar estimated cost to said city of Eire ThousaZI ($9,0�0.00) Dollars, (same to'be it additior to the sum of Tire Thousand ( 9,000.00) Dollars to be contributed towards said improve- ment by the Federal Goverrmer_t under the W. 2. �L., plar of 2ederal ,Ssistar,ce ) and issue its general, r=!egotiabel coupor_ bords for said amourt, in deromiratiors of ore Hurdred ($100.00) Dollars each, or multiples thereof, rot exceedirg Five Hundred ( 500.00)'Dollars, each r_umbered consecutively and bearing interest at the rate of rot to exceed five per dent (5�A) per arrum, payable semi-arnua.11y, payable `-` both principal and interest at the office of the City Treasurer of said City or at the Fisc .l Lgercy of the State of Washington at the option of the holder, said bords to have various'arrual maturities commercirg with the second year after date of issuarce and erd ir_g twerty years after date, and shall, as rearly as practicable, be in such amounts as wil 1, together tith the interest or all outstarxl= irg bords, be met by ar equal arrual tax levy for the payment of bords and ir_.terest, for the purpose of paying the cost of corstruct- irg the additioral and supplemertal system of sewerage pursuar:t to to the system or pplar specified, adopted and proposed by said Ordirarce, to -wit: 384 M 2UIL TRUIZ 5ZWZR'-- Begir.Lirg at the 'intersectior: of the 'canter of limes of Secor& Street land. Edmonds Street 'in the Plat of Edmonds, Washington; 'thence r'prth 290 11' ',East 'along the 'oenter line ,of 'Second Street produced for '1'082.9 'feet 'to 'station 10-82.9; theroe angle to the left 880 more of less for 340 feet; theroe westerly 265 feet more or less to the outfall into 1311get Sound. Also beginning at the above mentioned station 10-82.9; thence angle to -the right 60041' for 580 feet to a point on the easterly side of the right of way of Third Street in the City of Edmonds,, beirg in Govermment Dots one and two, Seotion 23, and Goverment Lot two, Section 24, and the abuttirg tidelands thereto, in Township 27 North, mange 3, East We MI. 1AIT1 TRUIa Also to improve the outfall of egistirg Dayton Street Trunk' Sewer by increasing the size to 24" of the outfall from the most westerly manhole - westerly for a distance of 350 feet more of less to the poir}t of discharge into Puget Sour&, being in Government Lot Two_of said Sectioh 23, and the abutting tidelands thereto, ir Township 27 Borth, Range 3 East, W. M. The above includes all necessary outfalls, catch basins, man holes and other reeeseary appurtenances, and the securirg of right of way. I11 r..VG_Z OF THE ABOVE PRO2031TIOL t,G.QII:ST THE ABOVE Pi&020:3I2I0N Every qualified voter who desires to vote in favor of the above,proposition shall mark an "x" in the square opposite the state- ment "In favor of the above Propositions, and every voter who desires to vote against said proposition shall mark an "x" in the square opposite the statemea_t "Against the above proposition". SECTIOU 8: In the event the proposition hereby submitted shall be ratified by said special election, then said City by ordinance shall provide the form and details of such bonds and shall provide for the levy of annual taxes upon all the taxable property in said City sufficient to pay the principal and interest of said Bonds as sane shall fall due. Section 9: Ordinance Lo. 514 of the City of Edmonds shall be and the same is hereby repealed. Section 10: This Ordinance, after its passage and approval by the Mayor and attestation by the City Clerk, shall take effect five (5) days from and after the date of its publication, as provided by law. PASSED this 2rd day of August, 1938. ATTEST: GLO. -A. LEYDA Published, August 5, 1938. _ 1. A. Pourtner `-- :1ayor. --- __ — I hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true and correct copy of Ordirance Eo.515, of the City of Edmordffs, Wash. X � 1//, 4,; y•