Ordinance 521274 OE IDjT: AI. CE 10. 521 Ar Ordir_arce provid_rg for the paymert of all irdebtedress exceeding Five Hur_dred collars ( 500) it the cozstractior aild erection of a hater tark and toner and appurterarces thereto for the supply of South Edmor-ds eater consumers, providir_g for the issuarce of emergency warrants it payment therefor and declarir_g ar emer- gency. 7IHEREAS, the City Council of Edm:rds has experded approximately the sum of lire Hundred Dollars (�,Ip900) without the callir_g for bids which mories was spert ir_ the cor.structior_ and erection of a water tark and tower ard appurterarces thereto for the supply of South Edmonds ester consumers; ard whereas it is necessary to pass an emergercy.ordir_arce to pay for said cost it excess of Five Hundred Dollars ($500) ; row therefore BE IT ORIMAIT ED BY THE CITY COUI_CIL OF THE CITY OF EDMOI DS: Sectiors 1: That the City of Edmords will pay all irdebtedress exceedirFive Hurdrea Dollars ($500) and less than Ore Thousard Dollars 7$1000) ircurred ir, the cor.structior.� ard erection of a water tack and tower and appurterarces thereto for the supply of South Ecmor.ds water consumers, which irdebtedress ircludes the claim s of both laborers and materialmer_.. Section 2; That by reasor of the expenditure aforesaid, the extert of which was caused in part by the striking of hardpar in said corstruction arid, other urforseeri circumsta.rces a.rd otherurfor- seer circumstances recessitatir_.g increased experditures, ar_d by reasor of the fact that the irdebtedress has beer ir_.curred it good faith ar:d for a lawful pur_oose and must be paid, ar emergr.,ecy is hereby declared to exist with reference thereto which could rot reasonably have beer, foreseer at the time of ma.kirg the last arrual budget. Section 3• 1-c.z�t the estimated expenditure required to pay this irdebtedress, it addi,uior to the sum already leg&lly experded, is the sum of Four Har.dred Dollars ($400) which sum shall be paid by the issuarce of emergercy wa,rrarts drawr or the fund properly chargeable therewith.. Sectior_ 4: This Ordir_&rce shall take effect and be it full force and effect upor its passage and publicatior as required by lair. Passed by the City Courcil of the City of Edmirds in regular sessior this 5th day of July, 1939, and approved by me or the same date. Attest: Geo. M. Leyda, City Clerk. F. A. Fourtrer, Mayor. I hereby certify that.the above and foregoing is a true and correct copy of Ordin rce 521, of the Cmty of Ecmords , Wash.