Ordinance 522275
ORDILACIE 1:0. 522
An Ordinarce prohibiting doge from running at large upon any
of the Streets, Alleys, parks or other public places within the
City of Edmords, without a licerse havirg been first obtained there-
for by the owner thereof or the person having the same in charge,
and providing the license fee therefor and providing for the
erforcemert of this ordinance by impourdirg and killing: arlic-
ersed dogs, and the imposition of penalties and fires for a
violation of the same, repealirg Ordinance Jo. 36L and all other
ordinances in conflict herewith.
The City Council of the City of Edmonds does ordain as follows:
SECTI01: 1: It shall be unlawful for any persor, firm, or
corporation, owrirg or having it charge or custody ary dog to
allow or permit the same to be orrur at large upon any of the
Streets, Alleys, Parks, or other public place or places, within
the City of Edmonds, without first having obtained a license so to
do from the City Clerk of said City or to permit such dog to be
or run such Streets or public places, as hereinafter provided.
SECiIOr, S: The license fee for such dogs to be, or run at
large as aforsaid, shall be as follows:
For male dogs $1.00 per year; for fem€.le dogs $2.50 per year.
The license year herein provided shall commerce or the first day
of July of each year &r.d end of the 34th day of June.
SECTIOL 3: It shall be the duty of the City Clerk to issue such
license under the Seal of the City upon the payment of such license
fee, and to furnish to such licensee a metal tag with the number
of the license engraved or stamped thereon, ar_d it shall be the
duty of such licerseeto attach such tag to a leather or metal
collar, faster_ed securely about the r_.eck of such licensed dog.
Provided, thvt the form and shape of such tag shall be charged
each year, The City Clerk shall keep a record of all licenses
granted urder this o-rdirL-rce, ircludirg the number of such license
and the name of the person to whom issued.
SECTIOT 4: On the first day of July of each year the City Clerk
shall deliver to the City Marshall the stub book and book of blank
licenses, who shall proceed to collect all delirquert license fees.
The Marshall shall keep a record of all moneys collected under
this Ordinance and shall pay such moreys, to the City Treasurer,
takirg his receipe for the same.
SECTIOI; 5: Any dog found at IFLrge in violation of the provis-
ions of this Ordinance may be impounded by the City Marshall and
such dogs shall not be redeemed except or paymer..t of such license
fee and penalty herein provided; if such dog is not redeemed by
the owner thereof after two days from the time of such impourdirg
such dog may be destroyed by or under the order of the Marshall
in the least cruel manner. The Marshall shall be ertitled to re-
tair as fees fifty per cent (50) cf all moneys collected on male
doge and twenty-five per cent (_. 70) or femt-le dogs, and :her it
shall become necessary to destroy ary dog under the provi::iors
thereof said Harsrrll shall be allo,7ed a fee of ore Dollar (A1.00)
for each dog killed and ouried.
SECTIO1 6: It shall be unlawful for ary person_ to permit any
female dog in the time of heat, or ary vicious or mad dog to be at
large ir_ ary of the Streets, 611eys, ?&rks, or other public places,
at any time, whether licensed or not, and ary person found guilty
of G. violation hereof shall be deemed guilty of & misdemeanor ard
punished as hereir provided.
SECTI0T 7: Ary person or persors violating ary of the provis-
ions of this Ordirar:ce shall, upor corvictior thereof in any Court
hevirg jurisdictior 'thereof, be fired it ary sum rot exceedirg
($;5.00), or be imprisioned it the City Jail rot exceeding
d for each I A2.00) tTo ?collars of such fire, or by both fire
ore ay,:e lire herein provided for a violation
and i.,�prisormert. .. �
of shall not, if p4:id, be cor-�sidered as a pa,ymeEt of such license
fee or per_,alty, but it all proceedings it shall be cor_s-Gruel as
d- for the violL,tijr of this Orair�:rce.
a cuTnula Uv' reme y
SECTIOT 8: Thi6 OrairLrce shall rot be deemed or construed as
repealing zrd Orairar.ce of City upon the subject hereof
except where the s:: me is ir-cfDrsister-lt ar-d ir borflict herewith,
but Qrdir€:Yce I,o. 362 of the City of Edmords is expressly repealed.
This Ordir�r.ce shall be subject to &Ey ar_.d all State and Cour-ty lays
relative to dogs, and regulatior.:s thereto. All licenses is-ued
and all per-,alties collected urn er former OrdirE.rceS are hereby
validated ar.d shall rot be affected by the' provisiors hereof.
SE-TIOp 9: This Ordirazee shall take effect ar(i be it force
from and after its passage by the Courcil, its approval by the
mayor, and published aceordir g to lar1.
Passed the Courcil and p-pproved by me this first day of
Augu-st, 1939- 1
Geo. ill. Leyda
Ci y Clerk.
p. A. r'ourtrer
I hereby certify that the above
and foregoir_g is a true anal
correct copy of Ordir.L:rce- 522,
of the City of hLmor.,ds , -Flash.
c;�ty Cler